American Nazis In Mufti


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. If you're not familiar with the term, mufti....'Mufti, or civies/civvies (slang for "civilian attire"), refers to plain or ordinary clothes' is the reason one may not recognize Fascists and Nazis of the following sort ...until they open their mouths....

2. The Fascist element in Liberals can be seen in the way they work, tirelessly, to shut down free speech and free thought.
A particularly poignant case is Liberals no longer allowing grandparents to see/speak to their grandchildren if the grandparent voted for Trump.

3. "Look, I’m no stranger to disagreeing with relatives about politics. And that’s partly why I was so shocked to read this. Sure, some are truly upset now in light of this election’s result (welcome to how some of us felt in 2008 and 2012!), and maybe people will take different actions in the end.

But right now, at least some liberals are considering literally ending ties with relatives—including not letting grandparents see their grandkids!—over a vote for Trump. And that’s not just these two commenters. On a different Jezebel post, commenters discussed unfriending people on Facebook who supported Trump. “ImmortalAgnes” wrote:

'I also deleted everyone who supported Trump from FB. Thankfully, it wasn’t that many people. Unfortunately, it included my step-dad. I don’t think these people don’t get it – I think they don’t care. I think that to take rights from women, from people of color, from the LGBT+ community, from non-Christians is what they want.

I love my step-dad. But I cannot stand by and pretend like he didn’t just proudly support racism and misogyny. I will not be speaking to him. I will not be seeing him." The Shocking Intolerance of Anti-Trump Liberals

4. Get that?
Not debate, explain, clarify, inform....
Simply make certain that differing opinions are not to be heard.
Over and is an integral part of the 'Shameful Six'...
Communists, Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, and Socialist.

More than un-American: dangerous and abhorrent.

5. "Again: What? What are the rights that supposedly Trump is going to take away? We’ve been living in a country where, as The Weekly Standard’s Mark Hemingway tweeted, “Obama did sue nuns over birth control for crying out loud,” where religious bakers and florists have been told they have to participate in same-sex weddings, where an African-American fire chief lost his job over a book he wrote about his religious beliefs that included passages on same-sex marriage, and yet, the real threat to rights is from Trump?"
The Shocking Intolerance of Anti-Trump Liberals
I think Fascist is the wrong term, but they are radical. Fascists is per definition right wingers
Except they're not. Not a single trait in Fascists is Right Wing, you've just been tricked by the Liberals.

Im not sure, not every authoritarian or totalitarian government form is fascism though. Fascism per definition has socially conservative ideas, but the government form is totalitarian. There is left-right and authoritarian-libertarian. Fascists are right-authoritarian, while Republicans are Right-Libertarian. Communists are Left-Authoritarian, but there are also anarcho-leftists who are left-libertarian etc.
I think Fascist is the wrong term, but they are radical. Fascists is per definition right wingers

No, they're not. Fascism, socialism, etc. are all collectivist governmental systems and classified as left wing. Individualist (or in its extreme form anarchy) are right wing.
I think Fascist is the wrong term, but they are radical. Fascists is per definition right wingers

No, they're not. Fascism, socialism, etc. are all collectivist governmental systems and classified as left wing. Individualist (or in its extreme form anarchy) are right wing.

I define right wing by the content of its ideology not by the government form. Fascism is socially conservative, nationalistic, racialist etc. Thats right wing ideas to me. Read also my post about right-left and authoritarian-libertarian. There was a political compass out there, where you can see where you stand.
I think Fascist is the wrong term, but they are radical. Fascists is per definition right wingers
Except they're not. Not a single trait in Fascists is Right Wing, you've just been tricked by the Liberals.

Im not sure, not every authoritarian or totalitarian government form is fascism though. Fascism per definition has socially conservative ideas, but the government form is totalitarian. There is left-right and authoritarian-libertarian. Fascists are right-authoritarian, while Republicans are Right-Libertarian. Communists are Left-Authoritarian, but there are also anarcho-leftists who are left-libertarian etc.
The further right you move, the less government there is. The fact that you're looking at the definition instead of applying rational thought only shows you're a Liberal at heart. Considering the Republicans are the ones who freed the slaves while the Democrats were the ones fighting them to keep races in bondage while YOU'RE claiming that Republicans or Conservatives are somehow inherently racists and racist policies, like the Jim Crow laws, also put in place by Democrats, are somehow Socially Conservative only goes to show how confused you are. You really should stop asking the Liberal Establishment what you should think, because they may convince you up is down next.
I think Fascist is the wrong term, but they are radical. Fascists is per definition right wingers

No, they're not. Fascism, socialism, etc. are all collectivist governmental systems and classified as left wing. Individualist (or in its extreme form anarchy) are right wing.

I define right wing by the content of its ideology not by the government form. Fascism is socially conservative, nationalistic, racialist etc. Thats right wing ideas to me. Read also my post about right-left and authoritarian-libertarian. There was a political compass out there, where you can see where you stand.

And that is what the Fabian socialists have been indoctrinating you with for decades. They don't want you to think for yourself. Think about it though. How can fascism and socialism be different systems when they both advocate maximum government control over the individual? Does that make any sort of sense to you? They have tried to convince you that government types are a circle endlessly chasing one another. But they're not. They are actually quite simple. Anarchy on one extreme, and totalitarian on the other. Individualist vs collectivist.

Do some reading and think for yourself.
Last edited:
I think Fascist is the wrong term, but they are radical. Fascists is per definition right wingers
Except they're not. Not a single trait in Fascists is Right Wing, you've just been tricked by the Liberals.

Im not sure, not every authoritarian or totalitarian government form is fascism though. Fascism per definition has socially conservative ideas, but the government form is totalitarian. There is left-right and authoritarian-libertarian. Fascists are right-authoritarian, while Republicans are Right-Libertarian. Communists are Left-Authoritarian, but there are also anarcho-leftists who are left-libertarian etc.
The further right you move, the less government there is. The fact that you're looking at the definition instead of applying rational thought only shows you're a Liberal at heart. Considering the Republicans are the ones who freed the slaves while the Democrats were the ones fighting them to keep races in bondage while YOU'RE claiming that Republicans or Conservatives are somehow inherently racists and racist policies, like the Jim Crow laws, also put in place by Democrats, are somehow Socially Conservative only goes to show how confused you are. You really should stop asking the Liberal Establishment what you should think, because they may convince you up is down next.

Im not radical liberal Im moderate, Im neither right nor left, I would describe myself as politically unaffialiated free thinker, Im just applying mainstream definitions.
I know right?

I went to these "discussion" groups a few years back and I was pretty shocked at how far left they were. At one point i said i was white... big mistake.
I think Fascist is the wrong term, but they are radical. Fascists is per definition right wingers

No, they're not. Fascism, socialism, etc. are all collectivist governmental systems and classified as left wing. Individualist (or in its extreme form anarchy) are right wing.

I define right wing by the content of its ideology not by the government form. Fascism is socially conservative, nationalistic, racialist etc. Thats right wing ideas to me. Read also my post about right-left and authoritarian-libertarian. There was a political compass out there, where you can see where you stand.

And that is what the Fabian socialists have been indoctrinating you with for decades. They don't want you to think for yourself. Think about it though. How can fascism ad socialism be different systems when they both advocate maximum government control over the individual? Does that make any sort of sense to you? They have tried to convince you that government types are a circle endlessly chasing one another. But they're not. They are actually quite simple. Anarchy on one extreme, and totalitarian on the other. Individualist vs collectivist.

Do some reading and think for yourself.

You want to dissasociate yourself from fascism, Im not saying Republicans or conservatives are fascists, but fascists have been conservative too, for example religious (aligned with church and having religious ideas), nationalistic etc.
I think Fascist is the wrong term, but they are radical. Fascists is per definition right wingers

No, they're not. Fascism, socialism, etc. are all collectivist governmental systems and classified as left wing. Individualist (or in its extreme form anarchy) are right wing.

I define right wing by the content of its ideology not by the government form. Fascism is socially conservative, nationalistic, racialist etc. Thats right wing ideas to me. Read also my post about right-left and authoritarian-libertarian. There was a political compass out there, where you can see where you stand.

And that is what the Fabian socialists have been indoctrinating you with for decades. They don't want you to think for yourself. Think about it though. How can fascism ad socialism be different systems when they both advocate maximum government control over the individual? Does that make any sort of sense to you? They have tried to convince you that government types are a circle endlessly chasing one another. But they're not. They are actually quite simple. Anarchy on one extreme, and totalitarian on the other. Individualist vs collectivist.

Do some reading and think for yourself.

You want to dissasociate yourself from fascism, Im not saying Republicans or conservatives are fascists, but fascists have been conservative too, for example religious (aligned with church and having religious ideas), nationalistic etc.

Like I said. Read a book and educate yourself. You are using terms but you have no clue what they actually mean.
I think Fascist is the wrong term, but they are radical. Fascists is per definition right wingers
Except they're not. Not a single trait in Fascists is Right Wing, you've just been tricked by the Liberals.

Im not sure, not every authoritarian or totalitarian government form is fascism though. Fascism per definition has socially conservative ideas, but the government form is totalitarian. There is left-right and authoritarian-libertarian. Fascists are right-authoritarian, while Republicans are Right-Libertarian. Communists are Left-Authoritarian, but there are also anarcho-leftists who are left-libertarian etc.
The further right you move, the less government there is. The fact that you're looking at the definition instead of applying rational thought only shows you're a Liberal at heart. Considering the Republicans are the ones who freed the slaves while the Democrats were the ones fighting them to keep races in bondage while YOU'RE claiming that Republicans or Conservatives are somehow inherently racists and racist policies, like the Jim Crow laws, also put in place by Democrats, are somehow Socially Conservative only goes to show how confused you are. You really should stop asking the Liberal Establishment what you should think, because they may convince you up is down next.

Im not radical liberal Im moderate, Im neither right nor left, I would describe myself as politically unaffialiated free thinker, Im just applying mainstream definitions.
Mainstream definitions which are inherently wrong, and easily debunked by the application of rational thought. Westwall does a perfect job explaining.
1. If you're not familiar with the term, mufti....'Mufti, or civies/civvies (slang for "civilian attire"), refers to plain or ordinary clothes' is the reason one may not recognize Fascists and Nazis of the following sort ...until they open their mouths....

2. The Fascist element in Liberals can be seen in the way they work, tirelessly, to shut down free speech and free thought.
A particularly poignant case is Liberals no longer allowing grandparents to see/speak to their grandchildren if the grandparent voted for Trump.

3. "Look, I’m no stranger to disagreeing with relatives about politics. And that’s partly why I was so shocked to read this. Sure, some are truly upset now in light of this election’s result (welcome to how some of us felt in 2008 and 2012!), and maybe people will take different actions in the end.

But right now, at least some liberals are considering literally ending ties with relatives—including not letting grandparents see their grandkids!—over a vote for Trump. And that’s not just these two commenters. On a different Jezebel post, commenters discussed unfriending people on Facebook who supported Trump. “ImmortalAgnes” wrote:

'I also deleted everyone who supported Trump from FB. Thankfully, it wasn’t that many people. Unfortunately, it included my step-dad. I don’t think these people don’t get it – I think they don’t care. I think that to take rights from women, from people of color, from the LGBT+ community, from non-Christians is what they want.

I love my step-dad. But I cannot stand by and pretend like he didn’t just proudly support racism and misogyny. I will not be speaking to him. I will not be seeing him." The Shocking Intolerance of Anti-Trump Liberals

4. Get that?
Not debate, explain, clarify, inform....
Simply make certain that differing opinions are not to be heard.
Over and is an integral part of the 'Shameful Six'...
Communists, Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, and Socialist.

More than un-American: dangerous and abhorrent.

5. "Again: What? What are the rights that supposedly Trump is going to take away? We’ve been living in a country where, as The Weekly Standard’s Mark Hemingway tweeted, “Obama did sue nuns over birth control for crying out loud,” where religious bakers and florists have been told they have to participate in same-sex weddings, where an African-American fire chief lost his job over a book he wrote about his religious beliefs that included passages on same-sex marriage, and yet, the real threat to rights is from Trump?"
The Shocking Intolerance of Anti-Trump Liberals

How's it feel to be on the receiving end of things this time. Same thing happened over Obama in 2008 and still continues to this day. While I don't mind someone talking disparingly, I do draw the line in the suggesting that OUR President needs to be Assassinated. And I let them know I didn't care for it. I served under many Presidents in the Military. Whether I liked them or not, they were MY President and if someone were plotting to assassinate them I would take any and all actions to stop them. I served under 6 presidents and NO ONE threatens the President. There were more than a few that all of a sudden started almost screaming LIBERAL at me to the point I just walked away. To this day, those close friends are not on my list of friends or even acquaintances. But it was their choice, not mine.

I am a Progressive Conservative ALA Eisenhower and Teddy R. You know, what the GOP was founded on and stayed until about 1980.
I think Fascist is the wrong term, but they are radical. Fascists is per definition right wingers

No, they're not. Fascism, socialism, etc. are all collectivist governmental systems and classified as left wing. Individualist (or in its extreme form anarchy) are right wing.

I define right wing by the content of its ideology not by the government form. Fascism is socially conservative, nationalistic, racialist etc. Thats right wing ideas to me. Read also my post about right-left and authoritarian-libertarian. There was a political compass out there, where you can see where you stand.

And that is what the Fabian socialists have been indoctrinating you with for decades. They don't want you to think for yourself. Think about it though. How can fascism ad socialism be different systems when they both advocate maximum government control over the individual? Does that make any sort of sense to you? They have tried to convince you that government types are a circle endlessly chasing one another. But they're not. They are actually quite simple. Anarchy on one extreme, and totalitarian on the other. Individualist vs collectivist.

Do some reading and think for yourself.

You want to dissasociate yourself from fascism, Im not saying Republicans or conservatives are fascists, but fascists have been conservative too, for example religious (aligned with church and having religious ideas), nationalistic etc.
Rational thought disassociates us from it in the first place, we don't have to. Every single fascist government has been inherently Liberal. Also, being religious doesn't make someone "Conservative". You're only showing that you don't know what political terms mean. Nationalists were ALSO Liberal.

1. If you're not familiar with the term, mufti....'Mufti, or civies/civvies (slang for "civilian attire"), refers to plain or ordinary clothes' is the reason one may not recognize Fascists and Nazis of the following sort ...until they open their mouths....

2. The Fascist element in Liberals can be seen in the way they work, tirelessly, to shut down free speech and free thought.
A particularly poignant case is Liberals no longer allowing grandparents to see/speak to their grandchildren if the grandparent voted for Trump.

3. "Look, I’m no stranger to disagreeing with relatives about politics. And that’s partly why I was so shocked to read this. Sure, some are truly upset now in light of this election’s result (welcome to how some of us felt in 2008 and 2012!), and maybe people will take different actions in the end.

But right now, at least some liberals are considering literally ending ties with relatives—including not letting grandparents see their grandkids!—over a vote for Trump. And that’s not just these two commenters. On a different Jezebel post, commenters discussed unfriending people on Facebook who supported Trump. “ImmortalAgnes” wrote:

'I also deleted everyone who supported Trump from FB. Thankfully, it wasn’t that many people. Unfortunately, it included my step-dad. I don’t think these people don’t get it – I think they don’t care. I think that to take rights from women, from people of color, from the LGBT+ community, from non-Christians is what they want.

I love my step-dad. But I cannot stand by and pretend like he didn’t just proudly support racism and misogyny. I will not be speaking to him. I will not be seeing him." The Shocking Intolerance of Anti-Trump Liberals

4. Get that?
Not debate, explain, clarify, inform....
Simply make certain that differing opinions are not to be heard.
Over and is an integral part of the 'Shameful Six'...
Communists, Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, and Socialist.

More than un-American: dangerous and abhorrent.

5. "Again: What? What are the rights that supposedly Trump is going to take away? We’ve been living in a country where, as The Weekly Standard’s Mark Hemingway tweeted, “Obama did sue nuns over birth control for crying out loud,” where religious bakers and florists have been told they have to participate in same-sex weddings, where an African-American fire chief lost his job over a book he wrote about his religious beliefs that included passages on same-sex marriage, and yet, the real threat to rights is from Trump?"
The Shocking Intolerance of Anti-Trump Liberals

How's it feel to be on the receiving end of things this time. Same thing happened over Obama in 2008 and still continues to this day. While I don't mind someone talking disparingly, I do draw the line in the suggesting that OUR President needs to be Assassinated. And I let them know I didn't care for it. I served under many Presidents in the Military. Whether I liked them or not, they were MY President and if someone were plotting to assassinate them I would take any and all actions to stop them. I served under 6 presidents and NO ONE threatens the President. There were more than a few that all of a sudden started almost screaming LIBERAL at me to the point I just walked away. To this day, those close friends are not on my list of friends or even acquaintances. But it was their choice, not mine.

I am a Progressive Conservative ALA Eisenhower and Teddy R. You know, what the GOP was founded on and stayed until about 1980.

Forty years in the military? Highly doubtful.
I think Fascist is the wrong term, but they are radical. Fascists is per definition right wingers

You couldn't be more wrong.
You could try to be...but you wouldn't be successful.

For your education:

In a letter written on March 19, 1944, Ayn Rand remarked:
“Fascism, Nazism, Communism and Socialism are only superficial variations of the same monstrous theme—collectivism.” Rand would later expand on this insight in various articles, most notably in two of her lectures at the Ford Hall Forum in Boston: “The Fascist New Frontier” (Dec. 16, 1962, published as a booklet by the Nathaniel Branden Institute in 1963); and “The New Fascism: Rule by Consensus” (April 18, 1965, published as Chapter 20 in Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal [CUI] by New American Library in 1967).

As Rand put it in “Conservativism: An Obituary” (CUI, Chapter 19):
The world conflict of today is the conflict of the individual against the state, the same conflict that has been fought throughout mankind’s history. The names change, but the essence—and the results—remain the same, whether it is the individual against feudalism, or against absolute monarchy, or against communism or fascism or Nazism or socialism or the welfare state.

Modern Liberalism....the Democrat Party, specifically, stands for the very same doctrines and principles of the Communist Party,USA.

Don't make that mistake again.
I think Fascist is the wrong term, but they are radical. Fascists is per definition right wingers
Except they're not. Not a single trait in Fascists is Right Wing, you've just been tricked by the Liberals.

Im not sure, not every authoritarian or totalitarian government form is fascism though. Fascism per definition has socially conservative ideas, but the government form is totalitarian. There is left-right and authoritarian-libertarian. Fascists are right-authoritarian, while Republicans are Right-Libertarian. Communists are Left-Authoritarian, but there are also anarcho-leftists who are left-libertarian etc.
The further right you move, the less government there is. The fact that you're looking at the definition instead of applying rational thought only shows you're a Liberal at heart. Considering the Republicans are the ones who freed the slaves while the Democrats were the ones fighting them to keep races in bondage while YOU'RE claiming that Republicans or Conservatives are somehow inherently racists and racist policies, like the Jim Crow laws, also put in place by Democrats, are somehow Socially Conservative only goes to show how confused you are. You really should stop asking the Liberal Establishment what you should think, because they may convince you up is down next.

I'll bet our Liberal pal, Morti, has never read Thoreau....

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”
I think Fascist is the wrong term, but they are radical. Fascists is per definition right wingers
Except they're not. Not a single trait in Fascists is Right Wing, you've just been tricked by the Liberals.

Im not sure, not every authoritarian or totalitarian government form is fascism though. Fascism per definition has socially conservative ideas, but the government form is totalitarian. There is left-right and authoritarian-libertarian. Fascists are right-authoritarian, while Republicans are Right-Libertarian. Communists are Left-Authoritarian, but there are also anarcho-leftists who are left-libertarian etc.
The further right you move, the less government there is. The fact that you're looking at the definition instead of applying rational thought only shows you're a Liberal at heart. Considering the Republicans are the ones who freed the slaves while the Democrats were the ones fighting them to keep races in bondage while YOU'RE claiming that Republicans or Conservatives are somehow inherently racists and racist policies, like the Jim Crow laws, also put in place by Democrats, are somehow Socially Conservative only goes to show how confused you are. You really should stop asking the Liberal Establishment what you should think, because they may convince you up is down next.

Im not radical liberal Im moderate, Im neither right nor left, I would describe myself as politically unaffialiated free thinker, Im just applying mainstream definitions.

Au contraire....

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

Your thought processes have been bought and paid for by the Left.

Can I guess?
Government school grad?
I know right?

I went to these "discussion" groups a few years back and I was pretty shocked at how far left they were. At one point i said i was white... big mistake.

Been there, done that.

I went to a waayyyyy Liberal school.

On the other hand, I never said I was white.

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