CDZ American Muslim's and Assimilation

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
What should muslims in America do in your opinion to be considered fully assimilated?

Become citizens?
Dress differently?
Build more mosques?
Get a CCW permit?
Last edited:
1- Yes
2- Yes
3- No

Stop accepting Western money and rejecting Western values. Embrace modernity. No more honor killings. No more Sharia courts. Don't come here to live unless you want to live here, Do not try to make this country into the place you left.
I would be fine with them if they wouldn't send money to support violent jihad in the name of "charity".
Get out of closed communities.
Follow Zuhdi Jasser's ideas.
Separate their religion from their state.
If you can't fully assimilate...go back home.
Pledge allegiance to the US
This thread is only about muslims in America.......many who are already citizens. ..... :cool:
So? Assimilate? Like Syed Rizwan Farook, native born American? Like the multi-generational Dutch folks, with their quaint regional accents and their little wooden shoes, packed with explosives? They assimilated pretty well. I understand it will be difficult to get usable samples of their DNA after they merged with their fellow citizens.

How do you assimilate? Take lessons from the Jews. As a matter of fact, take all your lessons from the Jews. Modernity? Check! Emphasis on education? Check!
Get out of closed communities.
Follow Zuhdi Jasser's ideas.
I'm not aware of any "closed" muslim communities? Although there is a gated community down the street from my house that only rich white people live in.

In my opinion Zuhdi Jasser is .... :cuckoo:
I mean leave the hood and join America.

What's wrong with Jasser? I know Obabble wants no part of him. That's a good indicator Jasser is right.
What should muslims in America do in your opinion to be considered fully assimilated?

Become citizens?
Dress differently?
Build more mosques?
Get a CCW permit?

I don't know where to go with this. I know so many in Toronto that were just fellow Canadians. Maybe its just because TO was like a mini UN. Never batted an eye at a hijab or Sikh turban. And when I wore my cowboy boots and my never wetter no one gave me a second look either.

I think Sunni man where our governments go wrong is when they don't assist newcomers nearly enough with language lessons and skills training. Then of course people migrate towards their "own" because that's natural and then you get almost a ghetto situation. And I'm not talking ghetto in the poverty sense.

This goes across the spectrum of all migrants from all countries and all religions. And naturally those citizens become isolated in their mini societies. That's when things can go really wrong.

Take for example Vietnamese/Chinese/Somali<fill in the blank> communities where you will undoubtedly find a version of La Cosa Nostra complete with a Don and henchmen aka gang. And they rule.

Over here it's not too bad, but in the UK and the rest of Europe it is truly an issue. Our melting pot with a good dose of respect for individual cultures is the best on the planet IMHO.

So for every newcomer and not just Muslims I'd run with citizenship, skip the dress differently (wear what you like) Mosques and Churches where you need them, I'm a fan of CCW :) and of course vote.
I mean leave the hood and join America.

What's wrong with Jasser? I know Obabble wants no part of him. That's a good indicator Jasser is right.
As for me, I don't live anywhere near the "hood".

Jasser is sucked up to the zionist Jews and neocons tighter than a tick on a hemorrhoid. No muslim I know listens to him or takes him seriously. ..... :cool:
I mean leave the hood and join America.

What's wrong with Jasser? I know Obabble wants no part of him. That's a good indicator Jasser is right.[/

QUOTE]As for me, I don't live anywhere near the "hood".

You are not the avearage Muslim. How many are on USMB...condemning Islamic terrorists

Jasser is sucked up to the zionist Jews and neocons tighter than a tick on a hemorrhoid. No muslim I know listens to him or takes him seriously. ..... :cool:

No Muslim listens to him...that explains Obama's silence. Ty for that.
What should muslims in America do in your opinion to be considered fully assimilated?

Become citizens?
Dress differently?
Build more mosques?
Get a CCW permit?

Leave Islam
Accept Jesus
Begin to work
Eat pork
Help others to leave Islam
Interaction in public schools with American children of different ways, races, religions, and similar hopes and dreams will work well with the younger ones, as it normally has in America. The home grown jihadist here is infinitesimally small in numbers and percentages.

I do encourage everyone involved in public education to watch over and care for Muslim students, particularly the girls and you women. Do not hesitate to go to the LEO on the slightest suspicion of threat and tyranny by the males in the family.

It may come to loyalty oaths that affirm the acceptance of separation of government and religion.
Are you people really dancing on this tiger pit? Could this be a more obvious troll thread?

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