American Made?


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Buy American - support all Americans, including yourself.

As anyone who reads my excellent threads and posts realizes, I am pro-American worker and made here. The other day my wife and I are in a quaint little town in Pennsylvania where 'buy local' is seen on businesses and automobiles. So what do I see but a 'buy local' sticker on a BMW. Kinda funny that the very people who want you to buy local support workers who make twice as much as our Union workers and whose export trade surplus is doing quite well. I realize many foreign cars are made in America today, let's face it that helps their image and image matters. How many people buy only for image? Lots if you check. Making anything requires more than the final construction steps. See this site: The Level Field Institute

And do this too. Ask your Representatives to support made here and check those labels. For those who think Rush Limbaugh, among many others pundits, athletes, and entertainers, speak for America ask him [or her] why they supports Germany's auto business as they sure don't listen to Rush's rantings - I never hear him talk up the American worker or made here? Glenn Beck is another one to ask.

Top 5 Reasons Labor Day isn t for Laborers Anymore Informed Comment

Our children, our grandchildren, ourselves, require we support each other, buy American.

If you buy a foreign made auto please don't complain about our economy or jobs. Please keep quiet. Thanks

What in the hell is wrong with people US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Did Obama Save GM US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Democrats Unions Corruption US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Writing Unions Out of the Story on Fighting Poverty US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Galloping Over The Minimum Wage Myth Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Buy American - support all Americans, including yourself.

As anyone who reads my excellent threads and posts realizes, I am pro-American worker and made here. The other day my wife and I are in a quaint little town in Pennsylvania where 'buy local' is seen on businesses and automobiles. So what do I see but a 'buy local' sticker on a BMW. Kinda funny that the very people who want you to buy local support workers who make twice as much as our Union workers and whose export trade surplus is doing quite well. I realize many foreign cars are made in America today, let's face it that helps their image and image matters. How many people buy only for image? Lots if you check. Making anything requires more than the final construction steps. See this site: The Level Field Institute

And do this too. Ask your Representatives to support made here and check those labels. For those who think Rush Limbaugh, among many others pundits, athletes, and entertainers, speak for America ask him [or her] why they supports Germany's auto business as they sure don't listen to Rush's rantings - I never hear him talk up the American worker or made here? Glenn Beck is another one to ask.

Top 5 Reasons Labor Day isn t for Laborers Anymore Informed Comment

Our children, our grandchildren, ourselves, require we support each other, buy American.

If you buy a foreign made auto please don't complain about our economy or jobs. Please keep quiet. Thanks

What in the hell is wrong with people US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Did Obama Save GM US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Democrats Unions Corruption US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Writing Unions Out of the Story on Fighting Poverty US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Galloping Over The Minimum Wage Myth Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

As anyone who reads my excellent threads and posts realizes

You're a comedian. LOL!

So what do I see but a 'buy local' sticker on a BMW.

German automaker BMW announced a $1 billion investment in its South Carolina plant that will increase its capacity by 50%. That will make it BMW's biggest factory in the world.

South Carolina plant to become BMW s largest factory in the world - Mar. 28 2014

If you buy a foreign made auto please don't complain about our economy or jobs. Please keep quiet.

I agree. Those people mustn't complain about the crappy job Obama is doing.
Dissent is the highest form of patriotism, unless you refuse to support the UAW.
The usual nonsense replies. Why would someone use 'dear' is that person ten or twelve and thinks that cleaver?

So long as Americans disparage and put down their own workers, we will have stagnant salaries and a diminishing economy. BMW builds in the south because the south is anti-fair pay and benefits and bmw can also advertise made in America. Is that so hard to understand? It would seem so. Support Germany et al if you like I'm sure your children and family are supported by them.

Oh and Obama is better than that fantasy guy. "As this unemployment chart shows, President Obama’s job creation kept unemployment from peaking at as high a level as President Reagan, and promoted people into the workforce faster than President Reagan." Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

Some people get it.

"“If I own stock in your company and you move offshore for tax reasons I’m selling your stock,” Mr. Cuban said Friday morning on Twitter “There are enough investment choices here.”" .... In a subsequent tweet, he added: “When companies move off shore to save on taxes, you and I make up the tax shortfall elsewhere sell those stocks and they won’t move.”"
Mark Cuban on Tax Inversions If You Move Overseas I 8217 m Selling Your Stock - MoneyBeat - WSJ
I buy local and American when I can but it gets harder and harder to do so when "Free Not Fair" Trade Agreements have sent most manufacturing jobs overseas and a lot of our food is imported.

Also, me owning a Toyota doesn't negate the 1st Amendment. Americans have the right to complain about whatever the f*ck they want.

Just like you don't have to have "served" in the Military to have the right to criticize it.

Being American gives you that right.
You high and mighty people wanted to be GLOBULL (because it sound so cool and sophisticated ) so now you are

You can thank Billy boy Clinton for it. He signed NAFTA
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The usual nonsense replies. Why would someone use 'dear' is that person ten or twelve and thinks that cleaver?

So long as Americans disparage and put down their own workers, we will have stagnant salaries and a diminishing economy. BMW builds in the south because the south is anti-fair pay and benefits and bmw can also advertise made in America. Is that so hard to understand? It would seem so. Support Germany et al if you like I'm sure your children and family are supported by them.

Oh and Obama is better than that fantasy guy. "As this unemployment chart shows, President Obama’s job creation kept unemployment from peaking at as high a level as President Reagan, and promoted people into the workforce faster than President Reagan." Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

Some people get it.

"“If I own stock in your company and you move offshore for tax reasons I’m selling your stock,” Mr. Cuban said Friday morning on Twitter “There are enough investment choices here.”" .... In a subsequent tweet, he added: “When companies move off shore to save on taxes, you and I make up the tax shortfall elsewhere sell those stocks and they won’t move.”"
Mark Cuban on Tax Inversions If You Move Overseas I 8217 m Selling Your Stock - MoneyBeat - WSJ
Who makes up this "tax shortfall"? :dunno:


Companies that move headquarters offshore still employ "their own workers" here in America.

And speaking of America's workers- the Obama admin and Liberals nationwide have tasked themselves with destroying the hydrocarbon industies in this country, and the employment and GDP that they produce. :fu:
People of little minds consider that buying "American" means buying goods made by American union members. I wonder if they have noticed that Big Unions have basically given up on organizing private sector employees and instead butter their bread in the public sector, where nobody can ever get fired, and the pay & benefits perpetually ratchet up, regardless of the economy or anything else.

Purchase decisions should be based on value and nothing more. One cannot fail to notice however, that ALL of the formerly "Big Three" auto plants are "organized," whle NONE of the foreign transplants are organized. I rarely buy a new vehicle, but I don't see much difference right now. There are very few "bad" cars sold here.

I do agree emphatically that many people buy foreign brands when an American car would be just a good and provide better value.

I think it says somewhere in the Constitution that we are all free to be stupid, and even better, to demonstrate our stupidity with our car.

BTW, I have been working in the U.S. for foreign owned employers since 1987 (5 different companies).
So long as Americans disparage and put down their own workers, we will have stagnant salaries and a diminishing economy.

too stupid and liberal by 100%. Stagnant wages and shrinking economy could be reversed tomorrow by making liberal unions illegal and eliminating highest liberal corporate tax in world!!

Get it?? 2 steps to a economic boom both of which liberals prevent out of pure and perfect ignorance.
BMW builds in the south because the south is anti-fair pay and benefits

100% stupid and liberal of course!! South is anti fair pay??? No dear, Detroit is anti-pay, pro union and everyone is unemployed!!

"Some still seemed stunned by their change of circumstances. But they are almost uniformly grateful for the opportunity."

"It's the best place I've ever worked in my whole life, I can honestly say that," said Debra Harrison, 50, who was laid off at an Electrolux factory 2 ½ years ago and began at BMW in July.

While U.S. manufacturing employment has been in a decades-long slide, the BMW campus here has grown in the 16 years since opening, and is viewed by some as a model of what manufacturers — American or not — might achieve and 70% of production in exported.
, President Obama’s job creation

Dear, Obama is anti-business Marxist so he did nothing to create jobs!! Jobs were created by the free market. If you say Barry created jobs name the most important thing he did that created rather than destroyed jobs or admit to having the IQ of a liberal.
: “When companies move off shore to save on taxes, you and I make up the tax shortfall elsewhere sell those stocks and they won’t move.”"

stupid stupid stupid idiotic and liberal of course!! American business is suffering enough against cheap labor from all over the world.
For our brain dead liberals to saddle them with the highest corporate tax in the world too is treasonous Marxism.

Just make liberalism illegal as our Founders intended to correct all the problems.
Big Unions have basically given up on organizing private sector employees .

yes because govt employees have a monopoly so when their wages are too high we cant shop elsewhere like we did for cars. Its really pathetic since govt employees get about double the pay they would get in the private sector.

Someone who works hard for $15/hr in a private sector jobs has to pay taxes out of his salary so a liberal leech can "earn" $30/hr doing the same job for the liberal govt.
“When companies move off shore to save on taxes, you and I make up the tax shortfall elsewhere sell those stocks and they won’t move.”"

purely liberal and idiotic. Our companies move off shore to lower taxes and lower wages. If they didn't, if lets say we made doing so illegal, our economy would be in a deep Great Depression. That would cause a tax shortfall 100 times greater!!

Liberalism is obviously based in pure ignorance!
One theme that is prevalent is that corporations don't like their workers... even their best workers. They are considered a liability and overpaid. Its a growing trend.
Your workers should be treated like hard workers they are, not like they are overhead.

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