Allow me to introduce myself.

I understand completely. If you step out into the sunlight, you change back into mild-mannered reporter Bruce Wayne.

The Internet is a wonderful source for information and can be used equally for both business purposes and personal enjoyment. However, while the Internet is very convenient and useful, you need to exercise caution, as there are hundreds of millions of people who use it, and not all of them have good intentions.
The Internet is a wonderful source for information and can be used equally for both business purposes and personal enjoyment. However, while the Internet is very convenient and useful, you need to exercise caution, as there are hundreds of millions of people who use it, and not all of them have good intentions.
There are plenty of Jokers out there.
Hello forum!

I'm new here.

So i'd like to know if your income reduced because of the world financial crisis?
The Internet is a wonderful source for information and can be used equally for both business purposes and personal enjoyment. However, while the Internet is very convenient and useful, you need to exercise caution, as there are hundreds of millions of people who use it, and not all of them have good intentions.

I give away free candy. You might have seen my van:

I just don't see making fun of a poster's ridiculously self-conscious, posturing commentary as bigotry. It's a personal thing. She's a loon.
So if you said something like "My soul finds rest in God alone: My salvation comes from Him.
- Psalms 62:1

And we call you crazy and make fun of you we are not being a bigot because it is just our personal belief. Okay got it!
So if you said something like "My soul finds rest in God alone: My salvation comes from Him.
- Psalms 62:1

And we call you crazy and make fun of you we are not being a bigot because it is just our personal belief. Okay got it!
Right? Wait till she finds out I used to eat the body of Christ and drink his blood.

Allie, seriously, I promised to point out your bigoted behavior and this is most definitely bigoted.

Wolfie, you aren't fooling anyone.

My name is Wolfmoon I am glad to know all of you. I've only made 3 posts and I've already been attacked for my screen name by Ravi. Wolfmoon is my real name and I'm called Wolf by my friends. "W", for short. I am here to learn something.



I'd just like to know how it is you came by that name? Is your name Wolf Moon, or Wolfmoon is your last name? What is that?

My name is Wolfmoon I am glad to know all of you. I've only made 3 posts and I've already been attacked for my screen name by Ravi. Wolfmoon is my real name and I'm called Wolf by my friends. "W", for short. I am here to learn something.



You've come to the right place, then, because we know something.

My name is Wolfmoon I am glad to know all of you. I've only made 3 posts and I've already been attacked for my screen name by Ravi. Wolfmoon is my real name and I'm called Wolf by my friends. "W", for short. I am here to learn something.



Can I call you Wolfie? Oh, welcome! :tongue:
Talk is cheap. Go ahead. Ever wrestled with a tarbaby?:popcorn:

I really don't know what a "tar Baby" is. Is it anything like an Anchor Baby? I looked up some definitions, which one are your referring too?

1. tar baby

It comes from a children's story in which the dark skin and seeming ignorance (caused by a lack of schooling) of slaves were explained by the idea that black children were baptised in tar, which made them dark and dumb.

2. tar baby

a situation almost impossible to get out of; a problem virtually unsolvable;
His political advisers told him to stay away from the controversy,
that it was a no-win cause, a “tar baby.”

Biff: Let's beat the sh*t out of that tar baby.
Tad: Shall we?

3. tar baby

A dummy made of tar, which cannot be struck without getting oneself hopelessly stuck to it--from the story "Mr. Rabbit and Mr. Fox" by Joe Harris, as told by his fictional narrator, Uncle Remus.
Tar baby has become short hand for a situation better avoided than confronted.
The issue of immigration has become a tar baby for president George W. Bush.

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