Alex Jones, fake news meets a realtity test

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
The hero and leader of the Alt. Right is all about fiction, or mentally deranged. That seems to be the issues facing the Court in his custody battle. See:

Reports: Alex Jones' lawyer claims on-air persona is 'a character', 'performance art'

Infowars' Alex Jones is just 'playing a character,' says his lawyer

I wonder, how many of the conservative and willfully (or not so willfully) ignorant actually believed and posted as true his many rants.

I can never believe a thing the op posts again, after he posted the other day that spicer has yet to hold a press conference while neglecting to post that Hillary didn't have a press conference in almost a year when she was running for president


The hero and leader of the Alt. Right is all about fiction, or mentally deranged. That seems to be the issues facing the Court in his custody battle. See:

Reports: Alex Jones' lawyer claims on-air persona is 'a character', 'performance art'

Infowars' Alex Jones is just 'playing a character,' says his lawyer

I wonder, how many of the conservative and willfully (or not so willfully) ignorant actually believed and posted as true his many rants.

The same goes for most partisan personalities. You really think Hannity believes the crazy shit that comes out of his mouth sometimes?
The hero and leader of the Alt. Right is all about fiction, or mentally deranged. That seems to be the issues facing the Court in his custody battle. See:

Reports: Alex Jones' lawyer claims on-air persona is 'a character', 'performance art'

Infowars' Alex Jones is just 'playing a character,' says his lawyer

I wonder, how many of the conservative and willfully (or not so willfully) ignorant actually believed and posted as true his many rants.

The same goes for most partisan personalities. You really think Hannity believes the crazy shit that comes out of his mouth sometimes?

What's frightening is that people like MindWars and Dale Smith believe Jones, Hannity speak gospel. They believe both are a source of factual news.
The hero and leader of the Alt. Right is all about fiction, or mentally deranged. That seems to be the issues facing the Court in his custody battle. See:

Reports: Alex Jones' lawyer claims on-air persona is 'a character', 'performance art'

Infowars' Alex Jones is just 'playing a character,' says his lawyer

I wonder, how many of the conservative and willfully (or not so willfully) ignorant actually believed and posted as true his many rants.

The same goes for most partisan personalities. You really think Hannity believes the crazy shit that comes out of his mouth sometimes?

What's frightening is that people like MindWars and Dale Smith believe Jones, Hannity speak gospel. They believe both are a source of factual news.

I know, I listen to them sometimes till I can't take anymore, then I change to CNN to remind myself that Hannity is usually correct.

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The hero and leader of the Alt. Right is all about fiction, or mentally deranged. That seems to be the issues facing the Court in his custody battle. See:

Reports: Alex Jones' lawyer claims on-air persona is 'a character', 'performance art'

Infowars' Alex Jones is just 'playing a character,' says his lawyer

I wonder, how many of the conservative and willfully (or not so willfully) ignorant actually believed and posted as true his many rants.

This shit is too good on so many levels. This angry hollow bugwit who so many, including the ever super-moron trump, followed and believed in so passionately, is now claiming his mentally ill persona is just an act to make money.

The alt-right forced into the sunlight, oh bitch how the daylight burns! This is really the curtain for the entire modern conservative 'movement' being pulled back to reveal there is a liar there. They're liars because their views of the world lose in an honest debate in the public square. So they lie. And so many conservatives who are uneducated are not sophisticated enough to see the lies and see through them. Alex Jones, Bill O'Reilly, Fox News, NotSoBreitbart, all these entities lie to the poor saps that make up the conservative base in order to herd them into one angry voting block and with the other hand steal their wallet, their watch, their ring, the baby's pacifier, mom's purse, and the wheels off the stroller. It is a huge scam run by a gaggle of liars and snake oil salesmen to fleece millions out of their money. It is the East Wing of the Evangelical TV preacher contingent. 'How To Steal Every Cent From Unsuspecting Rubes'.
The hero and leader of the Alt. Right is all about fiction, or mentally deranged. That seems to be the issues facing the Court in his custody battle. See:

Reports: Alex Jones' lawyer claims on-air persona is 'a character', 'performance art'

Infowars' Alex Jones is just 'playing a character,' says his lawyer

I wonder, how many of the conservative and willfully (or not so willfully) ignorant actually believed and posted as true his many rants.
When did he say he didn't believe what he was saying? The allegation from his ex is that it shows he isn't fit for the kids. The better question is why are allegations good enough for leftists?
Even more frightening is that the "leader" (cough, gag) of the free world believes Jones, Hannity and, oh my fucking god, National Enquirer are legit sources of news.
The hero and leader of the Alt. Right is all about fiction, or mentally deranged. That seems to be the issues facing the Court in his custody battle. See:

Reports: Alex Jones' lawyer claims on-air persona is 'a character', 'performance art'

Infowars' Alex Jones is just 'playing a character,' says his lawyer

I wonder, how many of the conservative and willfully (or not so willfully) ignorant actually believed and posted as true his many rants.

The same goes for most partisan personalities. You really think Hannity believes the crazy shit that comes out of his mouth sometimes?

What's frightening is that people like MindWars and Dale Smith believe Jones, Hannity speak gospel. They believe both are a source of factual news.

Dale doesnt think that about Hannity.I guarantee he knows Hannity is in bed with the government and a mouthpiece for them. Jones I used to believe was a true patriot but he is part of the controlled opposition who pretends to be on our side but is really working for them.
The hero and leader of the Alt. Right is all about fiction, or mentally deranged. That seems to be the issues facing the Court in his custody battle. See:

Reports: Alex Jones' lawyer claims on-air persona is 'a character', 'performance art'

Infowars' Alex Jones is just 'playing a character,' says his lawyer

I wonder, how many of the conservative and willfully (or not so willfully) ignorant actually believed and posted as true his many rants.

The same goes for most partisan personalities. You really think Hannity believes the crazy shit that comes out of his mouth sometimes?

What's frightening is that people like MindWars and Dale Smith believe Jones, Hannity speak gospel. They believe both are a source of factual news.

What is frightening to me is that there are too many lame fucks that never read about the real history of this country that has led us to this place in time and believe the Operation Mockingbird lame stream media. Unless you know why/ where you have been that led you to where you are now? How can you possibly know where you are headed? I know the things I do because I have a desire to learn while others do not. Some like you need to be led around by the nose because it saves you from the hassle of actually thinking for yourself. Any questions????

The hero and leader of the Alt. Right is all about fiction, or mentally deranged. That seems to be the issues facing the Court in his custody battle. See:

Reports: Alex Jones' lawyer claims on-air persona is 'a character', 'performance art'

Infowars' Alex Jones is just 'playing a character,' says his lawyer

I wonder, how many of the conservative and willfully (or not so willfully) ignorant actually believed and posted as true his many rants.

We all believe it. It's like the ten commandments of the truth of what's really going on today. AJ has told me personally that big foot will infiltrate NK and take out kim and then all the mullahs are next. Then we'll see the lizard people for who they really are. Why are you so hard headed about this?
The hero and leader of the Alt. Right is all about fiction, or mentally deranged. That seems to be the issues facing the Court in his custody battle. See:

Reports: Alex Jones' lawyer claims on-air persona is 'a character', 'performance art'

Infowars' Alex Jones is just 'playing a character,' says his lawyer

I wonder, how many of the conservative and willfully (or not so willfully) ignorant actually believed and posted as true his many rants.

The same goes for most partisan personalities. You really think Hannity believes the crazy shit that comes out of his mouth sometimes?

What's frightening is that people like MindWars and Dale Smith believe Jones, Hannity speak gospel. They believe both are a source of factual news.

What is frightening to me is that there are too many lame fucks that never read about the real history of this country that has led us to this place in time and believe the Operation Mockingbird lame stream media. Unless you know why/ where you have been that led you to where you are now? How can you possibly know where you are headed? I know the things I do because I have a desire to learn while others do not. Some like you need to be led around by the nose because it saves you from the hassle of actually thinking for yourself. Any questions????


The reason I haven't said but one word on this pathetic post, I wasn't going to be the one that keeps this post BUMPED up to the TOP LOL................

What is sad , the zombie zone doesn't know how to take anything he has said be it past, present, future and research it , and if they do they go to the exact site that tells them what they want to see or hear.
Rather than search it lets say other sources like documents etc.

They go to a controlled MEDIA that makes them think they are right in what they think not having a freaking clue they think what they do because MSM taught them what to think LMAO
The hero and leader of the Alt. Right is all about fiction, or mentally deranged. That seems to be the issues facing the Court in his custody battle. See:

Reports: Alex Jones' lawyer claims on-air persona is 'a character', 'performance art'

Infowars' Alex Jones is just 'playing a character,' says his lawyer

I wonder, how many of the conservative and willfully (or not so willfully) ignorant actually believed and posted as true his many rants.

The same goes for most partisan personalities. You really think Hannity believes the crazy shit that comes out of his mouth sometimes?

What's frightening is that people like MindWars and Dale Smith believe Jones, Hannity speak gospel. They believe both are a source of factual news.

What is frightening to me is that there are too many lame fucks that never read about the real history of this country that has led us to this place in time and believe the Operation Mockingbird lame stream media. Unless you know why/ where you have been that led you to where you are now? How can you possibly know where you are headed? I know the things I do because I have a desire to learn while others do not. Some like you need to be led around by the nose because it saves you from the hassle of actually thinking for yourself. Any questions????


The reason I haven't said but one word on this pathetic post, I wasn't going to be the one that keeps this post BUMPED up to the TOP LOL................

What is sad , the zombie zone doesn't know how to take anything he has said be it past, present, future and research it , and if they do they go to the exact site that tells them what they want to see or hear.
Rather than search it lets say other sources like documents etc.

They go to a controlled MEDIA that makes them think they are right in what they think not having a freaking clue they think what they do because MSM taught them what to think LMAO
So it is the lizard people, right?
Fyi the term Alt Right was invented by Hillary on 8/25/16 and immediately disseminated to the Prog Collective. You won't find that term used once on USMB prior to that date
The hero and leader of the Alt. Right is all about fiction, or mentally deranged. That seems to be the issues facing the Court in his custody battle. See:

Reports: Alex Jones' lawyer claims on-air persona is 'a character', 'performance art'

Infowars' Alex Jones is just 'playing a character,' says his lawyer

I wonder, how many of the conservative and willfully (or not so willfully) ignorant actually believed and posted as true his many rants.

The same goes for most partisan personalities. You really think Hannity believes the crazy shit that comes out of his mouth sometimes?

What's frightening is that people like MindWars and Dale Smith believe Jones, Hannity speak gospel. They believe both are a source of factual news.

What is frightening to me is that there are too many lame fucks that never read about the real history of this country that has led us to this place in time and believe the Operation Mockingbird lame stream media. Unless you know why/ where you have been that led you to where you are now? How can you possibly know where you are headed? I know the things I do because I have a desire to learn while others do not. Some like you need to be led around by the nose because it saves you from the hassle of actually thinking for yourself. Any questions????


The reason I haven't said but one word on this pathetic post, I wasn't going to be the one that keeps this post BUMPED up to the TOP LOL................

What is sad , the zombie zone doesn't know how to take anything he has said be it past, present, future and research it , and if they do they go to the exact site that tells them what they want to see or hear.
Rather than search it lets say other sources like documents etc.

They go to a controlled MEDIA that makes them think they are right in what they think not having a freaking clue they think what they do because MSM taught them what to think LMAO
So it is the lizard people, right?

No it is reptilian LOL well yeah I guess it's one in the same. Use the right word dam it hahaah just kidding with yah.
The hero and leader of the Alt. Right is all about fiction, or mentally deranged. That seems to be the issues facing the Court in his custody battle. See:

Reports: Alex Jones' lawyer claims on-air persona is 'a character', 'performance art'

Infowars' Alex Jones is just 'playing a character,' says his lawyer

I wonder, how many of the conservative and willfully (or not so willfully) ignorant actually believed and posted as true his many rants.

The same goes for most partisan personalities. You really think Hannity believes the crazy shit that comes out of his mouth sometimes?

What's frightening is that people like MindWars and Dale Smith believe Jones, Hannity speak gospel. They believe both are a source of factual news.

What is frightening to me is that there are too many lame fucks that never read about the real history of this country that has led us to this place in time and believe the Operation Mockingbird lame stream media. Unless you know why/ where you have been that led you to where you are now? How can you possibly know where you are headed? I know the things I do because I have a desire to learn while others do not. Some like you need to be led around by the nose because it saves you from the hassle of actually thinking for yourself. Any questions????


The reason I haven't said but one word on this pathetic post, I wasn't going to be the one that keeps this post BUMPED up to the TOP LOL................

What is sad , the zombie zone doesn't know how to take anything he has said be it past, present, future and research it , and if they do they go to the exact site that tells them what they want to see or hear.
Rather than search it lets say other sources like documents etc.

They go to a controlled MEDIA that makes them think they are right in what they think not having a freaking clue they think what they do because MSM taught them what to think LMAO
So it is the lizard people, right?

Just because it is funny and not having anything to do with reptilians lol
The hero and leader of the Alt. Right is all about fiction, or mentally deranged. That seems to be the issues facing the Court in his custody battle. See:

Reports: Alex Jones' lawyer claims on-air persona is 'a character', 'performance art'

Infowars' Alex Jones is just 'playing a character,' says his lawyer

I wonder, how many of the conservative and willfully (or not so willfully) ignorant actually believed and posted as true his many rants.

The same goes for most partisan personalities. You really think Hannity believes the crazy shit that comes out of his mouth sometimes?

Oldschool- I actually partially agree with you on this one. I suspect many of the Rightwingers in the media at the very least overstate their opinions for dramatic purposes and thus ratings. However I'm afraid their wacko counterparts (Rachel Maddow et al) on the left are more sincere and truly believe the diarrhea they spew.

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