Aesthetics War: Media/Democracy [TrumpUSA Paradox?]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does TrumpUSA make you feel patriotic about consumerism or worried about vanities?

What would you make of this following consumerism-daydream parable?



A boy named Ethan kept figurines of Marvel Comics characters, and his favorite ones were of the heroine Scarlet Witch and the hero Captain America. One day, while sleeping, the boy dreamed that the figurines came to life. Specifically, it was Scarlet Witch and Captain America that came to life and wanted to debate with each other about the 'finery' of modern day media imagination and youth-targeted patriotic entertainment. Scarlet Witch wanted to talk about democracy, while Captain America wanted to talk about capitalism optimism.


SCARLET WITCH: Let's talk about A Beautiful Mind (Russel Crowe)!
CAPTAIN AMERICA: That's a marvelous film about a Nobel mathematician.
SCARLET WITCH: Yes, John Nash changed the way we conceived of economics.
CAPTAIN AMERICA: Nash had to endure many personal mental problems.
SCARLET WITCH: There's a connection between madness and genius...
CAPTAIN AMERICA: Americans like that film, since they appreciate intellectual trophies!
SCARLET WITCH: Does TrumpUSA celebrate merit or basic ambition?
CAPTAIN AMERICA: I think Nash is an American who reminds people of merit and IQ.
SCARLET WITCH: In that case, let's agree A Beautiful Mind represents media aesthetics.
CAPTAIN AMERICA: Yes, there's a media-approach to 'intellectualism celebration.'


SCARLET WITCH: Now let's examine Shine (Geoffrey Rush).
CAPTAIN AMERICA: That's a searing portrait of a genius pianist.
SCARLET WITCH: Right; the pianist David Helfgott is portrayed as eccentric.
CAPTAIN AMERICA: Eccentric to the media but gifted and celebrated by his fans!
SCARLET WITCH: So, Shine is a media-trophy representing 'ambition aesthetics.'
CAPTAIN AMERICA: Right; David was very eccentric and even handicapped, but gifted.
SCARLET WITCH: So Shine offers us a portrait of ambition justified...
CAPTAIN AMERICA: And A Beautiful Mind is a vignette about intellectual celebrity.
SCARLET WITCH: So we see that films present perspectives on celebrity/emotions.
CAPTAIN AMERICA: Does TrumpUSA media espouse talk about ambition labyrinths?
SCARLET WITCH: Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (TV) is a capitalism-playground!


After Scarlet Witch and Captain America concluded their discussion/debate about how different films portrayed ambition and aspiration in modern society/civilization, they agreed that TrumpUSA media did offer social outlets for people to indulge in daydreams about celebrating talent, creativity, and personal experiences and was therefore a 'tower' of modern-day democracy, despite its obvious focus on capitalism-rhetoric and consumerism (e.g., Wall Street, Burger King). Scarlet Witch and Captain America suggested that the fictional A.I. insect-warrior robots known as Insecticons (from Hasbro's Transformers entertainment-franchise) symbolized humanity's imagination about 'prowling around' Earth in search of honor and treasure (and food!) and were therefore 'avatars' of capitalism-consciousness. When Ethan awoke from his dream, he rushed to his mom and dad and asked them to buy him a Cudgel Insecticon Transformers toy for Christmas.


ETHAN: I drew you this stick-figure drawing of an 'Evil Elf.'
TEACHER: Why an 'Evil Elf,' Ethan?
ETHAN: This evil elf symbolizes Christmastime shopping!
TEACHER: So you're a fan of capitalism?
ETHAN: I had a dream that my Scarlet Witch and Captain America dolls came to life...
TEACHER: ...and in your dream these two comic book superheroes debated about capitalism?
ETHAN: Yes, they did! They talked about how movies showed people the value of media.
TEACHER: And what else did Scarlet Witch and Captain America talk about, Ethan?
ETHAN: They talked about how Insecticon robot-toys represented 'capitalism-flowery.'
TEACHER: So you asked your parents to buy you an Insecticon for Christmas...
ETHAN: Yes, I did! That's why I drew you this 'Evil Elf.'
TEACHER: So have you concluded that TrumpUSA Christmas makes you cheerful?
ETHAN: Yes, it makes me feel generally nice about modern American capitalism.
TEACHER: It's always 'complex' negotiating democracy with capitalism, Ethan.
ETHAN: Yes; that's because all ethnic groups dream of gaining prestige through capitalism!
TEACHER: That's right; sometimes this competitiveness can create tensions between people.
ETHAN: Isn't that what the 1992 Los Angeles Race Riots was all about?
TEACHER: I suppose it was; TrumpUSA is a paradox of 'lifestyle emotions.'




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