Reliant: Oblivion


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
A Star-Trek fanfiction. Happy Xmas!


Captain Amlan Satan had become quite the Earth-world representative, a prototypical space-explorer for the Federation of social media commentary and handshakes and incidentally a big fan of Halloween and novels and was set to make his new journey on the USS-Reliant reflective of his love of 'personality' in exchanges and customs for universe-transit, while secretly hoping for a communication-experience with a lovely alien lady with whom he might share knowledge of capitalism/civilization photo-graphics (sure).


SATAN: On behalf of the Federation, it's my great duty free laurel(s) to announce why I'm so eager to set-out on this universe (space!) adventure on the Reliant for distances to understanding and perhaps even 'revelations' for the organics-sanity of our Earth-world race and gain some deep design-IQ for contact/competition/chess with beings and 'specters' across the expanse, justifying the Federation's photo-graphics/investments (sure).


On board the Reliant, Captain Satan enjoyed reading through his beloved work of Anthony Burgess, a 20th-Century Earth-time nod to the complexity of manmade bureaucracy consciousness and the unfurling of chess-sanity for a living madness, which would accent his rather 'fantastic' captaincy and shrewd thinking for universe-transit leadership and teacher-skills on the Reliant. It was the Burgess-work of manmade insanity reflecting the shape/material of consciousness and network 'activity' that would augment his encounter with a lady-alien...of a malicious agenda for declaration of an oblivion-intent for man's (vain?) eyes for education (wow).


ALIEN: What's your favorite Earth-bread (snack)?
SATAN: (Indian) luchi-bread (soft/zesty), treat for accompaniments or by itself really!
ALIEN: Why do I ask, Satan?
SATAN: Are you concerned with Reliant/Earth-IQ for the texture of life-readings, lady?
ALIEN: Capitalism (your world) is comfort/ambition dualism, and it breeds anarchy-IQ.
SATAN: Surely; but for what 'agenda' for oblivion are you intimating (here/now)?
ALIEN: Sure I'll explain, Satan; for this dualism 'complexity' yields graphics for disarray.
SATAN: Disarray...organics or materials-factories?
ALIEN: Both; an implosion/explosion materialism consciousness for pure Hell!
SATAN: What, for negations of bureaucracy-readings facilitating (true) stable-profit IQ?
ALIEN: I'm a nihilist in contour to your 'machinery' for negotiated competition-chess.
SATAN: We're odds, despite your charms, lady-alien, but I concede intrigue (you).
ALIEN: Consider the 'education' of this Reliant-exchange...for oblivion's my art(s).
SATAN: Excellence for mysteries of the known universe; a matter for history-cartilage?
ALIEN: Perhaps (good).


Satan reported to the Federation this 'excellence' in exchange and customs with the contacted lady-alien on the Reliant with a 'revelation' for dualism and contours/contrasts with our known Earth-world IQ for net-thinking and her insistence on the Realism behind organic oblivion for matter of leviathan (or democracy). Would Satan adapt this adventure-exchange into a quality write for the Federation (and social media)?


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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