
Gracie....I personally do not see you have a problem.
If you hurt, and by God, you want to take something to stop the hurt~
Me....I take try and relax. But it doesn't appear to be helping anymore.........I am prescribed 3 (1 mg.) pills per per month.
I am pretty sure I have bcome immune to the fuckers.
I take 1/2 and sometimes a whole vicodin per night and sometimes none. I never take more than one within a 24 hour period because I usually just pop an advil for my joints. The only time I take vicodin is when I am flared up for a week. Then I might wind up taking half of one along with one advil.

Do you consider that an addiction and my needing pain management? Personally, I don't think so. According to my doctor, I am becoming addicted. So I fired him and found a new doctor.

Yeah I think you're modestly addicted.

Beats being in pain, though.

I'd be much more concerned about you Advil useage.

Advil may cause life-threatening heart or circulation problems such as heart attack or stroke, especially if you use it long term.

Why not use aspirin?

It is safer for long term use than any of these ASA replacments.
I'm prescribed Norco, and only take them when necessary for pain.

I'm allergic to Aspirin, and usually take an Ibuprofen based OTC pain reliever when necessary.......Aceteminophen based OTC's and prescription PR's containing Aceteminophen, are also hell on the liver and kidneys.
I take 1/2 and sometimes a whole vicodin per night and sometimes none. I never take more than one within a 24 hour period because I usually just pop an advil for my joints. The only time I take vicodin is when I am flared up for a week. Then I might wind up taking half of one along with one advil.

Do you consider that an addiction and my needing pain management? Personally, I don't think so. According to my doctor, I am becoming addicted. So I fired him and found a new doctor.
Are you taking 500 or 750's?

Taking a half or 1 whole a night is hardly an addiction......Particularly if what you state is true about sometimes taking none.....Opiate addiction does not dictate ever taking "none".

500's. So in actuality....I was taking 250 per day on the days I took them.

Taking ONE vicodin a day for 3 or 4 days...or one every other day, is not addictive in my opinion. But to a doctor? Maybe it is. I haven't had a vicodin in a week. I don't need one.


Everyone does not have the same level of addictive potential -- and there is such a thing as the addictive personality. Such individuals will quickly become addicted to the level of Vicodin you are taking. But the ordinary individual will experience no more than a mild and temporary craving at most.

In addition to ordinary arthritis I have a condition called cervical stenosis, which is calcified growths inside vertebrae in the neck. It doesn't bother me when I'm up and around, but when I lie down to sleep it lights up. Because the surgical approach is a 50/50 risk my MD prescribes sixty 5mg oxycodone (Percocet) tablets per month, which enables me to sleep. I take one ten minutes before lying down and (sometimes) another (or a half) when I wake, depending on how strong the pain is.

I've been taking this level of narcotic for about two years. Every night. I depend on it to get a peaceful and comfortable night's sleep. I don't know if I'm addicted or not because I've never tried to find out. If I am I don't care. It works for me and I'm content to keep taking it for the rest of my life.

I am not an addictive personality. I know this because I enjoyed marijuana on a fairly regular basis throughout the sixties and seventies and abruptly stopped using it when Ronald Reagan escalated Nixon's drug war to its insane level. I missed it's euphoric and relaxing effect, and I still do, but I experienced absolutely none of the symptoms associated with withdrawal.

Although you haven't mentioned the potency of the Vicodin tablets you take, even if they are a high dosage level, unless you are an extremely addictive personality, which I strongly doubt, you needn't be concerned about being "hooked" on them at your extremely low rate of usage.
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I'm just wondering if the doctor I fired (although I didn't call it that to the office crew..I just said it was time for a change), made note in my files I am becoming an addict..which will skewer the new doctors perception of how I handle my pain. I won't lie and say vicodin didn't work and I knew I had some "just in case"...what I guess worries me a bit is what if they never give me any again..ever...unless I bow to their pressure to go to pain management doctor as well...which is just another doctor to carve a notch on my bedpost. I don't like going to doctors. I don't like being drugged up. I also don't like walking all hunched over or my hands wrapped in ace bandages or my ankles wrapped or my wrist guard on during flareups. I also don't like toothaches on the rare occassion I get one, or the horrible pain in my chest when my espophagus is being burned if I screwed up and ate something I KNEW I shouldn't have eaten but looked and smelled SO good. Vicodin kicks that pain. So does advil but not as well. Still...if I can't have any more because they think I am abusing them, then I'm up shit creek in the future. In that packet of paperwork they wanted my signature that I would NEVER go to the ER more than 2 times a month (I have to be dragged to a doctor...much less willingly go to a damn ER), I cannot let my dentist give me pain meds for dental work that may call for some...etc etc etc without those people calling THEM first for "permission" to give me something. So in short...if I signed and filled out those papers, they would own me and my body. It pissed me off. You wouldn't believe half the questions they were asking. AND...they claimed they had a right to share my medical information with ANYONE that wanted it for "research" purposes. So I declined their invitation to join their Special Sport Medicine Club or whatever they called themselves (sports????) which is in essence "pain management". Oh, and I would have to drive all the way in to their offices 1 time a month so they could COUNT my pills and I take a pee test to make sure I'm not loaded on their damn meds.

Um. No. Too invasive. So I will stick to my advils. But my main gripe is my doctor I have had for a few years never bothered to ASK me or TALK to me. He just sent them a referal for me..the potential drug addict, because he would no longer perscribe me pain meds. Again...WTF??

Do I think you are addicted? Well, if you take an opiate EVERY DAY, if you're not hooked, you're sure working on it.
I suppose that's true. But I believe addiction occurs at a level proportionate with one's consumption level.
I take 1/2 and sometimes a whole vicodin per night and sometimes none. I never take more than one within a 24 hour period because I usually just pop an advil for my joints. The only time I take vicodin is when I am flared up for a week. Then I might wind up taking half of one along with one advil.

Do you consider that an addiction and my needing pain management? Personally, I don't think so. According to my doctor, I am becoming addicted. So I fired him and found a new doctor.

Dear Gracie: Francis MacNutt of Christian Healing Ministries did a study of team healing prayer on RA and was able to help most patients improve, including one man who regained his normal ability to walk pain free where before he was crippled with pain and bedridden.
That one patient stopped taking pain medication because he was completely cured of RA.
The medical study was cited in the 1999 edition of HEALING and later editions.
Christian Healing Ministries

The other people I know who have helped people over the phone for free
to receive help with healing are
Olivia Reiner 713 829-0899 [she helps overcome addiction also through deliverance prayer]
and Dr. Phillip Goldfedder at Healing Is Yours [neurosurgeon focused on the mind and staying focused on health and healing to stop all negative thoughts/influences]

If you start with completely healing the spirit of anything you may be carrying from the past, then the mind and body will follow. Any treatments or doctors you need will also help you heal faster, as the positive energy just attracts more healing and positive people in your life.

Thank you and take care, Gracie!
Call my friend Olivia, and things will improve
either instantly or over time. those prayers always work!
I believe in prayer, but I am not the sort of person that calls people out of the blue. I don't really like talking on the phone, plus...and although I appreciate very much your offer and advice...I don't believe ONLY prayer can heal. God gave us herbs and brains for a reason, lol.
"You've got to take a whole-body approach to treating arthritis pain," Plank tells WebMD. "Lifestyle is huge. It's important to start by losing weight if you're obese. Regular exercise will help strengthen muscles that support joints and keep joints flexible. The anti-inflammatory diet is also extremely important -- those wonderful omega-3 fatty acids."

Medications can help ease arthritis joint pain, and "for some people, supplements provide that extra relief that drugs can't," she says. "There is certainly a place for supplements." However, always discuss these supplements with your doctor before taking them, as there can be drug interactions, allergy problems, or harmful side effects, she cautions.

Plank recommends:

Chondroitin sulfate
Glucosamine sulfate
Vitamin D3
Green tea
More good options:

Stinging nettle
Vitamin E
Devil's claw

Alternatives and Supplements for Arthritis Joint Pain
I eat A LOT of tumeric in my foods. It is so good, too! Nice pungent flavor...especially in hash browns. Heck, it can be sprinkled in just about anything..well...except for sweets, lol. I used to take MSM too but it gave me heartburn. I drink a lot of milk, eat a lot of cheese and I slosh with green tea. Maybe that is why my flareups are more scarce now. Being gluten free and red meat free, I have noticed a HUGE difference in my joint well as my intestines. I also drink Ensure Complete every day just to give me what nutrients I might be missing. I don't eat enough fruit, but I have plenty of veggies. But I never really ate veggies until I was diagnosed with the RA. Now? I chomp 'em often, lol.

My exercise is what I did today. I painted another dresser. It isn't finished yet...I still have to antique it, then varnish it. My poor thumb joint and wrist was screaming as I did it but I did it anyway. My knees are not too thrilled with me today either..or my back. pain, no gain and I just stiffen up if I don't make myself move around. Was too cold to that is for tomorrow if it is warm enough. So....I think I am on the right path in dealing with it. Helps that I have a high tolerance for pain gene I got from my Mom, too. :)
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I'm just wondering if the doctor I fired (although I didn't call it that to the office crew..I just said it was time for a change), made note in my files I am becoming an addict..which will skewer the new doctors perception of how I handle my pain. I won't lie and say vicodin didn't work and I knew I had some "just in case"...what I guess worries me a bit is what if they never give me any again..ever...unless I bow to their pressure to go to pain management doctor as well...which is just another doctor to carve a notch on my bedpost. I don't like going to doctors. I don't like being drugged up. I also don't like walking all hunched over or my hands wrapped in ace bandages or my ankles wrapped or my wrist guard on during flareups. I also don't like toothaches on the rare occassion I get one, or the horrible pain in my chest when my espophagus is being burned if I screwed up and ate something I KNEW I shouldn't have eaten but looked and smelled SO good. Vicodin kicks that pain. So does advil but not as well. Still...if I can't have any more because they think I am abusing them, then I'm up shit creek in the future. In that packet of paperwork they wanted my signature that I would NEVER go to the ER more than 2 times a month (I have to be dragged to a doctor...much less willingly go to a damn ER), I cannot let my dentist give me pain meds for dental work that may call for some...etc etc etc without those people calling THEM first for "permission" to give me something. So in short...if I signed and filled out those papers, they would own me and my body. It pissed me off. You wouldn't believe half the questions they were asking. AND...they claimed they had a right to share my medical information with ANYONE that wanted it for "research" purposes. So I declined their invitation to join their Special Sport Medicine Club or whatever they called themselves (sports????) which is in essence "pain management". Oh, and I would have to drive all the way in to their offices 1 time a month so they could COUNT my pills and I take a pee test to make sure I'm not loaded on their damn meds.

Um. No. Too invasive. So I will stick to my advils. But my main gripe is my doctor I have had for a few years never bothered to ASK me or TALK to me. He just sent them a referal for me..the potential drug addict, because he would no longer perscribe me pain meds. Again...WTF??
Many doctors nowadays are paranoid about being caught as serial prescribers....The feds are going after them big time.....But, it doesn't sound like you fall in the habitual category of running through your monthly supply in two weeks, as many true addicts do.

I've been prescribed many pain medications due to injuries related to my military service. Everything from Vikes, Oxy's, to Morphine....I've now settled on Norco, and only take it when absolutely necessary.....But, there was a time when I found myself REALLY liking the Morphine.....I expressed my concern to my Primary MD at the VA of my like, and he adjusted accordingly.
I take 1/2 and sometimes a whole vicodin per night and sometimes none. I never take more than one within a 24 hour period because I usually just pop an advil for my joints. The only time I take vicodin is when I am flared up for a week. Then I might wind up taking half of one along with one advil.

Do you consider that an addiction and my needing pain management? Personally, I don't think so. According to my doctor, I am becoming addicted. So I fired him and found a new doctor.

IMO there is no such thing as addiction, just poor choices.

Can you manage without the drug? If not, you have a problem.
I take 1/2 and sometimes a whole vicodin per night and sometimes none. I never take more than one within a 24 hour period because I usually just pop an advil for my joints. The only time I take vicodin is when I am flared up for a week. Then I might wind up taking half of one along with one advil.

Do you consider that an addiction and my needing pain management? Personally, I don't think so. According to my doctor, I am becoming addicted. So I fired him and found a new doctor.

IMO there is no such thing as addiction, just poor choices.

Can you manage without the drug? If not, you have a problem.

Really? Where does shopping for shoes or clothes figure into that?

Matter of fact, where does gambling?

Sorry...................but addiction takes many forms (even as far as people which is what a co-dependent relationship is).

Can they manage without the drug? Yep, but they're not looking for that, they're looking for the increase of serotonin.
I take 1/2 and sometimes a whole vicodin per night and sometimes none. I never take more than one within a 24 hour period because I usually just pop an advil for my joints. The only time I take vicodin is when I am flared up for a week. Then I might wind up taking half of one along with one advil.

Do you consider that an addiction and my needing pain management? Personally, I don't think so. According to my doctor, I am becoming addicted. So I fired him and found a new doctor.

IMO there is no such thing as addiction, just poor choices.

Can you manage without the drug? If not, you have a problem.

Really? Where does shopping for shoes or clothes figure into that?

Matter of fact, where does gambling?

Sorry...................but addiction takes many forms (even as far as people which is what a co-dependent relationship is).

Can they manage without the drug? Yep, but they're not looking for that, they're looking for the increase of serotonin.

Every addiction is a choice. People choose to drive to the casino, walk inside, take money out of their bank account, and they choose to feed it into the machines.
They have no one to blame but themselves. Same with drug addicts, smokers, alcoholics, etc. I have no sympathy for them. They make their own choices, and blame it on 'addiction', because they need an excuse for their bad behavior.
I take 1/2 and sometimes a whole vicodin per night and sometimes none. I never take more than one within a 24 hour period because I usually just pop an advil for my joints. The only time I take vicodin is when I am flared up for a week. Then I might wind up taking half of one along with one advil.

Do you consider that an addiction and my needing pain management? Personally, I don't think so. According to my doctor, I am becoming addicted. So I fired him and found a new doctor.

Do you or do you not take vicodin daily? You say you do then you recant and say you do not. (what does "sometimes none" really mean?

That in itself is enough to make me suspect you are obfuscating your drug use from honest scrutiny.

Kinda like you might be lying to yourself? Start keeping written notes of what you take to review in a month or two

If you are taking a vicodin every day you are addicted in a minor way.

But depending the pain you are managing, that might be perfectly appropriate, too.

I'm in a similar situation. As long as I'm upright I'm fine, but when I lie down a cervical stenosis condition applies pressure to the spinal cord and the increasing pain level prevents falling asleep. The surgery is a 50/50 risk. The alternative is 5mg Percocet before bedtime and another 5mg for pain on waking. This is a relatively low dosage from which I derive no pleasure but it very effectively relieves the pain and I have never experienced the slightest craving for it.

That has been my daily regimen for the past two years. While I've never tested for withdrawal by ceasing I'm not conscious of any symptoms of addiction. I will say I'm dependent in that if I don't take the Percocet I can't fall asleep until I'm severely exhausted.

You didn't mention the strength of your dosage. If it's a minimal dosage, as mine is, I'd say you might have relatively mild withdrawal discomfort but nothing as serious as a habituated high-dosage might impart.
I take 1/2 and sometimes a whole vicodin per night and sometimes none. I never take more than one within a 24 hour period because I usually just pop an advil for my joints. The only time I take vicodin is when I am flared up for a week. Then I might wind up taking half of one along with one advil.

Do you consider that an addiction and my needing pain management? Personally, I don't think so. According to my doctor, I am becoming addicted. So I fired him and found a new doctor.

are you being truthful to yourself on the amount you are taking

is the medication causing problems in other areas of your life

do you personally wonder if you have a habit

is the amount that you are taking more then prescribed

have you had a second opinion

just some things to consider

doctor shopping is a symptom

the new doctor will have access to your past medication orders

however it sounds like your use is limited

Yep, I definitely perceived her firing her doctor as a warning sign!
IMO there is no such thing as addiction, just poor choices.

Can you manage without the drug? If not, you have a problem.

Really? Where does shopping for shoes or clothes figure into that?

Matter of fact, where does gambling?

Sorry...................but addiction takes many forms (even as far as people which is what a co-dependent relationship is).

Can they manage without the drug? Yep, but they're not looking for that, they're looking for the increase of serotonin.

Every addiction is a choice. People choose to drive to the casino, walk inside, take money out of their bank account, and they choose to feed it into the machines.
They have no one to blame but themselves. Same with drug addicts, smokers, alcoholics, etc. I have no sympathy for them. They make their own choices, and blame it on 'addiction', because they need an excuse for their bad behavior.

Oh, jeez, Noomi! I have been addicted to alcohol and cigarettes. I managed to beat both addictions. But I certainly didn't choose those addictions.

There are people who can drink alcohol and never have a problem, not because of their own self-discipline, but because they are not alcoholics. Alcohol affects alcoholics differently than it affects other people.

I am proud that I beat both of those addictions. I quit drinking by myself, no "rehab," no AA meetings. I had to quit before it completely ruined my life. i struggled for years before I was able to get control. I quit smoking cold turkey after smoking for 30 years, a pack a day or better, and I haven't smoked in over 11 years. Haven't drank in 15 years.

Why in the world would anyone choose those kinds of addictions. They ruin your life and destroy your health. When I started drinking socially as a young woman, I didn't know I was an alcoholic. It isn't my fault that I'm an alcoholic. I'm just lucky I had the personal strength and the right circumstances to help me to quit. I'm not better than others who have not been able to quit.

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