Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?

Pro-abortion freaks come in two flavors...there are those who know exactly what abortion is, and lie about it to facilitate it because they want babies to die.

That's the big lie of the anti-abortion crowd. That people who favour choice want women to have abortions. This way, they don't have to face the REAL reason why women have abortions - that they simply cannot afford another child. Right-wingers lie about the reasons for the high rate of abortion in the US because the truth exposes their hypocracy - that they are only interested in the unborn, not the living breathing children who suffer when their mothers can't work.

The whole notion of getting tubes tied which you suggested would be the solution to obtaining control, has been tried. They did it to mental patients - those they didn't want to reproduce, and they did it to blacks in the 1950's. It was suggested in the 1980's that welfare recipients be sterilized as a condition to receiving welfare, but civil rights groups and decent people everywhere, raised an outcry so that couldn't happen.

Keep on telling lies KG, and I'll throw the truth back at you every time.
Pro-abortion freaks come in two flavors...there are those who know exactly what abortion is, and lie about it to facilitate it because they want babies to die.

That's the big lie of the anti-abortion crowd. That people who favour choice want women to have abortions. This way, they don't have to face the REAL reason why women have abortions - that they simply cannot afford another child. Right-wingers lie about the reasons for the high rate of abortion in the US because the truth exposes their hypocracy - that they are only interested in the unborn, not the living breathing children who suffer when their mothers can't work.

The whole notion of getting tubes tied which you suggested would be the solution to obtaining control, has been tried. They did it to mental patients - those they didn't want to reproduce, and they did it to blacks in the 1950's. It was suggested in the 1980's that welfare recipients be sterilized as a condition to receiving welfare, but civil rights groups and decent people everywhere, raised an outcry so that couldn't happen.

Keep on telling lies KG, and I'll throw the truth back at you every time.

so civil rights groups don't care about the rights of a child? Seriously, unwanted pregnancy in todays society? hell, they give birth control away. there is no excuse to get pregnant if you don't want to.
You haven't thrown any truth at all. You're laughable, and disgusting.

I guess you have nothing, as usual. That's usually when you start throwing insults.

Do you honestly think that calling people "baby killers" is going to win people over to your way of thinking? You exist to spew venom on people and only to spew venom. You have nothing but lies to support your position and insults when your lies are refuted.

Is this how you do unto others? Is this how you demonstrate your Christian values of love tolerance and respect?
Pro-abortion freaks come in two flavors...there are those who know exactly what abortion is, and lie about it to facilitate it because they want babies to die.

That's the big lie of the anti-abortion crowd. That people who favour choice want women to have abortions. This way, they don't have to face the REAL reason why women have abortions - that they simply cannot afford another child. Right-wingers lie about the reasons for the high rate of abortion in the US because the truth exposes their hypocracy - that they are only interested in the unborn, not the living breathing children who suffer when their mothers can't work.

The whole notion of getting tubes tied which you suggested would be the solution to obtaining control, has been tried. They did it to mental patients - those they didn't want to reproduce, and they did it to blacks in the 1950's. It was suggested in the 1980's that welfare recipients be sterilized as a condition to receiving welfare, but civil rights groups and decent people everywhere, raised an outcry so that couldn't happen.

Keep on telling lies KG, and I'll throw the truth back at you every time.
You're so full of shit, it's laughable.

It is you lefty's who support a party that keeps poor women stuck in poverty, and fight against EVERYTHING that would break the cycle of poverty, particularly when it comes to eliminating fraud and waste in the programs that only serve to encourage them to continue living in their cycle of poverty.....You lefty's fight against proposals like voucher programs and charter schools, that would put the power of choice in the hands of those poor parents whose children are stuck in a failing public school system, and helping to ensure that their children are being educated, thereby giving those children the power to break away from a life of future poverty, by having the most important tool that they could possibly have, that being, an educated and motivated mind......Ya' see, you lefty's seek to keep the poor, particularly minority poor, stuck where they are, in order to disgustingly use them as nothing more than a voting bloc you seek to exploit to advance your ridiculous liberal agenda.

And, it's quite telling that CONSERVATIVES donate more money to charities that help the poor, by a very large margin, then you lefty's who do nothing more than run your mouths while talking the talk, but in no way do you lefty's walk the walk.....It's all talk with you loons, and very little action....And that's a damn fact.
You haven't thrown any truth at all. You're laughable, and disgusting.

I guess you have nothing, as usual. That's usually when you start throwing insults.

Do you honestly think that calling people "baby killers" is going to win people over to your way of thinking? You exist to spew venom on people and only to spew venom. You have nothing but lies to support your position and insults when your lies are refuted.

Is this how you do unto others? Is this how you demonstrate your Christian values of love tolerance and respect?

No, this is how I get uneducated, anti-Christian, baby killing nutbags to show their asses.

Thank you.
life starts at conception. the argument a fetus couldn't survive on its own is meaningless. a newborn can't survive on its own. the redfinition of life is manmade in order to make abortion legal. to perform an abortion you have to perform an act that will terminate life. every abortion technique is something designed to stop a life. no matter how you try to spin it or at what month or what week it occurs a living creature is still being terminated.

One third of eggs conceived do not cling to the uterine wall.

We don't throw funerals over used tampons.

Life began 4 billion years ago and is an ongoing process.
Speaking of tampons, and the fact that you're a weird lil' man, i'm quite sure you hang around womens bathrooms, in desperate hope of being able to secure used tampons that don't get flushed,...eh, ghoul?

And, an egg isn't human life, ya' dumbass.:cuckoo:

I want you to look at the words I put in BIG LETTERS so you could read them.

Your friend apparently DOES think fertilized eggs (aka zygotes) are human life.

So again, we need to make sure every tampon comes with a little coffin. Seems reasonable to me.

It is you lefty's who support a party that keeps poor women stuck in poverty, and fight against EVERYTHING that would break the cycle of poverty, particularly when it comes to eliminating fraud and waste in the programs that only serve to encourage them to continue living in their cycle of poverty.....You lefty's fight against proposals like voucher programs and charter schools, that would put the power of choice in the hands of those poor parents whose children are stuck in a failing public school system, and helping to ensure that their children are being educated, thereby giving those children the power to break away from a life of future poverty, by having the most important tool that they could possibly have, that being, an educated and motivated mind......Ya' see, you lefty's seek to keep the poor, particularly minority poor, stuck where they are, in order to disgustingly use them as nothing more than a voting bloc you seek to exploit to advance your ridiculous liberal agenda.

And, it's quite telling that CONSERVATIVES donate more money to charities that help the poor, by a very large margin, then you lefty's who do nothing more than run your mouths while talking the talk, but in no way do you lefty's walk the walk.....It's all talk with you loons, and very little action....And that's a damn fact.

So in your bizarro world, programs that keep children from starving or freezing to death are just "encouraging sloth".


Get to work, you slackers!

Oh, but you throw a few bucks to a charity. That's so much better than giving them a job with some dignity.
Uh...I promise you, my tampons contain exactly zero zygotes...and this is true with tampons everywhere.

No zygotes in tampons. Return to biology class.
life starts at conception. the argument a fetus couldn't survive on its own is meaningless. a newborn can't survive on its own. the redfinition of life is manmade in order to make abortion legal. to perform an abortion you have to perform an act that will terminate life. every abortion technique is something designed to stop a life. no matter how you try to spin it or at what month or what week it occurs a living creature is still being terminated.

Then find a solution to end the practice if you feel so strongly about it.

But in addition to being un-Constitutional, banning abortion is no ‘solution.’
RvW was unconstitutional, and abortion is murder. Not only that, but abortion clinics engage in human rights violations, not only against the babies they kill, but the women they maim and kill, every day.
Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?

And who exactly will disallow women to choose, by what authority?

Apparently the government, since both sides are ceding its fate to them. One side wants women to choose abortion, the other to choose not to. If it were really a choice, you'd think they would simply ignore what the government has to say on the subject, right? Regardless of what either side thinks.

Apparently women are choosing to let the government choose, instead of thinking for themselves.
life starts at conception. the argument a fetus couldn't survive on its own is meaningless. a newborn can't survive on its own. the redfinition of life is manmade in order to make abortion legal. to perform an abortion you have to perform an act that will terminate life. every abortion technique is something designed to stop a life. no matter how you try to spin it or at what month or what week it occurs a living creature is still being terminated.

Then find a solution to end the practice if you feel so strongly about it.

But in addition to being un-Constitutional, banning abortion is no ‘solution.’

Nor is encouraging it.
One third of eggs conceived do not cling to the uterine wall.

We don't throw funerals over used tampons.

Life began 4 billion years ago and is an ongoing process.
Speaking of tampons, and the fact that you're a weird lil' man, i'm quite sure you hang around womens bathrooms, in desperate hope of being able to secure used tampons that don't get flushed,...eh, ghoul?

And, an egg isn't human life, ya' dumbass.:cuckoo:

I want you to look at the words I put in BIG LETTERS so you could read them.

Your friend apparently DOES think fertilized eggs (aka zygotes) are human life.

So again, we need to make sure every tampon comes with a little coffin. Seems reasonable to me.

Ok lets examine this for a minute.....fertilized eggs is conception and starts life....but if they're on a tampon, it's usually just an egg in the menstral cycle....unless you like period sex.....if you do, that's all you bro......my wife gets a break around that time.

But people do agonize over miscarriages, or not in your family?
Uh...I promise you, my tampons contain exactly zero zygotes...and this is true with tampons everywhere.

No zygotes in tampons. Return to biology class.

Joe is a man. He cannot possibly know what a woman has to go through. (Oh wait, I think I heard that from a pro choice liberal once.)

Well, beside the nauseating excercisie of speculating what might be in KG's unmentionables. (There goes my dinner!) the point is, I don't try to tell a woman what to do with her lady parts.

It's none of my business.

And it's none of yours.

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