Abby Grossberg-highlighting the evil and backwardness of the far left and her supporters.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Here is a case where somebody was not touched physically or attacked in anyway. It’s a case where somebody this person Abby felt “uncomfortable” in the workplace. And she overheard uncomfortable comments or somebody told her somebody was saying something making others feel uncomfortable. You know many women are strong leaders many men are strong leaders when something verbally wrong occurs at the workplace or somebody feels verbally wronged… they need to speak up as a man or a woman about it that’s it , that’s what it’s all about. That’s what it means to be an adult.

And people on the left the BLM people, the pro Ukrainian the LGBT flag waving people all think that she deserves millions of dollars. These types of Americans who thinks that somebody deserve millions of dollars because their feelings were hurt at the workplace are insane and they are a threat to democracy. All the meanwhile hundreds of thousands of black Americans and white Americans are starving on the streets they are homeless they have nothing. They need our help not some big-time news producer like Abby ..

So to the far left Democrats and the Republicans supporters check yourself before you wreck yourself.
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Here is a case where somebody was not touched physically or attacked in anyway. It’s a case where somebody this person Abby felt “uncomfortable” in the workplace. And she overheard uncomfortable comments or somebody told her somebody was saying something making others feel uncomfortable. You know many women are strong leaders many men are strong leaders when something verbally wrong occurs at the workplace or somebody feels verbally wronged… they need to speak up as a man or a woman about it that’s it , that’s what it’s all about. That’s what it means to be an adult.

And people on the left the BLM people, the pro Ukrainian the LGBT flag waving people all think that she deserves millions of dollars. These types of Americans who thinks that somebody deserve millions of dollars because their feelings were hurt at the workplace are insane and they are a threat to democracy. All the meanwhile hundreds of thousands of black Americans and white Americans are starving on the streets they are homeless they have nothing. They need our help not some big-time news producer like Abby ..

So to the far left Democrats and the Republicans supporters check yourself before you wreck yourself.

Women are a particular pain point for you. You've gone on similar screeds in other threads, raging at women and sexual harassment allegations.

And you what does telling women that 'women are primitive and easy to understand' have to do with being a strong leader?
Remember how scared AOC got during the J6 riot at he Capitol, even though she was in another building 3-4 blocks away? To here her tell it, she was murdered 7 times and repeatedly gangraped by MAGA ruffians. She said a cop came into her office to check on her, but she was creeped out because the cop "had a mean look in his eyes". LOL!!!!

The leftist pigs live in an alternate universe. They are drama queens. Just take the term "stochastic terrorism" they throw around. No, it is no actual terrorism. But that is ok because the word "terrorism" is in there. How simple-minded and illogical these turds are.
Here is a case where somebody was not touched physically or attacked in anyway. It’s a case where somebody this person Abby felt “uncomfortable” in the workplace. And she overheard uncomfortable comments or somebody told her somebody was saying something making others feel uncomfortable. You know many women are strong leaders many men are strong leaders when something verbally wrong occurs at the workplace or somebody feels verbally wronged… they need to speak up as a man or a woman about it that’s it , that’s what it’s all about. That’s what it means to be an adult.

And people on the left the BLM people, the pro Ukrainian the LGBT flag waving people all think that she deserves millions of dollars. These types of Americans who thinks that somebody deserve millions of dollars because their feelings were hurt at the workplace are insane and they are a threat to democracy. All the meanwhile hundreds of thousands of black Americans and white Americans are starving on the streets they are homeless they have nothing. They need our help not some big-time news producer like Abby ..

So to the far left Democrats and the Republicans supporters check yourself before you wreck yourself.

Too late.

The wrecking has already begun.
Women are a particular pain point for you. You've gone on similar screeds in other threads, raging at women and sexual harassment allegations.

And you what does telling women that 'women are primitive and easy to understand' have to do with being a strong leader?
He's an INCEL. Most right wing loons are.
Here is a case where somebody was not touched physically or attacked in anyway. It’s a case where somebody this person Abby felt “uncomfortable” in the workplace. And she overheard uncomfortable comments or somebody told her somebody was saying something making others feel uncomfortable. You know many women are strong leaders many men are strong leaders when something verbally wrong occurs at the workplace or somebody feels verbally wronged… they need to speak up as a man or a woman about it that’s it , that’s what it’s all about. That’s what it means to be an adult.

And people on the left the BLM people, the pro Ukrainian the LGBT flag waving people all think that she deserves millions of dollars. These types of Americans who thinks that somebody deserve millions of dollars because their feelings were hurt at the workplace are insane and they are a threat to democracy. All the meanwhile hundreds of thousands of black Americans and white Americans are starving on the streets they are homeless they have nothing. They need our help not some big-time news producer like Abby ..

So to the far left Democrats and the Republicans supporters check yourself before you wreck yourself.

Take your own advice, Franklin. Not only does she deserve millions of dollars from Fox, she deserves a congressional medal of freedom for exposing the lies of Fox News.

Fox News is 24 hours of live hate speech and lies.
Here is a case where somebody was not touched physically or attacked in anyway. It’s a case where somebody this person Abby felt “uncomfortable” in the workplace. And she overheard uncomfortable comments or somebody told her somebody was saying something making others feel uncomfortable. You know many women are strong leaders many men are strong leaders when something verbally wrong occurs at the workplace or somebody feels verbally wronged… they need to speak up as a man or a woman about it that’s it , that’s what it’s all about. That’s what it means to be an adult.

And people on the left the BLM people, the pro Ukrainian the LGBT flag waving people all think that she deserves millions of dollars. These types of Americans who thinks that somebody deserve millions of dollars because their feelings were hurt at the workplace are insane and they are a threat to democracy. All the meanwhile hundreds of thousands of black Americans and white Americans are starving on the streets they are homeless they have nothing. They need our help not some big-time news producer like Abby ..

So to the far left Democrats and the Republicans supporters check yourself before you wreck yourself.

Yes, everyone goes to work to be harassed, insulted, threatened, and humiliated. People do feel uncomfortable around others who want them killed and wiped off the face of the earth.

There really is no limit to the depths you will sink to.
Here is a case where somebody was not touched physically or attacked in anyway. It’s a case where somebody this person Abby felt “uncomfortable” in the workplace. And she overheard uncomfortable comments or somebody told her somebody was saying something making others feel uncomfortable. You know many women are strong leaders many men are strong leaders when something verbally wrong occurs at the workplace or somebody feels verbally wronged… they need to speak up as a man or a woman about it that’s it , that’s what it’s all about. That’s what it means to be an adult.

And people on the left the BLM people, the pro Ukrainian the LGBT flag waving people all think that she deserves millions of dollars. These types of Americans who thinks that somebody deserve millions of dollars because their feelings were hurt at the workplace are insane and they are a threat to democracy. All the meanwhile hundreds of thousands of black Americans and white Americans are starving on the streets they are homeless they have nothing. They need our help not some big-time news producer like Abby ..

So to the far left Democrats and the Republicans supporters check yourself before you wreck yourself.

So the only way an employee can claim harm is to be physically assaulted, in your books????

Why do you attack and denigrate women who make claims of toxic male culture against your misogynistic and racist heroes and miscreants? The question isn't whether she deserves millions of dollars, the question is how much money should FOX have to pay out, in order to deter them from hiring people who abuse their co-workers?

FOX has already paid out over $100 million dollars to female on-air personalities for sexual harassment and toxic workplace claims. This is a pattern for all of the top talent and executives at FOX News.

You seem to think that abuse and rape of women is just fine.
Remember how scared AOC got during the J6 riot at he Capitol, even though she was in another building 3-4 blocks away? To here her tell it, she was murdered 7 times and repeatedly gangraped by MAGA ruffians. She said a cop came into her office to check on her, but she was creeped out because the cop "had a mean look in his eyes". LOL!!!!

The leftist pigs live in an alternate universe. They are drama queens. Just take the term "stochastic terrorism" they throw around. No, it is no actual terrorism. But that is ok because the word "terrorism" is in there. How simple-minded and illogical these turds are.

Yes I do remember how the attack triggered AOC's PTSD. As the mother of a rape survivor, my daughter also has similar panick attacks when threatened, and has even taken Marshall arts training to learn to protect herself, and overcome her anxiety.

Given that members of The Squad were clearly being targeted by the insurrectionists some of whom were wandering the halls calling her name, so I find your mocking her and her fears to be further evidence that you are little more than a boil on the backside of humanity.
"And people on the left ....... all think that she deserves millions of dollars."

Well, poster Franklin, I would respectfully demur.
Demur that it is 'people on the left' (your words, not mine) who think that.

In fact Fox Corp ....hardly 'lefties'.....well, they too thought she deserved millions. $12 million, in fact.

I don't mean to overdrive the nail, FDR, but......but you seem to be a the wrong side on this issue. Way wrong.

Maybe you may need to re-think your approach. That is, unless you think you are keener, smarter, and better informed on this matter than, say.......Fox News?

Do you?

Good luck.
Why should Abby Grossberg's opinion impact a political discussion? Maybe if posters quit shopping around for trolling opinions from people nobody ever heard of we could get some clean discussions about real topics that actually impact Americans.
Why should Abby Grossberg's opinion impact a political discussion? Maybe if posters quit shopping around for trolling opinions from people nobody ever heard of we could get some clean discussions about real topics that actually impact Americans.

Maybe if you used discussions like this as "teachable moments" and found out what we're talking about, you'd have a clue as to what is going on in the world. Because everyone else in this thread knew who she is.
Why should Abby Grossberg's opinion impact a political discussion? Maybe if posters quit shopping around for trolling opinions from people nobody ever heard of we could get some clean discussions about real topics that actually impact Americans.

The left leaning posters here are really not capable.
Yes I do remember how the attack triggered AOC's PTSD. As the mother of a rape survivor, my daughter also has similar panick attacks when threatened, and has even taken Marshall arts training to learn to protect herself, and overcome her anxiety.

Given that members of The Squad were clearly being targeted by the insurrectionists some of whom were wandering the halls calling her name, so I find your mocking her and her fears to be further evidence that you are little more than a boil on the backside of humanity.
Thank you for your comment. Believe it or not, I am actually going to pay you a compliment. See, I do not actually believe that you are as stupid as you pretend to be online. I even have my suspicions that you do not even believe the ridiculous nonsense you espouse to others on a regular basis. I know it is fun to act stupid and be snarky. Thanks to the advent of the internet you can now do this with little to no consequence.

A virtuous man, or woman, of honor knows that there are a number of things that must be collectively valued highly in order to maintain a civil society. These things consist of matters such as honesty, having a strong work ethic, being productive, and tolerance of diversity of opinions and ideas. Too many people today choose to live without virtue and a sense of honor. But it is our duty to seek a virtuous life if we are to effectively live in peace with one another. This requires, inter alia, education on a myriad of topics fueled by a natural curiosity and drive to better oneself and, therefore, society in general.

Such a heightened and enlightened consciousness cannot be found on the internet. Cyberspace is a dark, virtueless morass of social toxicity that is the antithesis to virtue. I acknowledge this, and I have some some time now. Therefore, I begrudge nobody their words and thoughts in the cyber world. I expect nothing from them. They are nothing, and they are of no consequence to me. Their value, if any, is what you choose it to be.

In order to stave off the inevitable nihilism associated with internet socializing, I choose to accept faith in the belief that nobody can really be as stupid and ignorant as you appear to be from the comments you publicly make. Most assuredly you are merely saying what you say in order to derive some sort of pleasure from a deviant fetish you harbor based on watching people respond to your bullshit.
Take your own advice, Franklin. Not only does she deserve millions of dollars from Fox, she deserves a congressional medal of freedom for exposing the lies of Fox News.

Fox News is 24 hours of live hate speech and lies.

Yes, everyone goes to work to be harassed, insulted, threatened, and humiliated. People do feel uncomfortable around others who want them killed and wiped off the face of the earth.

There really is no limit to the depths you will sink to.
Yeah! We just need one government approved news channel!
And no one cares.


Well clearly FOX News cares because they gave her $12 million. And then they fired Tucker Carlson the very next day.

You seem to falsely believe that everyone thinks like you do and then project that to "no one cares".

Thank you for admitting you are "no one".
Here is a case where somebody was not touched physically or attacked in anyway. It’s a case where somebody this person Abby felt “uncomfortable” in the workplace. And she overheard uncomfortable comments or somebody told her somebody was saying something making others feel uncomfortable. You know many women are strong leaders many men are strong leaders when something verbally wrong occurs at the workplace or somebody feels verbally wronged… they need to speak up as a man or a woman about it that’s it , that’s what it’s all about. That’s what it means to be an adult.

And people on the left the BLM people, the pro Ukrainian the LGBT flag waving people all think that she deserves millions of dollars. These types of Americans who thinks that somebody deserve millions of dollars because their feelings were hurt at the workplace are insane and they are a threat to democracy. All the meanwhile hundreds of thousands of black Americans and white Americans are starving on the streets they are homeless they have nothing. They need our help not some big-time news producer like Abby ..

So to the far left Democrats and the Republicans supporters check yourself before you wreck yourself.

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