A Toast To Alcohol!


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
Hard cider is my new favorite. It's got history!

I agree with you, but, I'll be honest, I haven't tried it yet! I will thought, it sounds good!
Which brand do you drink?
Hard cider is my new favorite. It's got history!

I agree with you, but, I'll be honest, I haven't tried it yet! I will thought, it sounds good!
Which brand do you drink?
Just saw the post, sorry. I've been buying it by the case from Costco so it's Angry Bird. I've had better stuff, meaning not quite as sweet. But there are many and I think it's regaining popularity. George Washington used to make it, John Adams had a bit every morning. I think the early country was built with hard cider.
I used to drink. It WAS more fun here when I did drink.......
I mean it's still fun, but, I made and ass of myself and didn't care and that was cool! ;)
I like alcohol but I don't like being drunk and out of control, and I don't like how it makes me feel later.

Oh there is no reason to even drink unless you can be out of control and do stupid stuff and not care!
Of course, I'm a childish, irresponsible brat so..... you might be a normal adult (?)

It really sucked that I couldn't control my drinking cause I was getting entirely wasted and NO HANGOVERS! Drank lots of water and had it all mapped out perfectly! Except for the fact that I was getting ready to lost my job and marriage, that kinda sucked....

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