A telling fact pertaining to HBCUs


You evidently don't know what you are talking about. Go lookup aptitude and try again. Someone fooled you and you fell for it. Its a test now used to mark people that don't measure up to what racist whites consider to be intelligence. Its origins were with trying to find white students to attend Ivy league schools.

HAHAHA. Translation, when you took the SAT you got 350 in every section. HAHAHA

Again i have defeated you.

Judging by your poor critical reading and writing skills, you likely scored the minimum 200 on those sections.
Thats whats wrong with society. Doing good on a test really only test short term memory. There are way too many successful people that dropped out high school, never attended college or dropped out of college that went on to become successful. You are an idiot if you think the test actually measures intelligence.

Life is an IQ test. the hundreds of decisions we have to make every day use our native intelligence, even if it has never been tested. smart people make faster, more accurate and just plain better choices and it shows in their outcomes. they live longer, make more money, have more prestige, and have fewer social pathologies on average than dull people.

That sounds good but life is not an IQ test. Smarter people don't make better or more accurate decisions. Smart simply means the ability to learn. Informed people that apply the information they have learned are the ones that are successful. You dont have to be smart to be informed and apply the information. You just have to be teachable and consistent.

Your statement doesn't make sense. Smart means, by definition, learning faster and being able to use previous knowledge to infer predictions in novel situations. I am not sure what you mean by 'consistent' but a smart person with the same level of consistency will outperform a dull person. Different character traits are not mutually exclusive and in fact positive traits are more commonly found in smart people. Intelligence is useful no matter what other personal traits are present.
Life is an IQ test. the hundreds of decisions we have to make every day use our native intelligence, even if it has never been tested. smart people make faster, more accurate and just plain better choices and it shows in their outcomes. they live longer, make more money, have more prestige, and have fewer social pathologies on average than dull people.

That sounds good but life is not an IQ test. Smarter people don't make better or more accurate decisions. Smart simply means the ability to learn. Informed people that apply the information they have learned are the ones that are successful. You dont have to be smart to be informed and apply the information. You just have to be teachable and consistent.

Your statement doesn't make sense. Smart means, by definition, learning faster and being able to use previous knowledge to infer predictions in novel situations. I am not sure what you mean by 'consistent' but a smart person with the same level of consistency will outperform a dull person. Different character traits are not mutually exclusive and in fact positive traits are more commonly found in smart people. Intelligence is useful no matter what other personal traits are present.

Smart has nothing to do with previous information. Its a synonym for intelligence which itself is a subjective term. Its the ability to learn. You cant measure that with a test because you don't know each person's motivation or interest Its all smoke and mirrors used to put a label on someone. If I don't think the test is going to do me any good whats my motivation for attempting to do well on it?

What I mean by consistent is the just that. The consistent application of learned knowledge. Yes intelligence under identical circumstances will maybe produce better results. Intelligence is a bonus but is hardly a guarantee for success. There are plenty of intelligent people that work for other people that are less intelligent than they are by popular definition of the term. This leads me to the question. Who is really more intelligent then?
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Smart has nothing to do with previous information. Its a synonym for intelligence which itself is a subjective term. Its the ability to learn. You cant measure that with a test because you don't know each person's motivation or interest Its all smoke and mirrors used to put a label on someone. If I don't think the test is going to do me any good whats my motivation for attempting to do well on it?

That's the standard liberal response when we discuss the dismal performance of blacks on standardized tests - all tests are bad. HAHAHA

Smart has nothing to do with previous information. Its a synonym for intelligence which itself is a subjective term. Its the ability to learn. You cant measure that with a test because you don't know each person's motivation or interest Its all smoke and mirrors used to put a label on someone. If I don't think the test is going to do me any good whats my motivation for attempting to do well on it?

That's the standard liberal response when we discuss the dismal performance of blacks on standardized tests - all tests are bad. HAHAHA

And that was the standard idiot response to being able to process information coherently. I know you are stupid so let me explain. Tests are not bad. However, they are not an indicator of how well someone will do. You can take and pass a test without actually understanding the information. Our schools teach us to memorize bullet points instead of really understanding concepts.

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