A Media Cider: Dianetics/Democrats


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a modernism vignette about a group of people finding themselves in the spotlight and simultaneously dealing with a glaring media-gambling scandal involving the Raiders (NFL) during the autumn harvest --- as Halloween approaches.

Some of the players are media-celebrities (e.g., Tom Cruise -- Minority Report; Ty Burrell -- Modern Family), while others are society critics (e.g., a pro-democracy Internet-blogger named Ali).

Does the media age mean we have to be vigilant or simply 'watchmen'? Will a ghost pop out of CNN or BBC (hehe)?

Cheers (signing off),



A group of Wiccans officially protested the Trump Administration's treatment of a serious media scandal involving the Oakland Raiders moving to the casino-resort city of Las Vegas (Nevada) based on a speculative gamble regarding the spiritual motivation of professional athletes in the modern era. The gamble (made by some NFL executives!) was that athletes would be more 'motivated' if they were relocated to areas more 'sensitized' to the entertainment industry (e.g., Vegas!). Actor and wrestler Dwayne Johnson (star of the HBO industry-series Ballers) filed a petition with the Trump Administration to provide a serious media counterpoint.


As the wildfire spread, Christian conservatives got in on the 'action' and started making statements like, "Why are Americans obsessed with 'lifestyle ethics-lazy' TV shows such as Modern Family?" prompting one actor from the show, Ty Burrell, to respond by making the nihilistic comment, "Maybe the Raiders moving to Vegas shows us that we all need a simple cup of cider --- spiked with real democracy-sarcasm!" First Lady Melania Trump mentioned that Modern Family offered mass audiences a 'glimpse' of the traffic-idealism that characterized American culture in the modern age of media and populism-oriented politics (e.g., The Jerry Springer Show).


Meanwhile the Wiccans continued in their protest, so an idealistic Internet-blogger and graffiti-artist named Ali (a Muslim-turned-Christian) decided to create a series of incendiary paintings and color-pencil drawings of his niece Ana surrounded by flames of fire in decorative fashion (as if Ana were an 'archangel') meant to signify a youthful perspective towards media conservatism and reactionary responses. Ali was a big fan of Modern Family, incidentally, and wrote to Ty Burrell, telling him, "Look at my Facebook collage of Ana and mention the populism-rhetoric it represents on your show, and people just might become more 'sensitive' about programs marketed to youngsters and the ethics-attitude of modern media," which prompted Burrell to add the following line in a script-line of one episode of Modern Family, "I once babysitted my friend's niece [Ana] whom I'm convinced is the false-prophet of the AntiChrist, since she kept challenging my notions about the Internet by continuing to ask me, 'Why don't you surf the Web like everyone in America does?'!"


Ironically, the net result of all this media-hoopla was that sales of HD TVs went through the roof, and during the 2017 holiday/shopping/harvest season (stretching from Halloween through New Year's). President Trump said in the press that Ana had raised the social consciousness of an entire generation preoccupied with media-related 'revelry' (i.e., Internet/Facebook). The Wiccan protest died down, and the Oakland Raiders ended up moving to Las Vegas, and Dwayne Johnson mentioned on Saturday Night Live that the NFL was becoming a harmless circus; then Dwayne threw a political party on his yacht! Ali and Burrell were there too (serving their homemade brew of cider spiked with cannabis-oil). It was a 'fine madness.' To cap it all off, Hollywood movie superstar Tom Cruise decided to sponsor a huge Dianetics conference at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas! Was this anarchy or democracy?




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