A Glimpse Into The Future....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "The United Kingdom ... is now slipping into a crisis of national purpose as serious as it passed through prior to the Thatcher years. By the late 1970s, Britain had an unruly industrial-relations climate, was lumbered by a vast and hemorrhagingly unprofitable public sector, had a 98% top personal-income-tax rate, and was in danger of becoming a silly and backward place.

2. Prime Minister Thatcher tamed the Labor unions, radically reduced taxes, privatized almost everything, gave the Argentinians a good thrashing over the Falklands (restoring democracy to Argentina in the process, though it hasn’t worked very well), and played a front-rank role, with Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II, in the Western victory in the Cold War.

a. Britain was restored to the place...as one of the world’s most respected nations.

3. Much, though not all, of this has been squandered by Margaret Thatcher’s successors. John Major kept most of her accomplishments in place and won a fourth straight full-term majority for the Conservatives (the first a party has had since before the first Reform Act of 1832, which expanded the electorate).

4. Then came Tony Blair and New Labor. Gradually, almost all taxes except those on individual and personal incomes were raised, and finally those were, too. The proceeds were poured into the public service, while, in a pattern familiar to Americans, standards of state education and public health care declined.

a. ...Labor was that, for the first time, it was reelected to consecutive full terms (three terms), before being rejected under Blair’s successor, the long-serving chancellor of the exchequer, Gordon Brown, in 2011.

5. Mrs. Thatcher thought better of that and placed all her bets on the American alliance with Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush. It worked, but it didn’t last. President Obama has no interest in the special relationship,..."
Britain’s Future Turns Dodgy After Years of Squandering Thatcher’s Legacy - The New York Sun

6. Reminder: Reagan was our Margaret Thatcher

[Reagan and Obama] have a lot in common. Both inherited an American economy in collapse. And both applied daring, expensive remedies.

Mr. Reagan passed the biggest tax cut ever, combined with an agenda of deregulation, monetary restraint and spending controls. Mr. Obama, of course, has given us a $1 trillion spending stimulus.

By the end of the summer of Reagan's third year in office, the economy was soaring. The GDP growth rate was 5% and racing toward 7%, even 8% growth. In 1983 and '84 output was growing so fast the biggest worry was that the economy would "overheat." In the summer of 2011 we have an economy limping along at barely 1% growth and by some indications headed toward a "double-dip" recession.

By the end of Reagan's first term, it was Morning in America. Today there is gloomy talk of America in its twilight. "
Stephen Moore: Obamanonics vs. Reaganomics - WSJ.com

7. "...outlines of President Obama’s economic policies were following in close detail exactly the opposite of President Reagan’s economic policies. As a result, I predicted that Obamanomics would have the opposite results of Reaganomics. That prediction seems to be on track.

These economic policies amounted to the most successful economic experiment in world history. The Reagan recovery started in official records in November 1982, and lasted 92 months without a recession until July 1990, when the tax increases of the 1990 budget deal killed it. This set a new record for the longest peacetime expansion ever, the previous high in peacetime being 58 months.

What is so striking about Obamanomics is how it so doggedly pursues the opposite of every one of these planks of Reaganomics. Instead of reducing tax rates, President Obama is committed to raising the top tax rates of virtually every major federal tax. As already enacted into current law, in 2013 the top two income tax rates will rise by nearly 20%, counting as well Obama’s proposed deduction phase-outs.

...the full results of Obamanomics won’t be in until his historic, comprehensive tax rate increases of 2013 become effective."
Reaganomics Vs. Obamanomics: Facts And Figures - Forbes

So....the gift to America from the Obama voters....
Look across the pond......and weep.

"...therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
it tolls for thee. . . ."
John Donne
1. "The United Kingdom ...


5. Mrs. Thatcher thought better of that and placed all her bets on the American alliance with Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush. It worked, but it didn’t last.

Not much lasted about Reagan except myth..

Reagan Legacy Project

Monday, Feb 2, 2009 03:28 AM PST
How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan
With the Gipper's reputation flagging after Clinton, neoconservatives launched a stealthy campaign to remake him as a "great" president.
By Will Bunch


Reagan: The Real Deal

Conservative Opposition - Hardline conservatives protest Gorbachev’s visit to Washington, and the signing of the treaty, in the strongest possible terms. When Reagan suggests that Gorbachev address a joint session of Congress, Congressional Republicans, led by House member Dick Cheney (R-WY—see 1983), rebel. Cheney says: “Addressing a joint meeting of Congress is a high honor, one of the highest honors we can accord anyone. Given the fact of continuing Soviet aggression in Afghanistan, Soviet repression in Eastern Europe, and Soviet actions in Africa and Central America, it is totally inappropriate to confer this honor upon Gorbachev. He is an adversary, not an ally.”

Conservative Paul Weyrich of the Free Congress Committee is more blunt in his assessment of the treaty agreement: “Reagan is a weakened president, weakened in spirit as well as in clout, and not in a position to make judgments about Gorbachev at this time.” Conservative pundit William F. Buckley calls the treaty a “suicide pact.”

Fellow conservative pundit George Will calls Reagan “wildly wrong” in his dealings with the Soviets. Conservatives gather to bemoan what they call “summit fever,” accusing Reagan of “appeasement” both of communists and of Congressional liberals, and protesting Reagan’s “cutting deals with the evil empire” (see March 8, 1983).

They mount a letter-writing campaign, generating some 300,000 letters, and launch a newspaper ad campaign that compares Reagan to former British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. (dante edit: SOUND FAMILIAR?)

Senators Jesse Helms (R-NC) and Steven Symms (R-ID) try to undercut the treaty by attempting to add amendments that would make the treaty untenable; Helms will lead a filibuster against the treaty as well.

Senate Ratification and a Presidential Rebuke - All the protests from hardline opponents of the treaty come to naught. When the Senate votes to ratify the treaty, Reagan says of his conservative opposition, “I think that some of the people who are objecting the most and just refusing even to accede to the idea of ever getting an understanding, whether they realize it or not, those people, basically, down in their deepest thoughts, have accepted that war is inevitable and that there must come to be a war between the superpowers.” [Scoblic, 2008, pp. 142-145]

Entity Tags: Ronald Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev, Jesse Helms, George Will, Free Congress Committee, Neville Chamberlain, Steven Symms, Paul Weyrich, William F. Buckley, Richard (“Dick”) Cheney

Timeline Tags: US International Relations
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the republicans have crashed the world economy twice in one lifetime.

austerity has not worked very well in europe.

The right just clings to their historically failed ideas in the face of facts that prove them failed ideas
the republicans have crashed the world economy twice in one lifetime.

austerity has not worked very well in europe.

The right just clings to their historically failed ideas in the face of facts that prove them failed ideas

An Democrats have crashed the economy 36x in a lifetime, prove me wrong!!!! The main difference is the Dems did it with proven ideas that are well known to cause mass poverty and depressions.

TM, the great education pushing liberal with no education worth mentioning. The great wanabe job creating liberal who's actual job is to collect rent checks off homes other people bought with their money, not her's.
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the republicans have crashed the world economy twice in one lifetime.

austerity has not worked very well in europe.

The right just clings to their historically failed ideas in the face of facts that prove them failed ideas

"...the republicans have crashed the world economy..."

Nah....it was the Democrat policies......

1. Democrat FDR shredded the Constitution....ignoring article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.
He created GSE's Fannie and Freddie to do something the Constitution didn't authorize: meddle in housing.

2. Democrat Carter....the CRA, constraining banking policy

3. Democrat Clinton....strengthened the CRA
Under Clinton, HUD threatened banks, again, to give unrequited loans.
Henchmen: Democrats Cisneros and Cuomo.

4. Democrats Frank and Dodd barred any governmental discipline in this area.

That's the CliffNotes version.
I don't believe you can handle the details.
1. "The United Kingdom ...


5. Mrs. Thatcher thought better of that and placed all her bets on the American alliance with Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush. It worked, but it didn’t last.

Not much lasted about Reagan except myth..
Reagan Legacy Project

Monday, Feb 2, 2009 03:28 AM PST
How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan
With the Gipper's reputation flagging after Clinton, neoconservatives launched a stealthy campaign to remake him as a "great" president.
By Will Bunch


Reagan: The Real Deal

Conservative Opposition - Hardline conservatives protest Gorbachev’s visit to Washington, and the signing of the treaty, in the strongest possible terms. When Reagan suggests that Gorbachev address a joint session of Congress, Congressional Republicans, led by House member Dick Cheney (R-WY—see 1983), rebel. Cheney says: “Addressing a joint meeting of Congress is a high honor, one of the highest honors we can accord anyone. Given the fact of continuing Soviet aggression in Afghanistan, Soviet repression in Eastern Europe, and Soviet actions in Africa and Central America, it is totally inappropriate to confer this honor upon Gorbachev. He is an adversary, not an ally.”

Conservative Paul Weyrich of the Free Congress Committee is more blunt in his assessment of the treaty agreement: “Reagan is a weakened president, weakened in spirit as well as in clout, and not in a position to make judgments about Gorbachev at this time.” Conservative pundit William F. Buckley calls the treaty a “suicide pact.”

Fellow conservative pundit George Will calls Reagan “wildly wrong” in his dealings with the Soviets. Conservatives gather to bemoan what they call “summit fever,” accusing Reagan of “appeasement” both of communists and of Congressional liberals, and protesting Reagan’s “cutting deals with the evil empire” (see March 8, 1983).

They mount a letter-writing campaign, generating some 300,000 letters, and launch a newspaper ad campaign that compares Reagan to former British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. (dante edit: SOUND FAMILIAR?)

Senators Jesse Helms (R-NC) and Steven Symms (R-ID) try to undercut the treaty by attempting to add amendments that would make the treaty untenable; Helms will lead a filibuster against the treaty as well.

Senate Ratification and a Presidential Rebuke - All the protests from hardline opponents of the treaty come to naught. When the Senate votes to ratify the treaty, Reagan says of his conservative opposition, “I think that some of the people who are objecting the most and just refusing even to accede to the idea of ever getting an understanding, whether they realize it or not, those people, basically, down in their deepest thoughts, have accepted that war is inevitable and that there must come to be a war between the superpowers.” [Scoblic, 2008, pp. 142-145]

Entity Tags: Ronald Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev, Jesse Helms, George Will, Free Congress Committee, Neville Chamberlain, Steven Symms, Paul Weyrich, William F. Buckley, Richard (“Dick”) Cheney

Timeline Tags: US International Relations
Wow, almost forgot about that
Bush's problem was that he wasn't very smart. And he had been indoctrinated into believe that GOP policies actually work. He implemented those policies and they destroyed the economy and nearly brought down the entire country.
Bush's problem was that he wasn't very smart. And he had been indoctrinated into believe that GOP policies actually work. He implemented those policies and they destroyed the economy and nearly brought down the entire country.

Dear, Fed Fanny Fred were not Bush policies that caused housing crisis, they we liberal policies. Too slow for words!!
In the long term, a few corporations will run everything, governments will be nothing more than regional administration branches of a corporation, and the environment will be toxic over most of the Earth's surface. On the bright side, at least people won't be eating Soylent Green - on account of well-managed population control and the need for cannon fodder for corporate private armies.
In the long term, a few corporations will run everything,.

Of course thats too stupid for words and perfectly liberal given capitalist competition and anti trust laws!!

Lets hold our breath waiting for a goof ass liberal tying to justify what he wrote!!
In the long term, a few corporations will run everything,.

Of course thats too stupid for words and perfectly liberal given capitalist competition and anti trust laws!!

Lets hold our breath waiting for a goof ass liberal tying to justify what he wrote!!
You are silly believing that the economic status quo is a constant, if anything corporations have become interconnected and do more so every day with economic globalization. Anti trust laws are only a short term obstacle, when you are talking decades or a century. In fact a corporatist world would have its positives as well as negatives, for instance it would be largely apathetic about social issues, but take a hard line to law and order.
In the long term, a few corporations will run everything,.

Of course thats too stupid for words and perfectly liberal given capitalist competition and anti trust laws!!

Lets hold our breath waiting for a goof ass liberal tying to justify what he wrote!!
You are silly believing that the economic status quo is a constant, if anything corporations have become interconnected and do more so every day with economic globalization. Anti trust laws are only a short term obstacle, when you are talking decades or a century. In fact a corporatist world would have its positives as well as negatives, for instance it would be largely apathetic about social issues, but take a hard line to law and order.

dear you said a few corporations will run things when China just added 40 million new corporations to the worlds economy. See why we are 100% positive that liberalism is based in 100% pure ignorance. Congratulations on your perfect liberal ignorance and don't mind at all that if you had been born in Germany, USSR or Red China you would have supported Hitler Stalin or Mao respectively.
In the long term, a few corporations will run everything,.

Of course thats too stupid for words and perfectly liberal given capitalist competition and anti trust laws!!

Lets hold our breath waiting for a goof ass liberal tying to justify what he wrote!!
You are silly believing that the economic status quo is a constant, if anything corporations have become interconnected and do more so every day with economic globalization. Anti trust laws are only a short term obstacle, when you are talking decades or a century. In fact a corporatist world would have its positives as well as negatives, for instance it would be largely apathetic about social issues, but take a hard line to law and order.

dear you said a few corporations will run things when China just added 40 million new corporations to the worlds economy. See why we are 100% positive that liberalism is based in 100% pure ignorance. Congratulations on your perfect liberal ignorance and don't mind at all that if you had been born in Germany, USSR or Red China you would have supported Hitler Stalin or Mao respectively.
Was reading a bit into a study today made back in 2012, which was pointing out the growing connectivity of the corporate world. I didn't say governments would not exist, but that they would be 'nothing more than regional administration branches of a corporation'.

Curious how you think you even know what I support. Classic logical fallacy though to equate someone with Hitler, when you have nothing else to argue. If I was in Nazi Germany, I would have been killed off - as not only am I an atheist and an individualist, but bisexual too. If I was born in the USSR during Stalin's time, I would have been sent to Siberia or killed off for being against the authoritarian nature of the government. If I was born in China during Mao's time, I would have been killed off for being part of the bourgeois classes.
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I didn't say governments would not exist, but that they would be 'nothing more than regional administration branches of a corporation'.

lying liberal fool said a few corporations would run things when China alone just added 40 million corporations!!

Is 40 million a few, liberal?
I didn't say governments would not exist, but that they would be 'nothing more than regional administration branches of a corporation'.

lying liberal fool said a few corporations would run things when China alone just added 40 million corporations!!

Is 40 million a few, liberal?
Yawn. China is a corporatist hell hole, it stopped being 'communist' economically in the 1970s. Those corporations you describe were created by party officials and their families, after they were privatized into the hands of those officials and families. China is like Russia, in the respect that a wealthy elite run the show, and the government and the corporations are one and the same.
I didn't say governments would not exist, but that they would be 'nothing more than regional administration branches of a corporation'.

lying liberal fool said a few corporations would run things when China alone just added 40 million corporations!!

Is 40 million a few, liberal?
Yawn. China is a corporatist hell hole, it stopped being 'communist' economically in the 1970s. Those corporations you describe were created by party officials and their families, after they were privatized into the hands of those officials and families. China is like Russia, in the respect that a wealthy elite run the show, and the government and the corporations are one and the same.

lying liberal fool said a few corporations would run things when China alone just added 40 million corporations!!

Is 40 million a few, liberal?

dear, if your retract your lie we can resume your education!! Show a little character!!
I didn't say governments would not exist, but that they would be 'nothing more than regional administration branches of a corporation'.

lying liberal fool said a few corporations would run things when China alone just added 40 million corporations!!

Is 40 million a few, liberal?
Yawn. China is a corporatist hell hole, it stopped being 'communist' economically in the 1970s. Those corporations you describe were created by party officials and their families, after they were privatized into the hands of those officials and families. China is like Russia, in the respect that a wealthy elite run the show, and the government and the corporations are one and the same.

lying liberal fool said a few corporations would run things when China alone just added 40 million corporations!!

Is 40 million a few, liberal?

dear, if your retract your lie we can resume your education!! Show a little character!!
Repeating the same crap, won't phase me. Especially since you have pulled a Godwin once in this thread, making you hell of a lot less credible.

Calling people liars when they believe they are telling the truth, or fools when they aren't in the dark, doesn't make sense.

Here are some words you could call me instead: misguided, naive, confused, brainwashed, and so on. Not that I am any of those things, but they make more sense than the insults so far.
I didn't say governments would not exist, but that they would be 'nothing more than regional administration branches of a corporation'.

lying liberal fool said a few corporations would run things when China alone just added 40 million corporations!!

Is 40 million a few, liberal?
Yawn. China is a corporatist hell hole, it stopped being 'communist' economically in the 1970s. Those corporations you describe were created by party officials and their families, after they were privatized into the hands of those officials and families. China is like Russia, in the respect that a wealthy elite run the show, and the government and the corporations are one and the same.

lying liberal fool said a few corporations would run things when China alone just added 40 million corporations!!

Is 40 million a few, liberal?

dear, if your retract your lie we can resume your education!! Show a little character!!
You are exciteable. Is there a mod around to move this or you to the flame zone?

Ey, check with Forest Pharmaceuticals and see how the orescription drug mergers are coming along.

Oh, and remember the thread about the Chinese road and taxes to pay for it?
I didn't say governments would not exist, but that they would be 'nothing more than regional administration branches of a corporation'.

lying liberal fool said a few corporations would run things when China alone just added 40 million corporations!!

Is 40 million a few, liberal?
Yawn. China is a corporatist hell hole, it stopped being 'communist' economically in the 1970s. Those corporations you describe were created by party officials and their families, after they were privatized into the hands of those officials and families. China is like Russia, in the respect that a wealthy elite run the show, and the government and the corporations are one and the same.

lying liberal fool said a few corporations would run things when China alone just added 40 million corporations!!

Is 40 million a few, liberal?

dear, if your retract your lie we can resume your education!! Show a little character!!
Repeating the same crap, won't phase me. Especially since you have pulled a Godwin once in this thread, making you hell of a lot less credible.

Calling people liars when they believe they are telling the truth, or fools when they aren't in the dark, doesn't make sense.

Here are some words you could call me instead: misguided, naive, confused, brainwashed, and so on. Not that I am any of those things, but they make more sense than the insults so far.

lying liberal fool said a few corporations would run things when China alone just added 40 million corporations!! Does 40 million and growing in just China alone mean we're heading for a few? You ought to think about which marxist parrots are working on you so you'll say such obviously stupid things! Sad isn't it?
I didn't say governments would not exist, but that they would be 'nothing more than regional administration branches of a corporation'.

lying liberal fool said a few corporations would run things when China alone just added 40 million corporations!!

Is 40 million a few, liberal?
Yawn. China is a corporatist hell hole, it stopped being 'communist' economically in the 1970s. Those corporations you describe were created by party officials and their families, after they were privatized into the hands of those officials and families. China is like Russia, in the respect that a wealthy elite run the show, and the government and the corporations are one and the same.

lying liberal fool said a few corporations would run things when China alone just added 40 million corporations!!

Is 40 million a few, liberal?

dear, if your retract your lie we can resume your education!! Show a little character!!
Repeating the same crap, won't phase me. Especially since you have pulled a Godwin once in this thread, making you hell of a lot less credible.

Calling people liars when they believe they are telling the truth, or fools when they aren't in the dark, doesn't make sense.

Here are some words you could call me instead: misguided, naive, confused, brainwashed, and so on. Not that I am any of those things, but they make more sense than the insults so far.

lying liberal fool said a few corporations would run things when China alone just added 40 million corporations!! Does 40 million and growing in just China alone mean we're heading for a few? You ought to think about which marxist parrots are working on you so you'll say such obviously stupid things! Sad isn't it?

Ok....big government program China is a great example of ideals.

So anyways. What is the trend in the Pharma world? Forrest still exist? Activas buy them? They getting bought up?

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