A Geoengineering Warning


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
A Geoengineering Warning
As a range of climate change mitigation scenarios are discussed, University of Washington researchers have found that the injection of sulfate particles into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight and curb the effects of global warming could pose a severe threat if not maintained indefinitely and supported by strict reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

The new study, published on February 18, in IOP Publishing's journal Environmental Research Letters, has highlighted the risks of large and spatially expansive temperature increases if solar radiation management (SRM) is abruptly stopped once it has been implemented.

SRM is a proposed method of geoengineering whereby tiny sulfate-based aerosols are released into the upper atmosphere to reflect sunlight and cool the planet. The technique has been shown to be economically and technically feasible; however, its efficacy depends on its continued maintenance, without interruption from technical faults, global cooperation breakdown or funding running dry.

According to the study, global temperature increases could more than double if SRM is implemented for a multi-decadal period of time and then suddenly stopped, in relation to the temperature increases expected if SRM was not implemented at all.

The researchers used a global climate model to show that if an extreme emissions pathway—RCP8.5—is followed up until 2035, allowing temperatures to rise 1°C above the 1970–1999 mean, and then SRM is implemented for 25 years and suddenly stopped, global temperatures could increase by 4°C in the following decades.

A Geoengineering Warning

After the 1991 volcano this is what I believe occurred.
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Were China and India to suddenly clean up their dirty coal generation plants, I think we would see a measureable increase in temperature from that alone.
Were China and India to suddenly clean up their dirty coal generation plants, I think we would see a measureable increase in temperature from that alone.

By "clean up", I assume you mean "clean up sulfate aerosols". A reduction in CO2 and soot emissions would work in the opposite direction.
Were China and India to suddenly clean up their dirty coal generation plants, I think we would see a measureable increase in temperature from that alone.

Instead, the onus falls upon the United States "clean up" (at a cost of billions of dollars and millions of jobs) because...

That is not what he was saying at all. Did you bother to read the OP?
THIS is a geoengineering warning >>>


Of course, I guess this could be regular commercial airline traffic:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: >>>

See this kind of shit all the time over Long Island in the last several years.......never as a kid or through my 20's and 30's.

Perhaps many board members in here hail from places like Scratchmyassville USA or Irrelevantstown USA...........never see this stuff.
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Trying to engineer the climate is a fools mission. Trying to engineer any system that you don't understand is the work of abject idiots... Trial and error when your life depends on it...how much more stupid can you get? In the 70's wackos were talking about scattering black soot on the arctic to melt the ice...now they become more terrified with every ice crystal that melts.

How is it possible to maintain that constant level of hysterical fear?
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Trying to engineer the climate is a fools mission. Trying to engineer any system that you don't understand is the work of abject idiots... Trial and error when your life depends on it...how much more stupid can you get? In the 70's wackos were talking about scattering black soot on the arctic to melt the ice...now they become more terrified with every ice crystal that melts.

It is.....to a sane person.

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