A challenging scripture about love

This thread reminds me a nuts neighbor of mine. She and her boyfriend were always in drugs. Him, walking as a straight mummy carrying his electric guitar all the time, he never learned how to played it, but he made lots of noise with it.

Their apartment was infested with roaches, and the landlord toll them to clean up such infestation because the neighbors were making complaints, those insects were going to the other apartments as well.

She said those roaches were her pets.

But the story doesn't end here. The landlord and neighbors met together and called the city inspector, because she never let the exterminator to enter her place.

She asked them to wait until the day gets dark. When the sun was setting, she allowed them to get inside her apartment. In the middle of the darkness hundreds of luminous points were moving on walls, ceiling and floor.

She put a drop of fluorescent paint on the roaches back.

Complaints still were made, but the inspector laughing said: ... yes, but she has a point... that scenario was incredible...

Tell me animal lover, what you will do with those pests in your house? Will be adopted as pets as well? Be honest. Have you ever killed a fly in your life?

I'm sorry, but that's one of the dumbest posts I've read all year. I mean, you must reeeeally hate veganism to even come up with such a ridiculous and hateful post. But if that's all you've got, then I think that says a lot, in and of itself. Thanks for playing! :itsok:
I'm sorry, but that's one of the dumbest posts I've read all year. I mean, you must reeeeally hate veganism to even come up with such a ridiculous and hateful post. But if that's all you've got, then I think that says a lot, in and of itself. Thanks for playing! :itsok:

Look, if you were born and rose up eating everything, including meat, but later when you became a mature person you decided to become a vegan person, you will cause damage to your body instead of benefit.

Only the ones who always were vegans, they can maintain their diet as such.

You see, when you ate vegan diet your whole life, you body will find out how to assimilate the food in order to supply your body with enough energy. Same as well when you eat solely meats 90% plus of the time, like Eskimos.

But, if you change your non vegan only diet and you are an adult, your body will take long to make adjustments. However it won't fulfill properly the supply of energy because it is like a car which was using 92 octanes gasoline and you lowered it to 87 octanes.

It is known that when you do that kind of change with your car, the engine will start to make noises and will deteriorate.

A neighbor of mine, I just saw her today, she became a vegan like you, and for years she was OK. But, recently she started to have problems with her health, and the doctors told her she must start eating fish and chicken, because vegan diet is not supplying her the necessary proteins and nutrients. She is tall and have huge legs, not fat at all, but eventually her vegan diet caused her problems.

Years ago, in every party at my house, she was the only one having salad only, the rest of us having delicious rib eye steaks, salad, drinks...

Do not advice to others what you don't know.

Do not cause others to risk their health.

And again, if you weren't vegan since childhood, then forget it, you are damaging your body instead of becoming more close to God.
Look, if you were born and rose up eating everything, including meat, but later when you became a mature person you decided to become a vegan person, you will cause damage to your body instead of benefit.
Only the ones who always were vegans, they can maintain their diet as such.
You see, when you ate vegan diet your whole life, you body will find out how to assimilate the food in order to supply your body with enough energy. Same as well when you eat solely meats 90% plus of the time, like Eskimos.

But, if you change your non vegan only diet and you are an adult, your body will take long to make adjustments.
A neighbor of mine, I just saw her today, she became a vegan like you, and for years she was OK. But, recently she started to have problems with her health, and the doctors told her she must start eating fish and chicken, because vegan diet is not supplying her the necessary proteins and nutrients. She is tall and have huge legs, not fat at all, but eventually her vegan diet caused her problems.
Years ago, in every party at my house, she was the only one having salad only, the rest of us having delicious rib eye steaks, salad, drinks.

And again, if you weren't vegan since childhood, then forget it, you are damaging your body instead of becoming more close to God.

There is no study or science behind this ridiculous conclusion, that flies against studies showing otherwise. Isolated accounts of "vegans" about whom you do not know all about what they were really eating does not show otherwise. If you only leave salad as her option when you have her over while you and your friends feast, you were not helping her health at all. No one, vegans or otherwise, will do well just having salads, and that was deprivation. Obviously a good variety, with real meals, is essential for healthy eating. Done right, with being sure to get essential vitamins, supplementing if necessary, having only plant-based food and no processed foods is the very healthiest and avoids real health problems. Many studies show this and it is conclusive, though food industries keep the information suppressed and their commercials on air time to not get any other information airing to contest them. This text from Forks Over Knives is authored by doctors who have the studies that show this, along with their results of saving lives of their patients:

Americans are sick, tired, and over-medicated. Every fifty-three seconds someone in the United States dies of heart disease, which, as the nation's number one killer, claims about 600,000 lives per year. Cancer, now the second leading cause of death, takes the lives of more than 1500 people per day. Meanwhile, nearly 10 percent of the population has diabetes; and our children are getting sicker, as indicated by the startling fact that obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the past thirty years. We have turned to the medical system for help, and it has delivered medication in a big way: Nearly 70 percent of Americans are on at least one prescription drug, more than 50 percent take two, and 20 percent are on five or more prescription drugs. Despite the billions of dollars being spent on pharmaceuticals, the needle almost never moves downward on the rates of chronic disease, and the people still feel lousy and sick.

Health statistics aren't just about numbers on a page or data on a statistician's ledger. These are our mothers, fathers, siblings, and children. These are our friends. The health crisis is taking a real toll on our daily lives, profoundly affecting the personal happiness and productivity of millions of us every single day.

There is good news, though. Research is revealing with greater certainty that we understand the main cause of this epidemic: an American diet that derives more than 90 percent of what we eat from animal-based and processed foods. Understanding the cause means there's hope! The research tells us that if we change to an entirely different way of eating, we can dramatically alter our health destiny.

Modern pioneers like T. Colin Cambell, PhD; Caldwell Esselstyn, MD; Dean Ornish, MD; John McDougall, MD; Neal Barnard, MD; and others are leading the charge. Thanks to these doctors and researchers, along with an emerging body of scientific evidence from all corners, we now know that a whole-food, plant-based diet is more powerful at preventing and treating chronic diseases than any medication or procedure. We are so convinced by the evidence that we believe if this diet came in a pill, it would be heralded on the front pages of newspapers and magazines around the world for its effectiveness.

There is a movement under way as hundreds of thousands of people, if not more, are trying the whole-food, plant-based lifestyle for themselves and finding great success. We have personally seen remarkable results in our own medical practice, not to mention experienced it in our own lives. Here are just a few of the significant life-changing results you may expect:

Prevent and reverse the leading chronic ailments. A whole-food, plant-based diet can prevent, halt, and even reverse heart disease and diabetes. Other diseases that are also positively impacted by this type of diet include: high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, and overall mortality. Cancer is also significantly affected by this diet. In fact, the foods that make up this diet are the exact same foods that were recommended in the first "surviving cancer" dietary recommendations. There is also evidence that a plant-based diet may reduce the risk of diverticular disease, gallstones, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and kidney disease. Furthermore, after switching to a plant-based diet, people routinely report experiencing or seeing in others improvements in a range of ailments, including osteoporosis, arthritis, headaches, acne, asthma, sexual dysfunction, reflux, lupus, inflammatory bowel disease, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, dementia, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, infertility, insomnia, and sleep apnea. They even find themselves experiencing fewer or less intense colds, viruses, and allergies.

Reach your ideal weight. Our friend Doug Lisle likes to point out that humans and their domesticated pets are the only earthly creatures that suffer from being overweight and obese ... in spite of the fact that we're also the only creatures who practice portion control! Why is this the case? It's simple. All the other animals on earth are eating foods that are appropriate for their species. If we also eat foods that are appropriate for our species -- whole, plant-based foods -- then we, too, will be able to eat without portion control and will naturally reach a comfortable weight.

Improve mental clarity Eating a whole-food, plant-based diet improves cognitive function and protects against dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Most people experience greater clarity of thought, improved ability to concentrate, and better memory.

Experience only positive effects, not "side effects". Perhaps you would choose to transition to a plant-based diet to reverse heart disease or reduce your diabetes medications, but now you could see that you would welcome into your life an abundance of positive effects. These can include better mood, sounder sleep, improved bowel function, and more vibrant skin. You will have more energy to do the things you love, like playing with your children or grandchildren, biking, gardening, walking, swimming. You may even want to exercise more. By contrast, as we'll discuss more, medical procedures and medications can have all sorts of major unintended negative consequences.

Have a sense of well-being and empowerment. You are in control of your health. You do not have to settle for compromised health or believe that you are destined to succumb to chronic disease. You can live with less fear that a heart attack can happen at any time or that you will be struck by the same chronic ailment from which other members of your family have suffered.

Save time and money. Whether you have health insurance or not, you will likely have to pay out of pocket for at least some of your health care expenses if you are sick. Fewer trips to the doctor and fewer procedures and pills equal more time and money you can spend in other areas of your life.

The Forks Over Knives Plan, pages 15-18

See the forksoverknives com site for effective ways to transition to really healthy eating. I can't show the link, being a new member in this forum site, but you can certainly look it up.

We are not Eskimos, who live where there is no choice but to use animals caught from the sea for their food. But we live where we can have a healthier way of eating. It is not truth at all that it is not healthy to change to this, nothing shows that. But this is the way, not having too little variety, or not bothering with having the needed vitamins, or still eating processed foods instead.

This way would certainly be corresponding to the design for us shown in the beginning in God's creation, that we would see in the Bible. The healthiest way we have is what God provided us with from the beginning. After the fall, people still lived the longest then, before having any meat was ever permitted, which happened after the global flood when God destroyed the world of wicked humanity, and there was not adequate edible vegetation growing then. That could not have been meant to last, visions of what is to come show there will be no killing or death of animals in the restoral that God promises is coming.
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The slaughter of animals being argued for is shown in this, which I cannot agree is justified, while having animal products is not in the design for us shown in the beginning, is not as healthy for us, and is not better for this limited world with us in it.

Humane Slaughter Simply a Myth

By Jenny Moxham
Geelong Advertiser

REPORT: The slaughter of a pig outside the Geelong livestock market last week brought forth a barrage of comments from Advertiser readers.

Miss X wrote: ‘‘I think this is terrible. I don’t have a problem with humane slaughter of an animal, but in the middle of all the people in such a terrible and inhumane fashion — what kind of animals are these people?’’

Non Meat Eater for This Reason wrote: ‘‘This is what animals have to go through all the time for you to be able to eat them. Tragic yes but maybe also a bit of a wake-up call for all those meat eaters out there.’’

Non Meat Eater was totally correct, of course. Every day of the year countless numbers of pigs and other animals are routinely subjected to a death that is every bit as cruel and traumatic as the death endured by this poor animal.

The ‘‘humane slaughter’’ to which Miss X refers is simply a myth.

Undercover footage, and reports from those who have visited abattoirs, clearly reveal that death in these killing factories is horrendous for the animals.

Animal rights campaigner Patty Mark says she will never forget her first visit to an abattoir: ‘‘The cows were in the stun box, their bodies contorted in desperate attempts at freedom, eyes wild with panic, their mouths frothing. I have never seen such fear.’’

She said: ‘‘ Pigs scream the loudest and fight the hardest to escape the knife.’’ She once witnessed the repeated stunning of a pig that caused smoke to pour from his brain and ears, and blood and mucous to fly from his snout.

Undercover video footage taken in a NSW abattoir, showed pigs being transported on a conveyor belt then dropped into drums of scalding water. Many were still conscious when they entered the tank. Some sought to escape by leaping to the floor — a metre or so below, only to be bludgeoned to death by workers.

Slaughterhouse brutality is widespread and worldwide.

Recent undercover footage taken in UK slaughterhouses by Animal Aid showed animals being kicked, punched, goaded and dragged into the stun room. Almost all pigs at one abattoir were improperly stunned the first time, suffering electric shocks severe enough to floor them but not powerful enough to render them unconscious.

In an article in Saturday’s Advertiser entitled, ‘‘How could they?’’ Darryn Lyons wrote: ‘‘I am absolutely appalled at what some people do to animals ... I just can’t believe the cruelty they inflict on these poor creatures.’’

I feel exactly the same way. But it’s not just the intermittent cases of animal cruelty that apall me. It is the systematic cruelty to animals that takes place every single day inside our farms and slaughterhouses.

Every year, around the world, a staggering 58 billion land animals are brutally — and needlessly slaughtered for their flesh, milk and eggs.

The sheer volume of suffering endured by these animals surely makes the suffering of the other animal abuse victims pale into insignificance.

Clearly, if we want to eliminate animal cruelty, the most effective thing we can do is to eliminate animal products from our diet.
The Bible shows itself with many evidences over other things as being the special revelation from God. And it shows that humans, man and woman, were created on the sixth day of creation, and they were provided the perfect environment for them, according to the perfect design without flaws, reflecting the Creator, without any killing animals needed for anything for food, with just the great variety possible from the growing vegetation in the perfect environment for humanity and the other creatures living with them, the model for how it is best to live, as what the redeemed who repent and are restored to God through Christ will find in heaven in blissful relationship with God forever then.

That was the perfect design from God for us, it is without anything from animals, from the beginning. And studies in modern times show the healthiest way includes not having any animal products, along with no processed foods, consistent with what God was providing for us. How could those saying God didn't mean that for us be right?

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