Doctors are quitting? Too much interference from the medical insurance industry?


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
Doctors are quitting? Too much interference from the medical insurance industry?

Who should be treating the patient? The doctors or the medical insurance industry? Has the bottom line become too important?

While I agree this is a real problem I simply don't believe "doctors are quitting". No one is going to go to school all those years, put in all those hours as an intern and then say "screw it", I'm going to go be something else.
Just read that in Idaho ... doctors are leaving (not quitting)... they'll go to State prison if they follow Federal laws ... but then to Federal prison if they follow State laws ...

What happens when the State Legislature is treating patients instead of doctors or health insurance companies ... do you want your life to depend on medical science or local political ideology? ...
While I agree this is a real problem I simply don't believe "doctors are quitting". No one is going to go to school all those years, put in all those hours as an intern and then say "screw it", I'm going to go be something else.
A lot of doctors retired rather than deal with the new regulations that started under Obamacare.
I had a new doctor every year because of it.
Now most of the doctors are either born in another country or were born here but have parents from foreign countries.
I can't count how many Patels there are in Clarksville practicing medicine.
A lot of doctors retired rather than deal with the new regulations that started under Obamacare.
I had a new doctor every year because of it.
Now most of the doctors are either born in another country or were born here but have parents from foreign countries.
I can't count how many Patels there are in Clarksville practicing medicine.

Doctors retire. Always have, always will. Boomers are reaching or have passed that age.
Lawyers kill countries. Every DEMoRAT is a FAILED Lawyer. Therefore DEMOCRATS kill Countries. They destroy every single thing in America that they focus on. GOP sit and watch.
Doctors retire. Always have, always will. Boomers are reaching or have passed that age.
There was a noticeable acceleration of retirements starting about 15 years ago because doctors were getting hammered by new regulations and cutbacks.
Obama claimed that we could keep our doctors, but we found out we couldn't keep our doctors because our insurance providers didn't allow us to keep our doctors, saying they no-longer accepted my insurance.

Over 69% of all health care workers were totally burnt out because of COVID and 20% decided to quit and get into some other field.
Most of the problem was with massive increases in paperwork and hassles with insurance companies unwilling to pay. Medicare refused to pay up to 25% of doctors fees, which caused doctors to have to drop Medicare patients.

Many of them were stressed out because of mask wearing and the constant fear of contracting COVID.
There was a noticeable acceleration of retirements starting about 15 years ago because doctors were getting hammered by new regulations and cutbacks.
Obama claimed that we could keep our doctors, but we found out we couldn't keep our doctors because our insurance providers didn't allow us to keep our doctors, saying they no-longer accepted my insurance.

Over 69% of all health care workers were totally burnt out because of COVID and 20% decided to quit and get into some other field.
Most of the problem was with massive increases in paperwork and hassles with insurance companies unwilling to pay. Medicare refused to pay up to 25% of doctors fees, which caused doctors to have to drop Medicare patients.

Many of them were stressed out because of mask wearing and the constant fear of contracting COVID.

I'm not arguing your other arguments.
There was a noticeable acceleration of retirements starting about 15 years ago because doctors were getting hammered by new regulations and cutbacks.
Obama claimed that we could keep our doctors, but we found out we couldn't keep our doctors because our insurance providers didn't allow us to keep our doctors, saying they no-longer accepted my insurance.

Over 69% of all health care workers were totally burnt out because of COVID and 20% decided to quit and get into some other field.
Most of the problem was with massive increases in paperwork and hassles with insurance companies unwilling to pay. Medicare refused to pay up to 25% of doctors fees, which caused doctors to have to drop Medicare patients.

Many of them were stressed out because of mask wearing and the constant fear of contracting COVID.

I had the same doctor for 25 years until Obomination came along and destroyed that relationship, couldn't keep my doctor for long.

Very true as I have experienced this firsthand several times since Obomination care was passed. :mad:

One of my Doctors retired because of it going into Hospice care instead another Doctor dropped me specifically because of what Medicare does to him thus he dropped Medicare from his allowed health insurance list so did another Doctor.

When I was on Apple Health one Doctor dropped me because he was losing money due to low insurance payments and steep discounts against him.

Now I just seek any doctors help when I need one no longer have a specific doctor to go to.

This never happened until Obomination care came along which is a leftist game they wanted to happen.
Now you sound like 'the Binder'.

You can't win the argument so you choose not to say shit.
Meanwhile you keep pumping out lies and misinformation.

I argued whether or not doctors are quitting like the article states. Not whether or not Obama lied 15 years ago. I've said he did.
While I agree this is a real problem I simply don't believe "doctors are quitting". No one is going to go to school all those years, put in all those hours as an intern and then say "screw it", I'm going to go be something else.

Oh yes they are.
My best friend is a physician. This trend has been accelerating for at least a decade now. It's hard to find a profession where people are more eager to get out than medicine.
How about doctors stop accepting insurance? There is no reason for anybody to be filing a run of the mill doctor's visit with their insurance company. If general practitioners stopped accepting insurance it would be a big help in bringing down health care costs.
It's estimated that 250,000 to 400,000 Americans die from medical malpractice every year. Let's hope that the doctors who are quitting are the fukups.

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