98% of Catholics use artificial birth control

Still waiting for this "98% of Catholics use artificial birth control" statistic


Here you go...

98% of Catholic Women Have Used Contraception the Church Opposes - Yahoo! News

It's surely a fact that the Catholic Church's higher-ups don't want to hear, but it's one that the White House has heralded in his defense of the new (and today, amended) requirement for Catholic employers to offer insurance that covers contraceptives. "According to a study by the Guttmacher Institute, most women, including 98 percent of Catholic women, have used contraception," the White House's blog wrote last week. They were referring to an April 2011 report from the organization that describes its mission as to "advance sexual and reproductive health and rights." The 98 percent was among all Catholic women who have had sex and did not include "natural family planning," i.e. the only officiallly Church-sanctioned method of preventing pregnancies. That number is nearly indistiguishable from the reported 99 percent of all American women who say they have used contraception. These are the key bits from Guttmacher Institute's "Countering Conventional Wisdom: New Evidence on Religion and Contraceptive Use":
Still don't see the "Study":eusa_whistle:
My hard work produces profits so how hard is that for someone like me that owns 3 businesses?
The church is FULLY SUPPORTED by donations from the congregation.
What business is the church in other than that?
We do not live in a mob majority rule most votes country.
We live and are governed NOT by men and their varying and changing like the wind religous beliefs or mob majority rule; we are governed BY THE LAW.

Okay. But in a democracy, we get to CHANGE the law.

And if the laws allow too much wealth to accumulate into too few hands, the laws change to change that, as it should.

As I've said, the problem with your kind of "mine, mine, mine" kind of thinking is that you create the very socialism you decry.

What I earn is MINE.
And those that try to steal it I will blow their heads off.
Some call it socialism but down here in the real world we call it THEFT.
Used to be those that stole needed a third eye on the back of their head or a swivel for a neck.
Then came the moochers that wanted guarantees and security.
Freedom be damned.
Because a Catholic uses birth control it automatically means they should agree to pay for everyone else's birth control.

Yeah, right.

So the issue then is not that Catholics have a moral objection to birth control, the issue is that they are cheap
Well......except when it comes to......​



Still waiting for this "98% of Catholics use artificial birth control" statistic


Here you go...

98% of Catholic Women Have Used Contraception the Church Opposes - Yahoo! News

It's surely a fact that the Catholic Church's higher-ups don't want to hear, but it's one that the White House has heralded in his defense of the new (and today, amended) requirement for Catholic employers to offer insurance that covers contraceptives. "According to a study by the Guttmacher Institute, most women, including 98 percent of Catholic women, have used contraception," the White House's blog wrote last week. They were referring to an April 2011 report from the organization that describes its mission as to "advance sexual and reproductive health and rights." The 98 percent was among all Catholic women who have had sex and did not include "natural family planning," i.e. the only officiallly Church-sanctioned method of preventing pregnancies. That number is nearly indistiguishable from the reported 99 percent of all American women who say they have used contraception. These are the key bits from Guttmacher Institute's "Countering Conventional Wisdom: New Evidence on Religion and Contraceptive Use":

From the study:

Data were gathered using in-person interviews
with 7,356 women aged 15–44 between June 2006
and December 2008.

Also, in the "Background" section of the study, we find the motivation behind the study:

contraception continues to be perceived as controversial
among some policymakers and is opposed by the Catholic
hierarchy and some other socially conservative organizations.
Among recent actions, the U.S. Conference of
Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has led the charge against the
Department of Health and Human Services designating
contraceptive services and supplies as a women’s preventive
health service that must be covered in all health
insurance plans without cost-sharing (such as co-pays or
deductibles) under the new health care reform legislation.
Likewise, the USCCB and other socially conservative
groups have long opposed publicly funded family planning
programs for young and low-income women and continue
to advocate for special exemptions so broad as to allow
entire institutions, including insurance plans and hospital
networks, to refuse to provide contraceptive services and

Sounds to me like they went with an agenda and ran with it.
Exactly. This issue is not about the parishioners.

If they choose personally to go against their faith it's between them, the Church and their God.

And if those parishioners have a beef with the Church of Rome, well they have the option to switch to another religion.

This issue is strictly about the U.S. Government stomping all over the First Amendment.
Precisely. He is exercising power that was never granted in the Constitution. His drawing back exercise to make Insurence companies do it isn't in his power either.

Stomp the Constitution indeed.

It's the blazing insider info that I've been privy to.
Ah so the truth comes out. This is not about women's health, this is about war on religion. Carry on haters.

How could I be at war with religion?
I just returned from the church delivering hams and turkeys for the food drive.

Feeding people who can't produce a pay-$tub.....or, even evidence of capital-gain$??!!!!!

The pill in my estimation is one of the most successful medical breakthroughs this country has ever had. If two married people dont want to have children, then that is a VALIANT choice. I dont see how the church can have a problem with this. Please explain.
Toooooooooooooooooooooooo easy!!!

How can The Church expect some woman to defer to her husband, if he can't (even) manage to keep her barefoot, pregnant & dependent????

Last edited:

So why do you need to mandate it? I mean 98% of the group that is not supposed to use it uses it anyway so doesn't that mean everyone has access?

As an atheist I think this is against my rights of free association. Not to mention just idiotic. It makes no sense to have "insurance" (can you even call it insurance?) coverage for this. Everyone with a job can already buy birth control if in need. Now it is just force fed to them with a higher price tag. I fail to see the point.

It's like having insurance for band aids (and before the fact) anyway. It truly baffles my mind that they have time to even ponder this kind of completely irrelevant crap in washington.

Oh but HELP ME! I am about to have sex and don't have insurance!

Well what do I complain though. I am happy that obama is funding my sex life and people who are unfortunate enough to not have such thing pay for it. Justice well done.
Omg!!!! The man in the pulpit is telling YOU he won't pay for your abortion? You people are nuts. :cuckoo:

He's not paying for it, the insurance company is.

Left to their own devices, the insurance companies have no problem paying for family planning. Because lack of family planning actually costs them more money.

Births that are too close together have massive medical complications.

Women who are still having babies after 40 has a bunch of medical problems.

The insurance companies were probably the ones who pushed for this.

The ugly truth about ObamaCare and RomneyCare- Big Insurance got most of what it wanted.

No, the congregation is paying for it. The insurance company collects premiums. The definition of benefits page explains what the coverage pays for.
We are paying for it.
.....With tax-FREE income.

You wanna be profitable??? Tell the Government you're ready to go-it-alone.​
A lot of people don't understand that the Catholic population isn't a monolith, and that there are many reasons why someone raised Catholic might stay in the Church. There's a beauty, and a magical/spiritual power to Catholic ritual. The Mass is a magic that uplifts the soul, and opens it to the presence of the holy. It's a very old ritual with a lot of accumulated power. Plenty of people who sharply disagree with many points of Catholic doctrine (the business about birth control being a very common point of disagreement) nevertheless remain with the Church for emotional/spiritual reasons, to partake of the sacraments and feel the presence of Christ and the Holy Spirit in their lives.

Whew.....sounds like mass-hypnotism, to me.....but, quite the profitable-show, as well!​
Sorry gadawg. I was responding to other posters here and on another thread. They hate religion, and think that's justification for this mandate. Two separate issues.

Oh. And kudos for your charity work.

I don't hate religion. I feel sorry for those who have to lean on a crutch which promises they will come back from the dead. Ol' Barnum knew what he was talking about when he said, "There's A Sucker Born Every MInute."

As I've posted two or three times before put me on this man's side:

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism. It is enough for me to contemplate the mystery of conscious life perpetuating itself through all eternity, to reflect upon the marvelous structure of the universe which we can dimly perceive, and to try humbly to comprehend even an infinitesimal part of the intelligence manifested in nature." ~Dr. Albert Einstein~

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