9-11….. Startling New Evidence of a Conspiracy


I see that you put a lot of thought into that response

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He put as much thought in as the OP merits. Progressivefaktriot, put down the crack pipe, flush the heroine, spill the bong, and for gods sake stopping dropping the acid. We get it, you want to seem special. Well you have made it, you're now "special". Put on your helmet and go stand on the corner, the short bus will be by soon to take you to color with crayons with your special friends.
So, here is my question to you......the higher a building/skyscraper is built, the less weight they put on the foundation by lessening the weight of the higher floors. The inner core of both towers were intertwined with rebar encased in concrete. Think of a skyscraper like a needle....the very point is light weight....the base is the strength. There is NO fucking way that both towers and WTC7 should have collapsed in free fall fashion....none, zero......nada unless there were explosives planted there....and many people have testified to that fact. People have been executed on less credibhle eye-witnes accounts of a crime than what happened that day......it's a fact.

And here's my answer to you. As layers collapse the weight of materials of each floor add up. If you will recall, the planes didn't hit the top floors. The first collapse was a combination of many floors. Plenty of weight to collapse the remaining floors in succession as the weight quickly climbs with each pancaked layer.

Not only is it absolutely logical and probable that they collapsed but we actually saw the proof.

The only thing that is certainly IMPOSSIBLE, is that a demolition team was able to plant hundreds perhaps thousands of pounds of explosives, and miles of wire and cable, it order to bring down the towers without ANYONE, in the building seeing any of it happen. Not the people that work there, not the maintenance crews, or the cleaning people or building security. The whole idea is ludicrous.

It doesn't take thousands of pounds of explosives when it come to thermite. Strategically placed pieces on floors could easily bring the building down...and you know why I know this???? Because it fucking happened right in front of my eyes that day. Please spare me about how jet fuel causes steel beams to break in the vicinity of the crash while causing the stories underneath the crash to fall with no resistance....none, nada, zero....wake the fuck up......

the only thing that could have been better in the post after you said wake the fuck up was you should have said-wake the fuck up and stop get out of your fantasyworld that magic bullets exist,that is your first step you need to take is stop being afraid of the truth and accept it that the CIA killed JFK and you have no facts to prove oswald did it but there are plenty to prove there were multipls shooters.

i wish you would add that on to your post as well editing it to say that,he has me on ignore cause he got frustrated years ago when i took him to school on this and proved him wrong so he has had me on ignore ever since the last several years.:D

Dude, he will soon ignore me.........no great loss. I have tired of trying to educating the shills. His beloved "gubermint" that killed JFK took down the twin towers....it's a fucking fact.

Are you talking about me? I'm not ignoring you.

Hell no.....I was talking about someone else. I like what you post....but I maintain and will go to my grave knowing that 9/11/01 was an inside job....no two ways about it.
Hell no.....I was talking about someone else. I like what you post....but I maintain and will go to my grave knowing that 9/11/01 was an inside job....no two ways about it.
Of course you will.

Any time you want to debate me on 9/11/01? I am always up for it because I have been on both sides of the fence concerning this. I was a serious anti-truther and took great delight on busting on what I believed to be partisan left-wing slime that simply wanted to make political hay out of a tragic situation.......eleven years and a few thousand hours of reading and research has opened my eyes and I am fucking EMBARRASSED that I ever believed the bullshit that we were sold. I wish I could find every person that I attacked for trying to expose it and apologize.
Any time you want to debate me on 9/11/01? ....
What's to debate? Your conspiracy that the gub'ment did it? I've learned that it's useless to attempt rational discussion with irrational people.

If it makes you feel special to be "in the know", that's fine. If, however, you truly believe the US government supported mass murder of American citizens and your only reaction is to argue with people on a free political forum, then I think you're as big a traitor as those you accuse.
...Now let me be clear, I was never a conspiracy theorists....
Congrats! Now you are a conspiracy theorist. Conspiracy theorists won't accept it, but sane, logical people will understand this report: World Trade Center 7 Report Puts 9/11 Conspiracy Theory to Rest[/SIZE]
Conspiracy theorists have long claimed that explosives downed World Trade Center 7, north of the Twin Towers..

And indeed CTs must suspend their disbelief - their skepticism - when embracing any of the foil-hat 9/11 CTs. If they apply even a fraction of the skepticism they do to the NIST report, they would be forced to reject them.

This theory has been thoroughly debunked on the history challenge! They showed exactly how the force of the planes hitting the towers loosened the infrastructure causing the towers to collapse.

Indeed, the Towers were felled by the impact of the passenger jets and the ensuing fires, and WTC7 by the 20 story gash caused by the falling Towers and the fires. WTC7 sagged visibly to one side during the course of the day and no building is built to withstand such strain.

There is plenty of evidence (that CTs must ignore or reject) for the NIST explanation and absolutely none for a controlled demo. None.

There is no evidence of demo rigging or explosives - not that wiring and explosives could have survived the hours of chaotic fires - and none for thermites or thermates (not that either could have cut vertical steel beams).

In short, to believe 9/11 was a controlled demo CTs must suspend all reason and rationale (assuming they had either to begin with).

ProgPat is playing the "oh, I'm just asking questions" game, and RamFan and Smith are full-blown nut-jobs. I don't know if they got that way because of their hateful beliefs or they became hateful nutters because the truth just doesn't fit their "Jews did it" beliefs.
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Any time you want to debate me on 9/11/01? ....
What's to debate? Your conspiracy that the gub'ment did it? I've learned that it's useless to attempt rational discussion with irrational people.

If it makes you feel special to be "in the know", that's fine. If, however, you truly believe the US government supported mass murder of American citizens and your only reaction is to argue with people on a free political forum, then I think you're as big a traitor as those you accuse.

You have the government that you believe represents you and then you have the shadow government i.e "The Deep State", the C.O.G that is not held responsible for their actions nor is there any oversight. When you look at what the think tank group PNAC wanted and the goals of the CFR and how it would take another Pearl Harbor like event just a year and change before 9/11/01? It should be obvious...then you follow the money and see which group stood to gain the most. What I found is that gold stolen from the Philippines during WWII under "Operation Golden Lily" became the Black Eagle Trust that was used in part by the Bush cabal to buy up oil and natural gas futures by piggybacking off of the work of Leo Wanta and his currency swaps that took down the ruble in 1991 that would expire in ten years unless they cashed it in.....the only problem was that in order to validate and verify the veracity of them would require that they pass the sniff test of the SEC....240 billion dollars worth of securities taken from a country that had been raped, pillaged and plundered would raise a lot of questions...like who bought them and where did they get the money to buy them? It would have taken a long time to authenticate them and many global elites were already under investigation for insider trading, rigging the gold and silver markets, etc, etc. Cantor-Fitzgerald was used by the SEC to authenticate bonds and they were also cooperating with the SEC about insider trading. Oddly enough, the floor that Cantor Fitzgerald was on was hit by the first plane. There is a lot to this and much I have already covered here before but always follow the money. Germany was also asking to see the gold that they had stored at The Fed and wished to repatriate it to their own country but that changed on 9/11. There is still 100 billion dollars in gold that disappeared a like a fart in the wind on that day......mystery, no? We know that one truck with at least 100 million dollars worth of gold bullion which was abandoned was found....which was probably just the last in line of the convoy that were taking the gold out of the vaults.

Then we have the PATRIOT ACT that was written in advance along with the apparatus to spy on the on-line activity of each and every American and make us fine with it. The war in Iraq that enriched the military industrial complex.....the war in Afghanistan which got the poppy fields growing again after the taliban burned them as a payback for getting screwed on an oil pipeline that was to run to the Caspian Sea. The very terrorists that was being funded by USA.INC was causing terrorist attacks under the guise of an "insurgency" that would blow up a newly constructed hospital or school and via our tax dollars would just rebuild it at a premium cost while KBR and Haliburton made out like bandits....good work if you can get it.....
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Hell no.....I was talking about someone else. I like what you post....but I maintain and will go to my grave knowing that 9/11/01 was an inside job....no two ways about it.
Of course you will.
Any time you want to debate me on 9/11/01? I am always up for it... eleven years and a few thousand hours of reading and research has opened my eyes....

:lmao: There are literally dozens of threads here - I've linked a few below - in which you CTs are "debated," and your theories fully vetted and debunked. No rational poster is going to play your silly game.

The threads have a number of commonalities, not the least of which is the CT's penchant for ignoring or dismissing facts and truths that conflict with their pre-conceived belief systems. The same posters who promote these theories also consider Sandy Hook and the Boston Bombings to have been hoaxes or false flags and the moon landing to have been staged.

Oh, and many if not most, are certain (and "will go to their graves") believing that no matter the subject, the Jews did it!

Nutters all and that's why they are confined to this CT Board.

Bush allowed 9/11 to happen and showed the world how stupid America is

After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from NY

9/11: What really happened on that day?

9/11: The Pentaplane Flyover Theory

911 Pentagon - 757 or cruise missile???

Why Do So Many Still Trust Government/Corporate Media?: BBC Reports WTC 7 Collapse Early...

I'm right about World Trade Centers and have an idea how they fell

World Trade Center probably could not have been destroyed by planes

9/11 Conspiracy

911 WTC Demolition! The Final Nail in the Debunker/Posers Coffin!

WTC building 7

911 WTC 7 Silent Thermate Demolition, Debunkers Grab Your Ankles!

WTC7's "Free Fall"

what happened on 9/11/2001?

About the "collapse" of WTC7
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Any time you want to debate me on 9/11/01? ....
What's to debate? Your conspiracy that the gub'ment did it? I've learned that it's useless to attempt rational discussion with irrational people.

If it makes you feel special to be "in the know", that's fine. If, however, you truly believe the US government supported mass murder of American citizens and your only reaction is to argue with people on a free political forum, then I think you're as big a traitor as those you accuse.

You have the government that you believe represents you and then you have the shadow government i.e "The Deep State", the C.O.G that is not held responsible for their actions nor is there any oversight. When you look at what the think tank group PNAC wanted and the goals of the CFR and how it would take another Pearl Harbor like event just a year and change before 9/11/01? It should be obvious...then you follow the money and see which group stood to gain the most. What I found is that gold stolen from the Philippines during WWII under "Operation Golden Lily" became the Black Eagle Trust that was used in part by the Bush cabal to buy up oil and natural gas futures by piggybacking off of the work of Leo Wanta and his currency swaps that took down the ruble in 1991 that would expire in ten years unless they cashed it in.....the only problem was that in order to validate and verify the veracity of them would require that they pass the sniff test of the SEC....240 billion dollars worth of securities taken from a country that had been raped, pillaged and plundered would raise a lot of questions...like who bought them and where did they get the money to buy them? It would have taken a long time to authenticate them and many global elites were already under investigation for insider trading, rigging the gold and silver markets, etc, etc. Cantor-Fitzgerald was used by the SEC to authenticate bonds and they were also cooperating with the SEC about insider trading. Oddly enough, the floor that Cantor Fitzgerald was on was hit by the first plane. There is a lot to this and much I have already covered here before but always follow the money. Germany was also asking to see the gold that they had stored at The Fed and wished to repatriate it to their own country but that changed on 9/11. There is still 100 billion dollars in gold that disappeared a like a fart in the wind on that day......mystery, no? We know that one truck with at least 100 million dollars worth of gold bullion which was abandoned was found....which was probably just the last in line of the convoy that were taking the gold out of the vaults.

Then we have the PATRIOT ACT that was written in advance along with the apparatus to spy on the on-line activity of each and every American and make us fine with it. The war in Iraq that enriched the military industrial complex.....the war in Afghanistan which got the poppy fields growing again after the taliban burned them as a payback for getting screwed on an oil pipeline that was to run to the Caspian Sea. The very terrorists that was being funded by USA.INC was causing terrorist attacks under the guise of an "insurgency" that would blow up a newly constructed hospital or school and via our tax dollars would just rebuild it at a premium cost while KBR and Haliburton made out like bandits....good work if you can get it.....
It's a Conspiracy!!!!! LOL

Okay, so back to why you "know" all of this but refuse to fight these traitors. Is it because you are yellow? Bound to a wheelchair? If you truly believe our own government did all of these things, why are you not doing anything about it?
Any time you want to debate me on 9/11/01? ....
What's to debate? Your conspiracy that the gub'ment did it? I've learned that it's useless to attempt rational discussion with irrational people.

If it makes you feel special to be "in the know", that's fine. If, however, you truly believe the US government supported mass murder of American citizens and your only reaction is to argue with people on a free political forum, then I think you're as big a traitor as those you accuse.

You have the government that you believe represents you and then you have the shadow government i.e "The Deep State", the C.O.G that is not held responsible for their actions nor is there any oversight. When you look at what the think tank group PNAC wanted and the goals of the CFR and how it would take another Pearl Harbor like event just a year and change before 9/11/01? It should be obvious...then you follow the money and see which group stood to gain the most. What I found is that gold stolen from the Philippines during WWII under "Operation Golden Lily" became the Black Eagle Trust that was used in part by the Bush cabal to buy up oil and natural gas futures by piggybacking off of the work of Leo Wanta and his currency swaps that took down the ruble in 1991 that would expire in ten years unless they cashed it in.....the only problem was that in order to validate and verify the veracity of them would require that they pass the sniff test of the SEC....240 billion dollars worth of securities taken from a country that had been raped, pillaged and plundered would raise a lot of questions...like who bought them and where did they get the money to buy them? It would have taken a long time to authenticate them and many global elites were already under investigation for insider trading, rigging the gold and silver markets, etc, etc. Cantor-Fitzgerald was used by the SEC to authenticate bonds and they were also cooperating with the SEC about insider trading. Oddly enough, the floor that Cantor Fitzgerald was on was hit by the first plane. There is a lot to this and much I have already covered here before but always follow the money. Germany was also asking to see the gold that they had stored at The Fed and wished to repatriate it to their own country but that changed on 9/11. There is still 100 billion dollars in gold that disappeared a like a fart in the wind on that day......mystery, no? We know that one truck with at least 100 million dollars worth of gold bullion which was abandoned was found....which was probably just the last in line of the convoy that were taking the gold out of the vaults.

Then we have the PATRIOT ACT that was written in advance along with the apparatus to spy on the on-line activity of each and every American and make us fine with it. The war in Iraq that enriched the military industrial complex.....the war in Afghanistan which got the poppy fields growing again after the taliban burned them as a payback for getting screwed on an oil pipeline that was to run to the Caspian Sea. The very terrorists that was being funded by USA.INC was causing terrorist attacks under the guise of an "insurgency" that would blow up a newly constructed hospital or school and via our tax dollars would just rebuild it at a premium cost while KBR and Haliburton made out like bandits....good work if you can get it.....
It's a Conspiracy!!!!! LOL

Okay, so back to why you "know" all of this but refuse to fight these traitors. Is it because you are yellow? Bound to a wheelchair? If you truly believe our own government did all of these things, why are you not doing anything about it?

Do you believe that Oswald acted alone? If this shadow government could take out a sitting president and cover up it using intimidation and murder of those that could dispute the official story 38 years before 9/11/01....do you really believe the Deep State couldn't pull this off in the ultimate psy-op and theft? If you don't see the big picture now, you will soon.....you can bank on that one..

As far as me being "yellow"? Due to my beinjg outspoken, my threat matrix score assigned to me by the NSA is off the charts and I am definitely on the "red list" of dissidents but it doesn't stop me from trying to wake people up. Knowledge is power...were I to take a gun into a federal building and start randomly shooting people...what would that solve? Most people in government are just doing their job and the Deep state would use the incident (which wouldn't accomplish anything) would use it to clamp down on us even more with more draconian acts, statutes, codes and ordinances to get the people to comply and submit.....nope, I believe in the ripple affect like tossing a pebble into a pond....eventually the ripple reaches both shores regardless of how subtle it might be.
And here's my answer to you. As layers collapse the weight of materials of each floor add up. If you will recall, the planes didn't hit the top floors. The first collapse was a combination of many floors. Plenty of weight to collapse the remaining floors in succession as the weight quickly climbs with each pancaked layer.

Not only is it absolutely logical and probable that they collapsed but we actually saw the proof.

The only thing that is certainly IMPOSSIBLE, is that a demolition team was able to plant hundreds perhaps thousands of pounds of explosives, and miles of wire and cable, it order to bring down the towers without ANYONE, in the building seeing any of it happen. Not the people that work there, not the maintenance crews, or the cleaning people or building security. The whole idea is ludicrous.

It doesn't take thousands of pounds of explosives when it come to thermite. Strategically placed pieces on floors could easily bring the building down...and you know why I know this???? Because it fucking happened right in front of my eyes that day. Please spare me about how jet fuel causes steel beams to break in the vicinity of the crash while causing the stories underneath the crash to fall with no resistance....none, nada, zero....wake the fuck up......

the only thing that could have been better in the post after you said wake the fuck up was you should have said-wake the fuck up and stop get out of your fantasyworld that magic bullets exist,that is your first step you need to take is stop being afraid of the truth and accept it that the CIA killed JFK and you have no facts to prove oswald did it but there are plenty to prove there were multipls shooters.

i wish you would add that on to your post as well editing it to say that,he has me on ignore cause he got frustrated years ago when i took him to school on this and proved him wrong so he has had me on ignore ever since the last several years.:D

Dude, he will soon ignore me.........no great loss. I have tired of trying to educating the shills. His beloved "gubermint" that killed JFK took down the twin towers....it's a fucking fact.

Are you talking about me? I'm not ignoring you.

Hell no.....I was talking about someone else. I like what you post....but I maintain and will go to my grave knowing that 9/11/01 was an inside job....no two ways about it.

WHY do you like what this troll posts,he is the same as rightwinger and say it,a government shill.
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Hell no.....I was talking about someone else. I like what you post....but I maintain and will go to my grave knowing that 9/11/01 was an inside job....no two ways about it.
Of course you will.

Any time you want to debate me on 9/11/01? I am always up for it because I have been on both sides of the fence concerning this. I was a serious anti-truther and took great delight on busting on what I believed to be partisan left-wing slime that simply wanted to make political hay out of a tragic situation.......eleven years and a few thousand hours of reading and research has opened my eyes and I am fucking EMBARRASSED that I ever believed the bullshit that we were sold. I wish I could find every person that I attacked for trying to expose it and apologize.

I pretty much dont have to guess anymore what you would have done five years ago when i used to discuss this subject hours on end had i asked you back then-wait a minute,you just said you can accept it that the CIA killed JFK cause he wanted to pull us out of vietnam,they are still lying to us about that yet you cant accept it they were behind 9/11 and lied to us on that as well for the same reason to get us into war so the corporations can profit.?

see i KNOW what you would have done,the same thing that other guy did recently who still thinks the way you USED to when like you,I asked him that question,you would have the same thing he did recently.this-:scared1: and never came back to the thread knowing you were stumped.we BOTH know thats what you would have done back then just like they ALL do.:D:lmao::haha:
Any time you want to debate me on 9/11/01? ....
What's to debate? Your conspiracy that the gub'ment did it? I've learned that it's useless to attempt rational discussion with irrational people.

If it makes you feel special to be "in the know", that's fine. If, however, you truly believe the US government supported mass murder of American citizens and your only reaction is to argue with people on a free political forum, then I think you're as big a traitor as those you accuse.

You have the government that you believe represents you and then you have the shadow government i.e "The Deep State", the C.O.G that is not held responsible for their actions nor is there any oversight. When you look at what the think tank group PNAC wanted and the goals of the CFR and how it would take another Pearl Harbor like event just a year and change before 9/11/01? It should be obvious...then you follow the money and see which group stood to gain the most. What I found is that gold stolen from the Philippines during WWII under "Operation Golden Lily" became the Black Eagle Trust that was used in part by the Bush cabal to buy up oil and natural gas futures by piggybacking off of the work of Leo Wanta and his currency swaps that took down the ruble in 1991 that would expire in ten years unless they cashed it in.....the only problem was that in order to validate and verify the veracity of them would require that they pass the sniff test of the SEC....240 billion dollars worth of securities taken from a country that had been raped, pillaged and plundered would raise a lot of questions...like who bought them and where did they get the money to buy them? It would have taken a long time to authenticate them and many global elites were already under investigation for insider trading, rigging the gold and silver markets, etc, etc. Cantor-Fitzgerald was used by the SEC to authenticate bonds and they were also cooperating with the SEC about insider trading. Oddly enough, the floor that Cantor Fitzgerald was on was hit by the first plane. There is a lot to this and much I have already covered here before but always follow the money. Germany was also asking to see the gold that they had stored at The Fed and wished to repatriate it to their own country but that changed on 9/11. There is still 100 billion dollars in gold that disappeared a like a fart in the wind on that day......mystery, no? We know that one truck with at least 100 million dollars worth of gold bullion which was abandoned was found....which was probably just the last in line of the convoy that were taking the gold out of the vaults.

Then we have the PATRIOT ACT that was written in advance along with the apparatus to spy on the on-line activity of each and every American and make us fine with it. The war in Iraq that enriched the military industrial complex.....the war in Afghanistan which got the poppy fields growing again after the taliban burned them as a payback for getting screwed on an oil pipeline that was to run to the Caspian Sea. The very terrorists that was being funded by USA.INC was causing terrorist attacks under the guise of an "insurgency" that would blow up a newly constructed hospital or school and via our tax dollars would just rebuild it at a premium cost while KBR and Haliburton made out like bandits....good work if you can get it.....
It's a Conspiracy!!!!! LOL

Okay, so back to why you "know" all of this but refuse to fight these traitors. Is it because you are yellow? Bound to a wheelchair? If you truly believe our own government did all of these things, why are you not doing anything about it?

Do you believe that Oswald acted alone? If this shadow government could take out a sitting president and cover up it using intimidation and murder of those that could dispute the official story 38 years before 9/11/01....do you really believe the Deep State couldn't pull this off in the ultimate psy-op and theft? If you don't see the big picture now, you will soon.....you can bank on that one..

As far as me being "yellow"? Due to my beinjg outspoken, my threat matrix score assigned to me by the NSA is off the charts and I am definitely on the "red list" of dissidents but it doesn't stop me from trying to wake people up. Knowledge is power...were I to take a gun into a federal building and start randomly shooting people...what would that solve? Most people in government are just doing their job and the Deep state would use the incident (which wouldn't accomplish anything) would use it to clamp down on us even more with more draconian acts, statutes, codes and ordinances to get the people to comply and submit.....nope, I believe in the ripple affect like tossing a pebble into a pond....eventually the ripple reaches both shores regardless of how subtle it might be.

If he does,then he is clearly a paid shill same as rightwinger,sayit and predfan.:biggrin:
Any time you want to debate me on 9/11/01? ....
What's to debate? Your conspiracy that the gub'ment did it? I've learned that it's useless to attempt rational discussion with irrational people.

If it makes you feel special to be "in the know", that's fine. If, however, you truly believe the US government supported mass murder of American citizens and your only reaction is to argue with people on a free political forum, then I think you're as big a traitor as those you accuse.

You have the government that you believe represents you and then you have the shadow government i.e "The Deep State", the C.O.G that is not held responsible for their actions nor is there any oversight. When you look at what the think tank group PNAC wanted and the goals of the CFR and how it would take another Pearl Harbor like event just a year and change before 9/11/01? It should be obvious...then you follow the money and see which group stood to gain the most. What I found is that gold stolen from the Philippines during WWII under "Operation Golden Lily" became the Black Eagle Trust that was used in part by the Bush cabal to buy up oil and natural gas futures by piggybacking off of the work of Leo Wanta and his currency swaps that took down the ruble in 1991 that would expire in ten years unless they cashed it in.....the only problem was that in order to validate and verify the veracity of them would require that they pass the sniff test of the SEC....240 billion dollars worth of securities taken from a country that had been raped, pillaged and plundered would raise a lot of questions...like who bought them and where did they get the money to buy them? It would have taken a long time to authenticate them and many global elites were already under investigation for insider trading, rigging the gold and silver markets, etc, etc. Cantor-Fitzgerald was used by the SEC to authenticate bonds and they were also cooperating with the SEC about insider trading. Oddly enough, the floor that Cantor Fitzgerald was on was hit by the first plane. There is a lot to this and much I have already covered here before but always follow the money. Germany was also asking to see the gold that they had stored at The Fed and wished to repatriate it to their own country but that changed on 9/11. There is still 100 billion dollars in gold that disappeared a like a fart in the wind on that day......mystery, no? We know that one truck with at least 100 million dollars worth of gold bullion which was abandoned was found....which was probably just the last in line of the convoy that were taking the gold out of the vaults.

Then we have the PATRIOT ACT that was written in advance along with the apparatus to spy on the on-line activity of each and every American and make us fine with it. The war in Iraq that enriched the military industrial complex.....the war in Afghanistan which got the poppy fields growing again after the taliban burned them as a payback for getting screwed on an oil pipeline that was to run to the Caspian Sea. The very terrorists that was being funded by USA.INC was causing terrorist attacks under the guise of an "insurgency" that would blow up a newly constructed hospital or school and via our tax dollars would just rebuild it at a premium cost while KBR and Haliburton made out like bandits....good work if you can get it.....
It's a Conspiracy!!!!! LOL

Okay, so back to why you "know" all of this but refuse to fight these traitors. Is it because you are yellow? Bound to a wheelchair? If you truly believe our own government did all of these things, why are you not doing anything about it?

Do you believe that Oswald acted alone? If this shadow government could take out a sitting president and cover up it using intimidation and murder of those that could dispute the official story 38 years before 9/11/01....do you really believe the Deep State couldn't pull this off in the ultimate psy-op and theft? If you don't see the big picture now, you will soon.....you can bank on that one..

As far as me being "yellow"? Due to my beinjg outspoken, my threat matrix score assigned to me by the NSA is off the charts and I am definitely on the "red list" of dissidents but it doesn't stop me from trying to wake people up. Knowledge is power...were I to take a gun into a federal building and start randomly shooting people...what would that solve? Most people in government are just doing their job and the Deep state would use the incident (which wouldn't accomplish anything) would use it to clamp down on us even more with more draconian acts, statutes, codes and ordinances to get the people to comply and submit.....nope, I believe in the ripple affect like tossing a pebble into a pond....eventually the ripple reaches both shores regardless of how subtle it might be.

Logic and common sense never registers with the Bush dupes,you are making wayyyyyy too much sense for his brain to comprehend that it will explode any second now. I dont what he thinks on JFK but if he is a magic bullet worshipper,then there is obviously no hope for him and another one to just put on ignore.
It doesn't take thousands of pounds of explosives when it come to thermite. Strategically placed pieces on floors could easily bring the building down...and you know why I know this???? Because it fucking happened right in front of my eyes that day. Please spare me about how jet fuel causes steel beams to break in the vicinity of the crash while causing the stories underneath the crash to fall with no resistance....none, nada, zero....wake the fuck up......

the only thing that could have been better in the post after you said wake the fuck up was you should have said-wake the fuck up and stop get out of your fantasyworld that magic bullets exist,that is your first step you need to take is stop being afraid of the truth and accept it that the CIA killed JFK and you have no facts to prove oswald did it but there are plenty to prove there were multipls shooters.

i wish you would add that on to your post as well editing it to say that,he has me on ignore cause he got frustrated years ago when i took him to school on this and proved him wrong so he has had me on ignore ever since the last several years.:D

Dude, he will soon ignore me.........no great loss. I have tired of trying to educating the shills. His beloved "gubermint" that killed JFK took down the twin towers....it's a fucking fact.

Are you talking about me? I'm not ignoring you.

Hell no.....I was talking about someone else. I like what you post....but I maintain and will go to my grave knowing that 9/11/01 was an inside job....no two ways about it.

WHY do you like what this troll posts,he is the same as rightwinger and say it,a government shill.

I like Pred-Fan.....he's never been contrary to me....he simply doesn't "get it" that 9/11 was a false flag event...eventually he will come to the realization one way or the other and it will happen sooner rather than later. I believe some really bad shit is on the horizon and I don't like the looks of things at all. I don't know if Trump is legit or not but if he is? It's going to take the white hats in all the alphabet agencies to take on the shadow government. We are in a very bad situation right now that is so horrifically teetering on complete collapse (all orchestrated) that 95 percent of the people here couldn'
t even wrap their minds around......it ain't good at all......
Any time you want to debate me on 9/11/01? ....
What's to debate? Your conspiracy that the gub'ment did it? I've learned that it's useless to attempt rational discussion with irrational people.

If it makes you feel special to be "in the know", that's fine. If, however, you truly believe the US government supported mass murder of American citizens and your only reaction is to argue with people on a free political forum, then I think you're as big a traitor as those you accuse.

You have the government that you believe represents you and then you have the shadow government i.e "The Deep State", the C.O.G that is not held responsible for their actions nor is there any oversight. When you look at what the think tank group PNAC wanted and the goals of the CFR and how it would take another Pearl Harbor like event just a year and change before 9/11/01? It should be obvious...then you follow the money and see which group stood to gain the most. What I found is that gold stolen from the Philippines during WWII under "Operation Golden Lily" became the Black Eagle Trust that was used in part by the Bush cabal to buy up oil and natural gas futures by piggybacking off of the work of Leo Wanta and his currency swaps that took down the ruble in 1991 that would expire in ten years unless they cashed it in.....the only problem was that in order to validate and verify the veracity of them would require that they pass the sniff test of the SEC....240 billion dollars worth of securities taken from a country that had been raped, pillaged and plundered would raise a lot of questions...like who bought them and where did they get the money to buy them? It would have taken a long time to authenticate them and many global elites were already under investigation for insider trading, rigging the gold and silver markets, etc, etc. Cantor-Fitzgerald was used by the SEC to authenticate bonds and they were also cooperating with the SEC about insider trading. Oddly enough, the floor that Cantor Fitzgerald was on was hit by the first plane. There is a lot to this and much I have already covered here before but always follow the money. Germany was also asking to see the gold that they had stored at The Fed and wished to repatriate it to their own country but that changed on 9/11. There is still 100 billion dollars in gold that disappeared a like a fart in the wind on that day......mystery, no? We know that one truck with at least 100 million dollars worth of gold bullion which was abandoned was found....which was probably just the last in line of the convoy that were taking the gold out of the vaults.

Then we have the PATRIOT ACT that was written in advance along with the apparatus to spy on the on-line activity of each and every American and make us fine with it. The war in Iraq that enriched the military industrial complex.....the war in Afghanistan which got the poppy fields growing again after the taliban burned them as a payback for getting screwed on an oil pipeline that was to run to the Caspian Sea. The very terrorists that was being funded by USA.INC was causing terrorist attacks under the guise of an "insurgency" that would blow up a newly constructed hospital or school and via our tax dollars would just rebuild it at a premium cost while KBR and Haliburton made out like bandits....good work if you can get it.....
It's a Conspiracy!!!!! LOL

Okay, so back to why you "know" all of this but refuse to fight these traitors. Is it because you are yellow? Bound to a wheelchair? If you truly believe our own government did all of these things, why are you not doing anything about it?

Do you believe that Oswald acted alone? If this shadow government could take out a sitting president and cover up it using intimidation and murder of those that could dispute the official story 38 years before 9/11/01....do you really believe the Deep State couldn't pull this off in the ultimate psy-op and theft? If you don't see the big picture now, you will soon.....you can bank on that one..

As far as me being "yellow"? Due to my beinjg outspoken, my threat matrix score assigned to me by the NSA is off the charts and I am definitely on the "red list" of dissidents but it doesn't stop me from trying to wake people up. Knowledge is power...were I to take a gun into a federal building and start randomly shooting people...what would that solve? Most people in government are just doing their job and the Deep state would use the incident (which wouldn't accomplish anything) would use it to clamp down on us even more with more draconian acts, statutes, codes and ordinances to get the people to comply and submit.....nope, I believe in the ripple affect like tossing a pebble into a pond....eventually the ripple reaches both shores regardless of how subtle it might be.

Logic and common sense never registers with the Bush dupes,you are making wayyyyyy too much sense for his brain to comprehend that it will explode any second now. I dont what he thinks on JFK but if he is a magic bullet worshipper,then there is obviously no hope for him and another one to just put on ignore.

You are very kind, my friend....I have a huge amount of respect and admiration for you and how outspoken you are. I would go into battle feeling pretty damn good knowing that you had my back...because you know damn well I would have yours....
the only thing that could have been better in the post after you said wake the fuck up was you should have said-wake the fuck up and stop get out of your fantasyworld that magic bullets exist,that is your first step you need to take is stop being afraid of the truth and accept it that the CIA killed JFK and you have no facts to prove oswald did it but there are plenty to prove there were multipls shooters.

i wish you would add that on to your post as well editing it to say that,he has me on ignore cause he got frustrated years ago when i took him to school on this and proved him wrong so he has had me on ignore ever since the last several years.:D

Dude, he will soon ignore me.........no great loss. I have tired of trying to educating the shills. His beloved "gubermint" that killed JFK took down the twin towers....it's a fucking fact.

Are you talking about me? I'm not ignoring you.

Hell no.....I was talking about someone else. I like what you post....but I maintain and will go to my grave knowing that 9/11/01 was an inside job....no two ways about it.

WHY do you like what this troll posts,he is the same as rightwinger and say it,a government shill.

I like Pred-Fan.....he's never been contrary to me....he simply doesn't "get it" that 9/11 was a false flag event...eventually he will come to the realization one way or the other and it will happen sooner rather than later. I believe some really bad shit is on the horizon and I don't like the looks of things at all. I don't know if Trump is legit or not but if he is? It's going to take the white hats in all the alphabet agencies to take on the shadow government. We are in a very bad situation right now that is so horrifically teetering on complete collapse (all orchestrated) that 95 percent of the people here couldn'
t even wrap their minds around......it ain't good at all......

You're dreaming on that one dude the fact he STILL thinks oswald was the lone assassin and believes in magic bullets.:lmao::haha:

that is WHY there is no hope for him and WHY there was always hope for you a few years ago since you at LEAST could accept it the CIA killed JFK.:rolleyes:

You obviously have not discussed the JFK case with him because a few years ago when there was a thread on that made here I posted pesky facts he could not get around that proved beyond a doubt oswald was innocent and there was a conspiracy to kill JFK.

He never came back on that thread to refute them after that. i sent a pm to him telling him I was waiting for his reply for him to address it and I think you are already aware of this,that he replied back to me back and started cursing me out in frustration that I owned him and took him to school and he was angry about me proving him wrong so much that ever since then he has had me on ignore.:up:

see you just have not discussed the JFK assassination with him any or shown evidence to him as i did that oswald was innocent and there were multiple shooters OTHERWISE he would have done the same thing with you years ago and put you on ignore as well in frustration of being proven wrong.:lmao::rofl::haha:
What's to debate? Your conspiracy that the gub'ment did it? I've learned that it's useless to attempt rational discussion with irrational people.

If it makes you feel special to be "in the know", that's fine. If, however, you truly believe the US government supported mass murder of American citizens and your only reaction is to argue with people on a free political forum, then I think you're as big a traitor as those you accuse.

You have the government that you believe represents you and then you have the shadow government i.e "The Deep State", the C.O.G that is not held responsible for their actions nor is there any oversight. When you look at what the think tank group PNAC wanted and the goals of the CFR and how it would take another Pearl Harbor like event just a year and change before 9/11/01? It should be obvious...then you follow the money and see which group stood to gain the most. What I found is that gold stolen from the Philippines during WWII under "Operation Golden Lily" became the Black Eagle Trust that was used in part by the Bush cabal to buy up oil and natural gas futures by piggybacking off of the work of Leo Wanta and his currency swaps that took down the ruble in 1991 that would expire in ten years unless they cashed it in.....the only problem was that in order to validate and verify the veracity of them would require that they pass the sniff test of the SEC....240 billion dollars worth of securities taken from a country that had been raped, pillaged and plundered would raise a lot of questions...like who bought them and where did they get the money to buy them? It would have taken a long time to authenticate them and many global elites were already under investigation for insider trading, rigging the gold and silver markets, etc, etc. Cantor-Fitzgerald was used by the SEC to authenticate bonds and they were also cooperating with the SEC about insider trading. Oddly enough, the floor that Cantor Fitzgerald was on was hit by the first plane. There is a lot to this and much I have already covered here before but always follow the money. Germany was also asking to see the gold that they had stored at The Fed and wished to repatriate it to their own country but that changed on 9/11. There is still 100 billion dollars in gold that disappeared a like a fart in the wind on that day......mystery, no? We know that one truck with at least 100 million dollars worth of gold bullion which was abandoned was found....which was probably just the last in line of the convoy that were taking the gold out of the vaults.

Then we have the PATRIOT ACT that was written in advance along with the apparatus to spy on the on-line activity of each and every American and make us fine with it. The war in Iraq that enriched the military industrial complex.....the war in Afghanistan which got the poppy fields growing again after the taliban burned them as a payback for getting screwed on an oil pipeline that was to run to the Caspian Sea. The very terrorists that was being funded by USA.INC was causing terrorist attacks under the guise of an "insurgency" that would blow up a newly constructed hospital or school and via our tax dollars would just rebuild it at a premium cost while KBR and Haliburton made out like bandits....good work if you can get it.....
It's a Conspiracy!!!!! LOL

Okay, so back to why you "know" all of this but refuse to fight these traitors. Is it because you are yellow? Bound to a wheelchair? If you truly believe our own government did all of these things, why are you not doing anything about it?

Do you believe that Oswald acted alone? If this shadow government could take out a sitting president and cover up it using intimidation and murder of those that could dispute the official story 38 years before 9/11/01....do you really believe the Deep State couldn't pull this off in the ultimate psy-op and theft? If you don't see the big picture now, you will soon.....you can bank on that one..

As far as me being "yellow"? Due to my beinjg outspoken, my threat matrix score assigned to me by the NSA is off the charts and I am definitely on the "red list" of dissidents but it doesn't stop me from trying to wake people up. Knowledge is power...were I to take a gun into a federal building and start randomly shooting people...what would that solve? Most people in government are just doing their job and the Deep state would use the incident (which wouldn't accomplish anything) would use it to clamp down on us even more with more draconian acts, statutes, codes and ordinances to get the people to comply and submit.....nope, I believe in the ripple affect like tossing a pebble into a pond....eventually the ripple reaches both shores regardless of how subtle it might be.

Logic and common sense never registers with the Bush dupes,you are making wayyyyyy too much sense for his brain to comprehend that it will explode any second now. I dont what he thinks on JFK but if he is a magic bullet worshipper,then there is obviously no hope for him and another one to just put on ignore.

You are very kind, my friend....I have a huge amount of respect and admiration for you and how outspoken you are. I would go into battle feeling pretty damn good knowing that you had my back...because you know damn well I would have yours....

well that was why i just got done saying you should not even bother with predfan,if the guy is still so much in denial on how corrupt our government is and blatantly ignores evidence and facts you present to him that there is no evidence whatsoever that oswald did it but there is plenty of facts and evidence that prove there was a conspiracy,if he trolls on that subject ignoring how is proven wrong time and time again on that,The there is obviously no hope for him on 9/11 then. thats logic and common sense dude.

as i just said,try and have a discussion with him sometime and show videos that prove there was a conspiracy and post facts that prove he was innocent,you'll find out the same thing that he will not bother to watch the videos or look at the evidence and facts and just put you on ignore in frustration because he is so much in denial mode that this is a banana republic wanting to believe this is a free country,that common sense tells you,if he wont even look at the evidence on JFK,then WHY would he ever take the time to look at the evidence on 9/11? :biggrin:

trolls like him who are so much in denial that they only see what they WANT to see when it comes to the JFK assassination,WHY would they bother to look at the evidence on 9/11? i dont know,but a troll like that who puts you on ignore cause he knows he cant counter the facts you presented that prove him wrong on JFK,.logic tells me you might as well be talking to a brick wall trying to get him to listen to you on 9/11 am I right or am I right?.:D
Dude, he will soon ignore me.........no great loss. I have tired of trying to educating the shills. His beloved "gubermint" that killed JFK took down the twin towers....it's a fucking fact.

Are you talking about me? I'm not ignoring you.

Hell no.....I was talking about someone else. I like what you post....but I maintain and will go to my grave knowing that 9/11/01 was an inside job....no two ways about it.

WHY do you like what this troll posts,he is the same as rightwinger and say it,a government shill.

I like Pred-Fan.....he's never been contrary to me....he simply doesn't "get it" that 9/11 was a false flag event...eventually he will come to the realization one way or the other and it will happen sooner rather than later. I believe some really bad shit is on the horizon and I don't like the looks of things at all. I don't know if Trump is legit or not but if he is? It's going to take the white hats in all the alphabet agencies to take on the shadow government. We are in a very bad situation right now that is so horrifically teetering on complete collapse (all orchestrated) that 95 percent of the people here couldn'
t even wrap their minds around......it ain't good at all......

You're dreaming on that one dude the fact he STILL thinks oswald was the lone assassin and believes in magic bullets.:lmao::haha:

that is WHY there is no hope for him and WHY there was always hope for you a few years ago since you at LEAST could accept it the CIA killed JFK.:rolleyes:

You obviously have not discussed the JFK case with him because a few years ago when there was a thread on that made here I posted pesky facts he could not get around that proved beyond a doubt oswald was innocent and there was a conspiracy to kill JFK.

He never came back on that thread to refute them after that. i sent a pm to him telling him I was waiting for his reply for him to address it and I think you are already aware of this,that he replied back to me back and started cursing me out in frustration that I owned him and took him to school and he was angry about me proving him wrong so much that ever since then he has had me on ignore.:up:

see you just have not discussed the JFK assassination with him any or shown evidence to him as i did that oswald was innocent and there were multiple shooters OTHERWISE he would have done the same thing with you years ago and put you on ignore as well in frustration of being proven wrong.:lmao::rofl::haha:

Ok, I get that but I still think that he has the capacity to "get it...so I am going to make PredFan this offer.....

PredFan...watch this documentary and if afterwards you are not moved or swayed? Let me know....I will send you a fifty dollar gift certificate to any restaurant chain of your choice to compensate you for your time....I will ask you a few simple questions that you would be able to answer if you watched it....just to keep you honest...but I think enough of you to make this offer..

I was introduced to this by a friend that said I would really get something out of it....as soon as I saw that it was 3 and a half hours long? I gave a heavy sigh...but it was given to me by a friend I respected and I made a promise to watch it from beginning to end....but once I started watching it I got so engrossed in it because it is so brilliantly done that I didn't even realize the time. I have watched or listened to it at least 15 times. It's gut wrenching to me and I still get watery eyes when I am taken through the events of that day and what was lost and the coup de'etat that took place that day and the power structure that remains....makes me unbelievably sad for what was lost but it also pisses me off and lights a fire inside me and the only way I will ever stop trying to wake people up is when they haul me away in a body bag...I owe those that did the heavy lifting in order to educate me no less.....I am just paying forward.

Are you talking about me? I'm not ignoring you.

Hell no.....I was talking about someone else. I like what you post....but I maintain and will go to my grave knowing that 9/11/01 was an inside job....no two ways about it.

WHY do you like what this troll posts,he is the same as rightwinger and say it,a government shill.

I like Pred-Fan.....he's never been contrary to me....he simply doesn't "get it" that 9/11 was a false flag event...eventually he will come to the realization one way or the other and it will happen sooner rather than later. I believe some really bad shit is on the horizon and I don't like the looks of things at all. I don't know if Trump is legit or not but if he is? It's going to take the white hats in all the alphabet agencies to take on the shadow government. We are in a very bad situation right now that is so horrifically teetering on complete collapse (all orchestrated) that 95 percent of the people here couldn'
t even wrap their minds around......it ain't good at all......

You're dreaming on that one dude the fact he STILL thinks oswald was the lone assassin and believes in magic bullets.:lmao::haha:

that is WHY there is no hope for him and WHY there was always hope for you a few years ago since you at LEAST could accept it the CIA killed JFK.:rolleyes:

You obviously have not discussed the JFK case with him because a few years ago when there was a thread on that made here I posted pesky facts he could not get around that proved beyond a doubt oswald was innocent and there was a conspiracy to kill JFK.

He never came back on that thread to refute them after that. i sent a pm to him telling him I was waiting for his reply for him to address it and I think you are already aware of this,that he replied back to me back and started cursing me out in frustration that I owned him and took him to school and he was angry about me proving him wrong so much that ever since then he has had me on ignore.:up:

see you just have not discussed the JFK assassination with him any or shown evidence to him as i did that oswald was innocent and there were multiple shooters OTHERWISE he would have done the same thing with you years ago and put you on ignore as well in frustration of being proven wrong.:lmao::rofl::haha:

Ok, I get that but I still think that he has the capacity to "get it...so I am going to make PredFan this offer.....

PredFan...watch this documentary and if afterwards you are not moved or swayed? Let me know....I will send you a fifty dollar gift certificate to any restaurant chain of your choice to compensate you for your time....I will ask you a few simple questions that you would be able to answer if you watched it....just to keep you honest...but I think enough of you to make this offer..

I was introduced to this by a friend that said I would really get something out of it....as soon as I saw that it was 3 and a half hours long? I gave a heavy sigh...but it was given to me by a friend I respected and I made a promise to watch it from beginning to end....but once I started watching it I got so engrossed in it because it is so brilliantly done that I didn't even realize the time. I have watched or listened to it at least 15 times. It's gut wrenching to me and I still get watery eyes when I am taken through the events of that day and what was lost and the coup de'etat that took place that day and the power structure that remains....makes me unbelievably sad for what was lost but it also pisses me off and lights a fire inside me and the only way I will ever stop trying to wake people up is when they haul me away in a body bag...I owe those that did the heavy lifting in order to educate me no less.....I am just paying forward.

you will be waiting YEARS on end of him to watch that video,trust me.:biggrin:

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