21 Questions That Donald Trump May Not Want To Answer

Is paying someone a good price for their property a crime? Why did Hillary take donations from countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar when she claims to be a champion of women's rights?

Paying a crime boss twice what something is worth is a red flag. Donald Trump should answer the question.
"Red flag" for what? In New York, it's the way business is done.

So gangsterism is Okay. That's really good to know.

You really are a dumbass. Paying off a gangster isn't being a gangster. If the mayor of New York did his job, Trump wouldn't have to do such things, but New York politicians are all corrupt. They're probably getting paid by the Mafia.

So paying off a crime boss involved with murder, corruption, and criminal enterprises is okay. When his history of flirting with crime catches up to him don't say I didn't tell you so.

Paying extortion isn't a crime, dumbass. When the politicians are bigger criminals than the criminals, that's the only choice you have. Trump Tower was started when that imbecile David Koch was in office who let crime run rampant in the city. When you have a mayor like that, then the you have no choice but paying off the criminals if you want to do business.
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A federal judge later found you conspired to cheat both the Polish workers, who were paid less than $5 an hour cash with no benefits, and the union health and welfare fund. You testified that you did not notice the Polish workers, whom the judge noted were easy to spot because they were the only ones on the work site without hard hats.

What should voters make of your failure or inability to notice 150 men demolishing a multi-story building without hard hats?

You seem to have stopped talking to other posters and to be simply trolling your own thread now.

This is pretty close to an admission of defeat in regards to any debate of ideas...

Hardly, none of you wanted to talk about Donald Trump, so I took the opportunity to put the questions right out front where you could not ignore them and you still are.

The questions do not seem serious.

When you are digging up such detailed and obscure questions about Trump when Obama got a pass, and you still won't admit that he was lying, it is hard to take you seriously.
You later paid a Scarfo associate twice the value of a lot, officials determined.

Since you boast that you always negotiate the best prices, why did you pay double the value of this real estate?

Is paying someone a good price for their property a crime? Why did Hillary take donations from countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar when she claims to be a champion of women's rights?

Paying a crime boss twice what something is worth is a red flag. Donald Trump should answer the question.
Oh you MEAN Obama buying property from Rizzo? That looked dirty.

There you go! if it was a disqualifier for Obama it should be a disqualifier to Trump. Glad to see you're paying attention now.

It wasn't a disqualifier among your ilk.

So that's your rationale for supporting Trump?
Paying a crime boss twice what something is worth is a red flag. Donald Trump should answer the question.
"Red flag" for what? In New York, it's the way business is done.

So gangsterism is Okay. That's really good to know.

You really are a dumbass. Paying off a gangster isn't being a gangster. If the mayor of New York did his job, Trump wouldn't have to do such things, but New York politicians are all corrupt. They're probably getting paid by the Mafia.

So paying off a crime boss involved with murder, corruption, and criminal enterprises is okay. When his history of flirting with crime catches up to him don't say I didn't tell you so.

Paying extortion isn't a crime, dumbass.

Concealing crime is against the law.
A federal judge later found you conspired to cheat both the Polish workers, who were paid less than $5 an hour cash with no benefits, and the union health and welfare fund. You testified that you did not notice the Polish workers, whom the judge noted were easy to spot because they were the only ones on the work site without hard hats.

What should voters make of your failure or inability to notice 150 men demolishing a multi-story building without hard hats?

You seem to have stopped talking to other posters and to be simply trolling your own thread now.

This is pretty close to an admission of defeat in regards to any debate of ideas...

Hardly, none of you wanted to talk about Donald Trump, so I took the opportunity to put the questions right out front where you could not ignore them and you still are.

The questions do not seem serious.

When you are digging up such detailed and obscure questions about Trump when Obama got a pass, and you still won't admit that he was lying, it is hard to take you seriously.

The questions are very serious and the weight on each candidate is the same. Obama may have gotten away with some things does that mean that Trump gets an excuse? I don't think so.
A federal judge later found you conspired to cheat both the Polish workers, who were paid less than $5 an hour cash with no benefits, and the union health and welfare fund. You testified that you did not notice the Polish workers, whom the judge noted were easy to spot because they were the only ones on the work site without hard hats.

What should voters make of your failure or inability to notice 150 men demolishing a multi-story building without hard hats?

You seem to have stopped talking to other posters and to be simply trolling your own thread now.

This is pretty close to an admission of defeat in regards to any debate of ideas...

Hardly, none of you wanted to talk about Donald Trump, so I took the opportunity to put the questions right out front where you could not ignore them and you still are.

The questions do not seem serious.

When you are digging up such detailed and obscure questions about Trump when Obama got a pass, and you still won't admit that he was lying, it is hard to take you seriously.

He's obviously just a libturd troll trying to throw mud on Trump.
Donald Trump leaves many unanswered questions about his past and a strong reluctance to discuss anything about it. I am sure there are many people who will dismiss this article without considering it, but they should embrace it. Vetting a candidate allows us to see both the good and the bad and allows us to balance that view with the judgment that the candidate will do the correct thing in the right situation. In a Democratic society we pick our candidates and an honest and robust examination should be honored. Imagine if we had given President Obama such an examination? Would he have been elected?

21 Questions For Donald Trump
"I have covered Donald Trump off and on for 27 years — including breaking the story that in 1990, when he claimed to be worth $3 billion but could not pay interest on loans coming due, his bankers put his net worth at minus $295 million. And so I have closely watched what Trump does and what government documents reveal about his conduct.

Reporters, competing Republican candidates, and voters would learn a lot about Trump if they asked for complete answers to these 21 questions.

So, Mr. Trump…

1. You call yourself an “ardent philanthropist,” but have not donated a dollar to The Donald J. Trump Foundation since 2006. You’re not even the biggest donor to the foundation, having given about $3.7 million in the previous two decades while businesses associated with Vince McMahon’s World Wrestling Entertainment gave the Trump Foundation $5 million. All the money since 2006 has come from those doing business with you.

How does giving away other people’s money, in what could be seen as a kickback scheme, make you a philanthropist?

2. New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman successfully sued you, alleging your Trump University was an “illegal educational institution” that charged up to $35,000 for “Trump Elite” mentorships promising personal advice from you, but you never showed up and your “special” list of lenders was photocopied from Scotsman Guide, a magazine found at any bookstore.

Why did you not show up?

3. You claimed The Learning Annex paid you a $1 million speaking fee, but on Larry King Live, you acknowledged the fee was $400,000 and the rest was the promotional value.

Since you have testified under oath that your public statements inflate the value of your assets, can voters use this as a guide, so whenever you say $1, in reality it is only 40 cents?

4. The one-page financial statement handed out at Trump Tower when you announced your candidacy says you’ve given away $102 million worth of land.

Will you supply a list of each of these gifts, with the values you assigned to them?

5. The biggest gift you have talked about appears to be an easement at the Palos Verdes, California, golf course bearing your name on land you wanted to build houses on, but that land is subject to landslides and is now the golf course driving range.

Did you or one of your businesses take a tax deduction for this land that you could not build on and do you think anyone should get a $25 million tax deduction for a similar self-serving gift?

6. Trump Tower is not a steel girder high rise, but 58 stories of concrete.

Why did you use concrete instead of traditional steel girders?"
Read the rest of this stunning article here 21 Questions For Donald Trump
More dishonesty. How on earth he can get a negative income of $3,000,000? Trump is as crooked as....... there is nothing as crooked as Trump. He makes the Corleone family (business partners of his) look like alter boys
A federal judge later found you conspired to cheat both the Polish workers, who were paid less than $5 an hour cash with no benefits, and the union health and welfare fund. You testified that you did not notice the Polish workers, whom the judge noted were easy to spot because they were the only ones on the work site without hard hats.

What should voters make of your failure or inability to notice 150 men demolishing a multi-story building without hard hats?

You seem to have stopped talking to other posters and to be simply trolling your own thread now.

This is pretty close to an admission of defeat in regards to any debate of ideas...

Hardly, none of you wanted to talk about Donald Trump, so I took the opportunity to put the questions right out front where you could not ignore them and you still are.

The questions do not seem serious.

When you are digging up such detailed and obscure questions about Trump when Obama got a pass, and you still won't admit that he was lying, it is hard to take you seriously.

The questions are very serious and the weight on each candidate is the same. Obama may have gotten away with some things does that mean that Trump gets an excuse? I don't think so.

What is the weight on the questions you're asking Hillary?
"Red flag" for what? In New York, it's the way business is done.

So gangsterism is Okay. That's really good to know.

You really are a dumbass. Paying off a gangster isn't being a gangster. If the mayor of New York did his job, Trump wouldn't have to do such things, but New York politicians are all corrupt. They're probably getting paid by the Mafia.

So paying off a crime boss involved with murder, corruption, and criminal enterprises is okay. When his history of flirting with crime catches up to him don't say I didn't tell you so.

Paying extortion isn't a crime, dumbass.

Concealing crime is against the law.

What crime did he conceal?
So gangsterism is Okay. That's really good to know.

You really are a dumbass. Paying off a gangster isn't being a gangster. If the mayor of New York did his job, Trump wouldn't have to do such things, but New York politicians are all corrupt. They're probably getting paid by the Mafia.

So paying off a crime boss involved with murder, corruption, and criminal enterprises is okay. When his history of flirting with crime catches up to him don't say I didn't tell you so.

Paying extortion isn't a crime, dumbass.

Concealing crime is against the law.

What crime did he conceal?

Extortion. You are the one who brought it up.
So, speaking of vetting, do you believe Obama's story that he sat in the pew for twenty years without noticing that his friend was a raving anti-American racist?
most guys sitting in most pews are asleep with their eyes open. This bugged me a lot. The kind of people that ignored this are the kind of folks ignoring Trumps dishonesty.
You were the target of a 1979 bribery investigation. No charges were filed, but New Jersey law mandates denial of a license to anyone omitting any salient fact from their casino application.

Why did you omit the 1979 bribery investigation?
A federal judge later found you conspired to cheat both the Polish workers, who were paid less than $5 an hour cash with no benefits, and the union health and welfare fund. You testified that you did not notice the Polish workers, whom the judge noted were easy to spot because they were the only ones on the work site without hard hats.

What should voters make of your failure or inability to notice 150 men demolishing a multi-story building without hard hats?

You seem to have stopped talking to other posters and to be simply trolling your own thread now.

This is pretty close to an admission of defeat in regards to any debate of ideas...

Hardly, none of you wanted to talk about Donald Trump, so I took the opportunity to put the questions right out front where you could not ignore them and you still are.

The questions do not seem serious.

When you are digging up such detailed and obscure questions about Trump when Obama got a pass, and you still won't admit that he was lying, it is hard to take you seriously.

The questions are very serious and the weight on each candidate is the same. Obama may have gotten away with some things does that mean that Trump gets an excuse? I don't think so.

THe weight on each candidate is the same?

That's obvious bs.

Obama "MAY" have gotten away with some things?:rofl:

Yep. I cannot take you seriously.
So, speaking of vetting, do you believe Obama's story that he sat in the pew for twenty years without noticing that his friend was a raving anti-American racist?
most guys sitting in most pews are asleep with their eyes open. This bugged me a lot. The kind of people that ignored this are the kind of folks ignoring Trumps dishonesty.

Obama wasn't just some slub. He was a community organizer and a politician. He worked with Wright. He stated that Wrights message was so strong that it caused Obama to "convert" though he was vague as to what he converted from. He also had called Wright a friend.

Hell, he compared his relationship to Wright to his relationship to his grandmother, the woman that raised him in his initial response to the scandal.

This was not just some guy sleeping in the pews.

Obama's stated story is a lie designed to fool only the most willful of dupes.

SUch as his allies in the media who let the matter drop.
And the point of your post is what?

Vetting a candidate allows us to see all sides of them. The decision to select them as your runner is still yours.
Oh so now liberals want vetting. Not so much with Obama though who still refuses to answer questions about his past.

Obama has been elected, vetting is the process by which you examine your candidate prioe to an election. If you want to sat Democrats did a lousy job, go ahead but the Op is about Trump.
So, speaking of vetting, do you believe Obama's story that he sat in the pew for twenty years without noticing that his friend was a raving anti-American racist?

The purpose of vetting is to explore your candidate thoroughly until you are satisfied that they would make a good representative. I didn't vote for Obama, I voted for Gary Johnson.

And yet interestingly you did not answer the question.

Why is that? He is the most powerful person in the world. Surely you have an opinion.

do you believe Obama's story that he sat in the pew for twenty years without noticing that his friend was a raving anti-American racist?

I do have an opinion, but I see no point in talking about a man who will be out of office in 16 months. He has already been vetted and elected, we cannot change that.
It does bug me. That should have been a great big monster size red flag. We should investigate our candidates thoroughly. Which is not achieved ny digging through the midden of a candidate 7 years ago, as revolting as it is. We need to look long and hard at todays candidates, using history to justify digging, not obfuscating the digging
In 1986 you wrote a letter seeking lenient sentencing for Joseph Weichselbaum, a convicted marijuana and cocaine trafficker who lived in Trump Tower and in a case that came before your older sister, Judge Maryanne Trump Barry of U.S. District Court in Newark, New Jersey, who recused herself because Weichselbaum was the Trump casinos and Trump family helicopter consultant and pilot.

Why did you do business with Weichselbaum, both before and after his conviction?
And the point of your post is what?

Vetting a candidate allows us to see all sides of them. The decision to select them as your runner is still yours.
Oh so now liberals want vetting. Not so much with Obama though who still refuses to answer questions about his past.

Obama has been elected, vetting is the process by which you examine your candidate prioe to an election. If you want to sat Democrats did a lousy job, go ahead but the Op is about Trump.

The fact that context is your enemy says a lot.

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