12 million now covered by ObamaCare

If that's what the Heritage Foundation said they were wrong. obotcare doesn't work.
In the new ersatz capitalism, banks were bailed out in the name of saving capitalism.

Only this time, given the scale of their greed, leverage, and derivative scheming, taxpayers saw first-hand how the new economic sociology worked. Losses were socialized.

Big banks and government-sponsored enterprises of unimaginable proportion and power were made whole, larger, and more systemically lethal.

And as if that wasn't evidence enough of the socialization for the preservation of the corrupt system's richest and most protected political paymasters, the newly elected Democratic President Barack Obama crammed down the public's gullible gullet his sweeping socialist agenda.

He got into bed with the medical-industrial complex so they could profit at the expense of taxpayers.

The Growing Threat to Capitalism
Everything looks rosy at first. Remember, the bill has yet to come due on this miscarriage. And guess who'll be squawking the loudest when they find out what a mess this is going to be? Why, folks like Luddy, of course. And trust me; EVERYTHING THEY SAID BEFORE WILL BE RE-WRITTEN AND FORGOTTEN LIKE IT NEVER HAPPENED.

How's it look rosy? My healthcare premiums went up 250 percent in year one.
Luddley will blame the future catastrophic failure of obamacare on the GOP. Bush for sure and he may stretch and push blame on Reagan. obama will be held blameless.
I find it interesting that Libs don't want to talk about the 48 million
Americans who were dying in the streets because of no coverage.
Why weren't they all over this O'Care.
You would think they would have jumped on this.

They are nowhere to be found.
The Libs don't want to talk about them.
Obama and the Democrat party don't bring them up anymore!

Why is that.
Nobody knows what is going on with Obamacare. Until we break down the numbers then everything else is just conjecture. It takes a healthy analytical mind to want to break down the numbers. It takes a partisan puppet to pretend the numbers speak for themselves.

Yes they do, just ask the people who are being affected by it now, I mean like losing the choice of seeing their own doctor and such. The insurance industry embraced this ACA, because the feds are guaranteeing them their money, where as before they stood to lose big time as the cost were on the rise anyway. It still doesn't give the citizens a quality health care plan at an affordable cost, so Obama loses on this one, and so does the poor saps working for a living who are paying for it all, while everyone else rides the system like the moochers that they are, were, or soon will become. :cuckoo:
The only alternative will be single payer for all, and I mean for ALL, because this current law won't work and they knew it. This has created a worse class system than before, and the working class who can't or don't qualify for any subsidies or help at all, are totally screwed into the dirt by it all. Then for the people who once could afford a decent plan, and did have their own doctors, well they are totally screwed into the ground as well. Obama and crew are the real nutters, and people will see this now. Their ideas and best intentions are badly flawed, where as they have really created a huge problem now. The ones who support this are government dependents anyway, and that is what the demoncrats knew from the get go because there is more of them now, than there are working class Americans anymore. 80 million working class not dependent on government at all was the number I was told, and there are over 140 million dependents on some form of government assistance now. If that 80 mill gets any worse off than they are in this situation, then we will end up in a totally run by the government what kind of nation as a result of ?
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Everything looks rosy at first. Remember, the bill has yet to come due on this miscarriage. And guess who'll be squawking the loudest when they find out what a mess this is going to be? Why, folks like Luddy, of course. And trust me; EVERYTHING THEY SAID BEFORE WILL BE RE-WRITTEN AND FORGOTTEN LIKE IT NEVER HAPPENED.

What would I squawk about? It works for me and it works for millions who can't afford big bucks.
The people who are being screwed over are the poor who live in states with a Repup governor.

You say that it "works for you, and it works for those who can't afford big bucks" eh ? Yes, and you know why ? It's because for those who have their health care subsidized for them by the federal government now, will only help to increase the price of health care in the market place, instead of decreasing it. You actually think that the insurance companies or industry won't pile on after they see the feds subsidizing or giving insurances to their industry that they can't and won't lose in this deal no matter what happens ?

The ones who will be burned is the working man or woman, for whom can't get any help at all, and therefore they are or will be subjected to the higher cost that the insurance industry will bring now upon us all who are in this boat together, because the government is involved in making sure that millions have insurance in which will be heavily subsidized by them to make it work, but in the end it won't work because the government will bail once reality sets in.

The working man and woman don't have a chance in this enviroment created now, and the feds know this. They are looking at the alternative I think already to the situation, but the one in play has to totally collapse the original system first. They knew this..

Oh yeah, and those rw maroons who would die rather than tell the truth about President Obama.


Why is it that some STILL don't know that ObamaCare is not a product and ALL insurance depends on policy holders NOT filing claims? IOW, the young and healthy. That is now and has always been the very definition of all insurance. And why is it that the Obama caters never seemed to notice that they have been subsidizing a hell of a lot more under Reagan's Socialist EMTALA?
The lies from the right will continue but so will those who are benefiting from ObamaCare.

I love how they're clamboring all over each other trying to find something wrong with the numbers to no avail.

Come November it'll be "What glitch?"

For sure, at some point, the Repubs will try to take credit for it.

And, some will believe that. We've seen it happen over and over again. Limbaugh, Beck, Jones, Fox will tell them what to believe and their little bobble heads will jiggle up and down like Limbaugh's fat.
What do you care? You're on the dole, getting govt assistance for food and you get your health care coverage from Medicare and Medicaid.

Typical rw - you got yours and fuck everyone else.

Hey Luddly was this issue resolved yet?

Do you really have background to say this about Stephanie?
Or you saying something "in general" to slam rw as hypocrites
or about her specifically?

Where did you get this?

Stephanie: if what you say is true, and not Luddly,
is there a place on here where we can make user friendly bets.

And whoever is right or wrong gets to choose what Avatar
the losing side has to use for a week or a month or whatever wager is placed.

This seems like something that can be proven true or false.
This should be an easy case to settle.

If Luddly really really believes this about you specifically, and it turns out to be false,
why not bet that whoever loses the bet has to pay a certain amount toward the health care or help for a disabled or elderly person or Veteran who can't cover all their costs.

Agree on some goal, and make a bet. Either one person is lying
or this issue needs to be dropped if people aren't willing to stand behind what they say!!

Luddly I hope this issue gets resolved.

I really hope to work with you, Stephanie and others on USMB on a proposal to major party leaders to address political conflicts and beliefs. If we cannot even resolve simple points like this, what business do we have debating more complex abstract points, really.

I'll resolve it, no he has nothing... he just lies and doesn't care that he does
it's his problem... but I hope everyone take's notice and keep it in mind..He'll lie about any of you with no problem


You're really wishing you had not written you couldn't understand your Medicare/Medicaid and that you've gotten government help.

But, that IS what you wrote.

Obamacare effects are bigger than expected, poll finds - latimes.com

New Gallup survey data suggest that about 12 million previously uninsured Americans have gained coverage since the fall.

President Obama's health law has led to an even greater increase in health coverage than previously estimated, according to new Gallup survey data, which suggests that about 12 million previously uninsured Americans have gained coverage since last fall.

That is millions more than Gallup found in March and suggests that as many as 4 million people have signed up for some kind of insurance in the last several weeks as the first enrollment period for the Affordable Care Act drew to a close.

Just 12.9% of adults nationally lacked coverage in the first half of April, initial data from the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index indicate. That's the lowest rate since the survey began in 2008.

Eighteen percent were uninsured in the third quarter of 2013, just before Americans could start shopping for coverage on the new online marketplaces created by the law.

Gallup pollsters cautioned that the data are preliminary but said it is increasingly clear the health law is responsible for the gains. "It is fair to say it is having a significant impact," said Dan Witters, the survey's research director.

Critics of the law, sometimes called Obamacare, say it has done little to expand health coverage.

Obamacare effects are bigger than expected, poll finds - latimes.com

No wonder Repubs are apoplectic. The last thing they want is for Americans to have health care.


It's kind of funny how liberals are boasting about the numbers of people signing up, when its mandatory to get insurance this year now, or you pay the fine.

Of course, what libtards don't report is the fact that most people can't even afford to use their new "health care" because deductibles and premiums are so much higher. But hey, they're "covered", that's all that counts.
What does "covered" mean? You almost gotta laugh when the administration brags about 2% of the population complying with the freaking law.
Luddly doesn't even bother to read the article:

Gallup's polling does not clarify how many of the 7.5 million were previously uninsured, nor does the survey identify whether the newly insured got coverage on a marketplace or through other avenues, such as Medicaid or an employer.
What does "covered" mean? You almost gotta laugh when the administration brags about 2% of the population complying with the freaking law.

Is one truly "covered" when the deductibles are so large they act as a deterrent to seeking health care services?
Obamacare effects are bigger than expected, poll finds - latimes.com

No wonder Repubs are apoplectic. The last thing they want is for Americans to have health care.

Actually, the last thing they want is for the Affordable Care Act to succeed. That would make them look so bad for criticizing it so vehementaly for so long and claiming that both it and Obama are failures. They'd be wrong on both counts, very, very wrong. And they'd hate that.

Success will be measured in a decade from now not today...

When these 8 or 12 million have paid their premiums for 10 years, let us know...

Then and only then you can suggest it is a success...

Until then the jury is still out...

It's amazing how gullible you all are...

The conservative alternative to health care reform was what?


Arizona Transplant Patients Die After State Cuts Medical Insurance - ABC News

No thanks.

We don't want..

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The liberal alternative to a brain:


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