$1 in 1980 is worth $3.73 today

If anyone is hurting financially under Biden, you suck at life.
Obama was obligated to pay for Bush's two wars and two tax cuts in the middle of two wars.

How much new debt did Obama create that wasn't a direct/indirect result of Bush actions/policies?
No he wasn’t obligated. Funny how you Messiah cultists always offer excuses for O.

He took W’s two wars, expanded them, then added five more. Dropped more bombs than W. Murdered American citizens via drone attack. Voided habeas corpus. Expanded the Patriot Act and W’s tax cuts for the rich. Threw 5 million Americans out of their homes while bailing out the criminal banksters. Failed to stop the torture program or prosecute any of the torturers. Kept Gitmo open. All while blowing up the War Budget.

O was an extension of W. They are blood brothers from different mothers and both should be serving life sentences in solitary confinement at Supermax.


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