
  1. deanrd

    Did trump go to Japan to avoid memorial day in this country?

    I like soldiers who weren’t captured. Facts Matter: Obama didn't skip cemetery service to attend Memorial Day barbecue in Chicago Would Donald “Bone Spurs” Trump have been booed if he showed up? Remember, last year Trump was in France. And yet every single year at memorial day...
  2. Dan Stubbs

    Obama did a lot in this Nation.

    First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it. First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke out on the reasons for their rate increases. First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which state it is allowed...
  3. The Original Tree

    Obama-Nukes in Iran, Poised to Take Out Israel and US Warships

    This goes under the heading of more DOPE and DERANGED promises Obama made to Fundamentally Change America and Democracy by Undermining America Overseas and At Home. Worst President Ever. Should be tried for Treason, but he has too many like minded Traitors embedded deep in our Government...
  4. deanrd

    A Need Greater Now Than Ever – Vigorous Oversight of an Expanding Executive: what GOP said to Obama

    https://www.motherjones.com/files/9-22-10_ogr_report_-_a_constitutional_obligation_-_congressional_oversight_of_the_executive_branch.pdf A Constitutional Obligation: Congressional Oversight of the Executive Branch Hand-in-hand with the powers expressly granted to Congress by the Constitution –...
  5. LuvExoticKitty

    Trump has already made American culture better

    Remember when libs thought it was okay to be racist against white people? Remember when men had to feel bad for being men, apologizing for wanting attractive women and for wanting to be aggressive winners? Remember when being an American came with an apology first? Remember when owning a...
  6. Justin Richardson

    Obama's Economy, Seriously?

    National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow stated: What Mr. Booker (Farticus) and others are saying is simply not true factually." as he stated on Fox News' "America's News HQ". He (Kudlow) went on to say: Kudlow spoke two days after the publication of the April jobs report, which...
  7. The Original Tree

    Comey, Clapper & Brennan could get 300 Years in Prison!

    Avenatti, once the number one candidate for The Democrat Party Nomination Will now NEVER BE PRESIDENT and neither will the above mentioned criminals. All 4 have something in common. They all thought they were above the law, and they are all in jeopardy for spending the rest of their lives in...
  8. The Original Tree

    Don't Let These Libtard DemNazi Trolls Keep Lying ON USMB

    I don't have to go over all of Obma's Crimes and The COUP. It's too expansive and and wide ranging to discuss all the ways "Crossfire Hurricane" launched attacks at President Trump. Let's just look at a SINGULAR ISSUE. Texts between Strozk and Page that The FBI and DOJ said NEVER EXISTED and...
  9. deanrd

    I just heard that 10% of our entire Stealth Fleet was lost by Donald Trump.

    Hurricane Michael: Fate of costly stealth fighter jets at Tyndall Air Force Base still unknown Experts have said up to 22 of the F-22 Raptors, which cost an estimated $330 million each, could have been left behind in hangars as Hurricane Michael tore through the region. The base, which is home...
  10. The Original Tree

    Agenda 21 - The Dossier & Fundamentally Transforming America

    I’ve been saying that all along that these people were Russian Moles, and Obama and Clinton were willing accomplices in selling out America and so were their allies in The CIA, DOJ, FBI and all Other agencies Obama planted these people in. Notice how neither Julian Assange was questioned, nor...
  11. deanrd

    For those that didn’t watch Fox news while Obama was president.

    This is one of the most disgraceful videos I have ever seen. And the snowflakes have the nerve to cry their eyes out that Trump is being mistreated? Democrats have had the house for less than 100 days. All these investigations started under Republicans. Under most of Obamas eight years...
  12. The Original Tree

    Obama's History of Hostile Actions Against Israel

    Since we are talking a lot about Anti-Semitism in The Democrat Party, I thought I'd post this. This is just off the top of my head, but I will provide links to articles that go in to a lot more detail at the bottom. The reason Obama actually abruptly pulled out of the Syria & Iraq region...
  13. deanrd

    After Hillary and Obama, can Republicans really claim Trump derangement syndrome?

    After Hillary and Obama, can Republicans really claim Trump derangement syndrome? According to Republicans: Saying Hillary was running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor and Insisting Obama was born born in Kenya Are NOT evidence of Hillary and Obama derangement syndrome. But...
  14. Fort Fun Indiana

    Instant classic, still a classic: "What if Obama Said it?"

    I think a repost after a year and a half is warranted. It brings things into even more sharp relief now, after 18 more months of material. What would you add to it? Skip to 3:20 for the start...
  15. AveryJarhman

    Trump Looks to Uproot Numbers-Only Bias Test Widely Used in U.S. By Paul Sperry

    #TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions Trump Looks to Uproot Numbers-Only Bias Test Widely Used in U.S. By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations February 14, 2019...
  16. The Original Tree

    What Did Manafort & Podesta have in Common? Hillary Clinton

    The Podesta Group’s Board composed entirely of Russian Nationals got their hooks in to Clinton, then took her and Obama’s $14 Million, laundered it through COIE law firm to Fusion GPS to pay Russians to interfere in our elections like Obama tried to interfere in Israel’s Elections. The Paper...
  17. deanrd

    Trump, Cohen secret discussion before testimony: Perfectly "normal" or perfectly "criminal"?

    'Perfectly Insane': George Conway Scorches Any Testimony Talk Between Trump And Cohen Critics erupted Sunday after Rudy Giuliani insisted that any discussion that may have occurred between President Donald Trump and Michael Cohen concerning Cohen’s testimony before Congress would be “perfectly...
  18. The Original Tree

    Bob Mueller's 10,000 lb Elephant in The Room: The Dirty Dossier.

    What is your opinion on Clinton and Obama paying Russia for 'Dirt on Trump" which they received from Skirpal (RUS) and Steele (GBR) (Foreign Intelligence Agents), and then The FBI and DOJ knowingly taking Russian Propaganda that they knew was false, used it to file false affidavits in a FISA...
  19. The Original Tree

    The Threat To Globalism & Why The Leftist Zealots Fight The Will of The People.

    What people do not understand was the fact that if Hillary Clinton were to be elected America as we know it was over with in a few short years. Depending on how much resistance to her and Obama's Agenda they experienced, we could have seen the dissolution of America as a Sovereign Nation at an...
  20. deanrd

    Acting AG Matt Whitaker caught lying about his college. Don't these people know they will be vetted?

    Acting AG incorrectly claimed 'Academic All-American' honors on resume: report Whitaker claimed the Academic All-American status in his biography on the website of the law firm where he used to work, as well as on a résumé he sent in 2014 to a patent-marketing firm, according to the newspaper...
  21. Marion Morrison

    Clinton Vs. Obama

    George Clinton is real American black man! He was calling for unity before anyone ever heard of Obama here. My money is on Clinton! Fuck Obama and his racial division bullshit! Sorry for the length, but it just ain't real unless Bootsy has a diaper on. :dunno: Obama is jealous of real...
  22. deanrd

    Meghan McCain compares Obama's campaign finance fines with Trump's felonies.

    So I was watching the View and when Trump's felonies came up, Meghan McCain jumped to his defense with: but but but Obama! Obama was fined for campaign finance violations. I checked it out. She's right. He was. But then it got me to thinking, what about her dad? Not only did the...
  23. The Original Tree

    Russian Collusion sent me to The E.R.

    Breaking News: Robert Mueller has just been admitted in to the hospital to undergo a procedure related to Russian Collusion that he uncovered during the most aggressive investigations conducted by him yet. After two years of monitoring, eaves dropping, wiretapping, and listening to hours and...
  24. The Original Tree

    James Comey Literally KNOWS NUTHIN!!!

    For a guy who fancies himself a "G" man and who is trying to cash in on a book he most likely had someone ghost write for him, this guy is both a fraud or an idiot or both. 241 times he said to Congress "I don't know" upon the advice of his FBI Lawyers. Rep. Gaetz Blasts Comey's 'Selective...
  25. deanrd

    What Trump would have said if he had been allowed to speak at George H. W. Bush's funeral:

    It's great seeing all these happy people. Great looking crowd here. I have a few words to say about Former President Bush. The old one, Iraqi George Jr. is still kicking. Wow, look at this crowd for Bush. Father of low energy Jeb and Iraqi George Jr. Small, nothing like at my inauguration...
  26. The Original Tree

    More Clinton Corruption: Why Graft, Bribery and Pay to Play are The Norm in DC

    Everyone knew Clinton was corrupt. Even people voting for her. They voted for her out of selfish interests. Government Employees, Public Servants, People Sapping our Social Safety Net, and Liberal Professors who's salaries are supplemented by taxpayers make up the typical Clinton voter...
  27. deanrd

    You do understand why Trump and his wife were invited to George H.W. Bush's funeral? Don't you?

    Of course, it would have been easier to just not invite Mafia Don who is under criminal investigation. But the Bush family went the high road and invited Trump and his immigrant wife. They may have invited Trump as a sign of respect to the Office of the President, but that's not how Trump or...
  28. K9Buck

    Best meme I've ever seen about Obama

    Nailed it!
  29. The Original Tree

    Dear Lefty: Please Define The Crime of Russian Collusion

    Dear Leftist Anarchists, Marxists, Socialists, Communist Radicals, and Deep State Sympathizers: Please DEFINE in WRITING......THE CRIME OF RUSSIAN COLLUSION. Is it John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, and Barak Obama selling 20% of US Uranium to Putin? Is it Obama giving Iran $150...
  30. Litwin

    Former Putin's collegemate on his nickname, US elections, Ukraine and Trump

    well look like vava putler has always been a massive loser , comments ?
  31. deanrd

    Remember when Republicans tried to paint Michelle Obama as a "terrorist"?

    Remember this? What's funny is that the picture of Bin Laden to the right. Remember, it was Obama who took Bin Laden down. After Republicans stopped looking for him and disbanded the CIA unit tasked with finding him. A unit President Obama started up shortly after he took office. For...
  32. g5000

    Chief Justice Roberts Rebukes Trump

    Trump did something unconstitutional. If he was a black guy, the pseuedocons would have added that to their growing List O'Reasons To Impeach they used to copy and paste on this forum a few years ago. A federal judge placed an injunction on Trump's action. So, as predictable as the sun...
  33. deanrd

    What are the most humorous quotes from the candidates so far from either party?

    What are the most humorous quotes from the candidates so far from either party? There have been a couple from Obama I thought was very funny. The Trump administration has enough indictments to field a football team. Gillum said to his opponent: I’m not saying you’re a racist. I’m saying the...
  34. deanrd

    Only 38% of the jobs in largest 204 metro areas are middle class or professional.

    The Opportunity Index: Ranking Opportunity in Metropolitan America – Third Way To find job quality in each MSA, the Opportunity Index combines data from the Labor Department’s Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) and a modified version of the Economic Policy Institute’s Family Budget...
  35. deanrd

    Have you seen the video of Cop Killer Luis Bracamontes, Trump is using to scare Republicans?

    Luis Bracamontes, Cop-Killer in Trump’s Twitter Video, Actually Came Back to U.S. Under Bush What Republicans are saying to scare their base is so different to reality. Luis Bracamontes came here, sure, but he was deported by Clinton. He came back under Bush and stayed for the last 6 years...
  36. deanrd

    Birth certificate, foundation financials, DNA, isn’t it time for tax returns?

    Obama gave his birth certificate to the public. Elizabeth Warren took a DNA test. The Clintons opened up the Clinton foundation financials for scrutiny. Isn’t it about time we saw trumps tax returns? Why does he get a pass? In the name of Fairplay, shouldn’t his tax returns be released...
  37. deanrd

    Remember the good old days? All we had to talk about was Obama's birth cert and college transcripts?

    Remember when Republicans were going nuts that Obama's birth certificate wasn't "real" and he was born in Kenya? Looking back, it's such a pathetic conspiracy. Remember when Obama told the Russians he would be more flexible after the elections? How the GOP turned that in to such a scary and...
  38. deanrd

    When they go low, we KICK them!

    Eric Holder said when they go low, we need to kick them. Michele Obama said no. That's not the right message. Democrats are better than that. See, I think Eric is wrong. My feeling is, when they go low we should stomp the sh!t out of them. Mrs. Obama thinks we should "be nice". What do...
  39. AveryJarhman

    Video: American Patriot Angrily Denounces His Racist Neighbors

    #TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #SOLUTIONS In this NSFW, ADULT LANGUAGE recording, an American citizen passionately offers his opinions about racism, speaks about harm he experienced when joining other black Americans in fighting racism, as well as...
  40. AveryJarhman

    Video: American Patriot Angrily Denounces His Racist Neighbors

    #TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions In this SALTY, ADULT LANGUAGE video recording, an American citizen passionately offers his opinions about racism, speaks about harm he experienced when joining other black Americans in fighting racism, as well as...

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