What Did Manafort & Podesta have in Common? Hillary Clinton

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
The Podesta Group’s Board composed entirely of Russian Nationals got their hooks in to Clinton, then took her and Obama’s $14 Million, laundered it through COIE law firm to Fusion GPS to pay Russians to interfere in our elections like Obama tried to interfere in Israel’s Elections. The Paper Trail is there. It would not even take an Investigation to prove this. And there is a reason The FBI shut down The Podesta Group and gave Tony Podesta Immunity. And it was not to be a nice guy like Comey was to Hillary Clinton and her staff. Where's The Beef? It's in The Clinton Campaign and Financial Records of The Podesta Group.

That's also where Manafort's money is, that Mueller insists he got paid to do work for Ukraine on behalf of The Obma Administration above and beyond the salary Tony Podesta paid him. But Manafort cannot call any of that information to his defense. He can claim this occurred, and Mueller can simply call him a liar without having to prove Manafort lied. This is how The KGB would run an investigation. Depriving their victims of all exculpatory evidence, while ignoring the crimes of the very people who they should be investigating for corruption. Tony Podesta should be on the hot seat, but he was given immunity....and most likely why is that he is "too stupid to know he is a criminal."

The whole problem with Russia Russia regarding The Trump Campaign is that there isn’t a shred of evidence for the unsupported accusations that anything occurred at all.
Simple logic tells you this is true.

If you have a man, a rival presidential candidate, and his entire family and campaign under Surveillance, ordered by President Obama, who was wiretapping his phone, his office, reading his every email, 24-7 with President Obama listening in to every word and sharing it with The Clinton Campaign, you would have found something to nail President Trump to the wall with IMMEDIATELY after he was sworn in over two years ago.

There is NOTHING. This is why we see nothing but manufactured petty process crimes....because there is "Nothing There There". I'll have my nothing burger with cheese please.

The whole reason for the Russia Russia Russia "INVESTIGATIONS" are nothing but a face saving operation designed to cover up crimes committed by Obama and Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election.

7 Investigations with the same conclusion, No Collusion. Muelller's report will conclude the same as the Senate Intelligence Report; No Collusion. The most problematic issue in The investigation is Mueller intentionally ignoring the paper trail that shows Clinton and Obama laundered money to Russians to put together a propaganda package in an attempt to rig the 2016 election in their favor and then depose a duly elected president with the Russian Sourced material if they failed utilizing a soft coup and corrupt hand picked political operatives in the FBI and DOJ.


That’s why this hoax is nothing but a cover up operation to save Obama’s reputation from being that of a Marxist Traitor who begged Putin to smear President Trump for him to stop Obama from being exposed as the Criminal America hating Manchurian Candidate he was should Trump and not Clinton be elected.

This is why Mueller completely ignored The Sourcing of The Dossier.

Branding an American President like Obama a Monstrous Criminal Traitor would make Ferguson look like a camp fire.

So The Intelligence Community has to cover for his crimes and theirs and we will move on eventually.

Mueller's report will be buried, because it is an embarrassment to Mueller, The FBI, James Comey, Clinton and Obama.

A cover up is good for America actually, though I’d like to see Obama and Clinton burn for their crimes.

We have bigger fish to fry than to try both of them for treason.

Let Obama and Clinton live in eternal shame just like OJ Simpson.

And let’s get down to the business of running America instead.
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Like I said, Fake Investigations. The Very guy who held a meeting in his office to talk about "The Insurance Policy" Went after Trump. Also little did WE THE PEOPLE KNOW, Rosenstein has been refusing to let CONGRESS see McCabe's Memos, so like with the text messages they said were lost and could never be found that The IG found in 24 hours, there is some "bad shit" in those Memos.

McCabe details central role in Russia probes, DOJ meetings on whether to oust president
Like I said, Fake Investigations. The Very guy who held a meeting in his office to talk about "The Insurance Policy" Went after Trump. Also little did WE THE PEOPLE KNOW, Rosenstein has been refusing to let CONGRESS see McCabe's Memos, so like with the text messages they said were lost and could never be found that The IG found in 24 hours, there is some "bad shit" in those Memos.

McCabe details central role in Russia probes, DOJ meetings on whether to oust president

Stupid Russian. GPS was paid $200,000 for the Dossier, not 14 million. Show me anything that says Fusion GPS received $14 million. The Clinton campaign paid the law firm $14 million for ALL of their legal work from the beginning of the campaign to the end. Very little of the money went to Fusion GPS.

Having your law firm hire an opposition research firm to dig up "dirt" on your opponent, without telling said research firm who your end client will be, and having all monies flow through their law firm to do it, is not "laundering money". There is nothing nefarious or improper about the way that the Clinton campaign arranged and paid for their opposing research. It's called a "third party arm's length transaction". If neither the buyer and the seller know who the other is, they never speak, or communicate in any way, there cannot possibly be "conspiracy". In fact, it's the exact opposite of a conspiracy.


Trump wouldn't be in the trouble he's in today, if he had done the same thing. He wanted to get the dirt for free.
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Why would Clinton and Obama pay Russia even $1 Dollar to help them defeat Trump in the 2016 Election?

Was it because they wanted Russia's help in pushing Socialism on The American People?
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Like I said, Fake Investigations. The Very guy who held a meeting in his office to talk about "The Insurance Policy" Went after Trump. Also little did WE THE PEOPLE KNOW, Rosenstein has been refusing to let CONGRESS see McCabe's Memos, so like with the text messages they said were lost and could never be found that The IG found in 24 hours, there is some "bad shit" in those Memos.

McCabe details central role in Russia probes, DOJ meetings on whether to oust president

Stupid Russian. GPS was paid $200,000 for the Dossier, not 14 million. Show me anything that says Fusion GPS received $14 million. The Clinton campaign paid the law firm $14 million for ALL of their legal work from the beginning of the campaign to the end. Very little of the money went to Fusion GPS.

Having your law firm hire an opposition research firm to dig up "dirt" on your opponent, without telling said research firm who your end client will be, and having all monies flow through their law firm to do it, is not "laundering money". There is nothing nefarious or improper about the way that the Clinton campaign arranged and paid for their opposing research. It's called a "third party arm's length transaction". If neither the buyer and the seller know who the other is, they never speak, or communicate in any way, there cannot possibly be "conspiracy". In fact, it's the exact opposite of a conspiracy.


Trump wouldn't be in the trouble he's in today, if he had done the same thing. He wanted to get the dirt for free.

Short and simple Obama, Clinton and The DNC laundered money to Russian Nationals to help them win the 2016 Election.

Afterwards, they were then going to continue with fundamentally transforming America in to a Socialist Shit Hole.
Why would Clinton and Obama pay Russia even $1 Dollar to help them defeat Trump in the 2016 Election?

Was it because they wanted Russia's help in pushing Socialism on The American People?

They didn't pay a nickle to Russia. They had no idea where the research was even being carried out, or where it was coming from. The instruction to Fusion GPS wasn't "Go to Russia and dig up dirt on Trump", it was "Provide us with some opposition research on Trump".

There is no way you can possible spin the Clinton campaign's third party purchase of opposition research through the offices of the campaign's lawyers, into any sort of collusion theory with Russia, because the whole purpose of the third party arm's length transaction is to eliminate any such possibility of collusion.

A lot of smart candidates will run this kind of opposition research on themselves to find out what's out there. The researcher doesn't know who they're working for. It could have been Trump asking what was in the wind about himself.

Clinton didn't even use the report she obtained. She gave it to the Republican Party, which it turn, gave it to the FBI.

At all times in this matter, the Clinton Campaign, acted legally and above board. They did not try to use the research obtained to discredit Trump or harm his campaign, but instead handed the troubling findings over to the FBI for further investigations.

Every major claim in the Dossier has now been proven. The existence of the pee tape is the only big ticket item that hasn't been positively confirmed.but given what we know of Trump, it's not an impossible story to believe. And honestly who would invent something so outrageous and unbelievable.

It was like hearing that Michael Jackson married Lisa Marie Presley. You knew instantly that it was true, because who would ever make up something that stupid.
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Why would Clinton and Obama pay Russia even $1 Dollar to help them defeat Trump in the 2016 Election?

Was it because they wanted Russia's help in pushing Socialism on The American People?

They didn't pay a nickle to Russia. They had no idea where the research was even being carried out, or where it was coming from. The instruction to Fusion GPS wasn't "Go to Russia and dig up dirt on Trump", it was "Provide us with some opposition research on Trump".

There is no way you can possible spin the Clinton campaign's third party purchase of opposition research through the offices of the campaign's lawyers, into any sort of collusion theory with Russia, because the whole purpose of the third party arm's length transaction is to eliminate any such possibility of collusion.

A lot of smart candidates will run this kind of opposition research on themselves to find out what's out there. The researcher doesn't know who they're working for. It could have been Trump asking what was in the wind about himself.

Wow, finally you get one right....they didn't pay a "nickle", they paid much much more.
Skirpal was Steele's Partner. Yes, the same Skirpal that Steele and British Intelligence tried to murder with Chemical Weapons.

What a lot of people do not know is that The British Government EU Loyalists also did not want Trump elected and just like here in THE US, Certain Factions in The UK Government weaponized British Intelligence to help get Hillary Clinton Elected.

They wanted Clinton who was Pro EU in The White House, not President Trump. Germany too was completely opposed to President Trump's Election.

British Intelligence, loyal to the EU rather than their own country, did this through the help of Skirpal's contacts in Russia where the majority of The Dossier was written, and then they tried to tie up loose ends by attempting to snuff out Skirpal.

So Hillary Clinton and Obama not only had help from Moles in The FBI and DOJ, they had help from Russian Foreign Agents, and they had help from Rogue British Intelligence Agents loyal to The EU and opposed to BREXIT.
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Why would Clinton and Obama pay Russia even $1 Dollar to help them defeat Trump in the 2016 Election?

Was it because they wanted Russia's help in pushing Socialism on The American People?

They didn't pay a nickle to Russia. They had no idea where the research was even being carried out, or where it was coming from. The instruction to Fusion GPS wasn't "Go to Russia and dig up dirt on Trump", it was "Provide us with some opposition research on Trump".

There is no way you can possible spin the Clinton campaign's third party purchase of opposition research through the offices of the campaign's lawyers, into any sort of collusion theory with Russia, because the whole purpose of the third party arm's length transaction is to eliminate any such possibility of collusion.

A lot of smart candidates will run this kind of opposition research on themselves to find out what's out there. The researcher doesn't know who they're working for. It could have been Trump asking what was in the wind about himself.

Clinton didn't even use the report she obtained. She gave it to the Republican Party, which it turn, gave it to the FBI.

At all times in this matter, the Clinton Campaign, acted legally and above board. They did not try to use the research obtained to discredit Trump or harm his campaign, but instead handed the troubling findings over to the FBI for further investigations.

Every major claim in the Dossier has now been proven. The existence of the pee tape is the only big ticket item that hasn't been positively confirmed.but given what we know of Trump, it's not an impossible story to believe. And honestly who would invent something so outrageous and unbelievable.

It was like hearing that Michael Jackson married Lisa Marie Presley. You knew instantly that it was true, because who would ever make up something that stupid.

Wrong. The Russian Intelligence Smear Book was handed to John Kerry and John McCain through Sid Blumenthal and Podesta who worked for Obama and Clinton. They then delivered the Dirty Bomb (Dossier) to Moles in The FBI and DOJ. Comey, Stozk, McCabe, Rosenstein.

This had nothing to do with The Republican Party, but it had everything to do with Clinton-Obama Sycophants and Loyalists.

A man can only have one master.

You are either for America or against it. John McCain, John Kerry, Clinton and Obama were against America, betrayed America, and tried to subvert American Democracy as did James Comey and Andrew McCabe and the rest of the co-conspirators who planned and attempted to carry out an soft coup from within the government to oust president Trump and install someone else more easily manipulated and controllable.
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What Did Manafort & Podesta have in Common? Hillary Clinton


RW's make up lies about Hillary , and cover up lies for Manafort.
Why would Clinton and Obama pay Russia even $1 Dollar to help them defeat Trump in the 2016 Election?

Was it because they wanted Russia's help in pushing Socialism on The American People?

They didn't pay a nickle to Russia. They had no idea where the research was even being carried out, or where it was coming from. The instruction to Fusion GPS wasn't "Go to Russia and dig up dirt on Trump", it was "Provide us with some opposition research on Trump".

There is no way you can possible spin the Clinton campaign's third party purchase of opposition research through the offices of the campaign's lawyers, into any sort of collusion theory with Russia, because the whole purpose of the third party arm's length transaction is to eliminate any such possibility of collusion.

A lot of smart candidates will run this kind of opposition research on themselves to find out what's out there. The researcher doesn't know who they're working for. It could have been Trump asking what was in the wind about himself.

Clinton didn't even use the report she obtained. She gave it to the Republican Party, which it turn, gave it to the FBI.

At all times in this matter, the Clinton Campaign, acted legally and above board. They did not try to use the research obtained to discredit Trump or harm his campaign, but instead handed the troubling findings over to the FBI for further investigations.

Every major claim in the Dossier has now been proven. The existence of the pee tape is the only big ticket item that hasn't been positively confirmed.but given what we know of Trump, it's not an impossible story to believe. And honestly who would invent something so outrageous and unbelievable.

It was like hearing that Michael Jackson married Lisa Marie Presley. You knew instantly that it was true, because who would ever make up something that stupid.
We can all see across multiple forums what the Russian Troll Farm message is for today......
Why would Clinton and Obama pay Russia even $1 Dollar to help them defeat Trump in the 2016 Election?

Was it because they wanted Russia's help in pushing Socialism on The American People?

They didn't pay a nickle to Russia. They had no idea where the research was even being carried out, or where it was coming from. The instruction to Fusion GPS wasn't "Go to Russia and dig up dirt on Trump", it was "Provide us with some opposition research on Trump".

There is no way you can possible spin the Clinton campaign's third party purchase of opposition research through the offices of the campaign's lawyers, into any sort of collusion theory with Russia, because the whole purpose of the third party arm's length transaction is to eliminate any such possibility of collusion.

A lot of smart candidates will run this kind of opposition research on themselves to find out what's out there. The researcher doesn't know who they're working for. It could have been Trump asking what was in the wind about himself.

Clinton didn't even use the report she obtained. She gave it to the Republican Party, which it turn, gave it to the FBI.

At all times in this matter, the Clinton Campaign, acted legally and above board. They did not try to use the research obtained to discredit Trump or harm his campaign, but instead handed the troubling findings over to the FBI for further investigations.

Every major claim in the Dossier has now been proven. The existence of the pee tape is the only big ticket item that hasn't been positively confirmed.but given what we know of Trump, it's not an impossible story to believe. And honestly who would invent something so outrageous and unbelievable.

It was like hearing that Michael Jackson married Lisa Marie Presley. You knew instantly that it was true, because who would ever make up something that stupid.
We can all see across multiple forums what the Russian Troll Farm message is for today......

I'm not a Russian but I am pretty sure there are a lot of them on USMB.

I am a private American Citizen who has done a lot of research.

Russia did not want Trump Elected. The EU did not want Trump Elected. Germany did not want Trump Elected. Factions of The British Government loyal to The EU and opposed to BREXIT did not want Trump Elected, and Obama and Clinton, willingly took any help they could from all of them.
Why would Clinton and Obama pay Russia even $1 Dollar to help them defeat Trump in the 2016 Election?

Was it because they wanted Russia's help in pushing Socialism on The American People?

They didn't pay a nickle to Russia. They had no idea where the research was even being carried out, or where it was coming from. The instruction to Fusion GPS wasn't "Go to Russia and dig up dirt on Trump", it was "Provide us with some opposition research on Trump".

There is no way you can possible spin the Clinton campaign's third party purchase of opposition research through the offices of the campaign's lawyers, into any sort of collusion theory with Russia, because the whole purpose of the third party arm's length transaction is to eliminate any such possibility of collusion.

A lot of smart candidates will run this kind of opposition research on themselves to find out what's out there. The researcher doesn't know who they're working for. It could have been Trump asking what was in the wind about himself.

Clinton didn't even use the report she obtained. She gave it to the Republican Party, which it turn, gave it to the FBI.

At all times in this matter, the Clinton Campaign, acted legally and above board. They did not try to use the research obtained to discredit Trump or harm his campaign, but instead handed the troubling findings over to the FBI for further investigations.

Every major claim in the Dossier has now been proven. The existence of the pee tape is the only big ticket item that hasn't been positively confirmed.but given what we know of Trump, it's not an impossible story to believe. And honestly who would invent something so outrageous and unbelievable.

It was like hearing that Michael Jackson married Lisa Marie Presley. You knew instantly that it was true, because who would ever make up something that stupid.
We can all see across multiple forums what the Russian Troll Farm message is for today......

I'm not a Russian but I am pretty sure there are a lot of them on USMB.

I am a private American Citizen who has done a lot of research.

Russia did not want Trump Elected. The EU did not want Trump Elected. Germany did not want Trump Elected. Factions of The British Government loyal to The EU and opposed to BREXIT did not want Trump Elected, and Obama and Clinton, willingly took any help they could from all of them.

you're a private American citizen who is full of shit ..


Russians party after Trump victory ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Why would Clinton and Obama pay Russia even $1 Dollar to help them defeat Trump in the 2016 Election?

Was it because they wanted Russia's help in pushing Socialism on The American People?

They didn't pay a nickle to Russia. They had no idea where the research was even being carried out, or where it was coming from. The instruction to Fusion GPS wasn't "Go to Russia and dig up dirt on Trump", it was "Provide us with some opposition research on Trump".

There is no way you can possible spin the Clinton campaign's third party purchase of opposition research through the offices of the campaign's lawyers, into any sort of collusion theory with Russia, because the whole purpose of the third party arm's length transaction is to eliminate any such possibility of collusion.

A lot of smart candidates will run this kind of opposition research on themselves to find out what's out there. The researcher doesn't know who they're working for. It could have been Trump asking what was in the wind about himself.

Clinton didn't even use the report she obtained. She gave it to the Republican Party, which it turn, gave it to the FBI.

At all times in this matter, the Clinton Campaign, acted legally and above board. They did not try to use the research obtained to discredit Trump or harm his campaign, but instead handed the troubling findings over to the FBI for further investigations.

Every major claim in the Dossier has now been proven. The existence of the pee tape is the only big ticket item that hasn't been positively confirmed.but given what we know of Trump, it's not an impossible story to believe. And honestly who would invent something so outrageous and unbelievable.

It was like hearing that Michael Jackson married Lisa Marie Presley. You knew instantly that it was true, because who would ever make up something that stupid.

Wrong. The Russian Intelligence Smear Book was handed to John Kerry and John McCain through Sid Blumenthal and Podesta who worked for Obama and Clinton. They then delivered the Dirty Bomb (Dossier) to Moles in The FBI and DOJ. Comey, Stozk, McCabe, Rosenstein.

This had nothing to do with The Republican Party, but it had everything to do with Clinton-Obama Sycophants and Loyalists.

A man can only have one master.

You are either for America or against it. John McCain, John Kerry, Clinton and Obama were against America, betrayed America, and tried to subvert American Democracy as did James Comey and Andrew McCabe and the rest of the co-conspirators who planned and attempted to carry out an soft coup from within the government to oust president Trump and install someone else more easily manipulated and controllable.

Sid Blumenthal is Hillary Clinton's closest political ally, and trusted confident. No one in the DNC or the Clinton Campaign made any effort whatsoever to use the information in the report, all of which has now been verified to be true, against Donald Trump.

Maybe if Clinton had just run with it, published it, and national security be damned, Trump would have been exposed to the American people in time to prevent his election.

There is NO CONSPIRACY AGAINST DONALD TRUMP. The ONLY conspiracy at play in the 2016 US Elections were by those of the members of the Trump Campaign, all of whom had longstanding alliances and connections with the Putin government and its allies, some through FSU countries. And all of whom owe millions to Russians or are in other ways secretly beholden to them.

The monies that the Clinton Foundation received from Russian interests were all paid into the coffers of the Clinton Foundation and used for the Foundations work in Third World Countries. The books and records are all public. There were no secret payments. No tax returns hidden from the public. All connections and payments were public and above board, and the Clintons haven't been caught in lie after lie after lie about their meetings and dealings with Russia.

If you aren't doing anything wrong, why are you lying about what you're doing? If you ask your teenager where did you go, is he likely to say he was visiting a sick friend, if he was actually studying at the library?
So what country are your from?

Clinton Insiders Reveal ‘Blame Russia’ Plan Hatched ‘Within 24 Hours’ of Election Loss - Global Research

Wikileaks’ latest tweet has the potential to destroy the Democrat Party’s narrative the election of 2016 was corrupted by Russian election meddling. The news agency detailed the contents of the book “Shattered” — written by Jonathan Allen — and it makes some damning accusations.

The work details former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s presidential loss to billionaire Donald Trump. Allen, who was and is a correspondent for Bloomberg News, has also written extensively about Congress, national politics, and works as a political analyst on national television news programs.

Wikileaks uploaded a picture from a page of Allen’s new book which destroys the Russian hacking narrative immediately. Wikileaks tweeted,

“New book by ‘Shattered’ by Clinton insiders reveals that “blame Russia” plan was hatched “within twenty-four hours” of the election loss.”

The page uploaded by Wikileaks explains how the Clinton spin machine was set in motion in the minutes following her loss to Trump. Allegedly, John Podesta (Clinton’s campaign manager), collaborated with Robby Mook (fellow member of the Clinton campaign) to make the argument the election was rigged by the Russians — an argument which was put forward when it was revealed in early 2016 the Democratic National Committee’s emails had been hacked.

Building on that narrative, the Clinton camp reportedly put out the notion to members of the media the election was anything but fair. The suggestion was apparently made that “Russian hacking was the centerpiece of the argument.”

The motivations for doing so are speculative at best. Was Clinton’s team preparing a comeback in 2020? Was the effort done to cast the shadow of doubt over a Trump presidency? Or was the plan to implicate the Russians a way to rile up voters in an effort to somehow win the presidency when the official electoral votes were cast for the newly elected Trump?

Allen seemed to know, and his sources seemed to indicate the Clinton camp was not at all willing to concede without first doing damage to a Trump presidency. Immediately following the election, riots took place in the streets of several metropolitan areas, including Washington, D.C.

Our very own Claire Bernish took to the streets to document the uprising. With Allen’s revelations and Wikileaks’ charge, those same riots and school walkouts now appear to be a direct result of the Clinton campaign’s spin tactics.

To this date, we’ve still yet to see a single shred of evidence that Russia hacked the US elections. In fact, the US is trying so hard to prove this nonexistent hacking they allegedly bribed a Russian man — offering him cash, citizenship, and an apartment — if he confessed to hacking Clinton’s emails on behalf of Donald Trump. He refused.

Why would Clinton and Obama pay Russia even $1 Dollar to help them defeat Trump in the 2016 Election?

Was it because they wanted Russia's help in pushing Socialism on The American People?

They didn't pay a nickle to Russia. They had no idea where the research was even being carried out, or where it was coming from. The instruction to Fusion GPS wasn't "Go to Russia and dig up dirt on Trump", it was "Provide us with some opposition research on Trump".

There is no way you can possible spin the Clinton campaign's third party purchase of opposition research through the offices of the campaign's lawyers, into any sort of collusion theory with Russia, because the whole purpose of the third party arm's length transaction is to eliminate any such possibility of collusion.

A lot of smart candidates will run this kind of opposition research on themselves to find out what's out there. The researcher doesn't know who they're working for. It could have been Trump asking what was in the wind about himself.

Clinton didn't even use the report she obtained. She gave it to the Republican Party, which it turn, gave it to the FBI.

At all times in this matter, the Clinton Campaign, acted legally and above board. They did not try to use the research obtained to discredit Trump or harm his campaign, but instead handed the troubling findings over to the FBI for further investigations.

Every major claim in the Dossier has now been proven. The existence of the pee tape is the only big ticket item that hasn't been positively confirmed.but given what we know of Trump, it's not an impossible story to believe. And honestly who would invent something so outrageous and unbelievable.

It was like hearing that Michael Jackson married Lisa Marie Presley. You knew instantly that it was true, because who would ever make up something that stupid.

Wrong. The Russian Intelligence Smear Book was handed to John Kerry and John McCain through Sid Blumenthal and Podesta who worked for Obama and Clinton. They then delivered the Dirty Bomb (Dossier) to Moles in The FBI and DOJ. Comey, Stozk, McCabe, Rosenstein.

This had nothing to do with The Republican Party, but it had everything to do with Clinton-Obama Sycophants and Loyalists.

A man can only have one master.

You are either for America or against it. John McCain, John Kerry, Clinton and Obama were against America, betrayed America, and tried to subvert American Democracy as did James Comey and Andrew McCabe and the rest of the co-conspirators who planned and attempted to carry out an soft coup from within the government to oust president Trump and install someone else more easily manipulated and controllable.

Sid Blumenthal is Hillary Clinton's closest political ally, and trusted confident. No one in the DNC or the Clinton Campaign made any effort whatsoever to use the information in the report, all of which has now been verified to be true, against Donald Trump.

Maybe if Clinton had just run with it, published it, and national security be damned, Trump would have been exposed to the American people in time to prevent his election.

There is NO CONSPIRACY AGAINST DONALD TRUMP. The ONLY conspiracy at play in the 2016 US Elections were by those of the members of the Trump Campaign, all of whom had longstanding alliances and connections with the Putin government and its allies, some through FSU countries. And all of whom owe millions to Russians or are in other ways secretly beholden to them.

The monies that the Clinton Foundation received from Russian interests were all paid into the coffers of the Clinton Foundation and used for the Foundations work in Third World Countries. The books and records are all public. There were no secret payments. No tax returns hidden from the public. All connections and payments were public and above board, and the Clintons haven't been caught in lie after lie after lie about their meetings and dealings with Russia.

If you aren't doing anything wrong, why are you lying about what you're doing? If you ask your teenager where did you go, is he likely to say he was visiting a sick friend, if he was actually studying at the library?

Nothing in The Dossier was said to be true.

To date ALL of it is unverified and unable to be corroborated. The FBI attempted to falsely cooroborate it, which was a crime once they used that false information, they knew was false to file false affidavits in a FISA court, also hid exculpatory evidence, which is another crime in FISA.

Mueller was called on the carpet just a week ago by The FISA Court for 75 violations of FISA Court Rules mostly for lying to FISA and hiding evidence that exonerates his victims.

BTW, I am being told you are a Chinese National. Is that true?
why are RW's compelled to lie for Trump ?

oh yeah-

They're F'n RUSSIANS.

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So what country are your from?

Clinton Insiders Reveal ‘Blame Russia’ Plan Hatched ‘Within 24 Hours’ of Election Loss - Global Research

Wikileaks’ latest tweet has the potential to destroy the Democrat Party’s narrative the election of 2016 was corrupted by Russian election meddling. The news agency detailed the contents of the book “Shattered” — written by Jonathan Allen — and it makes some damning accusations.

The work details former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s presidential loss to billionaire Donald Trump. Allen, who was and is a correspondent for Bloomberg News, has also written extensively about Congress, national politics, and works as a political analyst on national television news programs.

Wikileaks uploaded a picture from a page of Allen’s new book which destroys the Russian hacking narrative immediately. Wikileaks tweeted,

“New book by ‘Shattered’ by Clinton insiders reveals that “blame Russia” plan was hatched “within twenty-four hours” of the election loss.”

The page uploaded by Wikileaks explains how the Clinton spin machine was set in motion in the minutes following her loss to Trump. Allegedly, John Podesta (Clinton’s campaign manager), collaborated with Robby Mook (fellow member of the Clinton campaign) to make the argument the election was rigged by the Russians — an argument which was put forward when it was revealed in early 2016 the Democratic National Committee’s emails had been hacked.

Building on that narrative, the Clinton camp reportedly put out the notion to members of the media the election was anything but fair. The suggestion was apparently made that “Russian hacking was the centerpiece of the argument.”

The motivations for doing so are speculative at best. Was Clinton’s team preparing a comeback in 2020? Was the effort done to cast the shadow of doubt over a Trump presidency? Or was the plan to implicate the Russians a way to rile up voters in an effort to somehow win the presidency when the official electoral votes were cast for the newly elected Trump?

Allen seemed to know, and his sources seemed to indicate the Clinton camp was not at all willing to concede without first doing damage to a Trump presidency. Immediately following the election, riots took place in the streets of several metropolitan areas, including Washington, D.C.

Our very own Claire Bernish took to the streets to document the uprising. With Allen’s revelations and Wikileaks’ charge, those same riots and school walkouts now appear to be a direct result of the Clinton campaign’s spin tactics.

To this date, we’ve still yet to see a single shred of evidence that Russia hacked the US elections. In fact, the US is trying so hard to prove this nonexistent hacking they allegedly bribed a Russian man — offering him cash, citizenship, and an apartment — if he confessed to hacking Clinton’s emails on behalf of Donald Trump. He refused.

Stupid, stupid Russian.

If the "blame Russia" plan was hatched within 24 hours of election loss, why did the FBI start a counter-intelligence investigationi of the Trump campaign's ties to Russia start in June of 2016, after receiving reports of George Papadopolous bragging about getting dirt from Russia on Hillary to a staffer from the Australian Embassy in London.

You remember George. He pled guilty to lying about it to the FBI, and is going to jail.

2016 Presidential Election Investigation Fast Facts - CNN

Why did Trump fire Paul Manafort in August when new reports surfaced about his ties to Russian intelligence?

Why was Trump denying business dealings in Russia throughout the campaign? You realize that the moment that Trump told that lie on US TV, the Russians had his balls in a sling, because they have the signed original documents that prove otherwise, and thanks to Michael Cohen, so does Mueller.

Why hasn't Trump imposed the sanctions he announced after the Skirpal poisoning? Why did he lift sanctions against Constantin Killimnik? Why did Sessions let Natalia Veselnetskaya's money laundering client off with a $6,000 fine for laundering over $250 million US?

Why would Russia want to hurt Clinton? She was their BFF! | Flopping Aces

Donald Trump is being excoriated for both his and Rex Tillerson’s alleged ties to Russia who supposedly hacked our election. All of a sudden Russia is the bad guy again. Liberals have all but called for war with Russia. They are coming unglued, foaming at the mouth. Keith Olbermann has completely lost his mind. For some reason the left is deathly afraid that the US may have peaceable relations with Russia.

But exactly when did all this take place? For some time democrats were crazy about the Russians. Loved them.

barack obama opened his Presidency bowing not only to the Saudis, but to Vladimir Putin as well. obama praised Putin following their first meeting in July of 2009 and by September obama abandoned the missile shieldpromised for Eastern Europe so Putin would know just how weak obama was.

obama was not alone. The clinton’s were desirous of cashing in on Russia and the position of Secretary of State was the horse to ride in that direction. Hi yo Uranium One, away!

As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.

The Foundation wasn’t the only beneficiary:

And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.

The speech was approved by- you guessed it- the clinton State Department.

In July Peter Schweitzer asked “Why did Hillary’s State Department urge U.S. investors to fund Russian research for military uses?”

Technology can have multiple uses—civilian and military. But in 2014 the Boston Business Journal ran an op-ed placed by the FBI, and noted that the agency had sent warnings to technology and other companies approached by Russian venture-capital firms. The op-ed—under the byline of Lucia Ziobro, an assistant special agent at the FBI’s Boston office—said that “The FBI believes the true motives of the Russian partners, who are often funded by their government, is to gain access to classified, sensitive, and emerging technology from the companies.”

Ms. Ziobro also wrote that “The [Skolkovo] foundation may be a means for the Russian government to access our nation’s sensitive or classified research development facilities and dual-use technologies with military and commercial application.”

In 2009 Hillary Clinton and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov together pressed the “overcharge” button.

Nor were the Clinton’s alone in their gain from Russia. Clinton’s campaign chairman sat on the board of a company that pocketed $35 million from Russia– and didn’t bother to mention it to anyone:

Schweizer shows that John Podesta sat on the board of a Dutch-registered company that took $35 million from the Kremlin. The company was a transparent Russian front, and how much Podesta was compensated—and for what—is unclear. In addition, Podesta failed to disclose his position on that board to the Federal government, as required by law.

In 2012 the Cold War was so….over

In 2013 obama cancelled the final phase of the European missile defense system that Putin wanted cancelled.

And this is before we talk about obama interfering in Israel’s elections.

So given all this obsequiousness on the part of democrats when did Russia become the bad guy?

Mark Dice has come into possession of the CNN proof that Russia hacked the US election:


The Russians seem to have become evil once again as soon as Donald Trump became the President-elect and they were no longer a source of income for the Clinton’s.

Exit question: Is the CIA who everyone says has concluded the Russians have hacked the elections the same CIA who obama said gave him bad intel about ISIL?


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