

Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
I stayed calm all day because I made the conscious decision to.

I got yelled at all morning and stayed calm.

This was not easy but the effort was worth it.

I bought a book about Zen just now.

I am now listening to Zen music.

I believe I may have found something useful here.
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Being good and caring about others disturbs peace of mind.

Zen is better.
Where zen ends the ass-kicking begins. Not really helpful but I like it.
I stayed calm all day because I made the conscious decision to.

I got yelled at all morning and stayed calm.

This was not easy but the effort was worth it.

I bought a book about Zen just now.

I am now listening to Zen music.

I believe I may have found something useful here.

I took a religion course in university that covered many religions. It was enjoyable.
Catholicism is so demanding.

Zen seems easier.

I will look into this.
I can't have a wife, even a girlfriend if I stay Catholic.

I find this -- troubling.
Zen Rituals and Practices

Both the words "Zen" (Japanese) and "Ch'an" (Chinese) derive from the Sanskrit word dhyana, meaning "meditation." Zen Buddhism focuses on attaining enlightenment (bodhi) through meditation as Siddharta Gautama did.

Zen Buddhism teaches that all human beings have the Buddha-nature, or the potential to attain enlightenment, within them, but the Buddha-nature has been clouded by ignorance. To overcome this ignorance, Zen rejects the study of scriptures, religious rites, devotional practices, and good works in favor of meditation leading to a sudden breakthrough of insight and awareness of ultimate reality. Training in the Zen path is usually undertaken by a disciple under the guidance of a master.

Why did you get yelled at? Is this a common occurence?
I too am interested. It's not like anything else is going on.
I made mistakes, but it doesn't excuse the yelling.

She was under a lot of stress.

I talked to her afterwards.

I hope this will end it.
I sympathize. Been with some world-class screamers in the past. Women get bored easily and there is no easy solution. There is no end. Quit looking for easy fixes. A successful relationship is a daily grind where you mostly do what she wants. It's up to you to decide if it's worth it.
Why did you get yelled at? Is this a common occurence?
I too am interested. It's not like anything else is going on.
I made mistakes, but it doesn't excuse the yelling.

She was under a lot of stress.

I talked to her afterwards.

I hope this will end it.
I sympathize. Been with some world-class screamers in the past. Women get bored easily and there is no easy solution. There is no end. Quit looking for easy fixes. A successful relationship is a daily grind where you mostly do what she wants. It's up to you to decide if it's worth it.
Not a girlfriend, a co-worker.
I stayed calm all day because I made the conscious decision to.

I got yelled at all morning and stayed calm.

This was not easy but the effort was worth it.

I bought a book about Zen just now.

I am now listening to Zen music.

I believe I may have found something useful here.
Zen is a particularly difficult subject for the western mind. Hope you got a genuinely good book on the subject. In a word, Zen is about emptiness. Letting go of yourself and being the empty space in a container. Fill yourself completely with emptiness. Absolutely nothing needs to be done because nothing is all that ever truly exists.
Why did you get yelled at? Is this a common occurence?
I too am interested. It's not like anything else is going on.
I made mistakes, but it doesn't excuse the yelling.

She was under a lot of stress.

I talked to her afterwards.

I hope this will end it.
I sympathize. Been with some world-class screamers in the past. Women get bored easily and there is no easy solution. There is no end. Quit looking for easy fixes. A successful relationship is a daily grind where you mostly do what she wants. It's up to you to decide if it's worth it.
Not a girlfriend, a co-worker.
Everything I said still applies.
I stayed calm all day because I made the conscious decision to.

I got yelled at all morning and stayed calm.

This was not easy but the effort was worth it.

I bought a book about Zen just now.

I am now listening to Zen music.

I believe I may have found something useful here.
Zen is a particularly difficult subject for the western mind. Hope you got a genuinely good book on the subject. In a word, Zen is about emptiness. Letting go of yourself and being the empty space in a container. Fill yourself completely with emptiness. Absolutely nothing needs to be done because nothing is all that ever truly exists.
I went in for that navel gazing stuff for a while. Didn't get a lot out of it. Didn't find inner peace because there is no such thing. Existence is like a battle where all the real useful bits of wisdom are metaphors for armed conflict.

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