Zelensky offers new counter-offensive in case Congress passes more military aid

What is even more important, I don't think that it is the right thing to do, to endanger American citizens to defend the right of Ukrainian or Baltic regimes to discriminate, abuse and genocide the local Russian populations.
The reliable peace can be based on the "equal right for everyone" basis only.
LOL Bush didn’t invent that lie you moron, the CIA and “intell” agencies did.

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.”

It is impossible that the CIA told Bush they had evidence that Iraq “continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” because Bush agreed to UNSC 1441 that the US would give the UN inspectors intelligence that Iraq was concealing WMD so the inspectors could go to the location sc and find them .
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It is impossible that the CIA told Bush they had evidence that Iraq “continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” because Bush agreed to UNSC 1441 that the US would give the UN inspectors intelligence that Iraq was concealing WMD so the inspectors could go to the location sc and find them .
Then why did Biden and Hillary vote for the war based on the intel briefings?

There isn’t a war Biden didn’t vote for.
Then why did Biden and Hillary vote for the war based on the intel briefings?
Sep 2002 Cheney wanted war with no UN inspections

Summer 2002 US and UK were bombing Iraq trying to get excuse to invade.

Sep 2002 UK couid not invade without last attempt to avoid war by resumption of inspections

Oct 2002 Bysh gets UNSC 1441 demanding resumption if inspections

Dec 2002 Insoectione resume.

Mar 2003 No WMD found Blux says a few months to wrap up and verify.

Bush decides to end inspections and begin invasion

Rumsfeld says "Five days or five weeks or five months, but it certainly isn't going to last any longer than that,"

That get “Mission Accomplished” one year ahead of the 2024

Had Bush listened to Biden the inspectors would have verified Iraq disarmed and the invasion of Iraq never happens
Then why did Biden and Hillary vote for the war based on the intel briefings?

That vote was in Sept 2002 which included a chance to avoid the war that Cheney wanted with no UN inspections delay.

Cheney lost that aggression unbridled argument when Bush sided with Powell and promised to try peace by resumption of inspections.

Bush argued that an AUMF WITH THREAT of FORCE BY CONGRESS would encourage Hussein to comply.

That is what Hussein did. Complied.

In March 2003 Bush realized Iraq would be disarmed peacefully so he should have taken the win.

But Cheney helped him decide it would be best to invade anyway.

Biden Clinton and Kerry opposed invading in March 2003 they wanted Bush to leave the inspectors in to disarm Iraq peacefully,
Sep 2002 Cheney wanted war with no UN inspections

Summer 2002 US and UK were bombing Iraq trying to get excuse to invade.

Sep 2002 UK couid not invade without last attempt to avoid war by resumption of inspections

Oct 2002 Bysh gets UNSC 1441 demanding resumption if inspections

Dec 2002 Insoectione resume.

Mar 2003 No WMD found Blux says a few months to wrap up and verify.

Bush decides to end inspections and begin invasion

Rumsfeld says "Five days or five weeks or five months, but it certainly isn't going to last any longer than that,"

That get “Mission Accomplished” one year ahead of the 2024

Had Bush listened to Biden the inspectors would have verified Iraq disarmed and the invasion of Iraq never happens
Bullshit. Biden voted for the war, period.

He, like all the other Dems, just turned around and immediately attacked Bush for political reasons.

Did the Obama bin Biden regime ever pull out of Iraq when Obama promised he would? Of course not. Obama and Biden made the war worse, and started even more wars like in Libya and Syria.

Has Biden pulled us out of Iraq? He’s had three years. What’s the excuse?

Meanwhile President Trump drastically reduced forces in Afghanistan and Iraq, and had plans to pull us out of both in 2021.

Let the spinning begin.
What I like the most in the proposed bill is a requirement for the Biden administration to present strategy in 45 days after the bill passed concerning the war in Ukraine. Long overdue. It is sad irony, of course, given that the war is going for more than two years now.
Republican Marjorie Taylor Green has introduced an amendment to the Ukraine aid bill that would require all congressmen voting in favor of the document to join the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

A very good proposal.

She made four suggestions:

1. "Any member of Congress who votes in favor of this legislation is required to join the Ukrainian army."

2. "No funds provided by this act may be used or expended until the Ukrainian government holds free and fair elections."

3. "No funds provided by this Act may be used or expended until the Secretary of State submits a report to Congress confirming that Christian churches in Ukraine can operate without government interference."

4. "No funds provided by this Act may be used or expended until Ukraine closes all biolaboratories and provides all data on such research to the United States Government."
4. "No funds provided by this Act may be used or expended until Ukraine closes all biolaboratories and provides all data on such research to the United States Government
Strange. Russian propaganda keeps telling that it is American biolabs. So, what does this lady want from Ukraine?
Strange. Russian propaganda keeps telling that it is American biolabs. So, what does this lady want from Ukraine?
No. Your beloved Victoria Nuland admitted in a congressional hearing US biolabs existed in Ukraine.

Stop pushing SBU talking points. Are you a member of the SBU?
5. "No funds provided by this Act may be used or expended until the Flag of the Russian Federation flies over the Capitol of the former named city of Kiev that has been renamed Trumputingrad.
No. Your beloved Victoria Nuland admitted in a congressional hearing US biolabs existed in Ukraine.

Stop pushing SBU talking points. Are you a member of the SBU?

No, I wish I were. These guys have good salaries and a number of privileges.

So, are these biolabs Ukrainian or the US?
See there no downside to all the bad advice the CIA fed Zelen$ky, he's made a Bloody fortune, quite literally, while his country was destroyed
So, are these biolabs Ukrainian or the US?
All paid for by the US around the 2010-12 period and built by Blackstone and Veitch from memory --- another well known CIA front company .
Hundreds of Americans were working in the underground complex at Mariupol which is why the sweet and thoughtful Russians allowed them to surrender rather than exterminating the vermin .
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US Evangelicals are learning Trump’s weakness on Ukraine will allow Putin to destroy the BIBLE BELT of Europe,​

As I reported last week, Johnson met with evangelical Ukrainian leaders in January, and conservative Christian Americans and Ukrainians have been working to push the same narrative they told Johnson — a true narrative,I should note: that Russia is engaged in religious persecution. And that if Christians help Ukraine today, they’ll get to shape a right-wing, evangelical Ukraine tomorrow.Here’s former Member of Parliament Pavlo Unguryan being interviewed yesterday by Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, one of America’s most influential right-wing Christians. (h/t)

Bad news for the Trump/Putin/Carlson Axis of Evil

Christian Right Rises to Save Ukraine as “Bible Belt” for Europe​

APR 18, 2024

April 18: Ukraine arms …​

Former Ukrainian Member of Parliament Pavlo Unguryan, right, appearing on yesterday’s Washington Watch with Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, far right. (Screengrab / Washington Watch video.)
All paid for by the US around the 2010-12 period and built by Blackstone and Veitch from memory --- another well known CIA front company .
Hundreds of Americans were working in the underground complex at Mariupol which is why the sweet and thoughtful Russians allowed them to surrender rather than exterminating the vermin .
Cool story, sister. I wonder why Colin Powell...err .. Mr. Lavrov haven't flashed any test tube on the UNSC's meeting yet.
1. No matter how this war turns out, President Z. is one of the few leaders who is universally respected by all decent human beings.

2. That Ukraine has held out this long is due to his incredibly inspiring leadership.

3. What a tragedy that Russia is led by a group of such cruel and heartless individuals. The Kremlin has senselessly killed thousands of Russian and Ukrainian boys.

(Kudos to France for announcing that a certain Russian war criminal is not welcome at the D-Day ceremonies.)
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