YUGE TRUMP WINNING: DOW Up 22%, 4,000 Points Since Election...

The number of people receiving food stamps dropped again since our last report, by nearly 142,000. As of October, the most recent month on record, nearly 45.4 million Americans were still receiving the food aid, now known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

That’s 5.1 percent lower than the record level set in December 2012, but still nearly 42 percent higher than it was when Obama took office in 2009.

But as we noted when Republicans called Obama the “Food Stamp President,” 14.7 million people were added to the food-stamp rolls during George W. Bush’s time in office. By comparison, the net gain under Obama now stands at just under 13.4 million — and it’s slowly declining as the economy improves.

Still are record number on food stamps despite claims the economy was better. Face it, boy, Obama was a failure.
A failure ONLY if you bailed on the market while he was president ,if you had no IRA no 401K if you lost your job I feel for you ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,not really you got what you deserve

We're talking about food stamps. Pay attention. I seriously doubt those using food stamps were effected at all by the market.
I'm not arguing,,, Food stamps went up under Obama but why throw around 45 million ? How many were there with GWB?

and the rest of what I posted had to do with you calling a great man a failure You are so far off base you're not even in the same ball park

I use the 45 million because it was the actual number. With Bush, one would expect those on food stamps to increase. That goes along with losing your job. However, with Obama, you want people to believe that getting a job when you didn't have one can increase the number on food stamps.

He was far from a great man and definitely a failure.
Not true. Many working people qualify for food stamps.
And yesterday, another all time closing high! Trump be killin it, yo. :dance:

The rise in the DOW since Donald Trump was elected President in November 2016 is historic! Yesterday was another all time closing high for the 5th day in a row. Americans are seeing this in their retirement accounts!

* President Trump is already the only President in US history to oversee two stock market rallies of nine days or more where the markets set new highs each and every day.

* On February 28th President Trump matched President Reagan’s 1987 record for most continuous closing high trading days when the DOW reached a new high for its 12th day in a row!
* Then in early August President Trump reigned over a 9 day stock market rally with each day reaching record highs...

DOW is up 22% or 4,000 points since the November 2016 Election! Yesterday Another All Time Closing High!
You mean starting from while Obama was president?

Under Obama, the Dow tripled from its low of 6600 to 19800, a 13200 point gain (200%) while starting with a recession. Trump, inheriting a good economy, rides that wave from 19800 to 22300, a 2500 point gain (12.6%).

Why do I suspect you never once patted Obama on the back for his 200% increase like you are patting Trump for his 12.6% increase?

Hussein isn't the President anymore. He's a has-been. It's Trump's show now. Ya gotta move on kid.
You’re nuts, I’ve moved on. That doesn’t change the reality that the Dow triplied under Obama and I’m confident you never gave him kudos, yet here you are fluffing Trump over a 12.6% gain.

Ha, in one breath you claim you've moved on, and in the next breath you go right back to obsessing over the Hussein Days. So you clearly haven't moved on, kid. You're still living in the past. Pretty sad.
Spits a Trumpfluffer. :suck:
You gotta love it Rocket man vs Dotard Never thought there could be a bigger jerk than Un and along came Trump
Still are record number on food stamps despite claims the economy was better. Face it, boy, Obama was a failure.
A failure ONLY if you bailed on the market while he was president ,if you had no IRA no 401K if you lost your job I feel for you ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,not really you got what you deserve

We're talking about food stamps. Pay attention. I seriously doubt those using food stamps were effected at all by the market.
I'm not arguing,,, Food stamps went up under Obama but why throw around 45 million ? How many were there with GWB?

and the rest of what I posted had to do with you calling a great man a failure You are so far off base you're not even in the same ball park

I use the 45 million because it was the actual number. With Bush, one would expect those on food stamps to increase. That goes along with losing your job. However, with Obama, you want people to believe that getting a job when you didn't have one can increase the number on food stamps.

He was far from a great man and definitely a failure.

By Kimberly Amadeo
Updated June 22, 2017
President Barack Obama entered office fighting the 2008 financial crisis. He immediately launched the ambitious Affordable Care Act, despite backlash. His administration continued battling the Tea Party Republicans after they gained Congressional majority in the 2010 mid-term elections. Despite these challenges, he accomplished many great things. Here are the top eleven. Find out how they match up to the 2008 "Yes We Can!" campaign promises.

1. Ended the 2008 Recession
In February 2009, Congress approved Obama's $787 billion economic stimulus package. It cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded public works projects. The recession ended in July when GDP growth turned positive. In just seven months, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act pumped $241.9 billion into the economy. That increased growth to a robust 3.9 percent rate by early 2010. By March 30, 2011, almost all ($633.5 billion) of the funds were spent.

Obama bailed out the U.S. auto industry on March 30, 2009. The Federal government took over General Motors and Chrysler, saving three million jobs. It forced the companies to become more fuel efficient and therefore more globally competitive.

2. Received 2009 Nobel Peace Prize
On October 9, 2009, Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Committee lauded "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." He withdrew troops from Iraq in 2011.

Is your balance way off?
Your account balance, that is. Here's how much money the experts say you should keep in your checking and savings accounts.

He reduced the U.S. nuclear warhead stockpile by 10 percent. (Source: "Inspires Hope for a Better Future," Nobel Prize.)

3. Reformed Health Care
On March 23, 2010, Obamacare revolutionized healthcare. Why did healthcare need to be reformed? Rising costs threatened to outstrip Medicare's ability to pay for it, and contributed to 50 percent of all bankruptcies.

The quality of care was one of the worst in the world. By 2014, the economy benefited from having 95 percent of the population on health insurance. The greater number of people receiving preventive care reduced the number of expensive visits to emergency rooms. For more, see Obamacare Pros and Cons.

4. Regulated the Big Banks
In July 2010, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act improved regulation of eight areas that led to the financial crisis. The Consumer Financial Protection Agency reduced harmful practices of credit cards and mortgages. The Financial Stability Oversight Council regulated hedge funds and banks that became too big to fail. The "Volcker Rule" banned banks from risking losses with their depositors' money. Dodd-Frank clarified which agencies regulated which banks, stopping banks from cherry-picking their regulators.

Dodd-Frank directed the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. These regulated the riskiest derivatives, like credit default swaps and commodities futures. Dodd-Frank also asked the SEC to recommend how the credit rating agencies, like Moody's and Standard & Poor's, could be improved.

5. 2010 Tax Cuts
In December 2010, Obama and Congress agreed upon additional stimulus in the form of an $858 billion tax cut.

It had three main components: a $350 billion extension of the Bush tax cuts, a $56 billion extension of unemployment benefits, and a $120 billion reduction in workers' payroll taxes. Businesses received $140 billion in tax cuts for capital improvements and $80 billion in research and development tax credits. The estate tax was exempted (up to $5 million), and there were additional credits for college tuition and children. For more, see Obama Tax Cuts.

6. Eliminated bin Laden Threat and Withdrew Troops from Iraq and Afghanistan Wars
On May 1, 2011, Navy SEALs attacked the al-Qaida leader's compound in Pakistan and eliminated Osama bin Laden. Later that year, Obama withdrew troops from the Iraq War. Three years later, renewed threats from ISIS meant troops had to return. For more, see Will It Ever End? How the Sunni-Shiite Split Affects the U.S. Economy.

In 2014, Obama wound down the war in Afghanistan. Ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan should have reduced annual military spending. At over $800 billion, it was the largest discretionary budget item and one of the leading causes of the budget deficit and national debt. Instead, military spending remained higher than during the Bush Administration. For more, see War on Terror Costs.

7. Won 2012 Presidential Re-election
Obama won a second term as president on November 6, 2012. Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney promised to repeal Obamacare and Dodd-Frank. Voters were not sure about eliminating health benefits and regulations against big banks. Romney failed to capture the country's imagination by not presenting a new vision for economic growth.

8. Nuclear Agreement With Iran
On July 14, 2015, Obama brokered a nuclear peace agreement with Iran. In return, the United Nations lifted the economic sanctions it imposed in 2010. For details, see Iran's Economy: Impact of Nuclear Deal and Sanctions.

9. World's Largest Trade Agreement
On October 4, 2015, Obama's team negotiated the Trans-Pacific Partnership. If ratified by Congress, it would have replaced NAFTA as the world's largest free-trade agreement. It would have removed tariffs between the United States and 11 other countries that border the Pacific Ocean.

Obama launched the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the United States and the European Union. His term ended before negotiations could be finalized. It would have been bigger than the TPP.

10. International Climate Change Agreement
Obama led global efforts to finalize the International Climate Agreement. It was negotiated in Paris on December 12, 2015. Countries agreed to reduce carbon emissions and increase carbon trading. Members decided to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial temperatures. Developed countries will contribute $100 billion a year to assist emerging markets. Many developing countries bear the brunt of damage from climate change, facing typhoons, rising sea levels, and droughts.

At least 55 of the 196 participating countries must now ratify the agreement before it can go into effect. At the 2016 G20 meeting, China and the United States agreed to ratify the agreement. These two countries are the world's largest emitters of greenhouse gases. (Source: "Climate Agreement Best Chance We Have to Save the Planet," CNN, December 14, 2015.)

Obama announced carbon reduction regulations in 2014. He enacted the Clean Power Plan in 2015. It reduces carbon dioxide emissions by 32 percent from 2005 levels by 2030. It does this by setting carbon reduction goals for the nation's power plants. To comply, power plants will create 30 percent more renewable energy generation by 2030. It encourages carbon emissions trading by allowing states that emit less than the caps to trade their surplus to states that emit more than the cap. (Source: "Obama Just Created a Carbon Cap and Trade Program," Climate Central, August 4, 2015. "President Obama to Announce Historic Carbon Pollution Standards for Power Plants," The White House, August 3, 2015.)

11. Best Job Creator
Obama is the biggest job-creating President in U.S. history. His policies put 22.309 million people to work from the depths of the recession in January 2010 to the end of his term. That's because unemployment continued to rise even after the recession ended in 2009. It takes a few months of economic growth before businesses are confident enough to begin hiring again.

Since the beginning of his term, he put 17.267 million people to work. That makes him the second best job-creator, following Bill Clinton. Job gains would have been even better if Congress had approved Obama's proposed Americans Jobs Act. For more, see Job Creation by President.

Other Accomplishments
Maintained Continuation of Federal Reserve Policy - Obama appointed Federal Reserve Vice-Chair Janet Yellen to replace Ben Bernanke. She maintained an expansionary monetary policy that created the lowest interest rates in 200 years. This allowed the early stages of the housing recovery and slow but steady business expansion to continue. For more, see Relationship Between Treasury Notes and Mortgage Rates.

Kimberly Amadeo must be another one of you ass lickers. She can pucker up, too.
A failure ONLY if you bailed on the market while he was president ,if you had no IRA no 401K if you lost your job I feel for you ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,not really you got what you deserve

We're talking about food stamps. Pay attention. I seriously doubt those using food stamps were effected at all by the market.
I'm not arguing,,, Food stamps went up under Obama but why throw around 45 million ? How many were there with GWB?

and the rest of what I posted had to do with you calling a great man a failure You are so far off base you're not even in the same ball park

I use the 45 million because it was the actual number. With Bush, one would expect those on food stamps to increase. That goes along with losing your job. However, with Obama, you want people to believe that getting a job when you didn't have one can increase the number on food stamps.

He was far from a great man and definitely a failure.

By Kimberly Amadeo
Updated June 22, 2017
President Barack Obama entered office fighting the 2008 financial crisis. He immediately launched the ambitious Affordable Care Act, despite backlash. His administration continued battling the Tea Party Republicans after they gained Congressional majority in the 2010 mid-term elections. Despite these challenges, he accomplished many great things. Here are the top eleven. Find out how they match up to the 2008 "Yes We Can!" campaign promises.

1. Ended the 2008 Recession
In February 2009, Congress approved Obama's $787 billion economic stimulus package. It cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded public works projects. The recession ended in July when GDP growth turned positive. In just seven months, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act pumped $241.9 billion into the economy. That increased growth to a robust 3.9 percent rate by early 2010. By March 30, 2011, almost all ($633.5 billion) of the funds were spent.

Obama bailed out the U.S. auto industry on March 30, 2009. The Federal government took over General Motors and Chrysler, saving three million jobs. It forced the companies to become more fuel efficient and therefore more globally competitive.

2. Received 2009 Nobel Peace Prize
On October 9, 2009, Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Committee lauded "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." He withdrew troops from Iraq in 2011.

Is your balance way off?
Your account balance, that is. Here's how much money the experts say you should keep in your checking and savings accounts.

He reduced the U.S. nuclear warhead stockpile by 10 percent. (Source: "Inspires Hope for a Better Future," Nobel Prize.)

3. Reformed Health Care
On March 23, 2010, Obamacare revolutionized healthcare. Why did healthcare need to be reformed? Rising costs threatened to outstrip Medicare's ability to pay for it, and contributed to 50 percent of all bankruptcies.

The quality of care was one of the worst in the world. By 2014, the economy benefited from having 95 percent of the population on health insurance. The greater number of people receiving preventive care reduced the number of expensive visits to emergency rooms. For more, see Obamacare Pros and Cons.

4. Regulated the Big Banks
In July 2010, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act improved regulation of eight areas that led to the financial crisis. The Consumer Financial Protection Agency reduced harmful practices of credit cards and mortgages. The Financial Stability Oversight Council regulated hedge funds and banks that became too big to fail. The "Volcker Rule" banned banks from risking losses with their depositors' money. Dodd-Frank clarified which agencies regulated which banks, stopping banks from cherry-picking their regulators.

Dodd-Frank directed the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. These regulated the riskiest derivatives, like credit default swaps and commodities futures. Dodd-Frank also asked the SEC to recommend how the credit rating agencies, like Moody's and Standard & Poor's, could be improved.

5. 2010 Tax Cuts
In December 2010, Obama and Congress agreed upon additional stimulus in the form of an $858 billion tax cut.

It had three main components: a $350 billion extension of the Bush tax cuts, a $56 billion extension of unemployment benefits, and a $120 billion reduction in workers' payroll taxes. Businesses received $140 billion in tax cuts for capital improvements and $80 billion in research and development tax credits. The estate tax was exempted (up to $5 million), and there were additional credits for college tuition and children. For more, see Obama Tax Cuts.

6. Eliminated bin Laden Threat and Withdrew Troops from Iraq and Afghanistan Wars
On May 1, 2011, Navy SEALs attacked the al-Qaida leader's compound in Pakistan and eliminated Osama bin Laden. Later that year, Obama withdrew troops from the Iraq War. Three years later, renewed threats from ISIS meant troops had to return. For more, see Will It Ever End? How the Sunni-Shiite Split Affects the U.S. Economy.

In 2014, Obama wound down the war in Afghanistan. Ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan should have reduced annual military spending. At over $800 billion, it was the largest discretionary budget item and one of the leading causes of the budget deficit and national debt. Instead, military spending remained higher than during the Bush Administration. For more, see War on Terror Costs.

7. Won 2012 Presidential Re-election
Obama won a second term as president on November 6, 2012. Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney promised to repeal Obamacare and Dodd-Frank. Voters were not sure about eliminating health benefits and regulations against big banks. Romney failed to capture the country's imagination by not presenting a new vision for economic growth.

8. Nuclear Agreement With Iran
On July 14, 2015, Obama brokered a nuclear peace agreement with Iran. In return, the United Nations lifted the economic sanctions it imposed in 2010. For details, see Iran's Economy: Impact of Nuclear Deal and Sanctions.

9. World's Largest Trade Agreement
On October 4, 2015, Obama's team negotiated the Trans-Pacific Partnership. If ratified by Congress, it would have replaced NAFTA as the world's largest free-trade agreement. It would have removed tariffs between the United States and 11 other countries that border the Pacific Ocean.

Obama launched the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the United States and the European Union. His term ended before negotiations could be finalized. It would have been bigger than the TPP.

10. International Climate Change Agreement
Obama led global efforts to finalize the International Climate Agreement. It was negotiated in Paris on December 12, 2015. Countries agreed to reduce carbon emissions and increase carbon trading. Members decided to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial temperatures. Developed countries will contribute $100 billion a year to assist emerging markets. Many developing countries bear the brunt of damage from climate change, facing typhoons, rising sea levels, and droughts.

At least 55 of the 196 participating countries must now ratify the agreement before it can go into effect. At the 2016 G20 meeting, China and the United States agreed to ratify the agreement. These two countries are the world's largest emitters of greenhouse gases. (Source: "Climate Agreement Best Chance We Have to Save the Planet," CNN, December 14, 2015.)

Obama announced carbon reduction regulations in 2014. He enacted the Clean Power Plan in 2015. It reduces carbon dioxide emissions by 32 percent from 2005 levels by 2030. It does this by setting carbon reduction goals for the nation's power plants. To comply, power plants will create 30 percent more renewable energy generation by 2030. It encourages carbon emissions trading by allowing states that emit less than the caps to trade their surplus to states that emit more than the cap. (Source: "Obama Just Created a Carbon Cap and Trade Program," Climate Central, August 4, 2015. "President Obama to Announce Historic Carbon Pollution Standards for Power Plants," The White House, August 3, 2015.)

11. Best Job Creator
Obama is the biggest job-creating President in U.S. history. His policies put 22.309 million people to work from the depths of the recession in January 2010 to the end of his term. That's because unemployment continued to rise even after the recession ended in 2009. It takes a few months of economic growth before businesses are confident enough to begin hiring again.

Since the beginning of his term, he put 17.267 million people to work. That makes him the second best job-creator, following Bill Clinton. Job gains would have been even better if Congress had approved Obama's proposed Americans Jobs Act. For more, see Job Creation by President.

Other Accomplishments
Maintained Continuation of Federal Reserve Policy - Obama appointed Federal Reserve Vice-Chair Janet Yellen to replace Ben Bernanke. She maintained an expansionary monetary policy that created the lowest interest rates in 200 years. This allowed the early stages of the housing recovery and slow but steady business expansion to continue. For more, see Relationship Between Treasury Notes and Mortgage Rates.

The Great Obama has quite a resume

Compared to a high school dropout but that isn't saying much.
And yesterday, another all time closing high! Trump be killin it, yo. :dance:

The rise in the DOW since Donald Trump was elected President in November 2016 is historic! Yesterday was another all time closing high for the 5th day in a row. Americans are seeing this in their retirement accounts!

* President Trump is already the only President in US history to oversee two stock market rallies of nine days or more where the markets set new highs each and every day.

* On February 28th President Trump matched President Reagan’s 1987 record for most continuous closing high trading days when the DOW reached a new high for its 12th day in a row!
* Then in early August President Trump reigned over a 9 day stock market rally with each day reaching record highs...

DOW is up 22% or 4,000 points since the November 2016 Election! Yesterday Another All Time Closing High!
You mean starting from while Obama was president?

Under Obama, the Dow tripled from its low of 6600 to 19800, a 13200 point gain (200%) while starting with a recession. Trump, inheriting a good economy, rides that wave from 19800 to 22300, a 2500 point gain (12.6%).

Why do I suspect you never once patted Obama on the back for his 200% increase like you are patting Trump for his 12.6% increase?

Hussein isn't the President anymore. He's a has-been. It's Trump's show now. Ya gotta move on kid.
You’re nuts, I’ve moved on. That doesn’t change the reality that the Dow triplied under Obama and I’m confident you never gave him kudos, yet here you are fluffing Trump over a 12.6% gain.

Ha, in one breath you claim you've moved on, and in the next breath you go right back to obsessing over the Hussein Days. So you clearly haven't moved on, kid. You're still living in the past. Pretty sad.
Spits a Trumpfluffer. :suck:

Slops an Obama n*gger ass licker.
You mean starting from while Obama was president?

Under Obama, the Dow tripled from its low of 6600 to 19800, a 13200 point gain (200%) while starting with a recession. Trump, inheriting a good economy, rides that wave from 19800 to 22300, a 2500 point gain (12.6%).

Why do I suspect you never once patted Obama on the back for his 200% increase like you are patting Trump for his 12.6% increase?

Hussein isn't the President anymore. He's a has-been. It's Trump's show now. Ya gotta move on kid.
You’re nuts, I’ve moved on. That doesn’t change the reality that the Dow triplied under Obama and I’m confident you never gave him kudos, yet here you are fluffing Trump over a 12.6% gain.

Ha, in one breath you claim you've moved on, and in the next breath you go right back to obsessing over the Hussein Days. So you clearly haven't moved on, kid. You're still living in the past. Pretty sad.
Spits a Trumpfluffer. :suck:

Slops an Obama n*gger ass licker.
I got it ,,,,fooled me
I finally got it A KKKer on board ,,,,,,,fooled me
Still are record number on food stamps despite claims the economy was better. Face it, boy, Obama was a failure.
A failure ONLY if you bailed on the market while he was president ,if you had no IRA no 401K if you lost your job I feel for you ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,not really you got what you deserve

We're talking about food stamps. Pay attention. I seriously doubt those using food stamps were effected at all by the market.
I'm not arguing,,, Food stamps went up under Obama but why throw around 45 million ? How many were there with GWB?

and the rest of what I posted had to do with you calling a great man a failure You are so far off base you're not even in the same ball park

I use the 45 million because it was the actual number. With Bush, one would expect those on food stamps to increase. That goes along with losing your job. However, with Obama, you want people to believe that getting a job when you didn't have one can increase the number on food stamps.

He was far from a great man and definitely a failure.
Not true. Many working people qualify for food stamps.

Tells me the jobs Obama claimed he created were worthless and meaningless jobs. Seems he'll take credit for something that really means nothing.

If someone is working but still uses food stamps, the problem is with them and what they offer in the way of marketable skills. And you want taxpayers to consider them a worthwhile investment and don't contribute shit to society.
Hussein isn't the President anymore. He's a has-been. It's Trump's show now. Ya gotta move on kid.
You’re nuts, I’ve moved on. That doesn’t change the reality that the Dow triplied under Obama and I’m confident you never gave him kudos, yet here you are fluffing Trump over a 12.6% gain.

Ha, in one breath you claim you've moved on, and in the next breath you go right back to obsessing over the Hussein Days. So you clearly haven't moved on, kid. You're still living in the past. Pretty sad.
Spits a Trumpfluffer. :suck:

Slops an Obama n*gger ass licker.
I got it ,,,,fooled me
I finally got it A KKKer on board ,,,,,,,fooled me

black .jpg
You’re nuts, I’ve moved on. That doesn’t change the reality that the Dow triplied under Obama and I’m confident you never gave him kudos, yet here you are fluffing Trump over a 12.6% gain.

Ha, in one breath you claim you've moved on, and in the next breath you go right back to obsessing over the Hussein Days. So you clearly haven't moved on, kid. You're still living in the past. Pretty sad.
Spits a Trumpfluffer. :suck:

Slops an Obama n*gger ass licker.
I got it ,,,,fooled me
I finally got it A KKKer on board ,,,,,,,fooled me

View attachment 150794

I would say I finally found an Obama ass licker but you have a lot of company on this board.
/----/ You think those planes never existed? And you say I'm not all there? Well you wax on poetically about fictional movies as if they mean squat.

I know those planes existed, and in great numbers 75 years ago.

You know more about WWII than 1997. So you shouldn't go around correcting things just because you're ignorant of them.

/----/ Wagging the dog???? You blithering idiot. The expression is the tail wagging the dog. And no it has nothing to do with Clintoon failing to stop OBL.
/----/ You are a blithering idiot. What does my meme have to do with anything. Does yours mean you get your news from a comic strips that has been in reruns for 20 years? You just make up arguments to have something to post. And in 1997 I was 46 years old, in business and politically active. So don't pretend you know anything about me.
A failure ONLY if you bailed on the market while he was president ,if you had no IRA no 401K if you lost your job I feel for you ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,not really you got what you deserve

We're talking about food stamps. Pay attention. I seriously doubt those using food stamps were effected at all by the market.
I'm not arguing,,, Food stamps went up under Obama but why throw around 45 million ? How many were there with GWB?

and the rest of what I posted had to do with you calling a great man a failure You are so far off base you're not even in the same ball park

I use the 45 million because it was the actual number. With Bush, one would expect those on food stamps to increase. That goes along with losing your job. However, with Obama, you want people to believe that getting a job when you didn't have one can increase the number on food stamps.

He was far from a great man and definitely a failure.
Not true. Many working people qualify for food stamps.

Tells me the jobs Obama claimed he created were worthless and meaningless jobs. Seems he'll take credit for something that really means nothing.

If someone is working but still uses food stamps, the problem is with them and what they offer in the way of marketable skills. And you want taxpayers to consider them a worthwhile investment and don't contribute shit to society.
There were jobs of ALL descriptions What we have now are uneducated republican that can't get a job with computer or robotic companies and they blame obama because they have no training
You mean starting from while Obama was president?

Under Obama, the Dow tripled from its low of 6600 to 19800, a 13200 point gain (200%) while starting with a recession. Trump, inheriting a good economy, rides that wave from 19800 to 22300, a 2500 point gain (12.6%).

Why do I suspect you never once patted Obama on the back for his 200% increase like you are patting Trump for his 12.6% increase?

Hussein isn't the President anymore. He's a has-been. It's Trump's show now. Ya gotta move on kid.
You’re nuts, I’ve moved on. That doesn’t change the reality that the Dow triplied under Obama and I’m confident you never gave him kudos, yet here you are fluffing Trump over a 12.6% gain.

Ha, in one breath you claim you've moved on, and in the next breath you go right back to obsessing over the Hussein Days. So you clearly haven't moved on, kid. You're still living in the past. Pretty sad.
Spits a Trumpfluffer. :suck:

Slops an Obama n*gger ass licker.
^^^ closet queen projecting his own homo-erotic fantasies.
We're talking about food stamps. Pay attention. I seriously doubt those using food stamps were effected at all by the market.
I'm not arguing,,, Food stamps went up under Obama but why throw around 45 million ? How many were there with GWB?

and the rest of what I posted had to do with you calling a great man a failure You are so far off base you're not even in the same ball park

I use the 45 million because it was the actual number. With Bush, one would expect those on food stamps to increase. That goes along with losing your job. However, with Obama, you want people to believe that getting a job when you didn't have one can increase the number on food stamps.

He was far from a great man and definitely a failure.
Not true. Many working people qualify for food stamps.

Tells me the jobs Obama claimed he created were worthless and meaningless jobs. Seems he'll take credit for something that really means nothing.

If someone is working but still uses food stamps, the problem is with them and what they offer in the way of marketable skills. And you want taxpayers to consider them a worthwhile investment and don't contribute shit to society.
There were jobs of ALL descriptions What we have now are uneducated republican that can't get a job with computer or robotic companies and they blame obama because they have no training

What we have is a bunch of blacks whose skill level barely allows them to work in fast food.
Hussein isn't the President anymore. He's a has-been. It's Trump's show now. Ya gotta move on kid.
You’re nuts, I’ve moved on. That doesn’t change the reality that the Dow triplied under Obama and I’m confident you never gave him kudos, yet here you are fluffing Trump over a 12.6% gain.

Ha, in one breath you claim you've moved on, and in the next breath you go right back to obsessing over the Hussein Days. So you clearly haven't moved on, kid. You're still living in the past. Pretty sad.
Spits a Trumpfluffer. :suck:

Slops an Obama n*gger ass licker.
^^^ closet queen projecting his own homo-erotic fantasies.

Says the one calling someone a Trumpfluffer.
We're talking about food stamps. Pay attention. I seriously doubt those using food stamps were effected at all by the market.
I'm not arguing,,, Food stamps went up under Obama but why throw around 45 million ? How many were there with GWB?

and the rest of what I posted had to do with you calling a great man a failure You are so far off base you're not even in the same ball park

I use the 45 million because it was the actual number. With Bush, one would expect those on food stamps to increase. That goes along with losing your job. However, with Obama, you want people to believe that getting a job when you didn't have one can increase the number on food stamps.

He was far from a great man and definitely a failure.
Not true. Many working people qualify for food stamps.

Tells me the jobs Obama claimed he created were worthless and meaningless jobs. Seems he'll take credit for something that really means nothing.

If someone is working but still uses food stamps, the problem is with them and what they offer in the way of marketable skills. And you want taxpayers to consider them a worthwhile investment and don't contribute shit to society.
There were jobs of ALL descriptions What we have now are uneducated republican that can't get a job with computer or robotic companies and they blame obama because they have no training
/----/ what complete BS. And post how you know what party people belong to when turned down for a job.
I'm not arguing,,, Food stamps went up under Obama but why throw around 45 million ? How many were there with GWB?

and the rest of what I posted had to do with you calling a great man a failure You are so far off base you're not even in the same ball park

I use the 45 million because it was the actual number. With Bush, one would expect those on food stamps to increase. That goes along with losing your job. However, with Obama, you want people to believe that getting a job when you didn't have one can increase the number on food stamps.

He was far from a great man and definitely a failure.
Not true. Many working people qualify for food stamps.

Tells me the jobs Obama claimed he created were worthless and meaningless jobs. Seems he'll take credit for something that really means nothing.

If someone is working but still uses food stamps, the problem is with them and what they offer in the way of marketable skills. And you want taxpayers to consider them a worthwhile investment and don't contribute shit to society.
There were jobs of ALL descriptions What we have now are uneducated republican that can't get a job with computer or robotic companies and they blame obama because they have no training

What we have is a bunch of blacks whose skill level barely allows them to work in fast food.
And you have a bunch of black CEOs of the largest companies in America
I'm not arguing,,, Food stamps went up under Obama but why throw around 45 million ? How many were there with GWB?

and the rest of what I posted had to do with you calling a great man a failure You are so far off base you're not even in the same ball park

I use the 45 million because it was the actual number. With Bush, one would expect those on food stamps to increase. That goes along with losing your job. However, with Obama, you want people to believe that getting a job when you didn't have one can increase the number on food stamps.

He was far from a great man and definitely a failure.
Not true. Many working people qualify for food stamps.

Tells me the jobs Obama claimed he created were worthless and meaningless jobs. Seems he'll take credit for something that really means nothing.

If someone is working but still uses food stamps, the problem is with them and what they offer in the way of marketable skills. And you want taxpayers to consider them a worthwhile investment and don't contribute shit to society.
There were jobs of ALL descriptions What we have now are uneducated republican that can't get a job with computer or robotic companies and they blame obama because they have no training
/----/ what complete BS. And post how you know what party people belong to when turned down for a job.
I only guess at what party because republicans are the biggest complainers ,,,, hugely
I use the 45 million because it was the actual number. With Bush, one would expect those on food stamps to increase. That goes along with losing your job. However, with Obama, you want people to believe that getting a job when you didn't have one can increase the number on food stamps.

He was far from a great man and definitely a failure.
Not true. Many working people qualify for food stamps.

Tells me the jobs Obama claimed he created were worthless and meaningless jobs. Seems he'll take credit for something that really means nothing.

If someone is working but still uses food stamps, the problem is with them and what they offer in the way of marketable skills. And you want taxpayers to consider them a worthwhile investment and don't contribute shit to society.
There were jobs of ALL descriptions What we have now are uneducated republican that can't get a job with computer or robotic companies and they blame obama because they have no training
/----/ what complete BS. And post how you know what party people belong to when turned down for a job.
I only guess at what party because republicans are the biggest complainers ,,,, hugely
/----/ You're talking through your hat. ( you may have to Google that to see what it means)
and when Bambi moved into the white house,,,DOW gradually tanked to about 2400....:boohoo: :blues: :piss2:

Dumbass we were in the middle of a fucking Great Recession, after which stock market went from 6700 (not 2400, igonoramus) to 18000.

Somehow that GIANT 250%+ growth and stabilization under Obama was "horrible economy, sugar highs!!!!" And yet under Trump 20% DOW growth is great success!
and when Bambi moved into the white house,,,DOW gradually tanked to about 2400....:boohoo: :blues: :piss2:

Dumbass we were in the middle of a fucking Great Recession, after which stock market went from 6700 (not 2400, igonoramus) to 18000.

Somehow that GIANT 250%+ growth and stabilization under Obama was "horrible economy, sugar highs!!!!" And yet under Trump 20% DOW growth is great success!
/----/ the market was artificially Pumped up with free money not Obozonomics , you fool.

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