You've all been duped by ABC *LOL*


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
And the other media outlets played along for story interest/ viewership reasons.

I was right earlier this year all along, when finally ABC set the record straight that other media mysteriously left out of today's coverage of Flynn- the claimed request to contact/speak to the Russians was over Isis.
YOU KNEW THIS ALREADY , how else do you strike Isis the first day in office, successful surprise attack requires syncronizing with allies in the fight against Isis. I said this early this year.

The lacking news on "about what" they were setting up a talk for was done
by the media for sake of sensationalism, but did they consider their viewers accounts tanking in the markets by such a negligable stunt? If your stop loss kicked in and got booted out your stock, blame the media fake narrative nonsense.

This is where media is being weaponized, and it's too easy not just to manipulate politics, but also finances.
The FCC needs to nip this stuff in the Bud.
You've all been duped.
And the other media outlets played along for story interest/ viewership reasons.

I was right earlier this year all along, when finally ABC set the record straight that other media mysteriously left out of today's coverage of Flynn- the claimed request to contact/speak to the Russians was over Isis.
YOU KNEW THIS ALREADY , how else do you strike Isis the first day in office, successful surprise attack requires syncronizing with allies in the fight against Isis. I said this early this year.

The lacking news on "about what" they were setting up a talk for was done
by the media for sake of sensationalism, but did they consider their viewers accounts tanking in the markets by such a negligable stunt? If your stop loss kicked in and got booted out your stock, blame the media fake narrative nonsense.

This is where media is being weaponized, and it's too easy not just to manipulate politics, but also finances.
The FCC needs to nip this stuff in the Bud.
You've all been duped.
Fox News is carrying the Flynn flipping story.
Sucks to be you.
When Trump's in jail, I'll laugh about you still calling it fake news :rofl:
From your lips to God’s ears.
Flynn said in a statement:

"extraordinarily painful to endure these many months of false accusations of 'treason' and other outrageous acts."

So what did exactly was done that was Illegal? Why would he plea to what he did and not at least espionage?
The question is whether DOJ/SEC will investigate this possible inside trading?
I doubt this was staged for said market result unless a political tactic, but being rich hedge fund managers who own large shares of these networks it would be exposed to such manipulation liken to Soros Greek riots market crash.
Flynn said in a statement:

"extraordinarily painful to endure these many months of false accusations of 'treason' and other outrageous acts."

So what did exactly was done that was Illegal? Why would he plea to what he did and not at least espionage?

LOGAN ACT prohibits unauthorized civilians (like Trump and his campaign) from negotiating and interfering with policy towards foreign governments.

From there Flynn, among many other things, is guilty of lying under oath to FBI about his negotiations and interfering with American foreign policy without authorization from Obama's administration who was POTUS at the time.

Trump, who Flynn will testify has directed him to deal with Russians, for his part is also guilty of violating LOGAN ACT but will also most likely face Obstruction of Justice charges for firing FBI director and trying to influence Congressional investigation.
And the other media outlets played along for story interest/ viewership reasons.

I was right earlier this year all along, when finally ABC set the record straight that other media mysteriously left out of today's coverage of Flynn- the claimed request to contact/speak to the Russians was over Isis.
YOU KNEW THIS ALREADY , how else do you strike Isis the first day in office, successful surprise attack requires syncronizing with allies in the fight against Isis. I said this early this year.

The lacking news on "about what" they were setting up a talk for was done
by the media for sake of sensationalism, but did they consider their viewers accounts tanking in the markets by such a negligable stunt? If your stop loss kicked in and got booted out your stock, blame the media fake narrative nonsense.

This is where media is being weaponized, and it's too easy not just to manipulate politics, but also finances.
The FCC needs to nip this stuff in the Bud.
You've all been duped.

You left out an adjective "initially". It was right there in black and white.
And you presume to know what Mueller knows.
If you were right, Flynn wouldn't be a convicted felon as of a couple hours ago.
Flynn said in a statement:

"extraordinarily painful to endure these many months of false accusations of 'treason' and other outrageous acts."

So what did exactly was done that was Illegal? Why would he plea to what he did and not at least espionage?

The dirty laundry is coming out now. Before today we didn't know what Mueller's next move will be. Once the investigation is over the proof will be released to the public.
Flynn said in a statement:

"extraordinarily painful to endure these many months of false accusations of 'treason' and other outrageous acts."

So what did exactly was done that was Illegal? Why would he plea to what he did and not at least espionage?

LOGAN ACT prohibits unauthorized civilians (like Trump and his campaign) from negotiating and interfering with policy towards foreign governments.

From there Flynn, among many other things, is guilty of lying under oath to FBI about his negotiations and interfering with American foreign policy without authorization from Obama's administration who was POTUS at the time.

Trump, who Flynn will testify has directed him to deal with Russians, for his part is also guilty of violating LOGAN ACT but will also most likely face Obstruction of Justice charges for firing FBI director and trying to influence Congressional investigation.

So are we going to go after literally every transition team ever?
Flynn- the claimed request to contact/speak to the Russians was over Isis.

What you don't get is that by law, Trump and his transition team had NO AUTHORITY to interfere with American foreign policy and deliberately influence foreign government's policy towards us.

And not ONLY did they have no authority, but doing so is expressly PUNISHABLE BY LAW.

You libs are headed for disappointment again....

Yep we get disappointed every other hour today :rolleyes:

Flynn pleads guilty on Russia, reportedly ready to testify against Trump
What do you guys think Flynn's going to say? That Trump colluded with Putin to defeat Hillary? That's crazy! It didn't happen. If this inaccurate statement to the FBI by Flynn is all Mueller has this investigation is close to being over...

I think he will AT VERY LEAST say that Trump directed him to deal with Russians about sanctions, which is in violation of Logan Act.

This also makes Obstruction of Justice case against Trump right about bulletproof - Flynn's testimony is EXACTLY what Trump was trying to prevent and all his actions, including pressuring the FBI director and then firing him is consistent with that.

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