You're Not Helping, Nancy

Article 15

Dr. House slayer
Jul 4, 2008
Barack Obama set a record yesterday, raising $7.8 million at a political fund raiser in San Francisco but unfortunately that isn't what we will be hearing about constantly for the next three days and sporadically for the rest of the campaign season.

What we will hear about instead is what Nancy Pelosi (D-Botoxlavania), who was present at the fund raiser, said to describe Barack Obama.

The candidate was particularly fired up in this speech, confident and assertive, having finally shaken off the vacation dust. He was warmly received by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the hometown gal was neutral during the primary, but wasn't shy about her Obama affection tonight, calling him "a leader that God has blessed us with at this time."

Obama one day record haul: $7.8 million at San Francisco big donor fund raisers - Lynn Sweet

You're doing it wrong, Ms. Pelosi. Have you been paying attention at all this campaign cycle? The right has been trying to paint the support for Obama as blind Messianism ... that his supporters worship and defend him like he's an infallible deity. And now you essentially say that Obama is a candidate chosen by God? You've GOT to be kidding me?! You have just given ammo to the Pill Head ... Rush Limbaugh, the Uber Douche ... Sean Hannity, and their legions of Internet foot soldiers in their quest to take down Obama.

Look lady, please just stop talking for the next couple of months ... at least until the election is over and we can get around to finding a more competent Speaker. Go back into hiding like you did around this time in 2006. Obama doesn't need your help.
Oh yes, he does. Luckily, her help will only hurt him even more than he hurts himself.

Rarely do you see someone contradict themselves in the very next sentence ... you've just seen it, folks.

The whole point of my OP is that Pelosi's "help" will hurt him and therefor he doesn't need it.

If her help will hurt him then it isn't helping.
I'm sorry you can't understand complex thought. But, what could I expect from someone who still believes everything Obama says?
I'm sorry you can't understand complex thought. But, what could I expect from someone who still believes everything Obama says?

There was nothing complex about your thought ... you said something foolish and got called on it ... nothing more, nothing less ... you are only making yourself look more foolish by injecting a weak ad hominem here.
Somebody please tell me...has Nancy Pelosi ever done anything worthwhile? Ever?
Somebody please tell me...has Nancy Pelosi ever done anything worthwhile? Ever?


Not that I'm aware but I'm guessing she's had to have done something to become Speaker ... I'm not about to dig for her though ... both she and Harry Reid need to be taken out of leadership posts for the next Congress.
I'm thinking that perhaps the Speaker is not a coveted position, and if somebody actually wants it, the other members of the senate heave a big sigh of relief and hand it over....
This thread is funny because:

A) Little O wen on to appear at the DNC framed by temple-like columns and got razzed for it real hard

B) the faux outrage over Gov Palin's prayer for the troops

"a leader that God has blessed us with at this time" <-- stupid fundies.
I'm sorry you can't understand complex thought. But, what could I expect from someone who still believes everything Obama says?

Complex thoughts? You voted for Bush twice and he can't even spell so what does that say about you?
Complex thoughts? You voted for Bush twice and he can't even spell so what does that say about you?

It says JSanders is smart enough to not vote for some idiot who thinks the planet has a fever or another idiot that has it seared--SEARED--into his memory that he was listening to pres. Nixon on the radio weeks before Nixon was even sworn in.
Complex thoughts? You voted for Bush twice and he can't even spell so what does that say about you?

Didn't you know that Ned Sanders was a Clinton supporter, but now has such a rabid hate of Obama he'd sell his soul to David Duke if it would keep Obama out of the WH. So, he might not have voted for Bush, but as both would be pushing to have their IQs hitting triple figures (even when added together), it would not suprise me if he did vote for the chimp...Hell, he's so stoopid, he'll probably be voting for him again....:razz:
Barack Obama set a record yesterday, raising $7.8 million at a political fund raiser in San Francisco ......

I doubt the rest of the country will be the least bit impressed that a bunch of wealthy, far leftwing liberals from the San Fran area donated a bunch of money hoping to buy the results come election night. In the end, they still only get a single vote each too and don't get to buy any more. Except maybe in Florida. Better way to spend his time is boning up for the debates. As a freshman Senator of less than 2 years (and only five months of actually doing the WORK of a Senator), he better be good at what his advisors tell him to say in response to the questions put to him. And the follow-up ones.
The candidate was particularly fired up in this speech, confident and assertive, having finally shaken off the vacation dust. He was warmly received by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the hometown gal was neutral during the primary, but wasn't shy about her Obama affection tonight, calling him "a leader that God has blessed us with at this time." .

Maybe you didn't know this, but Republicans don't throw a hissy fit just because someone mentioned "God" or made a statement like this. If she really feels this is true, more power to her. As Republicans are the first to point out, since the overwhelming majority of Americans believe in God, would you rather they believed your candidate was sent by someone else? You people need to get over yourselves, stop freaking out if someone mentions God and get over the idiotic notion that the public square is supposed to be stripped of any mention of God or religiosity. I doubt you knew this either, but since the overwhelming majority of Americans believe in God, they actually feel more comfortable believing (whether true or not) that a politician's moral foundation comes from his religious beliefs and not based on whatever happens to be PC that day. Its why even Clinton tried to fake having religious beliefs -although it was obvious he was clearly uncomfortable with that pretense.

Republicans aren't going to pounce on this statement at all -they understand why she said it in the first place. Even though they don't agree at all. Now the liberal media would DEFINITELY have made this an issue for at least a full week -but ONLY if a Republican had said it. Since they are already in the tank for Obama -they won't touch this.
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I'm thinking that perhaps the Speaker is not a coveted position, and if somebody actually wants it, the other members of the senate heave a big sigh of relief and hand it over....

speaker not a coveted position???

damn, you need a civics course....

Speaker of the United States House of Representatives - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

second in line of succession after the VP; hands out all of the power positions and chairmanships; as well as controlling the agenda of what bills get put on the schedule to be voted on.....

nancy sucks, but not for any of the reasons YOU think.
I'm thinking that perhaps the Speaker is not a coveted position, and if somebody actually wants it, the other members of the senate heave a big sigh of relief and hand it over....

most of the members of the senate know that Speaker of the House of Representatives isn't one of them. Robert Byrd is still thinking it over.

skipped civics,eh?
I think I'm confused... how does what Nancy said hurt Obama?

it NANCY'S opinion is that Obama is a blessing then so the fuck what?

Perhaps she feels that he's exactly what this country needs right now... perhaps she has faith in HER God that he put Obama on this path. I haven't heard Obama say that he's a blessing from God, have you?

I think this is much ado about nothing Article.

I happen to look at Obama as a blessing too... I don't look at him as the Messiah the way the Repubs or Cons would like to paint it but I certainly do think his vision and his plan to return this country to what it should be and could be again is a blessing.

Many people probably feel the same way and I don't see anything wrong with that.

I don't think Repubs have the market cornered on thinking God knows what they need...

If Palin and Bush can claim war is a plan from God I have no problem with someone saying that they feel Obama is a blessing from God because he's exactly what this country needs at this moment in time.

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