Your Precious, Precious Fluids


Gold Member
Oct 16, 2017
Dr. Strangelove eat your heart out. I really have no idea how I stumbled upon this. Check it out: Fluoride: Daily Exposure to Poison

I quit using fluoride toothpaste years ago after reading or hearing something about it somewhere. The main reason I recall was learning that it was largely banned in Europe. My wife and kids have continued using it nonetheless. They won't now!

Dr. Strangelove eat your heart out. I really have no idea how I stumbled upon this. Check it out: Fluoride: Daily Exposure to Poison

I quit using fluoride toothpaste years ago after reading or hearing something about it somewhere. The main reason I recall was learning that it was largely banned in Europe. My wife and kids have continued using it nonetheless. They won't now!

If it takes an hour and a half just to explain the problem to me, I don't want to know.
LOL....FDA recommended ! Assholes. It's a by product that used to cost a fortune to dispose of....Now you idiots have it as a BUY product. MAGA Make Alcoa Great Again ! I use Himalaya toothpaste and have had well water or spring water since hatching
Dr. Strangelove eat your heart out. I really have no idea how I stumbled upon this. Check it out: Fluoride: Daily Exposure to Poison

I quit using fluoride toothpaste years ago after reading or hearing something about it somewhere. The main reason I recall was learning that it was largely banned in Europe. My wife and kids have continued using it nonetheless. They won't now!

The original conspiracy theory...fluoride. People have been harping on this one for decades.

Yes, so turns out it's not the communists infiltrating our precious fluids after all. Not the Nazis either. They're too busy killing us with glyphosate since buying Monsanto. No, it's simply a product of our own capitalism predictably run amok. Then covered up.. Run amok some more.. Disgusting doesn't begin to describe it.
The original conspiracy theory...fluoride. People have been harping on this one for decades.
Yes, not all conspiracy theories lack merit. Many cease being "theories" the moment undeniable, supportive scientific evidence comes to light. Watch the video. You'll stop letting them fluoridate your drinking water and poisoning your kids at the dentist's office in a heartbeat.

Yes, so turns out it's not the communists infiltrating our precious fluids after all. Not the Nazis either. They're too busy killing us with glyphosate since buying Monsanto. No, it's simply a product of our own capitalism predictably run amok. Then covered up.. Run amok some more.. Disgusting doesn't begin to describe it.

You do realize that General Ripper was stark raving mad, don't you?

Nothing like a little water on the back of the neck, Jack.
Just for you. Enjoy!

Seriously, that's the delicious irony. Dr. Strangelove was exquisite parody but turns out Ripper was vastly right after all.
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^You really have no point, do you?

I get it. You're old. Welcome to the club, bro.

LOL....FDA recommended ! Assholes. It's a by product that used to cost a fortune to dispose of....Now you idiots have it as a BUY product. MAGA Make Alcoa Great Again ! I use Himalaya toothpaste and have had well water or spring water since hatching
I make my own toothpaste. 2 tbsp baking soda, 2 tbsp turmeric powder, 1 tbsp liquid coconut oil, 2 drops peppermint oil. If it lasts more than a month and turns dark brown, chuck it and make some fresh. The turmeric really helps reduce every sort of mouth pain and won't stain your teeth. And yes, well water. Hard well water.. if you're nasty likkmee!
Dr. Strangelove eat your heart out. I really have no idea how I stumbled upon this. Check it out: Fluoride: Daily Exposure to Poison

I quit using fluoride toothpaste years ago after reading or hearing something about it somewhere. The main reason I recall was learning that it was largely banned in Europe. My wife and kids have continued using it nonetheless. They won't now!



Poisonous? Yes -- but then, lots of the things we ingest are potentially poisonous, like alcoholic beverages, the mercury in fish and the magnesium in antacids. It would be very hard to consume enough antacid medicine to die from magnesium poisoning, though.

Is fluoride considered a poison in most European countries?


A new study published in the Lancet has officially declared that fluoride is a neurotoxin.



Did a New Study Officially Declare That Fluoride Is a Neurotoxin?

If it's on the internet it must be true!

If it takes an hour and a half just to explain the problem to me, I don't want to know
Your loss. It covers many related issues. All quite fascinating. Besides, the price of Liberty is eternal vigilance!
Dr. Strangelove eat your heart out. I really have no idea how I stumbled upon this. Check it out: Fluoride: Daily Exposure to Poison

I quit using fluoride toothpaste years ago after reading or hearing something about it somewhere. The main reason I recall was learning that it was largely banned in Europe. My wife and kids have continued using it nonetheless. They won't now!



Poisonous? Yes -- but then, lots of the things we ingest are potentially poisonous, like alcoholic beverages, the mercury in fish and the magnesium in antacids. It would be very hard to consume enough antacid medicine to die from magnesium poisoning, though.

Is fluoride considered a poison in most European countries?


A new study published in the Lancet has officially declared that fluoride is a neurotoxin.



Did a New Study Officially Declare That Fluoride Is a Neurotoxin?

If it's on the internet it must be true!

The Untold Story of Fluoridation: Revisiting the Changing Perspectives
Some of us actually read the studies at the National Health Institutes and believe the science that backs up the claims about what causes various ailments.

And this is only two of them there are plenty more out there about the ill health effects caused by fluoride.
Developmental Fluoride Neurotoxicity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

The Untold Story of Fluoridation: Revisiting the Changing Perspectives

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