Your original candidate for this pres election was...?

He never did get any traction ...

But at least his supporters didn't make complete fools of themselves annointing him as the next POTUS along with the whole "Democrats dread the Fred," thing. ;)
now you gotta admit, that WAS funny as hell
lots of dem/libs would feed right into that
Since I was not posting here when the primary elections were in their early stages...

Just looking to see who everyone's original candidate was...

Personally, I was a Fred Thompson guy. Knew he never really stood a chance, but liked his views more than most anyone out there on the Republican side.

I think seeing who people gravitated towards in the first place, tells a little more about the person, than who they are supporting out of the 2 candidates left

I liked Thompson better than the rest of the field.

The sympathy vote would have had to go to Ron Paul, but I doubt I could actually vote for him. I agree with some of his views, but he's got some completely screwy ones that would make me "just say no."

Once it was down to Hillary or Obama vs McCain, I was actually leaning toward Hillary.

Looks like I just can't win.
now you gotta admit, that WAS funny as hell
lots of dem/libs would feed right into that


And it just got worse ...

Lib: we don't dread the fred, we are laughing at him

Fredhead: your laughing and saying you aren't afraid of him only shows that you are extra-super-duper dreading the fred!


McCain is all stick (and gaga).
Obama is all carrot (and naive).
Hillary seems to know when to employ the carrot and when to employ the stick.

Either current candidate is going to be equally disastrous for the country by acting in a knee-jerk manner to any crisis.
The only person I see worthwhile is Ralph Nader.:eusa_whistle:


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If ONLY Fred Thompson had more of an interest. He might have made it. Except that he really never wanted to be president in the first place.
I guess you didnt read the thread.

he couldnt get any interest going for his run

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