Your axe to grind...politically speaking?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
We all have that one thing that really, really bothers you all well know, for me it’s illegal aliens and all the negative filth they manifest.....So what’s your ‘thing’, what’s that one thing that eats away at you....and why?
There is quite a list for me
  1. medical and dental quackery and malpractice
  2. legal barratry and misrepresentation
  3. the whole concept of "civil commitment" and "mental illness"
  4. real estate scams, foreclosure fraud, rental price fixing, and housing discrimination
  5. sleazy pawnshop fee-for-service gun-sales background checks
  6. fake DNA "evidence" in court
  7. the sex-for-money industry which the good old boys refuse to shut down
  8. legal marijuana, medical marijuana, recreational marijuana, and all the mayhem, missing limbs, and unnecessary illness and death that goes along with it
  9. educational molly-coddling of professional rape victims and their predatory assailants -- universities tend to have their own police jurisdictions, because otherwise the fuckers would end up with a criminal record downtown, which would destroy the employment opportunities that are sold along with that sheepskin diploma.
We all have that one thing that really, really bothers you all well know, for me it’s illegal aliens and all the negative filth they manifest.....So what’s your ‘thing’, what’s that one thing that eats away at you....and why?

Equal justice under the law as promised. If any politician were ever held accountable for the lies, evasions, false promises and crimes they do as you or I would be if we did such things, the entire federal government would be in prison. Why do you think they are all rich, become filthy rich in office, and don't want to retire until they are 85? HOW HARD can being a senator be if you are 80 years old, have a brain tumor and still won't retire? Time to end the elitist plutocracy now.
We all have that one thing that really, really bothers you all well know, for me it’s illegal aliens and all the negative filth they manifest.....So what’s your ‘thing’, what’s that one thing that eats away at you....and why?
The absolute control the Jewish race has over the minds,bodies and souls of Americans...plain and simple. You name it in the media,banking,politics,they own it or control it.
Spin, hyperbole and intellectually dishonest debaters.

If we could discuss issues without the emotional, ego driven over reactions and have smart honest conversations then I believe we would be soooo much more productive. We are shooting our selves in the foot with all the tribal partisan bullshit.

Nice topic
don't want to retire until they are 85? HOW HARD can being a senator be if you are 80 years old, have a brain tumor and still won't retire? Time to end the elitist plutocracy now.

Put it on the list. Annuities and life insurance scams, "double indemnity for accidental death" like they got religion and are selling salvation for you and your true soul mate...
Spin, hyperbole and intellectually dishonest debaters.

If we could discuss issues without the emotional, ego driven over reactions and have smart honest conversations then I believe we would be soooo much more productive. We are shooting our selves in the foot with all the tribal partisan bullshit.

Nice topic

True that....however if this board teaches us anything it is that our politicians take their lessons from those they govern; I don't think it's the other way around.
Spin, hyperbole and intellectually dishonest debaters.

If we could discuss issues without the emotional, ego driven over reactions and have smart honest conversations then I believe we would be soooo much more productive. We are shooting our selves in the foot with all the tribal partisan bullshit.

Nice topic

True that....however if this board teaches us anything it is that our politicians take their lessons from those they govern; I don't think it's the other way around.
Agreed. We need to do better at electing the best of the best for public office and not just those who are the best at pandering and fund raising. It’s tough when public respect and trust are at all time lows for government officials... not much insentive for our “best” to want the job... we get stuck with too many power hungry egomaniacs
Spin, hyperbole and intellectually dishonest debaters.

If we could discuss issues without the emotional, ego driven over reactions and have smart honest conversations then I believe we would be soooo much more productive. We are shooting our selves in the foot with all the tribal partisan bullshit.

Nice topic

True that....however if this board teaches us anything it is that our politicians take their lessons from those they govern; I don't think it's the other way around.

It's all a part of the "divide and conquer" strategy of the elite globalists that control this fiat monetary/debt slavery system. As long as we are concentrating on hating each other using tribalism? We never notice the ones pulling the strings. They try to separate us along racial, political, economic, gender lines, etc, etc that causes the masses to align themselves into "camps". This is strategy that the Tavistock Institute and the Frankfurt School researched. Their techniques were perfected using propaganda via the media to steer and control the serfs. It's the Hegelian dialectic that has been used all through history.
Spin, hyperbole and intellectually dishonest debaters.

If we could discuss issues without the emotional, ego driven over reactions and have smart honest conversations then I believe we would be soooo much more productive. We are shooting our selves in the foot with all the tribal partisan bullshit.

Nice topic

True that....however if this board teaches us anything it is that our politicians take their lessons from those they govern; I don't think it's the other way around.
Agreed. We need to do better at electing the best of the best for public office and not just those who are the best at pandering and fund raising. It’s tough when public respect and trust are at all time lows for government officials... not much insentive for our “best” to want the job... we get stuck with too many power hungry egomaniacs

A lot of truth in that.

I don't think the "best of the best" have cared much for government positions ever since the muckrakers. Every now and again you get one who is truly unique. Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar who groomed himself to become President; he had another (George Stephanopolus) (sp?) working for him. Not that it's the be all/end all but the foundations of the Scholarship is what good government in western style democracies is based upon.

Seems that reliance upon quantifiable achievements and grades may produce strange results but as they said in Hamilton, The first thing you look for is a mind at work. I'm happy with public spirited representatives first....being able to split the atom comes later.
We all have that one thing that really, really bothers you all well know, for me it’s illegal aliens and all the negative filth they manifest.....So what’s your ‘thing’, what’s that one thing that eats away at you....and why?
The Democrats and all SJWs.
Lizard people.

Spin, hyperbole and intellectually dishonest debaters.

If we could discuss issues without the emotional, ego driven over reactions and have smart honest conversations then I believe we would be soooo much more productive. We are shooting our selves in the foot with all the tribal partisan bullshit.

Nice topic

True that....however if this board teaches us anything it is that our politicians take their lessons from those they govern; I don't think it's the other way around.
Agreed. We need to do better at electing the best of the best for public office and not just those who are the best at pandering and fund raising. It’s tough when public respect and trust are at all time lows for government officials... not much insentive for our “best” to want the job... we get stuck with too many power hungry egomaniacs
We need to do better at electing the best of the best for public office and not just those who are the best at pandering and fund raising
We need to start holding elected officials accountable
We need to start acting like employers, instead of employees
There is plenty of blame to go around but,
the fault first lies with the complacency of the people.
We all have that one thing that really, really bothers you all well know, for me it’s illegal aliens and all the negative filth they manifest.....So what’s your ‘thing’, what’s that one thing that eats away at you....and why?
The absolute control the Jewish race has over the minds,bodies and souls of Americans...plain and simple. You name it in the media,banking,politics,they own it or control it.

Hell no, it's the French that is the source of all evil in the world.

They are arrogant, stupid, and socialists.

Fighting war for them gets old as well.
My big beef is with all the unvetted Syrians who Obama allowed into this country. Oh and we should kick all members of the death cult out of America.
We all have that one thing that really, really bothers you all well know, for me it’s illegal aliens and all the negative filth they manifest.....So what’s your ‘thing’, what’s that one thing that eats away at you....and why?
The unavoidable fact that the rich and not rich have an equal vote but not equal influence.

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