Your average cookie cutter socialists


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Meet India Walton, the newly elected Mayor of Buffalo who ran as a socialists. However, when asked about socialism, the ideology she identifies with, she says she has not really studied in since grade school and can't really pontificate about it. When the interviewer then suggested she should then identify as a progressive democrat instead, she backtracks and says, no, because democrats have failed to deliver to the populace what she thinks is due them. Instead, she says she is just for putting people ahead of profit. She then goes on to say that the rich folk need to be convinced to share more of their wealth with the poor folk. But does she really care what they think? The "rich", I'm sure, does not include her or those she is politically allied with, like Biden or Pelosi. The rich are merely her political opponents that need to be forced to surrender their wealth in order to weaken those that oppose them politically.

But it is striking that Leftists who identify with socialists do not study socialism in terms of ideology or history. If they did, they would not be socialists. Making a profit is actually mandatory for survival.
Socialism is just one of those feel good terms to use saying you want to "serve the people". There is very little introspection on what it actually delivers.

In essence, people need to believe that utopia is possible. They need to believe the world can become "good" for everyone. But what they end up doing is selling into a lie that has been propagated since Marx.

Just how many failed attempts at utopia will suffice to understand it is a lie?

But I digress.
Socialism is just one of those feel good terms to use saying you want to "serve the people".


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