Young Conservative Pundits


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
There are more of them. Seems that most of the liberal pundits are older homosexuals like with CNN with Maddow, Lemon and Anderson Cooper. They are geriatric old 60's liberals. In fact, I have noticed there are far more young people and even millenials being sickened by today's radical leftists that have taken over the Democrat party. The Democrats control the MSM, the MSM controls DC, DC hates Trump because he is not a swamp animal. That's just the way it is.
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There are more of them. Seems that most of the liberal pundits are older homosexuals like with CNN with Maddow, Lemon and Anderson Cooper. They are geriatric old 60's liberals. In fact, I have noticed there are far more young people and even millenials being sickened by today's radical leftists that have taken over the Democrat party. The Democrats control the MSM, the MSM controls DC, DC hates Trump because he is not a swamp animal. That's just the way it is.

Well who then? Name some.
Ben Shapiro?....hack.
Senator Ben Sasse?...hack.
Rep Dan Crenshaw?...promising. He can make an argument...but he still runs back to right wing tropes when cornered.

The rest are the same tired, geriatric bums like Dennis Prager, Rush Limbaugh, Senator Ted Cruz and and the rest of the Republican Senatorial crew.

But I'll play. Who ya got?
There are more of them. Seems that most of the liberal pundits are older homosexuals like with CNN with Maddow, Lemon and Anderson Cooper. They are geriatric old 60's liberals. In fact, I have noticed there are far more young people and even millenials being sickened by today's radical leftists that have taken over the Democrat party. The Democrats control the MSM, the MSM controls DC, DC hates Trump because he is not a swamp animal. That's just the way it is.

Who are you trying to fool? Just look at the demographics of fox viewers. Trump's supporters are the ones who are old and dying off like bugs around a bug zapper.
You have to consider that there are far less media outlets for conservative pundits so it makes it seem as if there are more liberals.
There are more of them. Seems that most of the liberal pundits are older homosexuals like with CNN with Maddow, Lemon and Anderson Cooper. They are geriatric old 60's liberals. In fact, I have noticed there are far more young people and even millenials being sickened by today's radical leftists that have taken over the Democrat party. The Democrats control the MSM, the MSM controls DC, DC hates Trump because he is not a swamp animal. That's just the way it is.
Geriatric 60 liberals? Cooper was born 3 years before the end of the 60s. Lemon was only born 4 years before the end of the 60s. I doubt if they were supporting liberal causes during that time period except for an extra fudgsicle while watching Saturday morning cartoons. Born in 73, Maddow was not even a glimmer in her daddy's eye until 72. She missed all the fun of the 60s, was never more 7 years old in the 70s. So, homophobia is all you have going for you?

Trump sucks, because he chooses to suck, as he thinks it is cute, just like he thinks it is ok to lie even when easily proved to be lying. He does things just to piss people off because it amuses his little band of followers, rather than trying to lead and work with and for all the people of America. He hires and associates with criminals in and out of the political class and always has. He screws around on all his wives, so he certainly does not honor comittments, as he also proves in foreign affairs . He bribes people to keep their mouth shut about what he does. He hires and fires with all the due diligence of a 12 year old, when he is not hiring unqualified family members. He professes to love and support the military, unless he chooses to support Russian and Turks allowing them to cross borders and kill allies, or showing his contempt for Goldstar families that speak out against him, or joking about soldiers that he likes to make fun of for injuries received while serving in a war zone during enemy missle attacks, or overruling military justice and forcing a military unit to accept a murderous, out of control, Seal back into their unit without even the customary right of reviews by the elite unit he was being accused of crimes by, or unless he is dealing with Generals who do not agree idiot policies or lack there of and cannot stand to continue working for him. Let's not forget he robbed the military of money for hospitals, schools, water systems, and repairs to bases damaged by hurricanes, after he signed off on the appropriations bill, touting it as a great success upon signing it after it's approval by both houses of congress, and then turns around and misdirects to funds to feed his pet project. Funny how the federal court and the federal appeals court said what he did was illegal, but not a surprises. He sucks on health care as he was going to repeal and replace the previous administration's attempt to try to fix it, but never got around to proposing what to replace it with, all the time professing unwavering public support for making sure nobody lost healthcare due to pre-existing conditions while he had his minions trying to repeal the ACA during and epidemic. I won't even get into his influence on the epidemic with his screwy ideas, and considering the death of 137,000 plus Americans less important than the harm to the economy, that has made the US the most infected on the planet, with the highest deadtoll and a public health proriah, unwelcome in the more civilized countries of the world. All hail the the Chief, the Impeached President of the United States. Now he is comutting the sentence of the 7 times convicted fellon that helped stonewall his investigation, lied to congress, tried to influence witness and was quickly convicted by a jury of his peers and sentenced by a judge in good standing.

With all of that, all you have is homophobia against three members of the media. You really are a prize, aren't you?

I will be so happy when he is sent packing in November. January will might be the start of the road back to reasonable decision making, as Joe Biden starts to sort out the mess of the last few years. He certainly cannot do worse the screw up we have in office now.

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