You want to know the real reason people don't want to be liberals?

Jesus was a liberal

Jesus was non political

Being liberal does not have to mean can be social

Mention liberal and politics immediately comes to mind. I find it hilarious god forsaking liberals would claim Jesus was a liberal anyway, the vast majority do not even believe in Him

I think it is well established that Jesus existed....he was a great man

And a Liberal
Jesus was a liberal

Jesus was non political

Being liberal does not have to mean can be social

Mention liberal and politics immediately comes to mind. I find it hilarious god forsaking liberals would claim Jesus was a liberal anyway, the vast majority do not even believe in Him
What's more amusing, people who don't believe in him using his example or people who say they believe in him, but are nothing like him and reject his teachings by their words and actions?
Jesus was a liberal

Jesus was non political

Being liberal does not have to mean can be social

Mention liberal and politics immediately comes to mind. I find it hilarious god forsaking liberals would claim Jesus was a liberal anyway, the vast majority do not even believe in Him

I think it is well established that Jesus existed....he was a great man

And a Liberal

I doubt He would think much of present day liberals, that entire killing babies, homosexuality, etc you know
Jesus was a liberal

Jesus was non political

Being liberal does not have to mean can be social

Mention liberal and politics immediately comes to mind. I find it hilarious god forsaking liberals would claim Jesus was a liberal anyway, the vast majority do not even believe in Him
What's more amusing, people who don't believe in him using his example or people who say they believe in him, but are nothing like him and reject his teachings by their words and actions?

One is amusing, the other is sad
Jesus was a liberal

Jesus was non political

Being liberal does not have to mean can be social

Mention liberal and politics immediately comes to mind. I find it hilarious god forsaking liberals would claim Jesus was a liberal anyway, the vast majority do not even believe in Him

I think it is well established that Jesus existed....he was a great man

And a Liberal

I doubt He would think much of present day liberals, that entire killing babies, homosexuality, etc you know
Funny, he never said anything about either topic. What he did say is don't chance the almighty buck and look at that, that's just what his "believers" do all damn day.
Jesus was a liberal

Jesus was non political

Being liberal does not have to mean can be social

Mention liberal and politics immediately comes to mind. I find it hilarious god forsaking liberals would claim Jesus was a liberal anyway, the vast majority do not even believe in Him
What's more amusing, people who don't believe in him using his example or people who say they believe in him, but are nothing like him and reject his teachings by their words and actions?

One is amusing, the other is sad
Close enough for government work.
I want to know why you think all liberals are the same.

It's a mystery to be sure...

Being liberal does not have to mean can be social

Kewl, so you'll have no problem listing the verses where Jesus advocated for gay marriage, forced busing, racial quotas in education and employment, and mandatory union membership.

I'll hold my breath while you dig those up, shitflinger.

Jesus advocated busing?

Been toking early today haven't you?
JFK was a non-liberal democrat. MLK was a conservative republican. Both JFK and MLK wanted something better for the people of this country. They both pressed the people to rise up and do great things. Both JFK and MLK were great men, even if JFK was a bit of a miscreant when it comes to treating women as sex toys.

Today's democrat leaders... yeah not so much, they want the people to sit back, relax, and vote for collecting free shit taken by force from dumb asses that work for a living.

JFK was a non-liberal democrat?

JFK’s Acceptance Speech of the New York Liberal Party Nomination
“…if by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people -- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties -- someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal."
September 14, 1960
It all comes down to how you define liberal... I meant non-liberal from my definition of liberal. JFK's definition of liberal would not be accepted by today's modern liberal, would it?

The above comports well with the modern liberal and progressive!

The efforts by the right/conservatives to repeal the PPACA, eliminate the FDA, the Depts of Education, HUD and the EPA, outlaw same-sex marriage, suppress voting rights, and the most recent effort to put the lives of immigrants into an anxiety driven state of flux have no nexus to the words of President Kennedy.

Now it's your turn, go ahead and spin the talking points you've been indoctrinated to spew, place the blame for everything the crazy new right overtly and covertly supports on a liberal/progressive agenda.

No one but the fools who repeat this absurdity and pander this far right ideological propaganda believe it - but it's your tour de force, in fact it's all you have.
Blah blah blah.. yeah cause we can't have "public education" at the local levels unless we have a FEDERAL PROGRAM FOR EDUCATION AT THE FEDERAL LEVEL. ROFL... Stupid is as stupid does. You can spew in a hundred different directions if you like but that just points to the fact that your political views are authoritarian, and your straw-men have no legs to stand on.

Public education was the first move the social conservative/far right moved on, in their efforts to put God into a secular education. Why, because organized religion, much like political parties, needs new blood. The christian coalition is not a conservative coalition, it's a religious coalition. As with the religious views of atheists, christian religious views that limit the liberty of others should not be allowed entry into our politics, more particularly they should not be codified as laws.

I remember saying the Pledge of Allegation every morning, then one day the teacher lead us in a new pledge, one which now included the phrase "under God". Since that day, we have seen efforts to put prayer into the classroom and efforts to pack local school boards with partisan whose first cause was to put religion into the secular classroom, and make Christianity the only religion in a diverse nation; efforts to subsidize private schools, charter schools who are beyond the reach of pubic institutions in terms of past Supreme Court rulings. I suppose you could argue that some religions are godless, but more the point the "exclusion" of god from the classroom is also a breach of liberty.

Of course not to be put off, the GOP with the aid of the magic christians, has worked to pack the Supreme Court and unless some balance is restored, the Alito, Thomas, Scalia, Roberts team will one day set secular education on its head. FUD

Local control, state's rights are euphemisms, they are the goals set to restore segregation, separate but equal education and indoctrination not education into our schools, and into the hearts and minds of those too young to ask why. Your "FUD" is the cry of the authoritarian that if allowed liberty the free people will use their liberty to take liberty away. This is of course a circular argument that is nothing but hogwash because liberty is not the liberty to take liberty away from others.

Authoritarian? You bet and are our pass to the future. The Hitler Youth and the current crop of religious terrorists received such training. As are the authoritarian groups that are in control today, yes. This is the type of education that needs to be ridiculed, not that which needs to be lauded by our media and party leaders to be voted for and used to divide our country into two warring factions.
in blue

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