My friends in Europe can't believe trump. My Canadian friend today said they are laughing their asses off at us. Trumps a joke.
Do Americans live in a bubble? Is the so called liberal media hiding this from us? Why don't we know the world is laughing at the fact the Republicans nominated trump? Or they are afraid.
Even Putin is punking trump/us.
If wikileaks finds something bad about hillary we will nominate Tim Kaine. He's got no dirt and a great record. Or biden. Or AL gore
Do Americans live in a bubble? Is the so called liberal media hiding this from us? Why don't we know the world is laughing at the fact the Republicans nominated trump? Or they are afraid.
Even Putin is punking trump/us.
If wikileaks finds something bad about hillary we will nominate Tim Kaine. He's got no dirt and a great record. Or biden. Or AL gore