You Can Not Be Civil

There you have it folks, straight from hogwash Hillary's mouth.

Hillarious says you can't be civil with Republicans until Democrats regain control.

Now Hillarious and Bildo are going on a speaking tour to promote incivility? You just know she's going to make so many stupid gaffs Biden will be cringing and Republicans will use them in campaign adds against Democrats.

Actually this is very dangerous as ANTIFA continues to ramp up their "incivility" They will use these ignorant musings of Hillarious to support their anti-social behavior. And when you have Maxine Waters and Cory Booker going out in public telling their supporters to get up in the face of people they disagree with, the mob mentality piles on with the same rationalization that their leaders support incivility and violence.

As much as I like seeing liberals shoot themselves in the foot, they can't win a war in the streets.
Hillary's stance about not being civil to Republicans until Democrats are in power again, is clearly advocating for a one-party only political system in the US, essentially, Marxist Communism.
Personally, I would suggest incarceration. Following the law should not be optional based on political affiliation.

Didn't this forum just spend like 2 weeks arguing about due process? :p I'm not sure what you mean, though. If you mean that you think it's appropriate to round up every Democrat and throw them in prison for their political views then I'll agree that qualifies as an answer to my question, albeit an entertaining one given recent history. But since you mention "following the law" (which law?) it doesn't seem like that's what you mean, although it's not clear which laws you think are being widely broken by Democrats.

Why am I not surprised that you have no idea what I'm talking about? I'm mainly talking about dem elected officials, and dems brag about their immunity to prosecution. Antifa doesn't seem overly concerned with the law either, or the city officials that let them run wild. Letting repeat offenders out of prison because 'prisons are bad' isn't helping a whole lot either. A major dem platform is illegal immigration is just dandy. It appears democrat voters are complicit with lawlessness.
This is a very old Dem double standard. Dem's can say what they want, lie, cheat, there are no rules. Meanwhile Rep's have to be as clean as a fresh winter snow, remain civil at all times, and sit there like a punching bag and take it. Trump gave these liberal pukes a taste of their own medicine and they don't like it.
The difference is that liberals are capable of civility, intellectual discussion, honest disagreement. I was a Kav supporter right up until he invoked the Clintons in his partisan address last week. I still think he will be a fair justice up until there are political overtones to a case. The outrage from my liberal colleagues was minimum. We regularly see what cons do to their own when they cross the aisle and it isn’t civil in the least.

This is a joke, right? Have you not seen what happens on college campuses in 2018 or are you simply ignoring it?

It’s appalling what happens in some situations regardless of college, coffee shops, Congress, etc…. The operative disclaimer I’d like to point your attention to is “capable of”; they don’t always achieve it. Nobody does.
The difference is that liberals are capable of civility, intellectual discussion, honest disagreement. I was a Kav supporter right up until he invoked the Clintons in his partisan address last week. I still think he will be a fair justice up until there are political overtones to a case. The outrage from my liberal colleagues was minimum. We regularly see what cons do to their own when they cross the aisle and it isn’t civil in the least.

This is a joke, right? Have you not seen what happens on college campuses in 2018 or are you simply ignoring it?

It’s appalling what happens in some situations regardless of college, coffee shops, Congress, etc…. The operative disclaimer I’d like to point your attention to is “capable of”; they don’t always achieve it. Nobody does.

It doesn't really matter, fed up with the left's constant lying and hate we conservatives hate you right back. Its a good old fashion hate so don't bother even asking us the answer is no.
The difference is that liberals are capable of civility, intellectual discussion, honest disagreement. I was a Kav supporter right up until he invoked the Clintons in his partisan address last week. I still think he will be a fair justice up until there are political overtones to a case. The outrage from my liberal colleagues was minimum. We regularly see what cons do to their own when they cross the aisle and it isn’t civil in the least.

This is a joke, right? Have you not seen what happens on college campuses in 2018 or are you simply ignoring it?

It’s appalling what happens in some situations regardless of college, coffee shops, Congress, etc…. The operative disclaimer I’d like to point your attention to is “capable of”; they don’t always achieve it. Nobody does.

It doesn't really matter, fed up with the left's constant lying and hate we conservatives hate you right back. Its a good old fashion hate so don't bother even asking us the answer is no.

he he he….

Everyone is "capable of" anything. That doesn't negate the fact that the vast majority of the hate, vitriol, and violence comes from the left.
The libtards are all mentally bankrupt….

They are so frustrated that Trump has Rubbed his ass in their faces…

Trump has proven them all fools and this is their childish reaction….

The little pussy hat wearing libtards are throwing a fit…..

They need their ass SPANKED and TRUMP is giving it to “em”….

Now flip it.

The Orange Virus is mentally bankrupt....

He is so frustrated that libtards rubbed their asses in his face...

Libtards have proven him a fool and this is his childish reaction....

The little pussy grabbing Orange Virus is throwing a fit......

He needs his ass SPANKED and LIBTARDS are 'giving' it to him....

This is like Haiku for mental patients.
This is a very old Dem double standard. Dem's can say what they want, lie, cheat, there are no rules. Meanwhile Rep's have to be as clean as a fresh winter snow, remain civil at all times, and sit there like a punching bag and take it. Trump gave these liberal pukes a taste of their own medicine and they don't like it.

Yeah, the RW is made up of passive pussies......
Everyone is "capable of" anything. That doesn't negate the fact that the vast majority of the hate, vitriol, and violence comes from the left.

Total rubbish.


Who's been destroying private property?
Who's been shutting down public roads?
Who's been driving people out of restaurants?
Who's been assaulting people in the streets?
Who's been destroying public monuments?
Who's been harassing businesses for adhering to religious beliefs?
Whos doxxed GOP politicians and their families?
Who gunned down 5 cops in Dallas?
Who kidnapped a white, mentally disable teenager and tortured him live on Facebook while forcing him to say "Fuck Donald Trump"?
Who opened fire on a Congressional baseball game?

Oh that's right, fucking leftists. Sit down.
What do you expect from a traitorous bitch who compromised national security, abandoned Americans to die, paid groups to send thugs to Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters, rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and colluded and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in trying to win the 2016 election?

(And this bitch is who Democrats / Snowflakes wanted as our President...)

Gee, I would love to be as civil to you are you are to us, but I just can't find the words that are as appropriate to civility as yours are!
The words I speak about Hillary Clinton are far kinder than she deserves, as what I stated was fact. I am sorry that the truth of what this woman is, who she is, and what she has done offends you.

She is a self-important, self-elevated, elitist who truly believes she is better than everyone else.

The ARROGANCE to declare that she truly believed being the next President was HER TURN, as if she did not have to do anything to earn it, was demonstrated by her intentionally skipping entire states while campaigning because she thought those states were already here without having to do anything to earn their votes. - it was truly amazing...and cost her the election in the end.

She did not DESERVE to be President.

Rigging Primaries.

Cheating in debates.

Engaging in election fraud.

Violating election & campaign finance laws.

Colluding with / paying foreign spies / Russians.

Paying groups to beat and bloody American citizens - whose President she claimed to want to be - just because they wanted someone else...

You think such a person deserves respect?

This person deserved ... deserves Prison.
Everyone is "capable of" anything. That doesn't negate the fact that the vast majority of the hate, vitriol, and violence comes from the left.

Total rubbish.


Who's been destroying private property?
Who's been shutting down public roads?
Who's been driving people out of restaurants?
Who's been assaulting people in the streets?
Who's been destroying public monuments?
Who's been harassing businesses for adhering to religious beliefs?
Whos doxxed GOP politicians and their families?
Who gunned down 5 cops in Dallas?
Who kidnapped a white, mentally disable teenager and tortured him live on Facebook while forcing him to say "Fuck Donald Trump"?
Who opened fire on a Congressional baseball game?

Oh that's right, fucking leftists. Sit down.

Who drove their car into a group of protestors, killing one and injuring a dozen others?
Who chants “lock her up” at rallies?
Who recommends “second amendment solutions”?
Who cheers when blacks are murdered by cops (protectionist)?
Who beat the shit out of Matthew Shepherd?
Who had a tiki torch parade chanting slogans from the Third Reich?
Who called them “very fine people”?

Oh that’s right, folks like yourself.

I grant there are sick fuckers of every political stripe. The difference is that folks who are conservatives cheer the grotesque behavior almost uniformly. Liberals are much more centered.
What do you expect from a traitorous bitch who compromised national security, abandoned Americans to die, paid groups to send thugs to Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters, rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and colluded and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in trying to win the 2016 election?

(And this bitch is who Democrats / Snowflakes wanted as our President...)

Gee, I would love to be as civil to you are you are to us, but I just can't find the words that are as appropriate to civility as yours are!
The words I speak about Hillary Clinton are far kinder than she deserves, as what I stated was fact. I am sorry that the truth of what this woman is, who she is, and what she has done offends you.

She is a self-important, self-elevated, elitist who truly believes she is better than everyone else.

The ARROGANCE to declare that she truly believed being the next President was HER TURN, as if she did not have to do anything to earn it, was demonstrated by her intentionally skipping entire states while campaigning because she thought those states were already here without having to do anything to earn their votes. - it was truly amazing...and cost her the election in the end.

She did not DESERVE to be President.

Rigging Primaries.

Cheating in debates.

Engaging in election fraud.

Violating election & campaign finance laws.

Colluding with / paying foreign spies / Russians.

Paying groups to beat and bloody American citizens - whose President she claimed to want to be - just because they wanted someone else...

You think such a person deserves respect?

This person deserved ... deserves Prison.

What? Does this mean that she didn't kill Vince Foster?
What do you expect from a traitorous bitch who compromised national security, abandoned Americans to die, paid groups to send thugs to Trump rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters, rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and colluded and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in trying to win the 2016 election?

(And this bitch is who Democrats / Snowflakes wanted as our President...)

Gee, I would love to be as civil to you are you are to us, but I just can't find the words that are as appropriate to civility as yours are!
The words I speak about Hillary Clinton are far kinder than she deserves, as what I stated was fact. I am sorry that the truth of what this woman is, who she is, and what she has done offends you.

She is a self-important, self-elevated, elitist who truly believes she is better than everyone else.

The ARROGANCE to declare that she truly believed being the next President was HER TURN, as if she did not have to do anything to earn it, was demonstrated by her intentionally skipping entire states while campaigning because she thought those states were already here without having to do anything to earn their votes. - it was truly amazing...and cost her the election in the end.

She did not DESERVE to be President.

Rigging Primaries.

Cheating in debates.

Engaging in election fraud.

Violating election & campaign finance laws.

Colluding with / paying foreign spies / Russians.

Paying groups to beat and bloody American citizens - whose President she claimed to want to be - just because they wanted someone else...

You think such a person deserves respect?

This person deserved ... deserves Prison.

What? Does this mean that she didn't kill Vince Foster?
Defense Mechanism / diversionary tactic duly noted....

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