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Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Our nation is at an impasse- a question of direction, going far beyond singular issues such as firearms ownership, personal privacy or economics- but one that encompasses those who see America as a thing to be preserved and another who see it as a thing needing to be destroyed.

It was said by a number of Marxist thinkers over the decades and most notably William Ayers, that for America to be destroyed, it was a thing to be destroyed first from within, then getting help from the outside. And while Marxist and Anarchist apologists will be quick to minimize those statements through saying its simply from a man caught in the winds of his time, its incredibly important to note that this is the prevailing thought among higher-level academia. An academia which has groomed the brokers of power in all of our nation’s ruling agencies. Ayers is but one man with a relatively small group, an incredibly high percentage of academics in this nation not only sided with him but not-so-quietly cheered such abhorrent actions on, shaping higher education for the decades to come.

Which brings us to the present day. In every sociology program in America, undergrads are taught Max Weber’s theories on authority in a society and, perhaps more importantly, his theories on Bureaucracy. Normally juxtaposed to Gramsci’s theory of the superstructure, it is stressed in lectures that in order to control a society, control over the bureaucracy must first be established. Once that control is slowly implemented, there is no need for a sudden revolution. Control is already obtained. Crime becomes a tool of political power rather than a question of morality.

Through this power the ability to define one’s enemies- and thus eliminate them- is simple.

Where we find ourselves today is the veil of objectivity in such a bureaucracy having been ripped away. The ongoing impeachment farce has brought a vibrant highlight to that power wield upon anyone or anything they deem a worthy target. If the denizens of the ‘interagency group’, an unelected, unaccountable group of ring-knockers who apparently view themselves outside the authority of anyone but they, who decided to target the President for literally nothing at all, what will they do to you?

It's a conspiracy.

......till it isnt anymore

Read it all
What Happens When A Government Fights A Dirty War On Its Own People?

Keep yer powder dry
That's a good article!

I want to take exception with part of it though- 1),Nikita Kruschev said Russia didn't need to worry about the US because we would defeat ourselves from with in- (2), Communism ain't gonna happen- the whole world depends on capitalism, including Russia and Red China the largest "communist" countries- we are currently holder of the dominant currency world wide- our crony capitalist ain't gonna cook the goose that lays their golden egg-

This isn't to say I don't believe the articles main points- I do- and academia is partly at fault- and guess what? Every "official" in DC was educated by academia- public education, populated by academics, is a problem too- they're passing it on to sponges for brains- there is very little we the people can do about it- except to console ourselves with: you do what you can and yes, it is enough. The collective be damned- it cares not for the Individual- the Greater Good (and evil) is accomplished through Individual effort- either, good or evil can perpetuate itself- History will remember the Individual- the collective is but a supporting cast- so, back to my statement "academia is partly at fault"- at some point, even a casual observer has to question WTH is going on? As a cognitive adult it's a personal responsibility to help ensure your family's well being- and there in lies a rub- your well being is not a gov't's responsibility- it's your's- your politcial affiliation is immaterial- at the end of the day, gov't is about perpetuating itself- not you or your's.
That's a good article!

I want to take exception with part of it though- 1),Nikita Kruschev said Russia didn't need to worry about the US because we would defeat ourselves from with in- (2), Communism ain't gonna happen- the whole world depends on capitalism, including Russia and Red China the largest "communist" countries- we are currently holder of the dominant currency world wide- our crony capitalist ain't gonna cook the goose that lays their golden egg-

This isn't to say I don't believe the articles main points- I do- and academia is partly at fault- and guess what? Every "official" in DC was educated by academia- public education, populated by academics, is a problem too- they're passing it on to sponges for brains- there is very little we the people can do about it- except to console ourselves with: you do what you can and yes, it is enough. The collective be damned- it cares not for the Individual- the Greater Good (and evil) is accomplished through Individual effort- either, good or evil can perpetuate itself- History will remember the Individual- the collective is but a supporting cast- so, back to my statement "academia is partly at fault"- at some point, even a casual observer has to question WTH is going on? As a cognitive adult it's a personal responsibility to help ensure your family's well being- and there in lies a rub- your well being is not a gov't's responsibility- it's your's- your politcial affiliation is immaterial- at the end of the day, gov't is about perpetuating itself- not you or your's.

Hes pretty spot on tHere
Indeed Thier is no alternative to the dollar
THe I hate America crowd has been cheering its demise ...that's right around the corner.... for 30 + years ...
THe yen
A basket
The euro
A basket
An opec oil basket
The yuan
A basket

I'd like to see a new dollar that's not the worlds reserve for economically healthier reasons ...
THe I hate America crowd has been cheering its demise ...
I've been accused of hating America- my response has consistently been- I love the concept of America- I despise what it's become- I rarely, very rarely, use the word hate- it's a strong emotion that clouds the thought process- my contempt is based on logic- our founding philosophy was; ALL men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- there is no caveat in all- our "pledge of allegiance" clearly states, Liberty and Justice for all- again, no caveat in all- the US has become a typical school yard bully egged on by those who want to be on his side- egging on is from cowards and wanna be's- braggarts by proxy- that is not the Land of the Free nor home of the brave- freedom has become a joke- we're all slaves to the fed reserve- we pay income taxes to a private institutions slush fund, collected by the US Treasury, enFORCEd by the federally funded (with user fees called Income Tax) IRS- we FORCE our way onto others when History proves that forcing your will on another is the root of all conflict- there is no caveat in all-

Kruschev was absolutely correct- we have defeated ourselves- and not a finger was lifted to stop it-
THe I hate America crowd has been cheering its demise ...
I've been accused of hating America- my response has consistently been- I love the concept of America- I despise what it's become- I rarely, very rarely, use the word hate- it's a strong emotion that clouds the thought process- my contempt is based on logic- our founding philosophy was; ALL men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- there is no caveat in all- our "pledge of allegiance" clearly states, Liberty and Justice for all- again, no caveat in all- the US has become a typical school yard bully egged on by those who want to be on his side- egging on is from cowards and wanna be's- braggarts by proxy- that is not the Land of the Free nor home of the brave- freedom has become a joke- we're all slaves to the fed reserve- we pay income taxes to a private institutions slush fund, collected by the US Treasury, enFORCEd by the federally funded (with user fees called Income Tax) IRS- we FORCE our way onto others when History proves that forcing your will on another is the root of all conflict- there is no caveat in all-

Kruschev was absolutely correct- we have defeated ourselves- and not a finger was lifted to stop it-

I wanna believe!but Derp.... But unfortunately you're pretty much right on for thE most part

We will withdraw from empire one day way or the other ....if it's over a civilizational melt down across thE west or because we wisely choose to dismantle it .....only time will tell ....and im not that optimistic on the wise scenario
That certainly is a good article as well! Not sure I'm as dire as the author, but, I am concerned. My age, I suppose, prevents a grave prediction as age tends to mellow. I tend to look at things philosophically- that's just me. It is all about perspective. I'm not a fatalist, but I do see what I see- as I've said about a lot of our issues, Historians will assign a number of things, time lines and reasons- had I had these thoughts I have when younger I would likely be dead- I don't subscribe to authoritarian bullshit, from anyone. That said, at this point in time, our best course of action is to leave our space a little better than we found it- it's time to get back to the basics, of humanity- my philosophical bent brought me this thought, an undeniable process; when havoc is created, chaos ensues and catastrophe is inevitable- Historians will assign the time lines.
Enjoy you life, hope for the best, prepare for the worst-

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