Diamond Member
It's been more than a year since Biden found out whether he could legally cancel student debt using executive action
In April 2021, the Education Department wrote a memo on Biden's legal ability to cancel student debt. He has been silent about its contents.
No one who is familiar with the U.S. Constitution seriously believes that any President has the Constitutional power to "cancel debt" to the government. Canceling debt is literally a theft from the U.S. taxpayers, implicitly the spending of tax dollars, and the province of CONGRESS, and Congress alone.
Our Beloved President, who graduated at the top of the bottom ten percent of his Law School Class, is of diminished mental capacity these days, but even he understands this Constitutional fact, although he essentially ignores it when he delays payments. He was formally told that he lacks this power over a year ago, but has chosen to keep the issue alive by not disclosing the contents of the advisory letter. Doing this, he hopes to buy some votes from the forty-one million people currently still in debt...the dream still lives of him simply canceling the loans. He holds out the explicit promise of canceling ten thousand dollars in debt per borrower. Nice man that he is.
Whether this would be good public policy - it would not - is another issue entirely, but we have a situation analogous to Barry Soetoro' gambit of a few years back when he repeatedly and correctly stated that he did not have the Constitutional authority to implement the "Dream Act" by Executive Order, then proceeded to do it anyway. Later corrected by the USSC.
One runs out of derogatory adjectives when describing America's political Left. Their conduct is simply stupefying.