YES! We did it! Senate (R) Leader McConnell tells Texas Senator Cornyn to FIND AND PASS A BILL for GUN CONTROL

The shooter is DEAD...............Should we put him in the pet cemetary and kill his sorry ass again.

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED..........You want people like me to give up our guns via the Federal Gov't..........When we have never committed a crime.

No, we should do something to prevent the next guy who wants to shoot a bunch of 10-year-olds. How many more Sandy Hooks do we need before we decide to do something?

I get it, you don’t want to do a damn thing about that. Oh well. So sad. T’s and P’s. See you at the next mass shooting.
Yep, Democrats keep confusing children, especially white children, and turning them against America, teaching them they are nothing but drags on America........
Then when they lose it and go on a rampage all you assclowns can keep saying is......

"We should do something about those guns"

Imagine if there were any brave men who would stand for freedom and decency and say....
"We should do something WITH those guns"
Perhaps we should outlaw the pravda of the leftist media and the push to being perverts in our schools.

Perhaps we could stop destroying the dollar and give kids hope to have a decent life without having to work 2 jobs to only be able to eat noodles....

The American Dream is dead.............and it shows.........not to mention the family is dying..........both having to work and some wacho teacher teaching them crap that many have now seen and it's REPULSIVE.
No, we should do something to prevent the next guy who wants to shoot a bunch of 10-year-olds.

But I get it, you don’t want to do a damn thing about that. Oh well. So sad. T’s and P’s. See you at the next mass shooting.
Baloney..................You can turn schools into fort knox.........they will just find another way to kill...........a theatre.......

So you can't stop it..............Sorry...........If you think you can end it all you are a FOOL. Your mission is clear ..........Disarm those who don't commit crimes.

Baloney..................You can turn schools into fort knox.........they will just find another way to kill...........a theatre.......

So you can't stop it..............Sorry...........If you think you can end it all you are a FOOL. Your mission is clear ..........Disarm those who don't commit crimes.

We could stop it. You just don’t want to stop it.

Your goal here is for us to do absolutely nothing about this issue. We both know it.
We could stop it. You just don’t want to stop it.

Your goal here is for us to do absolutely nothing about this issue. We both know it.
BS...............We are not giving up our guns.........You have no right to take them. And you can't stop the crazies in this world.

Spin anyway you want it WILL NOT HAPPEN..............They will find a way........and always have done so.
Yep and some are blatantly confiscatory.

Mandatory reporting for mental health and domestic abuse to NCIS for example. Mandatory reporting of threats to PoPo and revamping laws allowing mental health holds etc.
I would agree to tax funding for mental health treatment for everyone. That's all you're going to get out of me.

Otherwise, machine guns or Valhalla.

Exclusive: McConnell says he has directed Cornyn to engage with Democrats on a ‘bipartisan solution’ on gun violence​

“I met with Senator Cornyn this morning. As you know he went home yesterday to see the family members and begin the fact finding of this awful massacre and I have encouraged him to talk with Sen. Murphy and Sen. Sinema and others who are interested in trying to get an outcome that is directly related to the problem. I am hopeful that we could come up with a bipartisan solution,” McConnell told CNN.

THANK YOU for coming together to get something passed. ANYTHING is better than nothing. Please ban assault weapons.


The 2nd Amendment is all the gun law we need.

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