YES! We did it! Senate (R) Leader McConnell tells Texas Senator Cornyn to FIND AND PASS A BILL for GUN CONTROL

BS...............We are not giving up our guns.........You have no right to take them. And you can't stop the crazies in this world.

Spin anyway you want it WILL NOT HAPPEN..............They will find a way........and always have done so.
I didn’t suggest taking your guns away.

You just insist on nothing being done.
To prevent the NEXT one. Not to keep shooting the guy who already did it.

But you don’t want to prevent the next one. You want to do absolutely nothing.
How many times are you going to bore me with that response.............

Defense training for teahers........non lethal and some lethal training for qualified teachers who want to be armed.

High crime areas..........armed guards............Those are solutions.........Doesn't mean they will stop all threats.............just means gives the people a better chance of survival.
No shit...........the LSD CLOWNS grew up and brain washed their dang kids...........And people like you have SCREWED UP THEIR HEADS.

Again............SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED............That is your purpose..........stop trying to deny it.
And that’s exactly why nothing is going to happen, just the way you like it. It’s not that we can’t do anything about it. It’s that you don’t want to do anything about it.

See you at the next mass shooting. T’s and P’s.
21. Rifles.
Ok, so 21. How do we match that with the rest of our rights? Is free speech not allowed until 21? I’d like to see some consistency in these age restrictions. Should we make the age of consent 21. The registration for the draft 21 as well. Let’s discuss some of these points before just arbitrarily throwing out a number.

All rifles? Shotguns, rifles of all calibers, all actions?
Ok, so 21. How do we match that with the rest of our rights? Is free speech not allowed until 21? I’d like to see some consistency in these age restrictions. Should we make the age of consent 21. The registration for the draft 21 as well. Let’s discuss some of these points before just arbitrarily throwing out a number.

All rifles? Shotguns, rifles of all calibers, all actions?
Why don’t you look up what Florida did.

After the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, they raises the minimum age for long guns to 21.

Use them as a model if you want. And you don’t. You want to do nothing.
And that’s exactly why nothing is going to happen, just the way you like it. It’s not that we can’t do anything about it. It’s that you don’t want to do anything about it.

See you at the next mass shooting. T’s and P’s.
You give no solutions..............We have.............If you think you will stop criminals from getting guns you are an idiot..........Crazies will find a way........And their isn't a damned thing you can do to stop them all.

Not a chance in hell...............You can only prepare for the best chance of survival and hope for the best............This will happen again and your party will keep screaming for their end goal which is the path of Europe and Canada.
I just did. You just don’t like it. You want to do nothing. I get it.
And I've given self defense courses ........arm some teachers.........and give them non lethal weapons as well.

Simple things are weapons...........might not win but it's better than nothing..........wasp spray will blind you. Harder to shoot when you can't see........Fire extinguishers can do the same. Long range tasers.........Those don't care you got body armor on.
The large print giveth...and the small print taketh away...

Read what is quoted above.

"...directly related to the problem..."

So... we're back to "what law would have stopped these shootings?".

Universal backround checks?

Nope...New York HAS universal background checks and the shooter in Texas passed a background check.

Assault weapon ban?

Nope...New York HAS an assault weapons ban...and the shooter used a New York compliant firearm.

High capacity magazine ban?

Nope...New York HAS a high capacity magazine ban AND the shooter in Texas was in the school FOR AND HOUR before police breached the doors and went in and killed him.

Red Flag Laws?

Nope...New York HAS a Red Flag law AND the shooter THREATENED TO SHOOT UP HIS SCHOOL...AND HE WAS INVESTIGATED...and a deemed not a danger...

What else have you got?
Do any of you know what an assault weapon is? So far I would say not a clue. Does anyone know a lie from the truth, or the ways of finding out? That I also have my doughs. You do know our founders all wrote about why up is up and down is down? With all agreeing on many points Some yahoo actually said the Second Amendment was a lesser right. He is as much a Constitutional Scholar as that hack Obama. Besides we all know from their actions democRat knows nothing of the Constitution, always claiming ignorance, but that excuse is getting old. We are also getting sick of Stinky Joe threating us all with nuclear weapons and F-15's. Last time I looked Stinky Joe puts his pants on one leg at a time. Unless he shits him self mid change which happens quite frequently. As you can tell with his rainbow colored dry pants he uses when his soiled draws are also badly stained as when he had a blow out and pooped on the Pope. What I'm trying to say is giving pelosi communion don't seem to bad compared to Poopin the Pope. Am I right?

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