Yep, it's escalating

California produces 11% of fruits, grains and vegetables. Sixty percent of Southern California's water comes from out of state. California imports a third of it's energy from other states.

California uses more water per day than most Americans 181 gallons a person and uses more electricity than average Americans.

Top 10 problems in California today:
Can you imagine the left leaving the union and not trusting their government. LOL!!

How nice citing only the negatives, very objective.
I'll give you few minutes to Google the strengths of California and it's importance to the other useless states before I do so.
And for the millionth time I'm not a leftie.

Cali is important to Cali and Mexico. Fuck them.

Mexico is one of the fastest growing economies, great country and great people we glad we work together to better millions of people's life.

Mexico is not even in the top 20 fastest growing countries. Quit making stupid crap up.

let me rephrase it....Mexico has one of the largest economies, has everything to take to the next level and be recognized as a developed country. it's clearly moving to the right direction adn before you know it will be a very influencial state economically and politically on world stage.
Just because your gardner or a dishwasher in your local restaurant is a Mexican, means the country is in ruins.

If there was any truth to that we wouldn't be having a southern immigration problem. We wouldn't need a wall and the thousands of border patrol agents.

My boss took his vacation in Mexico a few years ago. He swore he would ever go back in his life. He stated it was one of the worst vacations he ever took; people begging for money constantly, trying to get you to buy garbage they created. He said it was like taking a vacation downtown with the homeless. He and his wife went to some outdoor bar, and there was a drunken Mexican there with his package hanging out of his shorts making passes at his wife, and the management there just allowed it to go on.
Power ? They can't even play in the sprinklers in California. The state is run so badlands they have to BUY water! Electricity is rthe least of their worries considering how much agricultural shit pays the bills there.
Our sprinklers are on , and we feed most of you thankful.

California produces 11% of fruits, grains and vegetables. Sixty percent of Southern California's water comes from out of state. California imports a third of it's energy from other states.

California uses more water per day than most Americans 181 gallons a person and uses more electricity than average Americans.

Top 10 problems in California today:
Can you imagine the left leaving the union and not trusting their government. LOL!!

How nice citing only the negatives, very objective.
I'll give you few minutes to Google the strengths of California and it's importance to the other useless states before I do so.
And for the millionth time I'm not a leftie.

You claim you aren't a lefty but most of your stances are to the left, so yes you are a lefty. Only far lefties are buying in to California leaving the union, the rest of us know better.

You made a claim how California supplies most of the US its fruits, vegetables, grains, I proved you wrong... Again!

All you post are positive things about California, "very objective" of you. California is part of a 50 member team, that will never be allowed to leave the union, so you are just blowing hot air. So really you got nothing. California needs the other 49 states.

No i'm not, i AM not a lefty....i'm independent and i don't care for the racism, bigotry and backwardness coming from the right.

And yes no other state feeds americans than we do. Almonds, Nuts, Milk, Kiwis, Pistachios,Vegetables, name it. It's a donor state, food basket, technology hub, and the list goes on.

11% is all California produces in terms of fruit, nuts, grains, and vegetables. Not the more than 50% you claimed earlier.

How much of the almonds, nuts, milk, kiwi, pistachios and vegetables did you grow this year? Sorry buddy but it seem you do is take credit by claiming, we and us. Lol!

Again, California has the largest population and should be among the highest producers in many areas just because of its huge population. Sort of goes with the territory.

You are a lefty, you rip red states, fly over states and on and on. I have met racists on the left and on the right for you to be stupid enough to believe it only comes from one side shows you are an excuse making lefty. You are a bigot and you don't recognize your own bigotry.

I have lived in blue and red states and I find good and bad in all of them. So I actually am more in tune with the race issue than you because you are stupid enough that it only comes from the right.

I also wouldn't support any state leaving the Union because of the damage it would cause to the US but more importantly the damage it would cause the state that was leaving, it would be an economic disaster.
How nice citing only the negatives, very objective.
I'll give you few minutes to Google the strengths of California and it's importance to the other useless states before I do so.
And for the millionth time I'm not a leftie.

Cali is important to Cali and Mexico. Fuck them.

Mexico is one of the fastest growing economies, great country and great people we glad we work together to better millions of people's life.

Mexico is not even in the top 20 fastest growing countries. Quit making stupid crap up.

let me rephrase it....Mexico has one of the largest economies, has everything to take to the next level and be recognized as a developed country. it's clearly moving to the right direction adn before you know it will be a very influencial state economically and politically on world stage.
Just because your gardner or a dishwasher in your local restaurant is a Mexican, means the country is in ruins.

If there was any truth to that we wouldn't be having a southern immigration problem. We wouldn't need a wall and the thousands of border patrol agents.

My boss took his vacation in Mexico a few years ago. He swore he would ever go back in his life. He stated it was one of the worst vacations he ever took; people begging for money constantly, trying to get you to buy garbage they created. He said it was like taking a vacation downtown with the homeless. He and his wife went to some outdoor bar, and there was a drunken Mexican there with his package hanging out of his shorts making passes at his wife, and the management there just allowed it to go on.

I loved vacationing in Mexico, the poverty was very disturbing however the people were kind, warm and very friendly. You tip well and they are extremely appreciative. We got a taxi one day, we tipped him after the ride and he gave me a card and told me to call him when we wanted to leave and he would give us a tour of the city.

They have problems there like anywhere, but they are very much down to earth.
Cali is important to Cali and Mexico. Fuck them.

Mexico is one of the fastest growing economies, great country and great people we glad we work together to better millions of people's life.

Mexico is not even in the top 20 fastest growing countries. Quit making stupid crap up.

let me rephrase it....Mexico has one of the largest economies, has everything to take to the next level and be recognized as a developed country. it's clearly moving to the right direction adn before you know it will be a very influencial state economically and politically on world stage.
Just because your gardner or a dishwasher in your local restaurant is a Mexican, means the country is in ruins.

If there was any truth to that we wouldn't be having a southern immigration problem. We wouldn't need a wall and the thousands of border patrol agents.

My boss took his vacation in Mexico a few years ago. He swore he would ever go back in his life. He stated it was one of the worst vacations he ever took; people begging for money constantly, trying to get you to buy garbage they created. He said it was like taking a vacation downtown with the homeless. He and his wife went to some outdoor bar, and there was a drunken Mexican there with his package hanging out of his shorts making passes at his wife, and the management there just allowed it to go on.

I loved vacationing in Mexico, the poverty was very disturbing however the people were kind, warm and very friendly. You tip well and they are extremely appreciative. We got a taxi one day, we tipped him after the ride and he gave me a card and told me to call him when we wanted to leave and he would give us a tour of the city.

They have problems there like anywhere, but they are very much down to earth.

I can't say because I've never been there. Just going by what I heard. I do know of a person that works for one of our customers and he goes there every year. He is from the Ukraine so I thought that he might be more liberal on what he considers a good vacation.

I forget where my employer went right now, but he went through a travel agent that promised him satisfaction with his plans. When he got back, he called her to tell her she was fired. I just read some story about their water or food or something that was making people sick including American tourists. If I did take a vacation (which I don't) I think that would be one of the last places I would want to go. I mean, WTF is in Mexico anyway that I would want to see or experience?
Mexico is one of the fastest growing economies, great country and great people we glad we work together to better millions of people's life.

Mexico is not even in the top 20 fastest growing countries. Quit making stupid crap up.

let me rephrase it....Mexico has one of the largest economies, has everything to take to the next level and be recognized as a developed country. it's clearly moving to the right direction adn before you know it will be a very influencial state economically and politically on world stage.
Just because your gardner or a dishwasher in your local restaurant is a Mexican, means the country is in ruins.

If there was any truth to that we wouldn't be having a southern immigration problem. We wouldn't need a wall and the thousands of border patrol agents.

My boss took his vacation in Mexico a few years ago. He swore he would ever go back in his life. He stated it was one of the worst vacations he ever took; people begging for money constantly, trying to get you to buy garbage they created. He said it was like taking a vacation downtown with the homeless. He and his wife went to some outdoor bar, and there was a drunken Mexican there with his package hanging out of his shorts making passes at his wife, and the management there just allowed it to go on.

I loved vacationing in Mexico, the poverty was very disturbing however the people were kind, warm and very friendly. You tip well and they are extremely appreciative. We got a taxi one day, we tipped him after the ride and he gave me a card and told me to call him when we wanted to leave and he would give us a tour of the city.

They have problems there like anywhere, but they are very much down to earth.

I can't say because I've never been there. Just going by what I heard. I do know of a person that works for one of our customers and he goes there every year. He is from the Ukraine so I thought that he might be more liberal on what he considers a good vacation.

I forget where my employer went right now, but he went through a travel agent that promised him satisfaction with his plans. When he got back, he called her to tell her she was fired. I just read some story about their water or food or something that was making people sick including American tourists. If I did take a vacation (which I don't) I think that would be one of the last places I would want to go. I mean, WTF is in Mexico anyway that I would want to see or experience?

You never drink the water in Mexico, never.

Love Cabo. In Puerto Vallarta we took a tequila tour. It was a lot of fun. They have inclusive resorts that are right on the beach. Sitting on a beach, have the waitress bring you a rum and coke. Just sit and relax.

If you take a cruise ship, down the Mexican Rivera that's pretty relaxing.
Keep on assuming then.

How nice citing only the negatives, very objective.
I'll give you few minutes to Google the strengths of California and it's importance to the other useless states before I do so.
And for the millionth time I'm not a leftie.

Cali is important to Cali and Mexico. Fuck them.

Mexico is one of the fastest growing economies, great country and great people we glad we work together to better millions of people's life.

Mexico is not even in the top 20 fastest growing countries. Quit making stupid crap up.

let me rephrase it....Mexico has one of the largest economies, has everything to take to the next level and be recognized as a developed country. it's clearly moving to the right direction adn before you know it will be a very influencial state economically and politically on world stage.
Just because your gardner or a dishwasher in your local restaurant is a Mexican, means the country is in ruins.

Your last comment is pretty puzzling, where in the hell did I say it was in ruins? Oh wait, I never did, it is just you making crap up again. Again your bigotry is at play ASSuming you know what I am thinking because I lean right.
How nice citing only the negatives, very objective.
I'll give you few minutes to Google the strengths of California and it's importance to the other useless states before I do so.
And for the millionth time I'm not a leftie.

Cali is important to Cali and Mexico. Fuck them.

Mexico is one of the fastest growing economies, great country and great people we glad we work together to better millions of people's life.

Mexico is not even in the top 20 fastest growing countries. Quit making stupid crap up.

let me rephrase it....Mexico has one of the largest economies, has everything to take to the next level and be recognized as a developed country. it's clearly moving to the right direction adn before you know it will be a very influencial state economically and politically on world stage.
Just because your gardner or a dishwasher in your local restaurant is a Mexican, means the country is in ruins.

If there was any truth to that we wouldn't be having a southern immigration problem. We wouldn't need a wall and the thousands of border patrol agents.

My boss took his vacation in Mexico a few years ago. He swore he would ever go back in his life. He stated it was one of the worst vacations he ever took; people begging for money constantly, trying to get you to buy garbage they created. He said it was like taking a vacation downtown with the homeless. He and his wife went to some outdoor bar, and there was a drunken Mexican there with his package hanging out of his shorts making passes at his wife, and the management there just allowed it to go on.

Lol I just love it that you judged an entire country based on your boss's experience.
Mexico is one of the most beautiful countries one can visit, very rich in history, beautiful beaches, architecture and delicious food. Millions of Americans go there and have a blast and lot of them go back regularly...thousands of them have retired there, and thousands cross the border to get health care and other life necessities because they can't afford it here.
Travel and open your eyes, stereotypes are a bitch. Before I came to the US wherever I went, it was a stereotype about Americans being overweight dumb and loud. Which is not true, except for the obesity part.
Mexico is one of the fastest growing economies, great country and great people we glad we work together to better millions of people's life.

Mexico is not even in the top 20 fastest growing countries. Quit making stupid crap up.

let me rephrase it....Mexico has one of the largest economies, has everything to take to the next level and be recognized as a developed country. it's clearly moving to the right direction adn before you know it will be a very influencial state economically and politically on world stage.
Just because your gardner or a dishwasher in your local restaurant is a Mexican, means the country is in ruins.

If there was any truth to that we wouldn't be having a southern immigration problem. We wouldn't need a wall and the thousands of border patrol agents.

My boss took his vacation in Mexico a few years ago. He swore he would ever go back in his life. He stated it was one of the worst vacations he ever took; people begging for money constantly, trying to get you to buy garbage they created. He said it was like taking a vacation downtown with the homeless. He and his wife went to some outdoor bar, and there was a drunken Mexican there with his package hanging out of his shorts making passes at his wife, and the management there just allowed it to go on.

I loved vacationing in Mexico, the poverty was very disturbing however the people were kind, warm and very friendly. You tip well and they are extremely appreciative. We got a taxi one day, we tipped him after the ride and he gave me a card and told me to call him when we wanted to leave and he would give us a tour of the city.

They have problems there like anywhere, but they are very much down to earth.

I can't say because I've never been there. Just going by what I heard. I do know of a person that works for one of our customers and he goes there every year. He is from the Ukraine so I thought that he might be more liberal on what he considers a good vacation.

I forget where my employer went right now, but he went through a travel agent that promised him satisfaction with his plans. When he got back, he called her to tell her she was fired. I just read some story about their water or food or something that was making people sick including American tourists. If I did take a vacation (which I don't) I think that would be one of the last places I would want to go. I mean, WTF is in Mexico anyway that I would want to see or experience?
History that goes back thousands of years, architecture, food, they have the most beautiful beaches also and many more.

And Mexicans compared to Americans are more humble and down to earth honestly, and I love how family oriented they are.
I am not the one assuming, you are you are also flat out exaggerating or lying, depending on your point of view.

For a guy that is outraged over Trumps lies, it doesn't seem to bother you when you flat out lie.

Keep on assuming then.

Cali is important to Cali and Mexico. Fuck them.

Mexico is one of the fastest growing economies, great country and great people we glad we work together to better millions of people's life.

Mexico is not even in the top 20 fastest growing countries. Quit making stupid crap up.

let me rephrase it....Mexico has one of the largest economies, has everything to take to the next level and be recognized as a developed country. it's clearly moving to the right direction adn before you know it will be a very influencial state economically and politically on world stage.
Just because your gardner or a dishwasher in your local restaurant is a Mexican, means the country is in ruins.

Your last comment is pretty puzzling, where in the hell did I say it was in ruins? Oh wait, I never did, it is just you making crap up again. Again your bigotry is at play ASSuming you know what I am thinking because I lean right.
Cali is important to Cali and Mexico. Fuck them.

Mexico is one of the fastest growing economies, great country and great people we glad we work together to better millions of people's life.

Mexico is not even in the top 20 fastest growing countries. Quit making stupid crap up.

let me rephrase it....Mexico has one of the largest economies, has everything to take to the next level and be recognized as a developed country. it's clearly moving to the right direction adn before you know it will be a very influencial state economically and politically on world stage.
Just because your gardner or a dishwasher in your local restaurant is a Mexican, means the country is in ruins.

If there was any truth to that we wouldn't be having a southern immigration problem. We wouldn't need a wall and the thousands of border patrol agents.

My boss took his vacation in Mexico a few years ago. He swore he would ever go back in his life. He stated it was one of the worst vacations he ever took; people begging for money constantly, trying to get you to buy garbage they created. He said it was like taking a vacation downtown with the homeless. He and his wife went to some outdoor bar, and there was a drunken Mexican there with his package hanging out of his shorts making passes at his wife, and the management there just allowed it to go on.

Lol I just love it that you judged an entire country based on your boss's experience.
Mexico is one of the most beautiful countries one can visit, very rich in history, beautiful beaches, architecture and delicious food. Millions of Americans go there and have a blast and lot of them go back regularly...thousands of them have retired there, and thousands cross the border to get health care and other life necessities because they can't afford it here.
Travel and open your eyes, stereotypes are a bitch. Before I came to the US wherever I went, it was a stereotype about Americans being overweight dumb and loud. Which is not true, except for the obesity part.

You could move to Mexico. You seem to want to take California out of the United States, just move to Mexico, you love the beaches, food, people and architecture.

You still cling to stereotypes when it comes to middle America, which a far cry from what I see and know. I travel all over this country and most Americans are friendly and warm. Wyoming, S. Dakota have great people living there as does Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and Utah. The place that is the least friendly is Southern California, to busy to connect with people. Northern California people are more at ease and much friendlier. Fresno is a great area. Seattle is starting to turn into Southern California, they are wrapped up in their lives. Colorado is two different states almost, there is the Denver, Ft Collins snobs and then you have the rest of Colorado, laid back and relaxed. Many great people all over, just take your bias, and bigotry and place on hold and you will find middle America hard working, busy making ends meet and helping others, that is the way they are.
You just did a stereotype too. I live in southern California and people in general are friendly, highly educated and laid back as well.
I'm sure there are nice and bad people all over the place. But the red states as a whole are less open minded and are less educated, and are also less open to other cultures and know little to nothing about world affairs.
Are there among them that don't fit those descriptions? Yes of course.
Europe and blue states along with Canada have a lot in common, and are true models for co existence and prosperity and compassion and that's what the world should be like now days.

And the irony those red states that claim yo be religious, don't want to help others (immigrants, refugees...) although they are the biggest recipients of government handouts.

Mexico is one of the fastest growing economies, great country and great people we glad we work together to better millions of people's life.

Mexico is not even in the top 20 fastest growing countries. Quit making stupid crap up.

let me rephrase it....Mexico has one of the largest economies, has everything to take to the next level and be recognized as a developed country. it's clearly moving to the right direction adn before you know it will be a very influencial state economically and politically on world stage.
Just because your gardner or a dishwasher in your local restaurant is a Mexican, means the country is in ruins.

If there was any truth to that we wouldn't be having a southern immigration problem. We wouldn't need a wall and the thousands of border patrol agents.

My boss took his vacation in Mexico a few years ago. He swore he would ever go back in his life. He stated it was one of the worst vacations he ever took; people begging for money constantly, trying to get you to buy garbage they created. He said it was like taking a vacation downtown with the homeless. He and his wife went to some outdoor bar, and there was a drunken Mexican there with his package hanging out of his shorts making passes at his wife, and the management there just allowed it to go on.

Lol I just love it that you judged an entire country based on your boss's experience.
Mexico is one of the most beautiful countries one can visit, very rich in history, beautiful beaches, architecture and delicious food. Millions of Americans go there and have a blast and lot of them go back regularly...thousands of them have retired there, and thousands cross the border to get health care and other life necessities because they can't afford it here.
Travel and open your eyes, stereotypes are a bitch. Before I came to the US wherever I went, it was a stereotype about Americans being overweight dumb and loud. Which is not true, except for the obesity part.

You could move to Mexico. You seem to want to take California out of the United States, just move to Mexico, you love the beaches, food, people and architecture.

You still cling to stereotypes when it comes to middle America, which a far cry from what I see and know. I travel all over this country and most Americans are friendly and warm. Wyoming, S. Dakota have great people living there as does Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and Utah. The place that is the least friendly is Southern California, to busy to connect with people. Northern California people are more at ease and much friendlier. Fresno is a great area. Seattle is starting to turn into Southern California, they are wrapped up in their lives. Colorado is two different states almost, there is the Denver, Ft Collins snobs and then you have the rest of Colorado, laid back and relaxed. Many great people all over, just take your bias, and bigotry and place on hold and you will find middle America hard working, busy making ends meet and helping others, that is the way they are.
You just did a stereotype too. I live in southern California and people in general are friendly, highly educated and laid back as well.
I'm sure there are nice and bad people all over the place. But the red states as a whole are less open minded and are less educated, and are also less open to other cultures and know little to nothing about world affairs.
Are there among them that don't fit those descriptions? Yes of course.
Europe and blue states along with Canada have a lot in common, and are true models for co existence and prosperity and compassion and that's what the world should be like now days.

And the irony those red states that claim yo be religious, don't want to help others (immigrants, refugees...) although they are the biggest recipients of government handouts.

Mexico is not even in the top 20 fastest growing countries. Quit making stupid crap up.

let me rephrase it....Mexico has one of the largest economies, has everything to take to the next level and be recognized as a developed country. it's clearly moving to the right direction adn before you know it will be a very influencial state economically and politically on world stage.
Just because your gardner or a dishwasher in your local restaurant is a Mexican, means the country is in ruins.

If there was any truth to that we wouldn't be having a southern immigration problem. We wouldn't need a wall and the thousands of border patrol agents.

My boss took his vacation in Mexico a few years ago. He swore he would ever go back in his life. He stated it was one of the worst vacations he ever took; people begging for money constantly, trying to get you to buy garbage they created. He said it was like taking a vacation downtown with the homeless. He and his wife went to some outdoor bar, and there was a drunken Mexican there with his package hanging out of his shorts making passes at his wife, and the management there just allowed it to go on.

Lol I just love it that you judged an entire country based on your boss's experience.
Mexico is one of the most beautiful countries one can visit, very rich in history, beautiful beaches, architecture and delicious food. Millions of Americans go there and have a blast and lot of them go back regularly...thousands of them have retired there, and thousands cross the border to get health care and other life necessities because they can't afford it here.
Travel and open your eyes, stereotypes are a bitch. Before I came to the US wherever I went, it was a stereotype about Americans being overweight dumb and loud. Which is not true, except for the obesity part.

You could move to Mexico. You seem to want to take California out of the United States, just move to Mexico, you love the beaches, food, people and architecture.

You still cling to stereotypes when it comes to middle America, which a far cry from what I see and know. I travel all over this country and most Americans are friendly and warm. Wyoming, S. Dakota have great people living there as does Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and Utah. The place that is the least friendly is Southern California, to busy to connect with people. Northern California people are more at ease and much friendlier. Fresno is a great area. Seattle is starting to turn into Southern California, they are wrapped up in their lives. Colorado is two different states almost, there is the Denver, Ft Collins snobs and then you have the rest of Colorado, laid back and relaxed. Many great people all over, just take your bias, and bigotry and place on hold and you will find middle America hard working, busy making ends meet and helping others, that is the way they are.

You must live with your mom.
Oh, and if red states are so stupid, why do all the rich people come from both costs and all over the world come here for medical treatment, specifically cancer? No Biden even came here before he died. Cali? Meh, was born in Long Beach. 210 Loma Ave. den back about 4 times. What did I find? Not much. The place is a shit hole begging the rest of the US for money and water.
Yeah, you are dead wrong on red states as you stated a lot of lies and untruths. Thanks for "exaggerating" again, it tells us how little you really know about red states. When I drive in LA I have never met a laid back driver! Lol!

You just did a stereotype too. I live in southern California and people in general are friendly, highly educated and laid back as well.
I'm sure there are nice and bad people all over the place. But the red states as a whole are less open minded and are less educated, and are also less open to other cultures and know little to nothing about world affairs.
Are there among them that don't fit those descriptions? Yes of course.
Europe and blue states along with Canada have a lot in common, and are true models for co existence and prosperity and compassion and that's what the world should be like now days.

And the irony those red states that claim yo be religious, don't want to help others (immigrants, refugees...) although they are the biggest recipients of government handouts.

Mexico is not even in the top 20 fastest growing countries. Quit making stupid crap up.

let me rephrase it....Mexico has one of the largest economies, has everything to take to the next level and be recognized as a developed country. it's clearly moving to the right direction adn before you know it will be a very influencial state economically and politically on world stage.
Just because your gardner or a dishwasher in your local restaurant is a Mexican, means the country is in ruins.

If there was any truth to that we wouldn't be having a southern immigration problem. We wouldn't need a wall and the thousands of border patrol agents.

My boss took his vacation in Mexico a few years ago. He swore he would ever go back in his life. He stated it was one of the worst vacations he ever took; people begging for money constantly, trying to get you to buy garbage they created. He said it was like taking a vacation downtown with the homeless. He and his wife went to some outdoor bar, and there was a drunken Mexican there with his package hanging out of his shorts making passes at his wife, and the management there just allowed it to go on.

Lol I just love it that you judged an entire country based on your boss's experience.
Mexico is one of the most beautiful countries one can visit, very rich in history, beautiful beaches, architecture and delicious food. Millions of Americans go there and have a blast and lot of them go back regularly...thousands of them have retired there, and thousands cross the border to get health care and other life necessities because they can't afford it here.
Travel and open your eyes, stereotypes are a bitch. Before I came to the US wherever I went, it was a stereotype about Americans being overweight dumb and loud. Which is not true, except for the obesity part.

You could move to Mexico. You seem to want to take California out of the United States, just move to Mexico, you love the beaches, food, people and architecture.

You still cling to stereotypes when it comes to middle America, which a far cry from what I see and know. I travel all over this country and most Americans are friendly and warm. Wyoming, S. Dakota have great people living there as does Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and Utah. The place that is the least friendly is Southern California, to busy to connect with people. Northern California people are more at ease and much friendlier. Fresno is a great area. Seattle is starting to turn into Southern California, they are wrapped up in their lives. Colorado is two different states almost, there is the Denver, Ft Collins snobs and then you have the rest of Colorado, laid back and relaxed. Many great people all over, just take your bias, and bigotry and place on hold and you will find middle America hard working, busy making ends meet and helping others, that is the way they are.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wonderful generalizing....

Red states are more on the receiving ends of federal money or not?

Yeah, you are dead wrong on red states as you stated a lot of lies and untruths. Thanks for "exaggerating" again, it tells us how little you really know about red states. When I drive in LA I have never met a laid back driver! Lol!

You just did a stereotype too. I live in southern California and people in general are friendly, highly educated and laid back as well.
I'm sure there are nice and bad people all over the place. But the red states as a whole are less open minded and are less educated, and are also less open to other cultures and know little to nothing about world affairs.
Are there among them that don't fit those descriptions? Yes of course.
Europe and blue states along with Canada have a lot in common, and are true models for co existence and prosperity and compassion and that's what the world should be like now days.

And the irony those red states that claim yo be religious, don't want to help others (immigrants, refugees...) although they are the biggest recipients of government handouts.

let me rephrase it....Mexico has one of the largest economies, has everything to take to the next level and be recognized as a developed country. it's clearly moving to the right direction adn before you know it will be a very influencial state economically and politically on world stage.
Just because your gardner or a dishwasher in your local restaurant is a Mexican, means the country is in ruins.

If there was any truth to that we wouldn't be having a southern immigration problem. We wouldn't need a wall and the thousands of border patrol agents.

My boss took his vacation in Mexico a few years ago. He swore he would ever go back in his life. He stated it was one of the worst vacations he ever took; people begging for money constantly, trying to get you to buy garbage they created. He said it was like taking a vacation downtown with the homeless. He and his wife went to some outdoor bar, and there was a drunken Mexican there with his package hanging out of his shorts making passes at his wife, and the management there just allowed it to go on.

Lol I just love it that you judged an entire country based on your boss's experience.
Mexico is one of the most beautiful countries one can visit, very rich in history, beautiful beaches, architecture and delicious food. Millions of Americans go there and have a blast and lot of them go back regularly...thousands of them have retired there, and thousands cross the border to get health care and other life necessities because they can't afford it here.
Travel and open your eyes, stereotypes are a bitch. Before I came to the US wherever I went, it was a stereotype about Americans being overweight dumb and loud. Which is not true, except for the obesity part.

You could move to Mexico. You seem to want to take California out of the United States, just move to Mexico, you love the beaches, food, people and architecture.

You still cling to stereotypes when it comes to middle America, which a far cry from what I see and know. I travel all over this country and most Americans are friendly and warm. Wyoming, S. Dakota have great people living there as does Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and Utah. The place that is the least friendly is Southern California, to busy to connect with people. Northern California people are more at ease and much friendlier. Fresno is a great area. Seattle is starting to turn into Southern California, they are wrapped up in their lives. Colorado is two different states almost, there is the Denver, Ft Collins snobs and then you have the rest of Colorado, laid back and relaxed. Many great people all over, just take your bias, and bigotry and place on hold and you will find middle America hard working, busy making ends meet and helping others, that is the way they are.

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Prove that Red state's are less open minded. Prove that red state's are all less educated than any blue state. Prove that red states are less open to other cultures. Prove that red states know little or nothing about world affairs.

Wonderful generalizing....

Red states are more on the receiving ends of federal money or not?

Yeah, you are dead wrong on red states as you stated a lot of lies and untruths. Thanks for "exaggerating" again, it tells us how little you really know about red states. When I drive in LA I have never met a laid back driver! Lol!

You just did a stereotype too. I live in southern California and people in general are friendly, highly educated and laid back as well.
I'm sure there are nice and bad people all over the place. But the red states as a whole are less open minded and are less educated, and are also less open to other cultures and know little to nothing about world affairs.
Are there among them that don't fit those descriptions? Yes of course.
Europe and blue states along with Canada have a lot in common, and are true models for co existence and prosperity and compassion and that's what the world should be like now days.

And the irony those red states that claim yo be religious, don't want to help others (immigrants, refugees...) although they are the biggest recipients of government handouts.

If there was any truth to that we wouldn't be having a southern immigration problem. We wouldn't need a wall and the thousands of border patrol agents.

My boss took his vacation in Mexico a few years ago. He swore he would ever go back in his life. He stated it was one of the worst vacations he ever took; people begging for money constantly, trying to get you to buy garbage they created. He said it was like taking a vacation downtown with the homeless. He and his wife went to some outdoor bar, and there was a drunken Mexican there with his package hanging out of his shorts making passes at his wife, and the management there just allowed it to go on.

Lol I just love it that you judged an entire country based on your boss's experience.
Mexico is one of the most beautiful countries one can visit, very rich in history, beautiful beaches, architecture and delicious food. Millions of Americans go there and have a blast and lot of them go back regularly...thousands of them have retired there, and thousands cross the border to get health care and other life necessities because they can't afford it here.
Travel and open your eyes, stereotypes are a bitch. Before I came to the US wherever I went, it was a stereotype about Americans being overweight dumb and loud. Which is not true, except for the obesity part.

You could move to Mexico. You seem to want to take California out of the United States, just move to Mexico, you love the beaches, food, people and architecture.

You still cling to stereotypes when it comes to middle America, which a far cry from what I see and know. I travel all over this country and most Americans are friendly and warm. Wyoming, S. Dakota have great people living there as does Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and Utah. The place that is the least friendly is Southern California, to busy to connect with people. Northern California people are more at ease and much friendlier. Fresno is a great area. Seattle is starting to turn into Southern California, they are wrapped up in their lives. Colorado is two different states almost, there is the Denver, Ft Collins snobs and then you have the rest of Colorado, laid back and relaxed. Many great people all over, just take your bias, and bigotry and place on hold and you will find middle America hard working, busy making ends meet and helping others, that is the way they are.

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How nice citing only the negatives, very objective.
I'll give you few minutes to Google the strengths of California and it's importance to the other useless states before I do so.
And for the millionth time I'm not a leftie.

Cali is important to Cali and Mexico. Fuck them.

Mexico is one of the fastest growing economies, great country and great people we glad we work together to better millions of people's life.

Mexico is not even in the top 20 fastest growing countries. Quit making stupid crap up.

let me rephrase it....Mexico has one of the largest economies, has everything to take to the next level and be recognized as a developed country. it's clearly moving to the right direction adn before you know it will be a very influencial state economically and politically on world stage.
Just because your gardner or a dishwasher in your local restaurant is a Mexican, means the country is in ruins.

If there was any truth to that we wouldn't be having a southern immigration problem. We wouldn't need a wall and the thousands of border patrol agents.

My boss took his vacation in Mexico a few years ago. He swore he would ever go back in his life. He stated it was one of the worst vacations he ever took; people begging for money constantly, trying to get you to buy garbage they created. He said it was like taking a vacation downtown with the homeless. He and his wife went to some outdoor bar, and there was a drunken Mexican there with his package hanging out of his shorts making passes at his wife, and the management there just allowed it to go on.
Sounds charming! LOL More reasons, including being hit by a stray bullet from a drug cartel member, to visit Aruba instead.
Cali is important to Cali and Mexico. Fuck them.

Mexico is one of the fastest growing economies, great country and great people we glad we work together to better millions of people's life.

Mexico is not even in the top 20 fastest growing countries. Quit making stupid crap up.

let me rephrase it....Mexico has one of the largest economies, has everything to take to the next level and be recognized as a developed country. it's clearly moving to the right direction adn before you know it will be a very influencial state economically and politically on world stage.
Just because your gardner or a dishwasher in your local restaurant is a Mexican, means the country is in ruins.

If there was any truth to that we wouldn't be having a southern immigration problem. We wouldn't need a wall and the thousands of border patrol agents.

My boss took his vacation in Mexico a few years ago. He swore he would ever go back in his life. He stated it was one of the worst vacations he ever took; people begging for money constantly, trying to get you to buy garbage they created. He said it was like taking a vacation downtown with the homeless. He and his wife went to some outdoor bar, and there was a drunken Mexican there with his package hanging out of his shorts making passes at his wife, and the management there just allowed it to go on.
Sounds charming! LOL More reasons, including being hit by a stray bullet from a drug cartel member, to visit Aruba instead.

Cozumel ain't so bad on a Cruze. Being on the boat sucked worse. Pretty touristy to. TJ was skankville though with a shit ton of underage drug white girls and boys running amok. The Mexican cops used to beat them pretty good, but not so much now as I understand it.
Prove that Red state's are less open minded. Prove that red state's are all less educated than any blue state. Prove that red states are less open to other cultures. Prove that red states know little or nothing about world affairs.

Wonderful generalizing....

Red states are more on the receiving ends of federal money or not?

Yeah, you are dead wrong on red states as you stated a lot of lies and untruths. Thanks for "exaggerating" again, it tells us how little you really know about red states. When I drive in LA I have never met a laid back driver! Lol!

You just did a stereotype too. I live in southern California and people in general are friendly, highly educated and laid back as well.
I'm sure there are nice and bad people all over the place. But the red states as a whole are less open minded and are less educated, and are also less open to other cultures and know little to nothing about world affairs.
Are there among them that don't fit those descriptions? Yes of course.
Europe and blue states along with Canada have a lot in common, and are true models for co existence and prosperity and compassion and that's what the world should be like now days.

And the irony those red states that claim yo be religious, don't want to help others (immigrants, refugees...) although they are the biggest recipients of government handouts.

Lol I just love it that you judged an entire country based on your boss's experience.
Mexico is one of the most beautiful countries one can visit, very rich in history, beautiful beaches, architecture and delicious food. Millions of Americans go there and have a blast and lot of them go back regularly...thousands of them have retired there, and thousands cross the border to get health care and other life necessities because they can't afford it here.
Travel and open your eyes, stereotypes are a bitch. Before I came to the US wherever I went, it was a stereotype about Americans being overweight dumb and loud. Which is not true, except for the obesity part.

You could move to Mexico. You seem to want to take California out of the United States, just move to Mexico, you love the beaches, food, people and architecture.

You still cling to stereotypes when it comes to middle America, which a far cry from what I see and know. I travel all over this country and most Americans are friendly and warm. Wyoming, S. Dakota have great people living there as does Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and Utah. The place that is the least friendly is Southern California, to busy to connect with people. Northern California people are more at ease and much friendlier. Fresno is a great area. Seattle is starting to turn into Southern California, they are wrapped up in their lives. Colorado is two different states almost, there is the Denver, Ft Collins snobs and then you have the rest of Colorado, laid back and relaxed. Many great people all over, just take your bias, and bigotry and place on hold and you will find middle America hard working, busy making ends meet and helping others, that is the way they are.

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They voted for Trump :)
Mexico is one of the fastest growing economies, great country and great people we glad we work together to better millions of people's life.

Mexico is not even in the top 20 fastest growing countries. Quit making stupid crap up.

let me rephrase it....Mexico has one of the largest economies, has everything to take to the next level and be recognized as a developed country. it's clearly moving to the right direction adn before you know it will be a very influencial state economically and politically on world stage.
Just because your gardner or a dishwasher in your local restaurant is a Mexican, means the country is in ruins.

If there was any truth to that we wouldn't be having a southern immigration problem. We wouldn't need a wall and the thousands of border patrol agents.

My boss took his vacation in Mexico a few years ago. He swore he would ever go back in his life. He stated it was one of the worst vacations he ever took; people begging for money constantly, trying to get you to buy garbage they created. He said it was like taking a vacation downtown with the homeless. He and his wife went to some outdoor bar, and there was a drunken Mexican there with his package hanging out of his shorts making passes at his wife, and the management there just allowed it to go on.
Sounds charming! LOL More reasons, including being hit by a stray bullet from a drug cartel member, to visit Aruba instead.

Cozumel ain't so bad on a Cruze. Being on the boat sucked worse. Pretty touristy to. TJ was skankville though with a shit ton of underage drug white girls and boys running amok. The Mexican cops used to beat them pretty good, but not so much now as I understand it.
I'll take a police beating over getting shot here in the US. And I agree we are number consumers of drugs.

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