Yeah...joe biden saw his shadow....made people in the audience read off a prepared script for his appearance. Made tasteless jokes too.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is why they were praying to their god, "Government," that joe biden could do the entire election from his basement....

A woman who participated in Joe Biden’s town hall event in Kenosha, Wisc., on Thursday revealed that the campaign had given her a script to use for when it was her turn to speak.

“My name is Porsche Bennett,” she said. “I’m just going to be honest, Mr. Biden, I was told to go off this paper, but I can’t. You need the truth and I’m part of the truth.”
Despite the apparent scripted nature of the questions he was asked, Biden made some pretty tasteless comments.

In an attempt to avoid explaining his tax plan in any detail, Biden said, I’m “not going to lay out for you, I won’t now because they’ll shoot me.”

Biden got diarrhea of the mouth, an affliction that’s never left him, which turned this campaign stop into a disaster. As Cortney wrote, it’s not fooling anyone regarding making him into this serious law and order guy. He’s cracking jokes about getting shot…at a location that was engulfed by rioting over a police shooting. It’s almost as bad as when Beto O’Rourke made his gun confiscation pitch at Kent State University.

Just imagine that fool in a debate with Trump.

All Trump would have to do is needle joe a tiny bit, then sit back & watch joe make a complete fool of himself. That's why I don't thunk joe will show for any debates.

He'll be "No-Show Joe".

handlers are NOT happy with #Kenosha’s Portia Bennett saying, “I’m gonna be honest,Mr Biden-I was TOLD to go off this paper but I can’t-we are angry but there’s a difference between a protester& a rioter”

(Seen on Twitter, with vid).

Did you see how many people showed up? There was like four people there. This is why I do not believe these nonsense polls that show No Show Joe and the Hoe so far ahead.

I hope you are right....the country is at stake.
Did you see how many people showed up? There was like four people there. This is why I do not believe these nonsense polls that show No Show Joe and the Hoe so far ahead.

I hope you are right....the country is at stake.
I was talking to a friend of mine in Rhode Island. She is definitely apolitical. She has not voted in 20 years. She said that RI is rabidly democrat. She has never met a republican in her city. She said that the whole town is Trump. Trump signs, Trump flags, Trump hats everywhere. Has the whole world gone mad? she asks.
Did you see how many people showed up? There was like four people there. This is why I do not believe these nonsense polls that show No Show Joe and the Hoe so far ahead.
His entire audience is the media.
Where the media has reporters that follow Trump everywhere, reporters from newspapers and news media, Joe has ONE pool reporter that files reports with all newsgroups. Even the media isn't much of an audience.
Did you see how many people showed up? There was like four people there. This is why I do not believe these nonsense polls that show No Show Joe and the Hoe so far ahead.
His entire audience is the media.
Where the media has reporters that follow Trump everywhere, reporters from newspapers and news media, Joe has ONE pool reporter that files reports with all newsgroups. Even the media isn't much of an audience.
He doesn’t need more pool reporters. They will follow him and spin stories for free.
Did you see how many people showed up? There was like four people there. This is why I do not believe these nonsense polls that show No Show Joe and the Hoe so far ahead.
His entire audience is the media.
Where the media has reporters that follow Trump everywhere, reporters from newspapers and news media, Joe has ONE pool reporter that files reports with all newsgroups. Even the media isn't much of an audience.
He doesn’t need more pool reporters. They will follow him and spin stories for free.

Why do they even pretend anymore? Why don't they just have his campaign staff do the reporting for the least that would be more having to pretend......
Did you see how many people showed up? There was like four people there. This is why I do not believe these nonsense polls that show No Show Joe and the Hoe so far ahead.
His entire audience is the media.
Where the media has reporters that follow Trump everywhere, reporters from newspapers and news media, Joe has ONE pool reporter that files reports with all newsgroups. Even the media isn't much of an audience.
He doesn’t need more pool reporters. They will follow him and spin stories for free.

Why do they even pretend anymore? Why don't they just have his campaign staff do the reporting for the least that would be more having to pretend......
Well, that’s exactly what they have.
According to the polls Biden is up eight to ten points in Wisconsin. Everyone in Wisconsin hates Trump and there’s no chance he will win there.

Yet Biden had to attempt a follow up to Trumps visit in a state he has by ten points. With a governor who said no candidate should come there. And then invites Biden to come follow up a Trump visit.

Biden shows up with tens of voters and hundreds of media. For a rally one person at least wouldn’t just read her note she was given.

This is a state Biden is up by ten? Really?

Does Biden’s team believe this? Apparently not. I think the real polls have him down by double digits.
"I was TOLD to go off this paper but I can’t"

OMG.... straight from the mouth of that muzzie insect. The marxist msm politburo would shit itself if something like that came from a Trump appearance. The faux outrage would be off the charts.

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