Zone1 Yale University honors 9-year-old girl who neighbor called police on for spraying spotted lanternflies


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
When I first read this story several weeks ago I was particularly disheartened. The article I first read spoke of the "adultification" of black girls and how they are treated much more harshly by the police and in schools when punishment is being meted out than their white counterparts. That article is the second link and is definitely worth the read.

This first link is how something wonderful came of that traumatizing incident for Bobbi Wilson.

Yale University honors 9-year-old girl who neighbor called police on for spraying spotted lanternflies

NEW HAVEN, Conn -- Yale University honored a scientist who is just 9 years old on Friday.
Bobbi Wilson is fascinated by bugs, but last year her mission to catch spotted lanternflies captured national attention.
Last fall, Bobbi learned about the invasive species in school and wanted to help. She found a bug spray recipe on TikTok.
"I mixed water, dish soap and apple cider vinegar," she said.
Bobbi was using it outside her home in New Jersey when a neighbor called police.
"There's a little Black woman walking and spraying stuff on the sidewalks and trees. I don't know what the hell she's doing. Scares me though," the neighbor told a 911 operator.
Monique Joseph, Bobbi's mother, said the neighbor was racially profiling her daughter.
"Those exact words in another town, another state, I could be grieving," said Joseph.
Ijeoma Opara, a Yale School of Public Health assistant professor, heard Bobbi's story and decided to take the young entomologist under her wing.
"Oh yeah, Bobbi belongs here. Bobbi is Yale," said Opara, who invited Bobbi to campus to meet scientists who look like her.

A neighbor's call to police on a little Black girl while she sprayed lanternflies exposes a deeper problem, mom says | CNN
When I first read this story several weeks ago I was particularly disheartened. The article I first read spoke of the "adultification" of black girls and how they are treated much more harshly by the police and in schools when punishment is being meted out than their white counterparts. That article is the second link and is definitely worth the read.

This first link is how something wonderful came of that traumatizing incident for Bobbi Wilson.

Yale University honors 9-year-old girl who neighbor called police on for spraying spotted lanternflies

NEW HAVEN, Conn -- Yale University honored a scientist who is just 9 years old on Friday.
Bobbi Wilson is fascinated by bugs, but last year her mission to catch spotted lanternflies captured national attention.
Last fall, Bobbi learned about the invasive species in school and wanted to help. She found a bug spray recipe on TikTok.
"I mixed water, dish soap and apple cider vinegar," she said.
Bobbi was using it outside her home in New Jersey when a neighbor called police.
"There's a little Black woman walking and spraying stuff on the sidewalks and trees. I don't know what the hell she's doing. Scares me though," the neighbor told a 911 operator.
Monique Joseph, Bobbi's mother, said the neighbor was racially profiling her daughter.
"Those exact words in another town, another state, I could be grieving," said Joseph.
Ijeoma Opara, a Yale School of Public Health assistant professor, heard Bobbi's story and decided to take the young entomologist under her wing.
"Oh yeah, Bobbi belongs here. Bobbi is Yale," said Opara, who invited Bobbi to campus to meet scientists who look like her.

A neighbor's call to police on a little Black girl while she sprayed lanternflies exposes a deeper problem, mom says | CNN
If you choose to live in fascist democrat infested, and controlled states/municipalities, then you need to expect ample racism directed upon you if you are a different race, creed, or ethnicity... I see this story radically differently than you do, I see one urban enclave after the other populated by blacks, totally chained, mind, body, and soul, to that evil fascist democrat machine! Its a miracle of the most high God that the bright little girl is alive at all, considering that a fascist democrat staffed baby killing machine called Planned Parenthood operates a murder site on every other urban street corner! :wink:
If you choose to live in fascist democrat infested, and controlled states/municipalities, then you need to expect ample racism directed upon you if you are a different race, creed, or ethnicity... I see this story radically differently than you do, I see one urban enclave after the other populated by blacks, totally chained, mind, body, and soul, to that evil fascist democrat machine! Its a miracle of the most high God that the bright little girl is alive at all, considering that a fascist democrat staffed baby killing machine called Planned Parenthood operates a murder site on every other urban street corner! :wink:
That's really pathetic.
That's really pathetic.
Yes, yes you are starting to get things right, it is very very pathetic, its not my duty, nor any other white Americans, to sacrifice another dime, let alone another white life attempting to free these folk, indeed these urban populations are fast approaching failed race status, so inexplicable is their devotion to the slave masters who hate them, its never a good sign when an entire race is reduced to looking up to comic book cartoon characters as their heroes, totally fictitious comic book cartoon heroes! So, stop XXXXXXX whining about how bad you XXXXXXX have it, and start in making better of selves, absent the will to do just that, well Liberia is thataway! :wink:
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Yes, yes you are starting to get things right, it is very very pathetic, its not my duty, nor any other white Americans, to sacrifice another dime, let alone another white life attempting to free these folk, indeed these urban populations are fast approaching failed race status, so inexplicable is their devotion to the slave masters who hate them, its never a good sign when an entire race is reduced to looking up to comic book cartoon characters as their heroes, totally fictitious comic book cartoon heroes! So, stop fucking whining about how bad you fucking have it, and start in making better of selves, absent the will to do just that, well Liberia is thataway! :wink:
The article I posted isn't about me nor about you, however your convoluted attempt to use an article about the kindness shown a child who happened to suffer an encounter with someone of your ilk as a platform for your own grievences speaks volumes about your own insecurities and fears.

The above is bad enough but you're also delusional and somewhat paranoid or perhaps you just weren't bright enough to pass any of the reading comprehension classes required during your school years. Whatever your problem, it's personal and as such, one that you need to deal with yourself. Don't make the mistake of making me a party to any of your ignorance or stupidity because while I don't know why you introduced the topic of money into this topic, money is not the only coin of the realm. The last thing you want is me making time for you in my life.

Mod Edited for Zone 1 compliance. White 6
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The article I posted isn't about me nor about you, however your convoluted attempt to use an article about the kindness shown a child who happened to suffer an encounter with someone of your ilk as a platform for your own grievences speaks volumes about your own insecurities and fears.

The above is bad enough but you're also delusional and somewhat paranoid or perhaps you just weren't bright enough to pass any of the reading comprehension classes required during your school years. Whatever your problem, it's personal and as such, one that you need to deal with yourself. Don't make the mistake of making me a party to any of your ignorance or stupidity because while I don't know why you introduced the topic of money into this topic, money is not the only coin of the realm. The last thing you want is me making time for you in my life.

Besides being an asshole, do you have any other purpose in life or anything of value to contribute to this thread? If not, stay off of my threads.
No sport, I am old hand at the game you play, its the same game played in every single fascist democrat locked down urban enclave, you take singular instance of questionable conduct, and then you anecdotally extend that singular event to all people of a certain race you either hate, or are intolerant of.

I have seen this scam over and over and over and over, it is always the same, every time the exact same barely cloaked racism of urban blacks. You are on the losing end moron, its a terrible tragedy you don't just not know this, but are oblivious to just how chained you are, and just who it is doing the chaining....

As for your implied threats, I am not hard to find up here in Hayward, swing on by any old time,
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Mod Edited for Zone 1 compliance. White 6
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No sport, I am old hand at the game you play, its the same game played in every single fascist democrat locked down urban enclave, you take singular instance of questionable conduct, and then you anecdotally extend that singular event to all people of a certain race you either hate, or are intolerant of.

I have seen this scam over and over and over and over, it is always the same, every time the exact same barely cloaked racism of urban blacks. You are on the losing end moron, its a terrible tragedy you don't just not know this, but are oblivious to just how chained you are, and just who it is doing the chaining....

As for your implied threats, I am not hard to find up here in Hayward, swing on by any old time, and I will feed you to the bears! :fu:
It's not an implied threat, and since you can't stay away, enjoy your time in jail.
No sport, I am old hand at the game you play, its the same game played in every single fascist democrat locked down urban enclave, you take singular instance of questionable conduct, and then you anecdotally extend that singular event to all people of a certain race you either hate, or are intolerant of.

I have seen this scam over and over and over and over, it is always the same, every time the exact same barely cloaked racism of urban blacks. You are on the losing end moron, its a terrible tragedy you don't just not know this, but are oblivious to just how chained you are, and just who it is doing the chaining....

As for your implied threats, I am not hard to find up here in Hayward, swing on by any old time,
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Mod Edited for Zone 1 compliance. White 6
Do you see how the fascist censor came to the direct aid of its fellow fascist, they issued a thinly veiled threat against me and I replied with open invite for the coward to come on up and get some, yet I am censored by the fascist, not the antifa coward.....
This is so wrong on many levels and is, but a fraction, of what Black Americans still deal with in this country.
This is not healthy in a nation regressing economically in real terms. Much of this can be settled without turning everything into a Broadway event. Again, we are in decline and the costs of industrial things we make is more and more expensive and takes longer to produce unless real innovators are pushed. And we are pushing equity.
When I first read this story several weeks ago I was particularly disheartened. The article I first read spoke of the "adultification" of black girls and how they are treated much more harshly by the police and in schools when punishment is being meted out than their white counterparts. That article is the second link and is definitely worth the read.

This first link is how something wonderful came of that traumatizing incident for Bobbi Wilson.

Yale University honors 9-year-old girl who neighbor called police on for spraying spotted lanternflies

NEW HAVEN, Conn -- Yale University honored a scientist who is just 9 years old on Friday.
Bobbi Wilson is fascinated by bugs, but last year her mission to catch spotted lanternflies captured national attention.
Last fall, Bobbi learned about the invasive species in school and wanted to help. She found a bug spray recipe on TikTok.
"I mixed water, dish soap and apple cider vinegar," she said.
Bobbi was using it outside her home in New Jersey when a neighbor called police.
"There's a little Black woman walking and spraying stuff on the sidewalks and trees. I don't know what the hell she's doing. Scares me though," the neighbor told a 911 operator.
Monique Joseph, Bobbi's mother, said the neighbor was racially profiling her daughter.
"Those exact words in another town, another state, I could be grieving," said Joseph.
Ijeoma Opara, a Yale School of Public Health assistant professor, heard Bobbi's story and decided to take the young entomologist under her wing.
"Oh yeah, Bobbi belongs here. Bobbi is Yale," said Opara, who invited Bobbi to campus to meet scientists who look like her.

A neighbor's call to police on a little Black girl while she sprayed lanternflies exposes a deeper problem, mom says | CNN
She can come through my neighborhood and spray all the trees with that stuff anytime. Hope it kills them damn black beetles, too.
Yeah, that's the name of the one I saw, spotted lanternfly! They are big and incredibly beautiful, who knew. When I told people in my knitting group about it, I didn't know the name, just that I'd never seen anything like it. Two or three said to call the Dept. of Agriculture and report it!! I was quite startled --- I said I'd never be such a fool as that, they'd cause us endless trouble and have trucks and sprays out there and what good would it do? None.

Fortunately none of them reported me!!! That really would have been wrong ---- of them.

I think this story is Much Ado About Nothing and that it should never have hit the national news, and wouldn't have if there weren't all this silly "Woke" around. But to me it does show how very important it is to mind our own business, even if it is blacks doing something, if we can see it isn't something harmful.

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