Xiden Admin, and Dem Traitors

Breaking News.s...this is just amazing....Xiden's top advisor, John Kerry, caught on audio trading top secrets to IRAN...yes the leading state sponsor of terror....secrets about one of our oldest and closest allies in the Middle East, who Iran has routinely been attacking with their terrorist cells.

This is dangerous, and deadly....a bunch of traitors in this Admin...

" According to leaked audio revealed Sunday by The New York Times, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said Kerry told him that Israel attacked Iranian assets in Syria “at least 200 times.” Zarif added that he was surprised that Kerry would reveal that sensitive information to him, according to the audio. "


Trump does it, you justify it, Biden does it, you attack him.

Oh, it's so old and so tiring to see partisans be so hypocritical.
i am sorry what does trump have to do with this thread? and xiden didn’t do it Kerry did.

I wasn't talking about Trump. I was talking about YOU and people like YOU.

And when Kerry does something, he does it in Biden's name.
me? what do i have to do with kerry and the xiden admin giving the leading state sponsor of terror top secrets?

but you certainly brought up trump..who never did a thing like this

Well, I presume you have a vote.

As for Trump, Trump passed along information to the Russians when he was bombing an airfield, and the Russians passed this info on to those people who Trump was trying to attack.

For example.

I bet you didn't give a shit then. I bet you can find a million excuses for why Trump wasn't a traitor.

Also this one:

" President Donald Trump discussed classified information provided by a U.S. ally regarding a planned Islamic State operation during an Oval Office meeting on May 10, 2017 with the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and the Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, providing sufficient details that could be used by the Russians to deduce the identity of the ally and the manner in which it was collected, according to current and former government officials. "
haha yes trump admin’s goal was to destroy an airfield not kill...that was the point of the warning

and yes! haha the trump admin shared intel to a target of ISIS to save lives and did!

haha what does that have to do with kerry giving top secret intel to the leading state sponsor of terror? you think this was done to save lives!? haha

Well, you can give your excuses, they can give their excuses.

It's the same thing.

The difference is when Biden does it, the Republican hacks all go crazy accusing him of treason.
When Trump does it, the Democrat hacks all go crazy accusing him of treason.

Do you not see the problem here?
what excuses?

i honestly am amazed you don’t see the obvious differences here..moreover this was kerry not the president

This is getting embarrassing.

Who is Kerry's boss?
did biden instruct him to do this? if so i agree it’s not a crime...but certainly curious what the motive would be then

Well, either Biden instructed him, or Biden gave him to free reign to do it.

Either way. A president has to keep tight reign on those who represent him, that's his job.
So you don't think Kerry went completely rogue, and this was entirely done at the instruction or permission of Xiden? Interesting theory. I certainly agree that would give Kerry legal cover.

With that said, why do you think Xiden wanted to give this top secret intel to Iran? What did it benefit and who?

What Kerry said it what everyone knows. It's like revealing that everyone in the Israeli government has a birthday once or twice a year.

Literally Kerry said Israel had attacked Iranian "assets" in Syria at least 200 times.

Wow, I mean, wow, it's so mind blowing that I might have to sleep for ten hours from the boredom of having this knowledge in my brain.

Anyone who's trying to make it out as treason it just playing games.
who has a bday twice a year?

Kerry gave up stop secret intel to the Iranians...there is only two questions...1) was this at the direction of Xiden? 2) why would he or they give up the intel to Iran, and backstab our allies?

Was this payback for helping Xiden in the 2016 election? Was this a plan to help China sell more arms to Iran? Or do they really just prefer to the leading state sponsor of terror? I don't know...but we need answers.

Well, the Queen of England, Chinese people, some even have three birthdays a year.

Not the point though.

"secret intel" that wasn't actually a secret. Shock horror.

China doesn't need the US to be good with Iran, in fact, for China it's better if Iran is completely ignored by the West. More oil for China.
when was it declassified intel?

China doesn't want Iran and the US in conflict...they want a powerful puppet state in the Middle East..Iran is that...just like Xiden is their puppet in the West.

Does it need to be "declassified intel"? EVERYONE KNOWS IT.

It's like saying "it's raining" is classified intel.

The US and Iran won't be in conflict. There's a reason the US hasn't invaded them since 2001. Because the US knows it can't win with the Powell Doctrine.
yes it does. if it’s classified, it’s a crime to release it without it being declassified

Moreover, why did kerry do this? Even the Iranian President. was shocked by Kerry revealing the intel
Breaking News.s...this is just amazing....Xiden's top advisor, John Kerry, caught on audio trading top secrets to IRAN...yes the leading state sponsor of terror....secrets about one of our oldest and closest allies in the Middle East, who Iran has routinely been attacking with their terrorist cells.

This is dangerous, and deadly....a bunch of traitors in this Admin...

" According to leaked audio revealed Sunday by The New York Times, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said Kerry told him that Israel attacked Iranian assets in Syria “at least 200 times.” Zarif added that he was surprised that Kerry would reveal that sensitive information to him, according to the audio. "


Trump does it, you justify it, Biden does it, you attack him.

Oh, it's so old and so tiring to see partisans be so hypocritical.

Hmmm ... who in the Trump admin provided top secret info to Iran?
trump supplied the Russians with compartmental top secret info from Israel.... That's above, top secret info.
well it's not top secret if the President shares it...he's allowed to unilaterally declassify anything. The intel was about a ISIS planned attack on a Russian target. The information was given, to stop the attack and save lives. That's the entire purpose of gathering intel.

What was the purpose of Kerry sharing this intel? Did Kerry have persmission to share it?

So, Trump's not a traitor because he was president, and it's okay to do it if you're president.

Kerry is a traitor because he was working for the president, and it's not okay for the president to do it.

Nice argument.
how is he a traitor for sharing intel that saved lives from ISIS? russia and the US were working together to stop ISIS

Israel is our ally, iran is the leading sponsor of terror. What lives were saved by Kerry doing this? if he had no permission yes he violated the law. If he did, why what was the motive for doing it?
Breaking News.s...this is just amazing....Xiden's top advisor, John Kerry, caught on audio trading top secrets to IRAN...yes the leading state sponsor of terror....secrets about one of our oldest and closest allies in the Middle East, who Iran has routinely been attacking with their terrorist cells.

This is dangerous, and deadly....a bunch of traitors in this Admin...

" According to leaked audio revealed Sunday by The New York Times, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said Kerry told him that Israel attacked Iranian assets in Syria “at least 200 times.” Zarif added that he was surprised that Kerry would reveal that sensitive information to him, according to the audio. "


Trump does it, you justify it, Biden does it, you attack him.

Oh, it's so old and so tiring to see partisans be so hypocritical.

Hmmm ... who in the Trump admin provided top secret info to Iran?
trump supplied the Russians with compartmental top secret info from Israel.... That's above, top secret info.

Your source?
Breaking News.s...this is just amazing....Xiden's top advisor, John Kerry, caught on audio trading top secrets to IRAN...yes the leading state sponsor of terror....secrets about one of our oldest and closest allies in the Middle East, who Iran has routinely been attacking with their terrorist cells.

This is dangerous, and deadly....a bunch of traitors in this Admin...

" According to leaked audio revealed Sunday by The New York Times, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said Kerry told him that Israel attacked Iranian assets in Syria “at least 200 times.” Zarif added that he was surprised that Kerry would reveal that sensitive information to him, according to the audio. "


Trump does it, you justify it, Biden does it, you attack him.

Oh, it's so old and so tiring to see partisans be so hypocritical.

Hmmm ... who in the Trump admin provided top secret info to Iran?
trump supplied the Russians with compartmental top secret info from Israel.... That's above, top secret info.
well it's not top secret if the President shares it...he's allowed to unilaterally declassify anything. The intel was about a ISIS planned attack on a Russian target. The information was given, to stop the attack and save lives. That's the entire purpose of gathering intel.

What was the purpose of Kerry sharing this intel? Did Kerry have persmission to share it?

So, Trump's not a traitor because he was president, and it's okay to do it if you're president.

Essentially correct.

Kerry is a traitor because he was working for the president, and it's not okay for the president to do it.

Joining forces with a sworn enemy of the United States, as Kerry has done his whole life, constitutes very untoward behavior.
Breaking News.s...this is just amazing....Xiden's top advisor, John Kerry, caught on audio trading top secrets to IRAN...yes the leading state sponsor of terror....secrets about one of our oldest and closest allies in the Middle East, who Iran has routinely been attacking with their terrorist cells.

This is dangerous, and deadly....a bunch of traitors in this Admin...

" According to leaked audio revealed Sunday by The New York Times, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said Kerry told him that Israel attacked Iranian assets in Syria “at least 200 times.” Zarif added that he was surprised that Kerry would reveal that sensitive information to him, according to the audio. "


Trump does it, you justify it, Biden does it, you attack him.

Oh, it's so old and so tiring to see partisans be so hypocritical.
i am sorry what does trump have to do with this thread? and xiden didn’t do it Kerry did.

Who is Xiden? Is that one of Biden's cabinet members.
Xiden is person the Chinese Communist Party, and the DNC put in the Oval Office...he was once a Senator named Biden...now he is fully just a puppet for Xi...hence Xiden...your Chairman

That's complete and utter nonsense.

The CCP probably had propaganda out there against Trump, the Russians had mostly pro-Trump propaganda, but that doesn't mean they put him in office.

You do know the Chinese were worried about what Biden would bring to the table, don't you?

At the beginning Trump was all like "great guy" for Xi

Trump Calls Chinese President Xi a 'Great Leader' and 'Brilliant Man,' Criticizes Media at G7 Presser"

But then he needed someone to attack and China became the easy target. Trump went real hardcore against China, BUT no one knows what he'd have done after. Like he did with Hillary, attacking her then backing down once he got elected is the most probable.
Sorry our intel community made it clear that China and Iran were actively working to undermine our election to get Xiden in office.

Xiden has a long history with China....obviously we know he had his son, flown over on Air Force 2, to set up billion dollar deals...but beyond that that we Xiden asked Xi for help.

CHINA – We assess that China prefers that President Trump – whom Beijing sees as unpredictable – does not win reelection. China has been expanding its influence efforts ahead of November 2020 to shape the policy environment in the United States, pressure political figures it views as opposed to China’s interests, and deflect and counter criticism of China. Although China will continue to weigh the risks and benefits of aggressive action, its public rhetoric over the past few months has grown increasingly critical of the current Administration’s COVID-19 response, closure of China’s Houston Consulate, and actions on other issues. For example, it has harshly criticized the Administration’s statements and actions on Hong Kong, TikTok, the legal status of the South China Sea, and China’s efforts to dominate the 5G market. Beijing recognizes that all of these efforts might affect the presidential race.

  • IRAN – We assess that Iran seeks to undermine U.S. democratic institutions, President Trump, and to divide the country in advance of the 2020 elections. Iran’s efforts along these lines probably will focus on on-line influence, such as spreading disinformation on social media and recirculating anti-U.S. content. Tehran’s motivation to conduct such activities is, in part, driven by a perception that President Trump’s reelection would result in a continuation of U.S. pressure on Iran in an effort to foment regime change.
Here is video of Xiden asking Xi for help: Joe Biden asked Xi to 'help him become President' as China seeks US election 'influence’
Hmmm, so is social media a way for foriegn adversaries to undermine this nation, sway it's election's, and undermine our nation's security ??? If so, who is studying this problem, and hopefully attempting to address it ?? How serious has this become for this nation ??

If serious enough, then important steps need to be taken in order to address the problem.
Breaking News.s...this is just amazing....Xiden's top advisor, John Kerry, caught on audio trading top secrets to IRAN...yes the leading state sponsor of terror....secrets about one of our oldest and closest allies in the Middle East, who Iran has routinely been attacking with their terrorist cells.

This is dangerous, and deadly....a bunch of traitors in this Admin...

" According to leaked audio revealed Sunday by The New York Times, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said Kerry told him that Israel attacked Iranian assets in Syria “at least 200 times.” Zarif added that he was surprised that Kerry would reveal that sensitive information to him, according to the audio. "


Trump does it, you justify it, Biden does it, you attack him.

Oh, it's so old and so tiring to see partisans be so hypocritical.
i am sorry what does trump have to do with this thread? and xiden didn’t do it Kerry did.

Who is Xiden? Is that one of Biden's cabinet members.
Xiden is person the Chinese Communist Party, and the DNC put in the Oval Office...he was once a Senator named Biden...now he is fully just a puppet for Xi...hence Xiden...your Chairman

That's complete and utter nonsense.

The CCP probably had propaganda out there against Trump, the Russians had mostly pro-Trump propaganda, but that doesn't mean they put him in office.

You do know the Chinese were worried about what Biden would bring to the table, don't you?

At the beginning Trump was all like "great guy" for Xi

Trump Calls Chinese President Xi a 'Great Leader' and 'Brilliant Man,' Criticizes Media at G7 Presser"

But then he needed someone to attack and China became the easy target. Trump went real hardcore against China, BUT no one knows what he'd have done after. Like he did with Hillary, attacking her then backing down once he got elected is the most probable.
Sorry our intel community made it clear that China and Iran were actively working to undermine our election to get Xiden in office.

Xiden has a long history with China....obviously we know he had his son, flown over on Air Force 2, to set up billion dollar deals...but beyond that that we Xiden asked Xi for help.

CHINA – We assess that China prefers that President Trump – whom Beijing sees as unpredictable – does not win reelection. China has been expanding its influence efforts ahead of November 2020 to shape the policy environment in the United States, pressure political figures it views as opposed to China’s interests, and deflect and counter criticism of China. Although China will continue to weigh the risks and benefits of aggressive action, its public rhetoric over the past few months has grown increasingly critical of the current Administration’s COVID-19 response, closure of China’s Houston Consulate, and actions on other issues. For example, it has harshly criticized the Administration’s statements and actions on Hong Kong, TikTok, the legal status of the South China Sea, and China’s efforts to dominate the 5G market. Beijing recognizes that all of these efforts might affect the presidential race.

  • IRAN – We assess that Iran seeks to undermine U.S. democratic institutions, President Trump, and to divide the country in advance of the 2020 elections. Iran’s efforts along these lines probably will focus on on-line influence, such as spreading disinformation on social media and recirculating anti-U.S. content. Tehran’s motivation to conduct such activities is, in part, driven by a perception that President Trump’s reelection would result in a continuation of U.S. pressure on Iran in an effort to foment regime change.
Here is video of Xiden asking Xi for help: Joe Biden asked Xi to 'help him become President' as China seeks US election 'influence’
Hmmm, so is social media a way for foriegn adversaries to undermine this nation, sway it's election's, and undermine our nation's security ??? If so, who is studying this problem, and hopefully attempting to address it ?? How serious has this become for this nation ??

If serious enough, then important steps need to be taken in order to address the problem.
sure it happens
Breaking News.s...this is just amazing....Xiden's top advisor, John Kerry, caught on audio trading top secrets to IRAN...yes the leading state sponsor of terror....secrets about one of our oldest and closest allies in the Middle East, who Iran has routinely been attacking with their terrorist cells.

This is dangerous, and deadly....a bunch of traitors in this Admin...

" According to leaked audio revealed Sunday by The New York Times, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said Kerry told him that Israel attacked Iranian assets in Syria “at least 200 times.” Zarif added that he was surprised that Kerry would reveal that sensitive information to him, according to the audio. "


Trump does it, you justify it, Biden does it, you attack him.

Oh, it's so old and so tiring to see partisans be so hypocritical.

Hmmm ... who in the Trump admin provided top secret info to Iran?
trump supplied the Russians with compartmental top secret info from Israel.... That's above, top secret info.

Your source?
plenty of links in this wiki article to go in to



WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump disclosed highly classified information to Russia’s foreign minister about a planned Islamic State operation, two U.S. officials said on Monday, plunging the White House into another controversy just months into Trump’s short tenure in office.
Breaking News.s...this is just amazing....Xiden's top advisor, John Kerry, caught on audio trading top secrets to IRAN...yes the leading state sponsor of terror....secrets about one of our oldest and closest allies in the Middle East, who Iran has routinely been attacking with their terrorist cells.

This is dangerous, and deadly....a bunch of traitors in this Admin...

" According to leaked audio revealed Sunday by The New York Times, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said Kerry told him that Israel attacked Iranian assets in Syria “at least 200 times.” Zarif added that he was surprised that Kerry would reveal that sensitive information to him, according to the audio. "


Trump does it, you justify it, Biden does it, you attack him.

Oh, it's so old and so tiring to see partisans be so hypocritical.

Hmmm ... who in the Trump admin provided top secret info to Iran?
trump supplied the Russians with compartmental top secret info from Israel.... That's above, top secret info.

Your source?
plenty of links in this wiki article to go in to



WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump disclosed highly classified information to Russia’s foreign minister about a planned Islamic State operation, two U.S. officials said on Monday, plunging the White House into another controversy just months into Trump’s short tenure in office.
the president can declassify things unilaterally at will...kerry isn’t the president.

The president shared intel to save lives from an attack from isis what was kerry’s motive?
President Donald Trump disclosed highly classified information to Russia’s foreign minister about a planned Islamic State operation,
Russia is an important ally in the U.S. fight against the Islamic State, Democrats, and other extremists.
yeah i mean. trump shares intel saving lives from a terrorist attack...and this poster equates that to kerry sharing intel to the leading state sponsor of terror about covert operations of our allies...
Another instance of the Democrats themselves doing exactly what they accuse Trump and the Republicans of. Complete betrayal of one of our closest allies in favor of one of our worst enemies. If this had happened during Trump, there would already be calls for independent council and impeachment.
Another instance of the Democrats themselves doing exactly what they accuse Trump and the Republicans of. Complete betrayal of one of our closest allies in favor of one of our worst enemies. If this had happened during Trump, there would already be calls for independent council and impeachment.
:lol: nice story!
I don't recall an independent counsel being requested or charges of impeachment brought for Trump disclosing and exposing Israel as the top secret source of info....
Another instance of the Democrats themselves doing exactly what they accuse Trump and the Republicans of. Complete betrayal of one of our closest allies in favor of one of our worst enemies. If this had happened during Trump, there would already be calls for independent council and impeachment.
:lol: nice story!
I don't recall an independent counsel being requested or charges of impeachment brought for Trump disclosing and exposing Israel as the top secret source of info....
You don't recall Trump being impeached for the Ukraine phone call, or Flynn being crucified for a harmless completely legal phone call to his Russian counterpart?

Funny thing about these Leftist communists is, they are completely unaware of the depths of their hypocricy and betrayal.
Breaking News.s...this is just amazing....Xiden's top advisor, John Kerry, caught on audio trading top secrets to IRAN...yes the leading state sponsor of terror....secrets about one of our oldest and closest allies in the Middle East, who Iran has routinely been attacking with their terrorist cells.

This is dangerous, and deadly....a bunch of traitors in this Admin...

" According to leaked audio revealed Sunday by The New York Times, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said Kerry told him that Israel attacked Iranian assets in Syria “at least 200 times.” Zarif added that he was surprised that Kerry would reveal that sensitive information to him, according to the audio. "


Trump does it, you justify it, Biden does it, you attack him.

Oh, it's so old and so tiring to see partisans be so hypocritical.
i am sorry what does trump have to do with this thread? and xiden didn’t do it Kerry did.

Who is Xiden? Is that one of Biden's cabinet members.
Xiden is person the Chinese Communist Party, and the DNC put in the Oval Office...he was once a Senator named Biden...now he is fully just a puppet for Xi...hence Xiden...your Chairman

That's complete and utter nonsense.

The CCP probably had propaganda out there against Trump, the Russians had mostly pro-Trump propaganda, but that doesn't mean they put him in office.

You do know the Chinese were worried about what Biden would bring to the table, don't you?

At the beginning Trump was all like "great guy" for Xi

Trump Calls Chinese President Xi a 'Great Leader' and 'Brilliant Man,' Criticizes Media at G7 Presser"

But then he needed someone to attack and China became the easy target. Trump went real hardcore against China, BUT no one knows what he'd have done after. Like he did with Hillary, attacking her then backing down once he got elected is the most probable.
Sorry our intel community made it clear that China and Iran were actively working to undermine our election to get Xiden in office.

Xiden has a long history with China....obviously we know he had his son, flown over on Air Force 2, to set up billion dollar deals...but beyond that that we Xiden asked Xi for help.

CHINA – We assess that China prefers that President Trump – whom Beijing sees as unpredictable – does not win reelection. China has been expanding its influence efforts ahead of November 2020 to shape the policy environment in the United States, pressure political figures it views as opposed to China’s interests, and deflect and counter criticism of China. Although China will continue to weigh the risks and benefits of aggressive action, its public rhetoric over the past few months has grown increasingly critical of the current Administration’s COVID-19 response, closure of China’s Houston Consulate, and actions on other issues. For example, it has harshly criticized the Administration’s statements and actions on Hong Kong, TikTok, the legal status of the South China Sea, and China’s efforts to dominate the 5G market. Beijing recognizes that all of these efforts might affect the presidential race.

  • IRAN – We assess that Iran seeks to undermine U.S. democratic institutions, President Trump, and to divide the country in advance of the 2020 elections. Iran’s efforts along these lines probably will focus on on-line influence, such as spreading disinformation on social media and recirculating anti-U.S. content. Tehran’s motivation to conduct such activities is, in part, driven by a perception that President Trump’s reelection would result in a continuation of U.S. pressure on Iran in an effort to foment regime change.
Here is video of Xiden asking Xi for help: Joe Biden asked Xi to 'help him become President' as China seeks US election 'influence’
Hmmm, so is social media a way for foriegn adversaries to undermine this nation, sway it's election's, and undermine our nation's security ??? If so, who is studying this problem, and hopefully attempting to address it ?? How serious has this become for this nation ??

If serious enough, then important steps need to be taken in order to address the problem.
sure it happens
Wonder to what degree ?
Breaking News.s...this is just amazing....Xiden's top advisor, John Kerry, caught on audio trading top secrets to IRAN...yes the leading state sponsor of terror....secrets about one of our oldest and closest allies in the Middle East, who Iran has routinely been attacking with their terrorist cells.

This is dangerous, and deadly....a bunch of traitors in this Admin...

" According to leaked audio revealed Sunday by The New York Times, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said Kerry told him that Israel attacked Iranian assets in Syria “at least 200 times.” Zarif added that he was surprised that Kerry would reveal that sensitive information to him, according to the audio. "


Trump does it, you justify it, Biden does it, you attack him.

Oh, it's so old and so tiring to see partisans be so hypocritical.
i am sorry what does trump have to do with this thread? and xiden didn’t do it Kerry did.

Who is Xiden? Is that one of Biden's cabinet members.
Xiden is person the Chinese Communist Party, and the DNC put in the Oval Office...he was once a Senator named Biden...now he is fully just a puppet for Xi...hence Xiden...your Chairman

That's complete and utter nonsense.

The CCP probably had propaganda out there against Trump, the Russians had mostly pro-Trump propaganda, but that doesn't mean they put him in office.

You do know the Chinese were worried about what Biden would bring to the table, don't you?

At the beginning Trump was all like "great guy" for Xi

Trump Calls Chinese President Xi a 'Great Leader' and 'Brilliant Man,' Criticizes Media at G7 Presser"

But then he needed someone to attack and China became the easy target. Trump went real hardcore against China, BUT no one knows what he'd have done after. Like he did with Hillary, attacking her then backing down once he got elected is the most probable.
Sorry our intel community made it clear that China and Iran were actively working to undermine our election to get Xiden in office.

Xiden has a long history with China....obviously we know he had his son, flown over on Air Force 2, to set up billion dollar deals...but beyond that that we Xiden asked Xi for help.

CHINA – We assess that China prefers that President Trump – whom Beijing sees as unpredictable – does not win reelection. China has been expanding its influence efforts ahead of November 2020 to shape the policy environment in the United States, pressure political figures it views as opposed to China’s interests, and deflect and counter criticism of China. Although China will continue to weigh the risks and benefits of aggressive action, its public rhetoric over the past few months has grown increasingly critical of the current Administration’s COVID-19 response, closure of China’s Houston Consulate, and actions on other issues. For example, it has harshly criticized the Administration’s statements and actions on Hong Kong, TikTok, the legal status of the South China Sea, and China’s efforts to dominate the 5G market. Beijing recognizes that all of these efforts might affect the presidential race.

  • IRAN – We assess that Iran seeks to undermine U.S. democratic institutions, President Trump, and to divide the country in advance of the 2020 elections. Iran’s efforts along these lines probably will focus on on-line influence, such as spreading disinformation on social media and recirculating anti-U.S. content. Tehran’s motivation to conduct such activities is, in part, driven by a perception that President Trump’s reelection would result in a continuation of U.S. pressure on Iran in an effort to foment regime change.
Here is video of Xiden asking Xi for help: Joe Biden asked Xi to 'help him become President' as China seeks US election 'influence’

Yes, China and Russia, especially, are working to undermine US democracy (what little there is), freedom and all of that.

That's very different to China putting people into the Oval Office, as you put it.

As for a joke made in 2013.... after 4 years of Trump "joking".... though I'm hardly surprised that you'd use something so non-existent to make an argument.
Iran too...yes iran and china worked to put xiden in the oval

So, they do a little propaganda. That doesn't mean they're the reason Biden is in office.

And you could at least use his proper name, it's childish to use some made up name.

It's like you come across something and then you go full wham on it, reality would be better.
Breaking News.s...this is just amazing....Xiden's top advisor, John Kerry, caught on audio trading top secrets to IRAN...yes the leading state sponsor of terror....secrets about one of our oldest and closest allies in the Middle East, who Iran has routinely been attacking with their terrorist cells.

This is dangerous, and deadly....a bunch of traitors in this Admin...

" According to leaked audio revealed Sunday by The New York Times, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said Kerry told him that Israel attacked Iranian assets in Syria “at least 200 times.” Zarif added that he was surprised that Kerry would reveal that sensitive information to him, according to the audio. "


Trump does it, you justify it, Biden does it, you attack him.

Oh, it's so old and so tiring to see partisans be so hypocritical.
i am sorry what does trump have to do with this thread? and xiden didn’t do it Kerry did.

Who is Xiden? Is that one of Biden's cabinet members.
Xiden is person the Chinese Communist Party, and the DNC put in the Oval Office...he was once a Senator named Biden...now he is fully just a puppet for Xi...hence Xiden...your Chairman

That's complete and utter nonsense.

The CCP probably had propaganda out there against Trump, the Russians had mostly pro-Trump propaganda, but that doesn't mean they put him in office.

You do know the Chinese were worried about what Biden would bring to the table, don't you?

At the beginning Trump was all like "great guy" for Xi

Trump Calls Chinese President Xi a 'Great Leader' and 'Brilliant Man,' Criticizes Media at G7 Presser"

But then he needed someone to attack and China became the easy target. Trump went real hardcore against China, BUT no one knows what he'd have done after. Like he did with Hillary, attacking her then backing down once he got elected is the most probable.
Sorry our intel community made it clear that China and Iran were actively working to undermine our election to get Xiden in office.

Xiden has a long history with China....obviously we know he had his son, flown over on Air Force 2, to set up billion dollar deals...but beyond that that we Xiden asked Xi for help.

CHINA – We assess that China prefers that President Trump – whom Beijing sees as unpredictable – does not win reelection. China has been expanding its influence efforts ahead of November 2020 to shape the policy environment in the United States, pressure political figures it views as opposed to China’s interests, and deflect and counter criticism of China. Although China will continue to weigh the risks and benefits of aggressive action, its public rhetoric over the past few months has grown increasingly critical of the current Administration’s COVID-19 response, closure of China’s Houston Consulate, and actions on other issues. For example, it has harshly criticized the Administration’s statements and actions on Hong Kong, TikTok, the legal status of the South China Sea, and China’s efforts to dominate the 5G market. Beijing recognizes that all of these efforts might affect the presidential race.

  • IRAN – We assess that Iran seeks to undermine U.S. democratic institutions, President Trump, and to divide the country in advance of the 2020 elections. Iran’s efforts along these lines probably will focus on on-line influence, such as spreading disinformation on social media and recirculating anti-U.S. content. Tehran’s motivation to conduct such activities is, in part, driven by a perception that President Trump’s reelection would result in a continuation of U.S. pressure on Iran in an effort to foment regime change.
Here is video of Xiden asking Xi for help: Joe Biden asked Xi to 'help him become President' as China seeks US election 'influence’

Yes, China and Russia, especially, are working to undermine US democracy (what little there is), freedom and all of that.

That's very different to China putting people into the Oval Office, as you put it.

As for a joke made in 2013.... after 4 years of Trump "joking".... though I'm hardly surprised that you'd use something so non-existent to make an argument.
Iran too...yes iran and china worked to put xiden in the oval

So, they do a little propaganda. That doesn't mean they're the reason Biden is in office.

And you could at least use his proper name, it's childish to use some made up name.

It's like you come across something and then you go full wham on it, reality would be better.
Who knows the length they went to help xiden win
Breaking News.s...this is just amazing....Xiden's top advisor, John Kerry, caught on audio trading top secrets to IRAN...yes the leading state sponsor of terror....secrets about one of our oldest and closest allies in the Middle East, who Iran has routinely been attacking with their terrorist cells.

This is dangerous, and deadly....a bunch of traitors in this Admin...

" According to leaked audio revealed Sunday by The New York Times, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said Kerry told him that Israel attacked Iranian assets in Syria “at least 200 times.” Zarif added that he was surprised that Kerry would reveal that sensitive information to him, according to the audio. "


Trump does it, you justify it, Biden does it, you attack him.

Oh, it's so old and so tiring to see partisans be so hypocritical.
i am sorry what does trump have to do with this thread? and xiden didn’t do it Kerry did.

I wasn't talking about Trump. I was talking about YOU and people like YOU.

And when Kerry does something, he does it in Biden's name.
me? what do i have to do with kerry and the xiden admin giving the leading state sponsor of terror top secrets?

but you certainly brought up trump..who never did a thing like this

Well, I presume you have a vote.

As for Trump, Trump passed along information to the Russians when he was bombing an airfield, and the Russians passed this info on to those people who Trump was trying to attack.

For example.

I bet you didn't give a shit then. I bet you can find a million excuses for why Trump wasn't a traitor.

Also this one:

" President Donald Trump discussed classified information provided by a U.S. ally regarding a planned Islamic State operation during an Oval Office meeting on May 10, 2017 with the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and the Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, providing sufficient details that could be used by the Russians to deduce the identity of the ally and the manner in which it was collected, according to current and former government officials. "
haha yes trump admin’s goal was to destroy an airfield not kill...that was the point of the warning

and yes! haha the trump admin shared intel to a target of ISIS to save lives and did!

haha what does that have to do with kerry giving top secret intel to the leading state sponsor of terror? you think this was done to save lives!? haha

Well, you can give your excuses, they can give their excuses.

It's the same thing.

The difference is when Biden does it, the Republican hacks all go crazy accusing him of treason.
When Trump does it, the Democrat hacks all go crazy accusing him of treason.

Do you not see the problem here?
what excuses?

i honestly am amazed you don’t see the obvious differences here..moreover this was kerry not the president

This is getting embarrassing.

Who is Kerry's boss?
did biden instruct him to do this? if so i agree it’s not a crime...but certainly curious what the motive would be then

Well, either Biden instructed him, or Biden gave him to free reign to do it.

Either way. A president has to keep tight reign on those who represent him, that's his job.
So you don't think Kerry went completely rogue, and this was entirely done at the instruction or permission of Xiden? Interesting theory. I certainly agree that would give Kerry legal cover.

With that said, why do you think Xiden wanted to give this top secret intel to Iran? What did it benefit and who?

What Kerry said it what everyone knows. It's like revealing that everyone in the Israeli government has a birthday once or twice a year.

Literally Kerry said Israel had attacked Iranian "assets" in Syria at least 200 times.

Wow, I mean, wow, it's so mind blowing that I might have to sleep for ten hours from the boredom of having this knowledge in my brain.

Anyone who's trying to make it out as treason it just playing games.
who has a bday twice a year?

Kerry gave up stop secret intel to the Iranians...there is only two questions...1) was this at the direction of Xiden? 2) why would he or they give up the intel to Iran, and backstab our allies?

Was this payback for helping Xiden in the 2016 election? Was this a plan to help China sell more arms to Iran? Or do they really just prefer to the leading state sponsor of terror? I don't know...but we need answers.

Well, the Queen of England, Chinese people, some even have three birthdays a year.

Not the point though.

"secret intel" that wasn't actually a secret. Shock horror.

China doesn't need the US to be good with Iran, in fact, for China it's better if Iran is completely ignored by the West. More oil for China.
when was it declassified intel?

China doesn't want Iran and the US in conflict...they want a powerful puppet state in the Middle East..Iran is that...just like Xiden is their puppet in the West.

Does it need to be "declassified intel"? EVERYONE KNOWS IT.

It's like saying "it's raining" is classified intel.

The US and Iran won't be in conflict. There's a reason the US hasn't invaded them since 2001. Because the US knows it can't win with the Powell Doctrine.
yes it does. if it’s classified, it’s a crime to release it without it being declassified

Moreover, why did kerry do this? Even the Iranian President. was shocked by Kerry revealing the intel
Breaking News.s...this is just amazing....Xiden's top advisor, John Kerry, caught on audio trading top secrets to IRAN...yes the leading state sponsor of terror....secrets about one of our oldest and closest allies in the Middle East, who Iran has routinely been attacking with their terrorist cells.

This is dangerous, and deadly....a bunch of traitors in this Admin...

" According to leaked audio revealed Sunday by The New York Times, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said Kerry told him that Israel attacked Iranian assets in Syria “at least 200 times.” Zarif added that he was surprised that Kerry would reveal that sensitive information to him, according to the audio. "


Trump does it, you justify it, Biden does it, you attack him.

Oh, it's so old and so tiring to see partisans be so hypocritical.
i am sorry what does trump have to do with this thread? and xiden didn’t do it Kerry did.

Who is Xiden? Is that one of Biden's cabinet members.
Xiden is person the Chinese Communist Party, and the DNC put in the Oval Office...he was once a Senator named Biden...now he is fully just a puppet for Xi...hence Xiden...your Chairman

That's complete and utter nonsense.

The CCP probably had propaganda out there against Trump, the Russians had mostly pro-Trump propaganda, but that doesn't mean they put him in office.

You do know the Chinese were worried about what Biden would bring to the table, don't you?

At the beginning Trump was all like "great guy" for Xi

Trump Calls Chinese President Xi a 'Great Leader' and 'Brilliant Man,' Criticizes Media at G7 Presser"

But then he needed someone to attack and China became the easy target. Trump went real hardcore against China, BUT no one knows what he'd have done after. Like he did with Hillary, attacking her then backing down once he got elected is the most probable.
Sorry our intel community made it clear that China and Iran were actively working to undermine our election to get Xiden in office.

Xiden has a long history with China....obviously we know he had his son, flown over on Air Force 2, to set up billion dollar deals...but beyond that that we Xiden asked Xi for help.

CHINA – We assess that China prefers that President Trump – whom Beijing sees as unpredictable – does not win reelection. China has been expanding its influence efforts ahead of November 2020 to shape the policy environment in the United States, pressure political figures it views as opposed to China’s interests, and deflect and counter criticism of China. Although China will continue to weigh the risks and benefits of aggressive action, its public rhetoric over the past few months has grown increasingly critical of the current Administration’s COVID-19 response, closure of China’s Houston Consulate, and actions on other issues. For example, it has harshly criticized the Administration’s statements and actions on Hong Kong, TikTok, the legal status of the South China Sea, and China’s efforts to dominate the 5G market. Beijing recognizes that all of these efforts might affect the presidential race.

  • IRAN – We assess that Iran seeks to undermine U.S. democratic institutions, President Trump, and to divide the country in advance of the 2020 elections. Iran’s efforts along these lines probably will focus on on-line influence, such as spreading disinformation on social media and recirculating anti-U.S. content. Tehran’s motivation to conduct such activities is, in part, driven by a perception that President Trump’s reelection would result in a continuation of U.S. pressure on Iran in an effort to foment regime change.
Here is video of Xiden asking Xi for help: Joe Biden asked Xi to 'help him become President' as China seeks US election 'influence’

Yes, China and Russia, especially, are working to undermine US democracy (what little there is), freedom and all of that.

That's very different to China putting people into the Oval Office, as you put it.

As for a joke made in 2013.... after 4 years of Trump "joking".... though I'm hardly surprised that you'd use something so non-existent to make an argument.
Iran too...yes iran and china worked to put xiden in the oval

So, they do a little propaganda. That doesn't mean they're the reason Biden is in office.

And you could at least use his proper name, it's childish to use some made up name.

It's like you come across something and then you go full wham on it, reality would be better.
Who knows the length they went to help xiden win

I can deal with this nonsense any more.
Breaking News.s...this is just amazing....Xiden's top advisor, John Kerry, caught on audio trading top secrets to IRAN...yes the leading state sponsor of terror....secrets about one of our oldest and closest allies in the Middle East, who Iran has routinely been attacking with their terrorist cells.

This is dangerous, and deadly....a bunch of traitors in this Admin...

" According to leaked audio revealed Sunday by The New York Times, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said Kerry told him that Israel attacked Iranian assets in Syria “at least 200 times.” Zarif added that he was surprised that Kerry would reveal that sensitive information to him, according to the audio. "


Trump does it, you justify it, Biden does it, you attack him.

Oh, it's so old and so tiring to see partisans be so hypocritical.
i am sorry what does trump have to do with this thread? and xiden didn’t do it Kerry did.

I wasn't talking about Trump. I was talking about YOU and people like YOU.

And when Kerry does something, he does it in Biden's name.
me? what do i have to do with kerry and the xiden admin giving the leading state sponsor of terror top secrets?

but you certainly brought up trump..who never did a thing like this

Well, I presume you have a vote.

As for Trump, Trump passed along information to the Russians when he was bombing an airfield, and the Russians passed this info on to those people who Trump was trying to attack.

For example.

I bet you didn't give a shit then. I bet you can find a million excuses for why Trump wasn't a traitor.

Also this one:

" President Donald Trump discussed classified information provided by a U.S. ally regarding a planned Islamic State operation during an Oval Office meeting on May 10, 2017 with the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and the Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, providing sufficient details that could be used by the Russians to deduce the identity of the ally and the manner in which it was collected, according to current and former government officials. "
haha yes trump admin’s goal was to destroy an airfield not kill...that was the point of the warning

and yes! haha the trump admin shared intel to a target of ISIS to save lives and did!

haha what does that have to do with kerry giving top secret intel to the leading state sponsor of terror? you think this was done to save lives!? haha

Well, you can give your excuses, they can give their excuses.

It's the same thing.

The difference is when Biden does it, the Republican hacks all go crazy accusing him of treason.
When Trump does it, the Democrat hacks all go crazy accusing him of treason.

Do you not see the problem here?
what excuses?

i honestly am amazed you don’t see the obvious differences here..moreover this was kerry not the president

This is getting embarrassing.

Who is Kerry's boss?
did biden instruct him to do this? if so i agree it’s not a crime...but certainly curious what the motive would be then

Well, either Biden instructed him, or Biden gave him to free reign to do it.

Either way. A president has to keep tight reign on those who represent him, that's his job.
So you don't think Kerry went completely rogue, and this was entirely done at the instruction or permission of Xiden? Interesting theory. I certainly agree that would give Kerry legal cover.

With that said, why do you think Xiden wanted to give this top secret intel to Iran? What did it benefit and who?

What Kerry said it what everyone knows. It's like revealing that everyone in the Israeli government has a birthday once or twice a year.

Literally Kerry said Israel had attacked Iranian "assets" in Syria at least 200 times.

Wow, I mean, wow, it's so mind blowing that I might have to sleep for ten hours from the boredom of having this knowledge in my brain.

Anyone who's trying to make it out as treason it just playing games.
who has a bday twice a year?

Kerry gave up stop secret intel to the Iranians...there is only two questions...1) was this at the direction of Xiden? 2) why would he or they give up the intel to Iran, and backstab our allies?

Was this payback for helping Xiden in the 2016 election? Was this a plan to help China sell more arms to Iran? Or do they really just prefer to the leading state sponsor of terror? I don't know...but we need answers.

Well, the Queen of England, Chinese people, some even have three birthdays a year.

Not the point though.

"secret intel" that wasn't actually a secret. Shock horror.

China doesn't need the US to be good with Iran, in fact, for China it's better if Iran is completely ignored by the West. More oil for China.
when was it declassified intel?

China doesn't want Iran and the US in conflict...they want a powerful puppet state in the Middle East..Iran is that...just like Xiden is their puppet in the West.

Does it need to be "declassified intel"? EVERYONE KNOWS IT.

It's like saying "it's raining" is classified intel.

The US and Iran won't be in conflict. There's a reason the US hasn't invaded them since 2001. Because the US knows it can't win with the Powell Doctrine.
yes it does. if it’s classified, it’s a crime to release it without it being declassified

Moreover, why did kerry do this? Even the Iranian President. was shocked by Kerry revealing the intel
Breaking News.s...this is just amazing....Xiden's top advisor, John Kerry, caught on audio trading top secrets to IRAN...yes the leading state sponsor of terror....secrets about one of our oldest and closest allies in the Middle East, who Iran has routinely been attacking with their terrorist cells.

This is dangerous, and deadly....a bunch of traitors in this Admin...

" According to leaked audio revealed Sunday by The New York Times, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said Kerry told him that Israel attacked Iranian assets in Syria “at least 200 times.” Zarif added that he was surprised that Kerry would reveal that sensitive information to him, according to the audio. "


Trump does it, you justify it, Biden does it, you attack him.

Oh, it's so old and so tiring to see partisans be so hypocritical.
i am sorry what does trump have to do with this thread? and xiden didn’t do it Kerry did.

Who is Xiden? Is that one of Biden's cabinet members.
Xiden is person the Chinese Communist Party, and the DNC put in the Oval Office...he was once a Senator named Biden...now he is fully just a puppet for Xi...hence Xiden...your Chairman

That's complete and utter nonsense.

The CCP probably had propaganda out there against Trump, the Russians had mostly pro-Trump propaganda, but that doesn't mean they put him in office.

You do know the Chinese were worried about what Biden would bring to the table, don't you?

At the beginning Trump was all like "great guy" for Xi

Trump Calls Chinese President Xi a 'Great Leader' and 'Brilliant Man,' Criticizes Media at G7 Presser"

But then he needed someone to attack and China became the easy target. Trump went real hardcore against China, BUT no one knows what he'd have done after. Like he did with Hillary, attacking her then backing down once he got elected is the most probable.
Sorry our intel community made it clear that China and Iran were actively working to undermine our election to get Xiden in office.

Xiden has a long history with China....obviously we know he had his son, flown over on Air Force 2, to set up billion dollar deals...but beyond that that we Xiden asked Xi for help.

CHINA – We assess that China prefers that President Trump – whom Beijing sees as unpredictable – does not win reelection. China has been expanding its influence efforts ahead of November 2020 to shape the policy environment in the United States, pressure political figures it views as opposed to China’s interests, and deflect and counter criticism of China. Although China will continue to weigh the risks and benefits of aggressive action, its public rhetoric over the past few months has grown increasingly critical of the current Administration’s COVID-19 response, closure of China’s Houston Consulate, and actions on other issues. For example, it has harshly criticized the Administration’s statements and actions on Hong Kong, TikTok, the legal status of the South China Sea, and China’s efforts to dominate the 5G market. Beijing recognizes that all of these efforts might affect the presidential race.

  • IRAN – We assess that Iran seeks to undermine U.S. democratic institutions, President Trump, and to divide the country in advance of the 2020 elections. Iran’s efforts along these lines probably will focus on on-line influence, such as spreading disinformation on social media and recirculating anti-U.S. content. Tehran’s motivation to conduct such activities is, in part, driven by a perception that President Trump’s reelection would result in a continuation of U.S. pressure on Iran in an effort to foment regime change.
Here is video of Xiden asking Xi for help: Joe Biden asked Xi to 'help him become President' as China seeks US election 'influence’

Yes, China and Russia, especially, are working to undermine US democracy (what little there is), freedom and all of that.

That's very different to China putting people into the Oval Office, as you put it.

As for a joke made in 2013.... after 4 years of Trump "joking".... though I'm hardly surprised that you'd use something so non-existent to make an argument.
Iran too...yes iran and china worked to put xiden in the oval

So, they do a little propaganda. That doesn't mean they're the reason Biden is in office.

And you could at least use his proper name, it's childish to use some made up name.

It's like you come across something and then you go full wham on it, reality would be better.
Who knows the length they went to help xiden win

I can deal with this nonsense any more.
hey you voted for it...i can’t help it you were fooled by the iranians

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