The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Thinking people who pay attention regardless of political persuasions or their background or their beliefs, education or income, already know that America is currently UNDER SIEGE and is enduring what can only be described as a Soft Coup.

I think there are still good people on THE LEFT, who are being silenced and drowned out by The Rhetoric of Radical Voices. I don't want to Demonize GOOD Democrats who are victims of such rhetoric every much as you and I are victims of it.

The Left though at times do not appear to be Thinking People at least as far as some of their blind followers go. I think "The Left Leadership" knows exactly what they are doing, & know it is unethical but do not care that they are being unethical. The rest are followers, and I cannot speak to their motivations, only the fact that they are being mislead.

"The Left Leadership" and the radicals that poison the waters of Civil Discourse are unreachable in my opinion so I want to help The Left that still can listen, and who still may have a sense or right and wrong....I want to help them think. Think about what they are participating in.

I want to help them Think about the spiritual damage they are doing to their souls. Think about the people whom they revere and whom lie to them, manipulate them, and deceive them every day, and why they need to dishonestly deceive and mislead them.

But most of all, I want them to Think about The Truth, & what is going on in this country and where this country is headed if we as citizens continue to allow a culture of lies and innuendo, and propaganda to take a hold of our hearts and minds.

What happens when Truth, Justice, Facts, and Ethics take a back seat to Agendas, Ideologies, Collectivist thought and Globalist Goals and Aspirations?

Remember that Germany was once The Wiemar Democratic Republic before the people of Germany were whipped in to a frenzy with a never ending assault on their hearts and minds by a Media gone mad, controlled by an Angry and Virulent Ideology and people with dreams of Illegitimate Power.

Think about that, Both Left and Right, and examine your heart, your intentions, your thoughts, actions and words.

Here is a quick and maybe not so complete rundown of the 2015-2016 campaign.

: None of the bulleted items listed are CRIMES. They are not crimes in as far as actual meetings or phone calls with people go, or communications go with such things. They are all perfectly legal interactions in business and in politics, except in those cases where one whom is given a responsibility to be ethical, and who has a duty and sworn oath to protect the interest of The United States and act in an Ethical and Unbiased Manner, violates his or her oath to abide by ethical standards in order to achieve an agenda not really worth achieving if you have to violate your oath, or the commonly accepted view of ethics.

  • Obama used taxpayers money to pay for an opposition political campaign in Israel to unseat Benji, but not only that paid people to try to destabilize Israel's Government, just like he paid Terrorists to Assassinate Qaddafi, create a Coup in Egypt, Syria, and Libya and paid KNOWN TERRORISTS to do it. He met with terrorists, and Israeli Subversives to accomplish this and provided classified Intel to try to stage a soft coup in Israel.
  • Obama met with Black Lives Matters a Domestic Terrorist Group after their calls to Assassinate cops were heard, and after numerous police officers had been assassinated, He gave cop killers a hero's welcome in The White House
  • Obama & Clinton met with every Russian Operative The Left is accusing The Trump of Colluding with before and after the Illegally Wiretapped meetings, and the classified Intel on these meetings were leaked to the press
  • DNC Operatives & a Clinton staffers flew to the Ukraine to get Fake Dirt on The Trump Campaign and met with Ukrainian spies at a Ukrainian embassy
  • Comey met with an Ex British Spy who was hard up for cash to negotiate a deal to pay $30,000 US Dollars for a Fake Dossier that Comey leaked to the press
  • Obama met with Iranian Agents to work out a deal to Circumvent Sanctions against Iran (in violation of US and International Law) to deliver pallets of Euros in the dead of night to pay ransom to terrorists for hostages
  • Loretta Lynch secretly met with Bill Clinton in the midst of a Criminal Investigation to discuss Yoga pants and golf, and then sealed the investigation and closed it within days of that meeting
  • Loretta Lynch met with Comey and ORDERED him to back off of The Clinton Criminal Investigation and simply call it a "matter" which is Obstruction of Justice in my opinion
  • Hillary Clinton gave top secret, secret, and classified email to her garbage man, maid, Al Queda in Libya, & her stock broker, and has been sharing State Secrets with her friends at Wall Street to make her and Bill Wealthy in what could only be described as "Insider Trading"
  • Clinton met with a Russian businessman at a dinner to discuss donations to The Clinton Foundation
  • Clinton accepted $120 Million Dollars from Russia afterwards as a "Thank You" for The Uranium One deal
  • Clinton deleted 30,000 emails and Comey let her despite two federal orders strictly ordering her not to, then he let her off the hook saying she was too stupid to prosecute and then leaks classified Intel himself in a display of callous arrogance. Despite her attempts to Bleach Bit her server which is Felony Destruction of Government records that were under a Preservation Order, Comey still finds Illegally shared Top Secret, Secret, and Classified Information shared with Unauthorized personnel, and he dismisses it as if it was NO BIG DEAL.
  • Podesta met with Russian Operatives and was paid to lobby Congress and The President to go "EASY Putin" and Obama later meets with a Putin Representative whom he told in a hot mic moment "I will have more flexibility after the election"
  • Comey met with a Law Professor at Columbia and gives him FBI memos written by him on an FBI computer about a private meeting in The Oval Office which by default is classified or "privileged Intel", and he gives that professor those memos, 4 out of the 5 which contained classified information
  • Sessions met with a Russian Diplomat at a party for diplomat and ambassadors and did nothing more than extend pleasantries, and later in his capacity as a Senator met with a Russian Diplomat and discussed official business which for some unknown reason was wiretapped. In order to avoid any appearances of bias, Sessions recused himself from any and all dealings with any so called investigations in to Russia, a move which was manipulated by The Democrat Party to their favor
  • Flynn after being nominated and accepting a nomination for National Security Advisor, is contacted by a Russian Diplomat and receives a congratulatory call. This call is illegally wire tapped and then illegally leaked to The Press, prompting hysterical cries by The Left Leadership for an investigation. The actual transcripts of this Illegal Wiretapping are actually used to exonerate Flynn from any wrong doing. But the FBI is not done digging and finds that Flynn forgot to disclose that he once did some short term work for Turkey as an advisor on security issues for that country. He then, when questioned by Mike Pence does not completely share everything he knows as was his right, but does admit to what the FBI discovered. Flynn resigned or was asked to resign. Later we find that Flynn went to bat against McCabe and Comey to defend The Top Middle East Analyst we had who was highly respected woman in her field, and defended her in her case accuisng McCabe and Comey for engaging in Sexism and for mothballing her career because she was both a Conservative and a Woman.
  • Trump Jr., a private citizen, Meets with a Ukrainian Lawyer to talk about Russian Baby Adoptions under the guise originally that the lawyer may have helpful information (she didn't) and gives full disclosure of the emails which prompted him to meet with the lawyer, and somehow that's Russian Collusion according to "Left Leadership." Later it is found that the Ukrainian Lawyer worked for Fusion GPS, the same Ukranian people Clinton and The DNC met with at The Ukranian Embassy who produced the Fake Russian Dossier that an Ex British Spy acquired that Comey contacted and paid $30,000 for and leaked that document to The Press.
The only thing that really outrages the Left at this time are apparently discussions about Baby Adoptions with a Ukrainian Lawyer, despite the fact that Trump Jr. is a private citizen, and despite the fact that nothing illegal occurred there, and despite the fact that he showed her the door and booted her out of Trump Tower and never spoke with her again. We later find out she was denied a VISA but somehow that decision was overridden by The Obama Regime, and somehow she shows up at The White House after her uneventful meeting with Trump Jr.

This meeting btw was fully disclosed over a year ago and was only known to the media because of a FELONY LEAK OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION listed on a DISCLOSURE DOCUMENT.

The Trump Jr Ukraine Attorney Meeting also may have been WIRE TAPPED, as we know by The Obama Administration who had The Trump Campaign Team under surveillance for a full 18 months. This may be why The Leaks are hard to pin down about The Trump Team, because the leaks aren't coming from The White House, they are coming from Obama's House, his "Resist" HQ right down the street.

But why not Wire Tap Hillary Clinton? Why was she never under a Wire Tap? Why not despite her dealings with Uranium One, Russian Businessmen, and accepting Millions of Dollars from Putin laundered through The Clinton Foundation? No, she was NEVER UNDER SURVEILLANCE and NEITHER WAS BILL CLINTON despite BOTH OF THEM BEING UNDER CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

The only people under surveillance by The Obama Administration was President Trump, his family, his advisors, and his campaign. Sessions, Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul and other GOP Candidates and Trump staff were Wire Tapped, even Dennis Kucinich according to him.

No one on The Left was ever under Surveillance by Barak Obama, even people he knew committed crimes and were under Criminal Investigation were not under Surveillance.

I have to ask, WHY THE DOUBLE STANDARD? And I have to ask, THE LEFT, if you are for AMERICA, JUSTICE and TRUTH, then why aren't you asking the questions I ask?

Why aren't you thinking about this objectively? Why are you participating in the propagation of prevarications and propaganda, even when you are shown that what you are regurgitating is patently false?

Please explain your unreasonable stance on this. I'd appreciate rational explanations for why you are participating in this nonsense.
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Unfortunately they can't read that. As the racist they are, they have to focus on being discriminatory towards Russians.
Nobody could read that. It was an unreadable Gish Gallup of kook conspiracy theories.

Such kook conspiracy theories are all that the Trumpflakes have left. Reality has smacked them down hard, so the Trumpflakes have all retreated into a SafeSpace where they can create their own reality.
Unfortunately they can't read that. As the racist they are, they have to focus on being discriminatory towards Russians.

Not all Liberals or Democrats are racist, or ignorant or unreachable. That's completely unproductive dialogue. Some of them voted for Donald Trump and still support him and approve of his leadership.

In fact, President Trump has Democrats in his cabinet, and a lot of them.

Kushner is a Democrat.

Quarels who advises President Trump on economic issues will probably be the Next Federal Reserve head.

There are many Democrats working for President Trump, and many Democrats who voted for him.
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Pretty much Zero Comments from The Opposition. Oh well, I tried to talk some sense to people. At least give the thread a proper burial.
What would it take to get RW'ers around here to understand that they don't have to clutter the board with thread after thread reminding us of how crazy their beliefs are?

We get it.
Nobody could read that. It was an unreadable Gish Gallup of kook conspiracy theories.

Such kook conspiracy theories are all that the Trumpflakes have left. Reality has smacked them down hard, so the Trumpflakes have all retreated into a SafeSpace where they can create their own reality.
Seriously how about instead of trying to discredit what I said, you try to debate what I said, and the events as I recounted them?

That would be an actual discussion, NO?
What would it take to get RW'ers around here to understand that they don't have to clutter the board with thread after thread reminding us of how crazy their beliefs are?

We get it.

In other words, this post was so well written and makes such solid logic that you have no response to it, but to try to troll it, and discredit it.
Thanks for the acknowledgement of my fine work.

Here is more..

Thinking people who pay attention regardless of political persuasions or their background or their beliefs, education or income, already know that America is currently UNDER SIEGE and is enduring what can only be described as a Soft Coup.

I think there are still good people on THE LEFT, who are being silenced and drowned out by The Rhetoric of Radical Voices. I don't want to Demonize GOOD Democrats who are victims of such rhetoric every much as you and I are victims of it.

The Left though at times do not appear to be Thinking People at least as far as some of their blind followers go. I think "The Left Leadership" knows exactly what they are doing, & know it is unethical but do not care that they are being unethical. The rest are followers, and I cannot speak to their motivations, only the fact that they are being mislead.

"The Left Leadership" and the radicals that poison the waters of Civil Discourse are unreachable in my opinion so I want to help The Left that still can listen, and who still may have a sense or right and wrong....I want to help them think. Think about what they are participating in.

I want to help them Think about the spiritual damage they are doing to their souls. Think about the people whom they revere and whom lie to them, manipulate them, and deceive them every day, and why they need to dishonestly deceive and mislead them.

But most of all, I want them to Think about The Truth, & what is going on in this country and where this country is headed if we as citizens continue to allow a culture of lies and innuendo, and propaganda to take a hold of our hearts and minds.

What happens when Truth, Justice, Facts, and Ethics take a back seat to Agendas, Ideologies, Collectivist thought and Globalist Goals and Aspirations?

Remember that Germany was once The Wiemar Democratic Republic before the people of Germany were whipped in to a frenzy with a never ending assault on their hearts and minds by a Media gone mad, controlled by an Angry and Virulent Ideology and people with dreams of Illegitimate Power.

Think about that, Both Left and Right, and examine your heart, your intentions, your thoughts, actions and words.

Here is a quick and maybe not so complete rundown of the 2015-2016 campaign.

: None of the bulleted items listed are CRIMES. They are not crimes in as far as actual meetings or phone calls with people go, or communications go with such things. They are all perfectly legal interactions in business and in politics, except in those cases where one whom is given a responsibility to be ethical, and who has a duty and sworn oath to protect the interest of The United States and act in an Ethical and Unbiased Manner, violates his or her oath to abide by ethical standards in order to achieve an agenda not really worth achieving if you have to violate your oath, or the commonly accepted view of ethics.

  • Obama used taxpayers money to pay for an opposition political campaign in Israel to unseat Benji, but not only that paid people to try to destabilize Israel's Government, just like he paid Terrorists to Assassinate Qaddafi, create a Coup in Egypt, Syria, and Libya and paid KNOWN TERRORISTS to do it. He met with terrorists, and Israeli Subversives to accomplish this and provided classified Intel to try to stage a soft coup in Israel.
  • Obama met with Black Lives Matters a Domestic Terrorist Group after their calls to Assassinate cops were heard, and after numerous police officers had been assassinated, He gave cop killers a hero's welcome in The White House
  • Obama & Clinton met with every Russian Operative The Left is accusing The Trump of Colluding with before and after the Illegally Wiretapped meetings, and the classified Intel on these meetings were leaked to the press
  • DNC Operatives & a Clinton staffers flew to the Ukraine to get Fake Dirt on The Trump Campaign and met with Ukrainian spies at a Ukrainian embassy
  • Comey met with an Ex British Spy who was hard up for cash to negotiate a deal to pay $30,000 US Dollars for a Fake Dossier that Comey leaked to the press
  • Obama met with Iranian Agents to work out a deal to Circumvent Sanctions against Iran (in violation of US and International Law) to deliver pallets of Euros in the dead of night to pay ransom to terrorists for hostages
  • Loretta Lynch secretly met with Bill Clinton in the midst of a Criminal Investigation to discuss Yoga pants and golf, and then sealed the investigation and closed it within days of that meeting
  • Loretta Lynch met with Comey and ORDERED him to back off of The Clinton Criminal Investigation and simply call it a "matter" which is Obstruction of Justice in my opinion
  • Hillary Clinton gave top secret, secret, and classified email to her garbage man, maid, Al Queda in Libya, & her stock broker, and has been sharing State Secrets with her friends at Wall Street to make her and Bill Wealthy in what could only be described as "Insider Trading"
  • Clinton met with a Russian businessman at a dinner to discuss donations to The Clinton Foundation
  • Clinton accepted $120 Million Dollars from Russia afterwards as a "Thank You" for The Uranium One deal
  • Clinton deleted 30,000 emails and Comey let her despite two federal orders strictly ordering her not to, then he let her off the hook saying she was too stupid to prosecute and then leaks classified Intel himself in a display of callous arrogance. Despite her attempts to Bleach Bit her server which is Felony Destruction of Government records that were under a Preservation Order, Comey still finds Illegally shared Top Secret, Secret, and Classified Information shared with Unauthorized personnel, and he dismisses it as if it was NO BIG DEAL.
  • Podesta met with Russian Operatives and was paid to lobby Congress and The President to go "EASY Putin" and Obama later meets with a Putin Representative whom he told in a hot mic moment "I will have more flexibility after the election"
  • Comey met with a Law Professor at Columbia and gives him FBI memos written by him on an FBI computer about a private meeting in The Oval Office which by default is classified or "privileged Intel", and he gives that professor those memos, 4 out of the 5 which contained classified information
  • Sessions met with a Russian Diplomat at a party for diplomat and ambassadors and did nothing more than extend pleasantries, and later in his capacity as a Senator met with a Russian Diplomat and discussed official business which for some unknown reason was wiretapped. In order to avoid any appearances of bias, Sessions recused himself from any and all dealings with any so called investigations in to Russia, a move which was manipulated by The Democrat Party to their favor
  • Flynn after being nominated and accepting a nomination for National Security Advisor, is contacted by a Russian Diplomat and receives a congratulatory call. This call is illegally wire tapped and then illegally leaked to The Press, prompting hysterical cries by The Left Leadership for an investigation. The actual transcripts of this Illegal Wiretapping are actually used to exonerate Flynn from any wrong doing. But the FBI is not done digging and finds that Flynn forgot to disclose that he once did some short term work for Turkey as an advisor on security issues for that country. He then, when questioned by Mike Pence does not completely share everything he knows as was his right, but does admit to what the FBI discovered. Flynn resigned or was asked to resign. Later we find that Flynn went to bat against McCabe and Comey to defend The Top Middle East Analyst we had who was highly respected woman in her field, and defended her in her case accuisng McCabe and Comey for engaging in Sexism and for mothballing her career because she was both a Conservative and a Woman.
  • Trump Jr., a private citizen, Meets with a Ukrainian Lawyer to talk about Russian Baby Adoptions under the guise originally that the lawyer may have helpful information (she didn't) and gives full disclosure of the emails which prompted him to meet with the lawyer, and somehow that's Russian Collusion according to "Left Leadership." Later it is found that the Ukrainian Lawyer worked for Fusion GPS, the same Ukranian people Clinton and The DNC met with at The Ukranian Embassy who produced the Fake Russian Dossier that an Ex British Spy acquired that Comey contacted and paid $30,000 for and leaked that document to The Press.
The only thing that really outrages the Left at this time are apparently discussions about Baby Adoptions with a Ukrainian Lawyer, despite the fact that Trump Jr. is a private citizen, and despite the fact that nothing illegal occurred there, and despite the fact that he showed her the door and booted her out of Trump Tower and never spoke with her again. We later find out she was denied a VISA but somehow that decision was overridden by The Obama Regime, and somehow she shows up at The White House after her uneventful meeting with Trump Jr.

This meeting btw was fully disclosed over a year ago and was only known to the media because of a FELONY LEAK OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION listed on a DISCLOSURE DOCUMENT.

The Trump Jr Ukraine Attorney Meeting also may have been WIRE TAPPED, as we know by The Obama Administration who had The Trump Campaign Team under surveillance for a full 18 months. This may be why The Leaks are hard to pin down about The Trump Team, because the leaks aren't coming from The White House, they are coming from Obama's House, his "Resist" HQ right down the street.

But why not Wire Tap Hillary Clinton? Why was she never under a Wire Tap? Why not despite her dealings with Uranium One, Russian Businessmen, and accepting Millions of Dollars from Putin laundered through The Clinton Foundation? No, she was NEVER UNDER SURVEILLANCE and NEITHER WAS BILL CLINTON despite BOTH OF THEM BEING UNDER CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

The only people under surveillance by The Obama Administration was President Trump, his family, his advisors, and his campaign. Sessions, Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul and other GOP Candidates and Trump staff were Wire Tapped, even Dennis Kucinich according to him.

No one on The Left was ever under Surveillance by Barak Obama, even people he knew committed crimes and were under Criminal Investigation were not under Surveillance.

I have to ask, WHY THE DOUBLE STANDARD? And I have to ask, THE LEFT, if you are for AMERICA, JUSTICE and TRUTH, then why aren't you asking the questions I ask?

Why aren't you thinking about this objectively? Why are you participating in the propagation of prevarications and propaganda, even when you are shown that what you are regurgitating is patently false?

Please explain your unreasonable stance on this. I'd appreciate rational explanations for why you are participating in this nonsense.
You seem to have a death wish, continually posting stuff that puts you higher and higher up the Clinton "to be assassinated" list.
Thinking people who pay attention regardless of political persuasions or their background or their beliefs, education or income, already know that America is currently UNDER SIEGE and is enduring what can only be described as a Soft Coup.

I think there are still good people on THE LEFT, who are being silenced and drowned out by The Rhetoric of Radical Voices. I don't want to Demonize GOOD Democrats who are victims of such rhetoric every much as you and I are victims of it.

The Left though at times do not appear to be Thinking People at least as far as some of their blind followers go. I think "The Left Leadership" knows exactly what they are doing, & know it is unethical but do not care that they are being unethical. The rest are followers, and I cannot speak to their motivations, only the fact that they are being mislead.

"The Left Leadership" and the radicals that poison the waters of Civil Discourse are unreachable in my opinion so I want to help The Left that still can listen, and who still may have a sense or right and wrong....I want to help them think. Think about what they are participating in.

I want to help them Think about the spiritual damage they are doing to their souls. Think about the people whom they revere and whom lie to them, manipulate them, and deceive them every day, and why they need to dishonestly deceive and mislead them.

But most of all, I want them to Think about The Truth, & what is going on in this country and where this country is headed if we as citizens continue to allow a culture of lies and innuendo, and propaganda to take a hold of our hearts and minds.

What happens when Truth, Justice, Facts, and Ethics take a back seat to Agendas, Ideologies, Collectivist thought and Globalist Goals and Aspirations?

Remember that Germany was once The Wiemar Democratic Republic before the people of Germany were whipped in to a frenzy with a never ending assault on their hearts and minds by a Media gone mad, controlled by an Angry and Virulent Ideology and people with dreams of Illegitimate Power.

Think about that, Both Left and Right, and examine your heart, your intentions, your thoughts, actions and words.

Here is a quick and maybe not so complete rundown of the 2015-2016 campaign.

: None of the bulleted items listed are CRIMES. They are not crimes in as far as actual meetings or phone calls with people go, or communications go with such things. They are all perfectly legal interactions in business and in politics, except in those cases where one whom is given a responsibility to be ethical, and who has a duty and sworn oath to protect the interest of The United States and act in an Ethical and Unbiased Manner, violates his or her oath to abide by ethical standards in order to achieve an agenda not really worth achieving if you have to violate your oath, or the commonly accepted view of ethics.

  • Obama used taxpayers money to pay for an opposition political campaign in Israel to unseat Benji, but not only that paid people to try to destabilize Israel's Government, just like he paid Terrorists to Assassinate Qaddafi, create a Coup in Egypt, Syria, and Libya and paid KNOWN TERRORISTS to do it. He met with terrorists, and Israeli Subversives to accomplish this and provided classified Intel to try to stage a soft coup in Israel.
  • Obama met with Black Lives Matters a Domestic Terrorist Group after their calls to Assassinate cops were heard, and after numerous police officers had been assassinated, He gave cop killers a hero's welcome in The White House
  • Obama & Clinton met with every Russian Operative The Left is accusing The Trump of Colluding with before and after the Illegally Wiretapped meetings, and the classified Intel on these meetings were leaked to the press
  • DNC Operatives & a Clinton staffers flew to the Ukraine to get Fake Dirt on The Trump Campaign and met with Ukrainian spies at a Ukrainian embassy
  • Comey met with an Ex British Spy who was hard up for cash to negotiate a deal to pay $30,000 US Dollars for a Fake Dossier that Comey leaked to the press
  • Obama met with Iranian Agents to work out a deal to Circumvent Sanctions against Iran (in violation of US and International Law) to deliver pallets of Euros in the dead of night to pay ransom to terrorists for hostages
  • Loretta Lynch secretly met with Bill Clinton in the midst of a Criminal Investigation to discuss Yoga pants and golf, and then sealed the investigation and closed it within days of that meeting
  • Loretta Lynch met with Comey and ORDERED him to back off of The Clinton Criminal Investigation and simply call it a "matter" which is Obstruction of Justice in my opinion
  • Hillary Clinton gave top secret, secret, and classified email to her garbage man, maid, Al Queda in Libya, & her stock broker, and has been sharing State Secrets with her friends at Wall Street to make her and Bill Wealthy in what could only be described as "Insider Trading"
  • Clinton met with a Russian businessman at a dinner to discuss donations to The Clinton Foundation
  • Clinton accepted $120 Million Dollars from Russia afterwards as a "Thank You" for The Uranium One deal
  • Clinton deleted 30,000 emails and Comey let her despite two federal orders strictly ordering her not to, then he let her off the hook saying she was too stupid to prosecute and then leaks classified Intel himself in a display of callous arrogance. Despite her attempts to Bleach Bit her server which is Felony Destruction of Government records that were under a Preservation Order, Comey still finds Illegally shared Top Secret, Secret, and Classified Information shared with Unauthorized personnel, and he dismisses it as if it was NO BIG DEAL.
  • Podesta met with Russian Operatives and was paid to lobby Congress and The President to go "EASY Putin" and Obama later meets with a Putin Representative whom he told in a hot mic moment "I will have more flexibility after the election"
  • Comey met with a Law Professor at Columbia and gives him FBI memos written by him on an FBI computer about a private meeting in The Oval Office which by default is classified or "privileged Intel", and he gives that professor those memos, 4 out of the 5 which contained classified information
  • Sessions met with a Russian Diplomat at a party for diplomat and ambassadors and did nothing more than extend pleasantries, and later in his capacity as a Senator met with a Russian Diplomat and discussed official business which for some unknown reason was wiretapped. In order to avoid any appearances of bias, Sessions recused himself from any and all dealings with any so called investigations in to Russia, a move which was manipulated by The Democrat Party to their favor
  • Flynn after being nominated and accepting a nomination for National Security Advisor, is contacted by a Russian Diplomat and receives a congratulatory call. This call is illegally wire tapped and then illegally leaked to The Press, prompting hysterical cries by The Left Leadership for an investigation. The actual transcripts of this Illegal Wiretapping are actually used to exonerate Flynn from any wrong doing. But the FBI is not done digging and finds that Flynn forgot to disclose that he once did some short term work for Turkey as an advisor on security issues for that country. He then, when questioned by Mike Pence does not completely share everything he knows as was his right, but does admit to what the FBI discovered. Flynn resigned or was asked to resign. Later we find that Flynn went to bat against McCabe and Comey to defend The Top Middle East Analyst we had who was highly respected woman in her field, and defended her in her case accuisng McCabe and Comey for engaging in Sexism and for mothballing her career because she was both a Conservative and a Woman.
  • Trump Jr., a private citizen, Meets with a Ukrainian Lawyer to talk about Russian Baby Adoptions under the guise originally that the lawyer may have helpful information (she didn't) and gives full disclosure of the emails which prompted him to meet with the lawyer, and somehow that's Russian Collusion according to "Left Leadership." Later it is found that the Ukrainian Lawyer worked for Fusion GPS, the same Ukranian people Clinton and The DNC met with at The Ukranian Embassy who produced the Fake Russian Dossier that an Ex British Spy acquired that Comey contacted and paid $30,000 for and leaked that document to The Press.
The only thing that really outrages the Left at this time are apparently discussions about Baby Adoptions with a Ukrainian Lawyer, despite the fact that Trump Jr. is a private citizen, and despite the fact that nothing illegal occurred there, and despite the fact that he showed her the door and booted her out of Trump Tower and never spoke with her again. We later find out she was denied a VISA but somehow that decision was overridden by The Obama Regime, and somehow she shows up at The White House after her uneventful meeting with Trump Jr.

This meeting btw was fully disclosed over a year ago and was only known to the media because of a FELONY LEAK OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION listed on a DISCLOSURE DOCUMENT.

The Trump Jr Ukraine Attorney Meeting also may have been WIRE TAPPED, as we know by The Obama Administration who had The Trump Campaign Team under surveillance for a full 18 months. This may be why The Leaks are hard to pin down about The Trump Team, because the leaks aren't coming from The White House, they are coming from Obama's House, his "Resist" HQ right down the street.

But why not Wire Tap Hillary Clinton? Why was she never under a Wire Tap? Why not despite her dealings with Uranium One, Russian Businessmen, and accepting Millions of Dollars from Putin laundered through The Clinton Foundation? No, she was NEVER UNDER SURVEILLANCE and NEITHER WAS BILL CLINTON despite BOTH OF THEM BEING UNDER CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

The only people under surveillance by The Obama Administration was President Trump, his family, his advisors, and his campaign. Sessions, Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul and other GOP Candidates and Trump staff were Wire Tapped, even Dennis Kucinich according to him.

No one on The Left was ever under Surveillance by Barak Obama, even people he knew committed crimes and were under Criminal Investigation were not under Surveillance.

I have to ask, WHY THE DOUBLE STANDARD? And I have to ask, THE LEFT, if you are for AMERICA, JUSTICE and TRUTH, then why aren't you asking the questions I ask?

Why aren't you thinking about this objectively? Why are you participating in the propagation of prevarications and propaganda, even when you are shown that what you are regurgitating is patently false?

Please explain your unreasonable stance on this. I'd appreciate rational explanations for why you are participating in this nonsense.
You seem to have a death wish, continually posting stuff that puts you higher and higher up the Clinton "to be assassinated" list.

Those are Facts. Exactly why would Obama, Clinton and the DNC create a Fake Russian Narrative and then further implicate themselves by actually sending Russians to The Trump Campaign Team & Illegally Wiretap the meetings and calls to attempt to get some Dirt on them while Illegally surveilling them?

That's entrapment. Over and over a pattern emerges that they made a false accusation and then tried to abuse the power of the Government to make it look like the shit they were flinging against the wall was going to stick.

And since they used the power of The US Government to do all of this, those are Impeachable Offenses and also Felonies. Or to be a lil more concise, Treason, Sedition, Conspiring to Rig an Election, and Espionage.

We are talking about Life in Prison or facing a Firing Squad.

The Left's Response:

Nothing TO See HERE!


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