WSJ: Musk's Twitter files shows real "disinformation" threat is America's former intel leaders


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

WSJ: Musk's Twitter files shows real "disinformation" threat is America's former intel leaders

6 Dec 2022 ~~ By Ed Morrissey

Point of order: Didn’t we learn that in 2013 when James Clapper perjured himself before Congress? And didn’t we learn that the American media enthusiastically facilitated that disinformation potential by hiring Clapper and former FBI executive Andrew McCabe after getting fired for lying to investigators? Among dozens of others?
We did indeed, but the editors of the Wall Street Journal want to underscore that point in the release of Twitter’s files on the Hunter Biden laptop story. They also note the media’s complicity in promoting this “disinformation,” even in the face of independent corroboration:
Recall that former Democratic intelligence officials James Clapper and John Brennan led the spooks in issuing a public statement suggesting that the laptop may have been hacked and its content was Russian disinformation. On Oct. 16, 2020, Mr. Clapper told CNN that “to me, this is just classic textbook Soviet Russian tradecraft at work.” On Oct. 19, 51 former spooks released their statement claiming that the arrival of the emails “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” (The statement and signers are published nearby.)​
We now know that the Clapper-Brennan claims were themselves disinformation and that the laptop was genuine and not part of a Russian operation. CBS News recently waddled in two years later with a forensic analysis of its own and concluded it is real.​
But the claims by the spies gave an excuse for the media to ignore the Hunter Biden story and even to dismiss Hunter’s former business partner, Tony Bobulinski, who went on the record before the election to confirm much of the content on the laptop with documentation in the form of voluminous text messages.​
Here’s a thought: perhaps news orgs should rethink the idea of hiring ex-intel leaders as “analysts.” Especially those who have already demonstrated a predilection for lying, either in public or during investigations. If media outlets are interested in actual news and analysis rather than sef-serving spin, that is.
Clearly, they have something else in mind.
The real disinformation threat didn’t turn out to be the laptop or the Russians. Strictly speaking, it’s not even the political hacks who left the intel community to peddle their manipulative crankery on television. It’s the media outlets themselves who hired perjurers as analysts and then pushed their perjury as truth through one national election and almost through another.

The corrupt FBI interfered in the Presidential Election. Threw it to Biden.
Read that again, slowly.
The FBI interfered in the election, period.
This is a larger scandal than the Russia Collusion lie operation (See: Operation Crossfire hurricane). And that was the biggest ever, in America’s history.
The FBI threw the election to Biden!!!!!
They read Rudy’s emails (illegally), found out he gave the Hunter laptop info to Miranda Devine (NY Post), read her emails, knew exactly when the story would drop. Right before, the FBI told Twitter, FaceBook, etc., to be on the lookout for a hacked Russian October surprise.
They shut down the truth completely. Tanked the story. Banned people who shared it.
Then the FBI and did the “53 former Intelligence official hotshots sign the letter, laptop is Russian disinformation!” scam, the second phase in this treasonous ops.
The FBI and former Intelligence officials threw the election to Biden, period. And have been indicted or tried!!!
Meanwhile, Congress as voted themselves immunity from prosecution for lying, libel and slander while in office
Americans are starting to realize it. Maoist Democrats deny it.

The FBI is your scapegoat but when pressed for details y'all always run for the hills or come up miles short of pointing to anything concrete.
Stop trolling. Everyone knows what's going on. Unless you've been asleep for a few decades. Or unless you have your head buried up the Demonazis' butts.

The FBI is not a scapegoat, they're CORRUPT. They have a very serious institutional problem and someone's going to have to bring them to heel.

No one's interested in rehashing the particulars, if you need an update you can do the research yourself.
Stop trolling. Everyone knows what's going on. Unless you've been asleep for a few decades. Or unless you have your head buried up the Demonazis' butts.

The FBI is not a scapegoat, they're CORRUPT. They have a very serious institutional problem and someone's going to have to bring them to heel.

No one's interested in rehashing the particulars, if you need an update you can do the research yourself.
You just saying "everybody knows they are dirty" is about as weak an argument you can make. Basically you've heard people bitching about it on conservative news outlets and youre blindly believing it without knowing the reasons why. If you knew the reasons why and had the evidence to back it up you would post it.
Stop trolling. Everyone knows what's going on. Unless you've been asleep for a few decades. Or unless you have your head buried up the Demonazis' butts.

The FBI is not a scapegoat, they're CORRUPT. They have a very serious institutional problem and someone's going to have to bring them to heel.

No one's interested in rehashing the particulars, if you need an update you can do the research yourself.
You are referring to Comey declaring an investigation of Hillary Clinton just before the 2016 election, of course.
You just saying "everybody knows they are dirty" is about as weak an argument you can make. Basically you've heard people bitching about it on conservative news outlets and youre blindly believing it without knowing the reasons why. If you knew the reasons why and had the evidence to back it up you would post it.
No, I wouldn't. Too much effort. It's not my job to educate you, that's YOUR job.
You dodging the question and trying to spin up excuses is waaaaay more effort than simply presenting the evidence and details to back up your statements. You're not fooling anybody.
the answers are i the OP you ignored
the answers are i the OP you ignored
I read the op. It focused on past officials who are now commentators and private citizens. Not one crime was outlined. If you think I'm wrong then point out the crime and evidence behind it and I'll apologize
The FBI is your scapegoat but when pressed for details y'all always run for the hills or come up miles short of pointing to anything concrete.
How many people have had to wait decades for justice when they KNEW something bad was done....but there wasn't enough useable evidence for a conviction. How many women have been raped and had to wait decades for science to catch up enough to put the rapist behind bars? We have been raped by the democratic party. Hopefully someday enough of the yarn unwinds so it can be proven. While they control the investigative agencies what are the chances of that happening? How long was Russia under the thumb of the Communists before it finally cracked and crumbled. It took awhile. But in the meantime, right or wrong, it held its own for decades. Anyone with half a brain can see the point. Most people can sense someone cheating long before they can prove it.
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How many people have had to wait decades for justice when they KNEW something bad was done....but these wasn't enough useable evidence for a conviction. How many women have been raped and had to wait decades for science to catch up enough to put the rapist behind bars? We have been raped by the democratic party. Hopefully someday enough of the yarn unwinds so it can be proven. While they control the investigative agencies what are the chances of that happening? How long was Russia under the thumb of the Communists before it finally cracked and crumbled. It took awhile. But in the meantime, right or wrong, it held its own for decades. Anyone with half a brain can see the point. Most people can sense someone cheating long before they can prove it.
Trump controlled the investigative agencies at the time of these accusations and even his man Barr said there was no there there. You're making these claims about being raped by the Democratic Party but then admit in the next breath that you don't have evidence to prove it. Give me a break. Thats a failed argument of a sore loser.

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