WSJ: Kushner had previously undisclosed meeting with Russian ambassador

More secrets from Trump's minions. Kushner met the Russian ambassador in April 2016. Remember he also wanted to set up a private line to talk to this guy. And they also met in December.
The plot thickens:
Jared Kushner Releases Details on Previously Undisclosed Contact With Russian Ambassador

That "meeting" lasted a couple of seconds when he shook the Russian ambassadors hand along with other ambassadors and exchanged pleasantries. Give me a freaking break on these so called meetings at receptions with 100's of people around.

You libs have gone freaking looney tunes.
More secrets from Trump's minions. Kushner met the Russian ambassador in April 2016. Remember he also wanted to set up a private line to talk to this guy. And they also met in December.
The plot thickens:
Jared Kushner Releases Details on Previously Undisclosed Contact With Russian Ambassador

That "meeting" lasted a couple of seconds when he shook the Russian ambassadors hand along with other ambassadors and exchanged pleasantries. Give me a freaking break on these so called meetings at receptions with 100's of people around.

You libs have gone freaking looney tunes.
That "meeting" lasted a couple of seconds

The duration of the meeting isn't what anyone's taking exception with. The issue is that in light of the meeting having happened, Kushner along with other senior members of the Trump Administration have averred repeatedly that no such interaction happened. A short duration and no duration, i.e., did not happen, are not the same things. The issue is that "no connections" to Russian officials is not the same as "incidental connections" to Russian officials.
Indeed, Reuters reported that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and other Trump campaign advisers “were in contact with Russian officials and others with Kremlin ties in at least 18 calls and emails during the last seven months of the 2016 presidential race.”

The issue is that one cannot rely on the utterances of the POTUS and his top advisors and staff to simply tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. EVER! I don't think one can trust them to give one the accurate time of day! I'm serious. It just doesn't matter what the topic is. They just don't either keep mum or tell the truth.

These people are complete, pathological and inveterate palterers! That is the issue, regardless of whether anyone else is willing to say so. It's certainly my issue with Trump et al.
More secrets from Trump's minions. Kushner met the Russian ambassador in April 2016. Remember he also wanted to set up a private line to talk to this guy. And they also met in December.
The plot thickens:
Jared Kushner Releases Details on Previously Undisclosed Contact With Russian Ambassador

That "meeting" lasted a couple of seconds when he shook the Russian ambassadors hand along with other ambassadors and exchanged pleasantries. Give me a freaking break on these so called meetings at receptions with 100's of people around.

You libs have gone freaking looney tunes.
That "meeting" lasted a couple of seconds

The duration of the meeting isn't what anyone's taking exception with. The issue is that in light of the meeting having happened, Kushner along with other senior members of the Trump Administration have averred repeatedly that no such interaction happened. A short duration and no duration, i.e., did not happen, are not the same things. The issue is that "no connections" to Russian officials is not the same as "incidental connections" to Russian officials.
Indeed, Reuters reported that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and other Trump campaign advisers “were in contact with Russian officials and others with Kremlin ties in at least 18 calls and emails during the last seven months of the 2016 presidential race.”

The issue is that one cannot rely on the utterances of the POTUS and his top advisors and staff to simply tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. EVER! I don't think one can trust them to give one the accurate time of day! I'm serious. It just doesn't matter what the topic is. They just don't either keep mum or tell the truth.

These people are complete, pathological and inveterate palterers! That is the issue, regardless of whether anyone else is willing to say so. It's certainly my issue with Trump et al.

You cannot define a meeting as a brief encounter with hundreds of people present at a reception. It's ridiculous. Truly looney tunes and that's why the public isn't buying into "Russia made me change my vote from Hillary".

This is insane. But keep it up. The midterms are going to be awesome for Republicans.
More secrets from Trump's minions. Kushner met the Russian ambassador in April 2016. Remember he also wanted to set up a private line to talk to this guy. And they also met in December.
The plot thickens:
Jared Kushner Releases Details on Previously Undisclosed Contact With Russian Ambassador

That "meeting" lasted a couple of seconds when he shook the Russian ambassadors hand along with other ambassadors and exchanged pleasantries. Give me a freaking break on these so called meetings at receptions with 100's of people around.

You libs have gone freaking looney tunes.
That "meeting" lasted a couple of seconds

The duration of the meeting isn't what anyone's taking exception with. The issue is that in light of the meeting having happened, Kushner along with other senior members of the Trump Administration have averred repeatedly that no such interaction happened. A short duration and no duration, i.e., did not happen, are not the same things. The issue is that "no connections" to Russian officials is not the same as "incidental connections" to Russian officials.
Indeed, Reuters reported that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and other Trump campaign advisers “were in contact with Russian officials and others with Kremlin ties in at least 18 calls and emails during the last seven months of the 2016 presidential race.”

The issue is that one cannot rely on the utterances of the POTUS and his top advisors and staff to simply tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. EVER! I don't think one can trust them to give one the accurate time of day! I'm serious. It just doesn't matter what the topic is. They just don't either keep mum or tell the truth.

These people are complete, pathological and inveterate palterers! That is the issue, regardless of whether anyone else is willing to say so. It's certainly my issue with Trump et al.

You cannot define a meeting as a brief encounter with hundreds of people present at a reception. It's ridiculous. Truly looney tunes and that's why the public isn't buying into "Russia made me change my vote from Hillary".

This is insane. But keep it up. The midterms are going to be awesome for Republicans.
Every interaction in the course of subterfuge and what amounts to espionage does not have to be a long planning and coordinating type of meeting. Information/instructions can be passed in the course of a brief and ostensibly innocuously serendipitous encounter.
The short is that unobvious places and time as well as implausibly brazen ones, along with everything in between are potentially suitable opportunities for agents, operatives, assets and cutouts to do a variety of things they need to do at any given moment.

Might a reception be the beginning of a "thing" being established? Yes, it could be. Might a reception be the site for the quick exchange of coded information? Yes, it could be. What it definitely was was an interaction and point at which the parties met and conversed. About what? Well, that remains to be seen....

Now, I'm not saying either of those two of myriad possibilities is what was so for the receptions Kushner attended and interacted with a Russian official. I'm saying, as I did before, there're a lot of questions that need to be answered before we'll know just what to conclude was the nature of each of those interactions. It's premature to conclude on what any of them were or were not.
More secrets from Trump's minions. Kushner met the Russian ambassador in April 2016. Remember he also wanted to set up a private line to talk to this guy. And they also met in December.
The plot thickens:
Jared Kushner Releases Details on Previously Undisclosed Contact With Russian Ambassador

That "meeting" lasted a couple of seconds when he shook the Russian ambassadors hand along with other ambassadors and exchanged pleasantries. Give me a freaking break on these so called meetings at receptions with 100's of people around.

You libs have gone freaking looney tunes.
That "meeting" lasted a couple of seconds

The duration of the meeting isn't what anyone's taking exception with. The issue is that in light of the meeting having happened, Kushner along with other senior members of the Trump Administration have averred repeatedly that no such interaction happened. A short duration and no duration, i.e., did not happen, are not the same things. The issue is that "no connections" to Russian officials is not the same as "incidental connections" to Russian officials.
Indeed, Reuters reported that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and other Trump campaign advisers “were in contact with Russian officials and others with Kremlin ties in at least 18 calls and emails during the last seven months of the 2016 presidential race.”

The issue is that one cannot rely on the utterances of the POTUS and his top advisors and staff to simply tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. EVER! I don't think one can trust them to give one the accurate time of day! I'm serious. It just doesn't matter what the topic is. They just don't either keep mum or tell the truth.

These people are complete, pathological and inveterate palterers! That is the issue, regardless of whether anyone else is willing to say so. It's certainly my issue with Trump et al.

You cannot define a meeting as a brief encounter with hundreds of people present at a reception. It's ridiculous. Truly looney tunes and that's why the public isn't buying into "Russia made me change my vote from Hillary".

This is insane. But keep it up. The midterms are going to be awesome for Republicans.
Every interaction in the course of subterfuge and what amounts to espionage does not have to be a long planning and coordinating type of meeting. Information/instructions can be passed in the course of a brief and ostensibly innocuously serendipitous encounter.
The short is that unobvious places and time as well as implausibly brazen ones, along with everything in between are potentially suitable opportunities for agents, operatives, assets and cutouts to do a variety of things they need to do at any given moment.

Might a reception be the beginning of a "thing" being established? Yes, it could be. Might a reception be the site for the quick exchange of coded information? Yes, it could be. What it definitely was was an interaction and point at which the parties met and conversed. About what? Well, that remains to be seen....

Now, I'm not saying either of those two of myriad possibilities is what was so for the receptions Kushner attended and interacted with a Russian official. I'm saying, as I did before, there're a lot of questions that need to be answered before we'll know just what to conclude was the nature of each of those interactions. It's premature to conclude on what any of them were or were not.

One thing we know for certain is that the DNC colluded with the Ukraine. We know a Never Trumper and Democrats PAID for Russian informants to dig up dirt on Trump. We know the FBI was willing to pay for more dirt on Trump. We know there was unmasking and leaking regarding Flynn.

But still nothing on the Trump collusion angle to this bloody idiocy called an investigation.
More secrets from Trump's minions. Kushner met the Russian ambassador in April 2016. Remember he also wanted to set up a private line to talk to this guy. And they also met in December.
The plot thickens:
Jared Kushner Releases Details on Previously Undisclosed Contact With Russian Ambassador

That "meeting" lasted a couple of seconds when he shook the Russian ambassadors hand along with other ambassadors and exchanged pleasantries. Give me a freaking break on these so called meetings at receptions with 100's of people around.

You libs have gone freaking looney tunes.
That "meeting" lasted a couple of seconds

The duration of the meeting isn't what anyone's taking exception with. The issue is that in light of the meeting having happened, Kushner along with other senior members of the Trump Administration have averred repeatedly that no such interaction happened. A short duration and no duration, i.e., did not happen, are not the same things. The issue is that "no connections" to Russian officials is not the same as "incidental connections" to Russian officials.
Indeed, Reuters reported that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and other Trump campaign advisers “were in contact with Russian officials and others with Kremlin ties in at least 18 calls and emails during the last seven months of the 2016 presidential race.”

The issue is that one cannot rely on the utterances of the POTUS and his top advisors and staff to simply tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. EVER! I don't think one can trust them to give one the accurate time of day! I'm serious. It just doesn't matter what the topic is. They just don't either keep mum or tell the truth.

These people are complete, pathological and inveterate palterers! That is the issue, regardless of whether anyone else is willing to say so. It's certainly my issue with Trump et al.

You cannot define a meeting as a brief encounter with hundreds of people present at a reception. It's ridiculous. Truly looney tunes and that's why the public isn't buying into "Russia made me change my vote from Hillary".

This is insane. But keep it up. The midterms are going to be awesome for Republicans.
Every interaction in the course of subterfuge and what amounts to espionage does not have to be a long planning and coordinating type of meeting. Information/instructions can be passed in the course of a brief and ostensibly innocuously serendipitous encounter.
The short is that unobvious places and time as well as implausibly brazen ones, along with everything in between are potentially suitable opportunities for agents, operatives, assets and cutouts to do a variety of things they need to do at any given moment.

Might a reception be the beginning of a "thing" being established? Yes, it could be. Might a reception be the site for the quick exchange of coded information? Yes, it could be. What it definitely was was an interaction and point at which the parties met and conversed. About what? Well, that remains to be seen....

Now, I'm not saying either of those two of myriad possibilities is what was so for the receptions Kushner attended and interacted with a Russian official. I'm saying, as I did before, there're a lot of questions that need to be answered before we'll know just what to conclude was the nature of each of those interactions. It's premature to conclude on what any of them were or were not.

One thing we know for certain is that the DNC colluded with the Ukraine. We know a Never Trumper and Democrats PAID for Russian informants to dig up dirt on Trump. We know the FBI was willing to pay for more dirt on Trump. We know there was unmasking and leaking regarding Flynn.

But still nothing on the Trump collusion angle to this bloody idiocy called an investigation.
One thing we know for certain is that the DNC colluded with the Ukraine.

If that had something to do with Kushner and Trump, perhaps I'd have mentioned it. It doesn't, however, and the thread is about Kushner; thus it's here topically irrelevant. I'm sure you know how to create a thread to discuss it, however....

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