Writer pegs Paul Ryan (R) to a "T"

this is why you left-wing nutjobs get laughed at and not taken seriously. nobody cares what you think of our leaders. it's hysterical that you haave nothing to say, good or bad about your own old rich white leaders and candidates for president

You don't have leaders, no one wants the job.
there is no "leaders" on the other side too.....we have some of the worst "leaders" this country has ever seen....and we have some of the most greedy business people this country has ever seen too...
this is why you left-wing nutjobs get laughed at and not taken seriously. nobody cares what you think of our leaders. it's hysterical that you haave nothing to say, good or bad about your own old rich white leaders and candidates for president
You do realize the people criticizing Ryan were members of the Tea Party, right?
'That’s the problem with Ayn Rand’s worldview. In order to be John Galt, you need the hordes of nameless plebes to lord your alleged superiority over. But the Republican party is made up of self-appointed John Galts. When everyone in your party believes they’re meant to be giving orders, not taking them, it’s really hard to have basic discussions, much less organize effectively to get anything done.

The Galt vs. Galt tension exploded almost immediately after Ryan’s egocentric list of demands was rolled out. Rep. Tim Huelskamp, who leads the Tea Party Caucus, asked, “Is he serious?”'

That's one of the many problems with Rand's sophomoric, naïve, and wrongheaded 'worldview.'

And consequently it's what makes most conservatives wrong on the issues, Ryan in particular.
this is why you left-wing nutjobs get laughed at and not taken seriously. nobody cares what you think of our leaders. it's hysterical that you haave nothing to say, good or bad about your own old rich white leaders and candidates for president
You do realize the people criticizing Ryan were members of the Tea Party, right?

this is why you left-wing nutjobs get laughed at and not taken seriously. nobody cares what you think of our leaders. it's hysterical that you haave nothing to say, good or bad about your own old rich white leaders and candidates for president
You do realize the people criticizing Ryan were members of the Tea Party, right?

you DO realize i'm talking about the OP of this thread, right?
'That’s the problem with Ayn Rand’s worldview. In order to be John Galt, you need the hordes of nameless plebes to lord your alleged superiority over. But the Republican party is made up of self-appointed John Galts. When everyone in your party believes they’re meant to be giving orders, not taking them, it’s really hard to have basic discussions, much less organize effectively to get anything done.

The Galt vs. Galt tension exploded almost immediately after Ryan’s egocentric list of demands was rolled out. Rep. Tim Huelskamp, who leads the Tea Party Caucus, asked, “Is he serious?”'

That's one of the many problems with Rand's sophomoric, naïve, and wrongheaded 'worldview.'

And consequently it's what makes most conservatives wrong on the issues, Ryan in particular.

every day left-wing idiots come here spouting stupidity as you see above. Exactly who "lord(s) over hordes of nameless plebes"??? the left does of course. The Left's whole ideology is that ALL WEALTH, even of the meager poor, belongs to the government; to be doled out by "hordes of nameless" bureaucrats as the government sees fit, to whomever they want to pander to the most at the moment. look who's worldview is "sophomoric, naive and wrongheaded", the Left's is. these are the same losers who call RECORD WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS ON THE PROGRESSIVE WATCH "FORWARD PROGRESS", and make pathetic excuses about how the "wrongheaded, naive and sophomoric" crow stole the "brilliant" Progressive's lunch money and ruined all the Left's plans to bring the People their idea of Utopia

idiots and hypocrites
Paul Ryan is an arrogant clown drunk on years of flatterers lying about how smart he is - Salon.com
GOP Rep. thinks he's a Randian hero, but is quickly learning that even conservatives find his arrogance revolting

That’s the problem with Ayn Rand’s worldview. In order to be John Galt, you need the hordes of nameless plebes to lord your alleged superiority over. But the Republican party is made up of self-appointed John Galts. When everyone in your party believes they’re meant to be giving orders, not taking them, it’s really hard to have basic discussions, much less organize effectively to get anything done.

that about covers it. He's a life-long Washington-Insider and a kid (he's 43)

The fact that he supports letting illegals come here and stay here is a non-starter for me.

We're no better off with Boner in charge. This is a new boss.....same as the old boss.
Paul Ryan is an arrogant clown drunk on years of flatterers lying about how smart he is - Salon.com
GOP Rep. thinks he's a Randian hero, but is quickly learning that even conservatives find his arrogance revolting

That’s the problem with Ayn Rand’s worldview. In order to be John Galt, you need the hordes of nameless plebes to lord your alleged superiority over. But the Republican party is made up of self-appointed John Galts. When everyone in your party believes they’re meant to be giving orders, not taking them, it’s really hard to have basic discussions, much less organize effectively to get anything done.

that about covers it. He's a life-long Washington-Insider and a kid (he's 43)

The fact that he supports letting illegals come here and stay here is a non-starter for me.

We're no better off with Boner in charge. This is a new boss.....same as the old boss.
Ryan is another progressive statist, but the Dems and their media will protray him as a rabid con to keep the base in line and Americans divided.
The fact that he supports letting illegals come here and stay here is a non-starter for me.

We're no better off with Boner in charge. This is a new boss.....same as the old boss.

No, not the same by far, instead Ryan is much worse than Boner ever was.

By giving Ryan complete and final authority to appoint ALL committee members, without any ability to unseat him, they have elected a dictator.

Lol, I wouldnt be surprised if he has them all line up in the House and give him a loyalty oath.
this is why you left-wing nutjobs get laughed at and not taken seriously. nobody cares what you think of our leaders. it's hysterical that you haave nothing to say, good or bad about your own old rich white leaders and candidates for president
Interesting post...all about bashing other posters' opinions and no opinion of your own. Do you even have any?
Ryan is another progressive statist, but the Dems and their media will protray him as a rabid con to keep the base in line and Americans divided.

That is not his rep, the political pros I know regarded him as a strong capitalist and libertarian. He has proven that there is nothing libertarian about him, and the only capitalism he favors is crony capitalism and he is the biggest open borders zealot in the House.

IF he gets the Speakership, and it looks like a mere formality at this point, he will be the worst thing this nation has ever had in that role EVER, including LBJ.

This shows the kind of power the GOP establishment has over its members. Both parties are now run from the top down. I wonder if Trump, even if he is elected as POTUS, can undo this power structure in the GOP. I know it can be undone, but it takes people with a lot of creativity to envision how. Trump strikes me as not the man with it, but then I dont see anyone that does except perhaps Rand Paul and he is mute on this topic.
this is why you left-wing nutjobs get laughed at and not taken seriously. nobody cares what you think of our leaders. it's hysterical that you haave nothing to say, good or bad about your own old rich white leaders and candidates for president
Interesting post...all about bashing other posters' opinions and no opinion of your own. Do you even have any?

yes my opinion of this thread is what i state constantly here; it's laughable for you morons to try to dismiss people you are clearly obsessed with, you just look stupid
Ryan is another progressive statist, but the Dems and their media will protray him as a rabid con to keep the base in line and Americans divided.

That is not his rep, the political pros I know regarded him as a strong capitalist and libertarian. He has proven that there is nothing libertarian about him, and the only capitalism he favors is crony capitalism and he is the biggest open borders zealot in the House.

IF he gets the Speakership, and it looks like a mere formality at this point, he will be the worst thing this nation has ever had in that role EVER, including LBJ.

This shows the kind of power the GOP establishment has over its members. Both parties are now run from the top down. I wonder if Trump, even if he is elected as POTUS, can undo this power structure in the GOP. I know it can be undone, but it takes people with a lot of creativity to envision how. Trump strikes me as not the man with it, but then I dont see anyone that does except perhaps Rand Paul and he is mute on this topic.
Regarding King Paul, all you need to know is the Dems love him. Even Crazy Dirty Harry likes him.

The endorsements won’t help Ryan, who is backed by the GOP’s establishment, as he tries to win the House Speakership.

But if he gets the job, he’ll likely push for goals that are very unpopular in the GOP’s base – passage of a trans-Pacific free trade treaty, a rollback of stiff jail sentences and a bill to increase the inflow of wage-cutting foreign labor. All three goals are top priorities for the Democratic Party and the GOP’s big donors.

Ryan has already won endorsements from the top Democratic Senator, Minority Leader
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)
and from from
Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL)
, the most fervent Democratic advocate for amnesty and increased cheap-labor immigration.


I suspect that the bureaucracy is so powerful now that no matter who is POTUS, the bureaucracy will continue to run things.
Regarding King Paul, all you need to know is the Dems love him. Even Crazy Dirty Harry likes him.

The endorsements won’t help Ryan, who is backed by the GOP’s establishment, as he tries to win the House Speakership.

But if he gets the job, he’ll likely push for goals that are very unpopular in the GOP’s base – passage of a trans-Pacific free trade treaty, a rollback of stiff jail sentences and a bill to increase the inflow of wage-cutting foreign labor. All three goals are top priorities for the Democratic Party and the GOP’s big donors.

Ryan has already won endorsements from the top Democratic Senator, Minority Leader
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)
and from from
Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL)
, the most fervent Democratic advocate for amnesty and increased cheap-labor immigration.


I suspect that the bureaucracy is so powerful now that no matter who is POTUS, the bureaucracy will continue to run things.

I despise Paul Ryan because he is such a fraud. The GOP feels dead to me now. I cant respect any group of Congressmen who would give so much power to one single man to control what is supposed to be a body that represents We the People,not Corporate America. We now for all intents and purposes have a Corporate Congress.
In order to be John Galt, you need the hordes of nameless plebes to lord your alleged superiority over.
Ummm..No, in order to be John Galt you first need to design and build an engine that is powered by atmospheric static electricity, then you need to convince all the talented, successful people in the country to take their marbles and move to Colorado. ;)
Regarding King Paul, all you need to know is the Dems love him. Even Crazy Dirty Harry likes him.

The endorsements won’t help Ryan, who is backed by the GOP’s establishment, as he tries to win the House Speakership.

But if he gets the job, he’ll likely push for goals that are very unpopular in the GOP’s base – passage of a trans-Pacific free trade treaty, a rollback of stiff jail sentences and a bill to increase the inflow of wage-cutting foreign labor. All three goals are top priorities for the Democratic Party and the GOP’s big donors.

Ryan has already won endorsements from the top Democratic Senator, Minority Leader
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)
and from from
Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL)
, the most fervent Democratic advocate for amnesty and increased cheap-labor immigration.


I suspect that the bureaucracy is so powerful now that no matter who is POTUS, the bureaucracy will continue to run things.

I despise Paul Ryan because he is such a fraud. The GOP feels dead to me now. I cant respect any group of Congressmen who would give so much power to one single man to control what is supposed to be a body that represents We the People,not Corporate America. We now for all intents and purposes have a Corporate Congress.
Glad you have finally seen the light. The GOP is merely a lighter version of the D Party and has been for some time. The election of King Paul to speaker is just further proof of this.

We all need to realize that our government is corrupt and has become a one party system controlled by the oligarchy.

Of the people, by the people, for the people...is a cruel hoax.
Frankly, I like Ryan. I don't agree with everything, but I do think he's interested in making America a better place. I do wonder if he isn't being hypocritical in consistently voting against family leave, but then conditioning his taking the speakership on him essentially getting family leave.
Regarding King Paul, all you need to know is the Dems love him. Even Crazy Dirty Harry likes him.

The endorsements won’t help Ryan, who is backed by the GOP’s establishment, as he tries to win the House Speakership.

But if he gets the job, he’ll likely push for goals that are very unpopular in the GOP’s base – passage of a trans-Pacific free trade treaty, a rollback of stiff jail sentences and a bill to increase the inflow of wage-cutting foreign labor. All three goals are top priorities for the Democratic Party and the GOP’s big donors.

Ryan has already won endorsements from the top Democratic Senator, Minority Leader
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)
and from from
Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL)
, the most fervent Democratic advocate for amnesty and increased cheap-labor immigration.


I suspect that the bureaucracy is so powerful now that no matter who is POTUS, the bureaucracy will continue to run things.

I despise Paul Ryan because he is such a fraud. The GOP feels dead to me now. I cant respect any group of Congressmen who would give so much power to one single man to control what is supposed to be a body that represents We the People,not Corporate America. We now for all intents and purposes have a Corporate Congress.

nobody believes what you're saying nutcase. these boards are full of left-wingers pretending to be Republicans. the appointment of Ryan as Speaker, now matter if see it as a bad thing, has nothing to do with corporations. that's what gives you away as a left-wing nutjob imposter.
Sad eh?

The only thing sadder would be a Paul Ryan who's actually as smart as he says he is, carefully and deliberately plucking the strings in a political masterpiece, culminating with the delivery of the American family to God and the Corporations.

"I know, right?!?" :eusa_shifty:
is that a quote from the book "Atlas Farted"? AVG-JOE
Paul Ryan is an arrogant clown drunk on years of flatterers lying about how smart he is - Salon.com
GOP Rep. thinks he's a Randian hero, but is quickly learning that even conservatives find his arrogance revolting

That’s the problem with Ayn Rand’s worldview. In order to be John Galt, you need the hordes of nameless plebes to lord your alleged superiority over. But the Republican party is made up of self-appointed John Galts. When everyone in your party believes they’re meant to be giving orders, not taking them, it’s really hard to have basic discussions, much less organize effectively to get anything done.

that about covers it. He's a life-long Washington-Insider and a kid (he's 43)

The fact that he supports letting illegals come here and stay here is a non-starter for me.

We're no better off with Boner in charge. This is a new boss.....same as the old boss.
Ryan is another progressive statist, but the Dems and their media will protray him as a rabid con to keep the base in line and Americans divided.
NEWSFLASH!!! He's a self-professed Randite. He then tried to backpedal that but its on the record.

Paul Ryan and Ayn Rand
“I give out ‘Atlas Shrugged’ as Christmas presents, and I make all my interns read it,” he said. “Well... I try to make my interns read it.”

Who would want that doorstop as a xmas present?
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this is why you left-wing nutjobs get laughed at and not taken seriously. nobody cares what you think of our leaders. it's hysterical that you haave nothing to say, good or bad about your own old rich white leaders and candidates for president
You do realize the people criticizing Ryan were members of the Tea Party, right?

this is why you left-wing nutjobs get laughed at and not taken seriously. nobody cares what you think of our leaders. it's hysterical that you haave nothing to say, good or bad about your own old rich white leaders and candidates for president
You do realize the people criticizing Ryan were members of the Tea Party, right?

you DO realize i'm talking about the OP of this thread, right?

Meanwhile the adults are talking about Paul Ryan and the Tea Party.

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