Writer pegs Paul Ryan (R) to a "T"

QUOTE="boilermaker55, post: 12620548, member: 31838"]What a foolish post.

this is why you left-wing nutjobs get laughed at and not taken seriously. nobody cares what you think of our leaders. it's hysterical that you haave nothing to say, good or bad about your own old rich white leaders and candidates for president

foolish posts are bedowhines forte'

QUOTE="boilermaker55, post: 12620548, member: 31838"]What a foolish post.

this is why you left-wing nutjobs get laughed at and not taken seriously. nobody cares what you think of our leaders. it's hysterical that you haave nothing to say, good or bad about your own old rich white leaders and candidates for president

foolish posts are bedowhines forte'


crying about me is YOUR forte'
Paul Ryan is an arrogant clown drunk on years of flatterers lying about how smart he is - Salon.com
GOP Rep. thinks he's a Randian hero, but is quickly learning that even conservatives find his arrogance revolting

That’s the problem with Ayn Rand’s worldview. In order to be John Galt, you need the hordes of nameless plebes to lord your alleged superiority over. But the Republican party is made up of self-appointed John Galts. When everyone in your party believes they’re meant to be giving orders, not taking them, it’s really hard to have basic discussions, much less organize effectively to get anything done.

that about covers it. He's a life-long Washington-Insider and a kid (he's 43)

The fact that he supports letting illegals come here and stay here is a non-starter for me.

We're no better off with Boner in charge. This is a new boss.....same as the old boss.
Ryan is another progressive statist, but the Dems and their media will protray him as a rabid con to keep the base in line and Americans divided.
NEWSFLASH!!! He's a self-professed Randite. He then tried to backpedal that but its on the record.
Or, it could be either his views are evolving or he's willing to compromise to allow govt to function.

You used a word in your response that is not allowed... COMPROMISE!

That is the actual issue with both fringe elements and that neither side is willing to give and take for the better of the nation, and would rather have the government in a mess while pointing their crooked little fingers at each other for the failure to govern...
Ryan is scary in that he bases his life (and, given the chance- yours) on a book of fiction written by a philandering russian atheist

This is one of the last conservative intellectuals (there are none left now)

Ryan is scary in that he bases his life (and, given the chance- yours) on a book of fiction written by a philandering russian atheist

I suppose you are talking about Rand, but she was writing more than fiction as you well know. She was trying to summarize her experiences in the Soviet union via fictin, a well recognised method of ejumakating the public.

I've read a lot of Rand, but I dont see how one can embrace ehr extreme individualism while at the same time holding any value in the Sermon on the Mount, a thing you libtards reject just as vehemently.
This is one of the last conservative intellectuals (there are none left now)

Rand was a self-contradicting mystery, the intellect of an author who has written the most popular selling novel in the history of the world combined with the intolerant godless spirit of a Marxist ideologue while at the same time being entirely intolerant of any form of Marxism.

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